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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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I wish there were an app or something for the Auction House. Put a bid on something before I left for work this morning and I want to know if i goooottttt iiiiittttttt (Bid ended 3 hours ago)


Has everything you need to know.
I suggest you farm the keys on MP5 or higher if you have the gear to do it. Make at least three machines, so you can try your hand at every Uber each game (you can open all three in one game, don't forget to refresh your NV stacks in-between fights/deaths). I suggest you do the Ubers on MP7, lower if you absolutely can't do it. Team up with folks to make it easier/less tedious (you can use other people's portals).

Chances are very high that the ring will be shit, but if the XP bonus is worth it to you I'd make one.
My Barb has just under 80k damage without shout and ~500 resist all. Think that's enough to solo the ubers on MP5?


With some patience, I think? I've only done them with Rend/Bloodlust and could do MP7, but only barely (40k life, ~700 resits, ~150k dps, buffed). Dunno how other specs fare. I'd judge it by how difficult MP5 keyfarming is if you don't want to waste machines on the Ubers. Or team up with some GAF folk and try them out there. I'm on EU and like to lone wolf games, but I'm sure the others can help you out there.
Booted up and played a bit yesterday for the first time since July or so. I don't see much that is different outside of paragon levels and monster power.

What MP level should I be playing at with a wizard at 70k buffed dps and decent resists? Maybe that will make a difference in the drops.


Booted up and played a bit yesterday for the first time since July or so. I don't see much that is different outside of paragon levels and monster power.

What MP level should I be playing at with a wizard at 70k buffed dps and decent resists? Maybe that will make a difference in the drops.
It will, because you get 25% MF for every level of MP. As to what MP you should pick to farm: whichever allows you to still one-shot (or one-crit) trash mobs. Try MP2 or 3. I think that's on par with how difficult Inferno was supposed to be pre-patch. Don't remember.

I run Act 3 MP0 with capped MF (300% natural/from gear, +75% from NV stacks). I use mostly regular gear, because 50 paragon levels give me 150 natural MF. Drops are still shit for the most part, but you will see more legendaries, no doubt. I think I've had about 80 legendaries drop since patch, some of which I sold or put on other chars. Most were salvaged, obviously. I've got almost 60 Brimstones.

Have fun, eh?
My Barb has just under 80k damage without shout and ~500 resist all. Think that's enough to solo the ubers on MP5?

Probably not. My monk can solo MP5 ubers with the exception of the Siegebreaker / ZK fight. The other two are easy on MP 5 too. However that siege fight isn't easy on your own. ZK tosses out those bubbles that slow you down and reduce your LOH / LS / DMG and makes it impossible to tank Siege. You might be able to with WW and some skills though ...

Much, much much easier in a group. Party with a Wiz that can freeze things and MP8 is a cake walk.


Booted up and played a bit yesterday for the first time since July or so. I don't see much that is different outside of paragon levels and monster power.

What MP level should I be playing at with a wizard at 70k buffed dps and decent resists? Maybe that will make a difference in the drops.

Well the endgame is farming. In that aspect the game post patch blows away pre-patch. Paragon levels give you something of value on farming runs where nothing valuable really drops. And its permanent and benefits future farming runs.

But the end game isnt going to dramatically change in any patch. Itll always be about rerunning dark corridors farming for good drops. Give it a good week of play, you will notice the differences then.
Booted up and played a bit yesterday for the first time since July or so. I don't see much that is different outside of paragon levels and monster power.

What MP level should I be playing at with a wizard at 70k buffed dps and decent resists? Maybe that will make a difference in the drops.

There's quite a but different that isn't obvious at first as well. Partying is much much more friendly now.

- They no longer punish people for grouping. Each person only adds .75 to enemy HP instead of 1.25 and up when grouping

- Increased legendary drop rate

- Rolls are based on moster level and no longer in weapon iLVL. This mean anyting farmed on mp1 + has a chance to be really good. Only difference in items is their base DPS or armor. This also means you can farm other acts if you want without getting worse drops.

- Resplendent chests give you a stack of NV if you have less than 5. Act like elites with a 5 stack.

- Events give a stack now

- you know about paragon and mp levels.

- Check out the under bosses and key farming. It's pretty fun as well.


I lost all the auctions I bid on today. Sad face. Really had my hopes up for the mighty weapon. Ah well. Back to farmin'


Anyone ever put an item in their stash because it looked like it might be valuable then forgot about it? I have rare shoulders in my stash with 279 str, 141 vit 65 Res all. How much they worth gaf? Armor is in the 200s though...


Anyone ever put an item in their stash because it looked like it might be valuable then forgot about it? I have rare shoulders in my stash with 279 str, 141 vit 65 Res all. How much they worth gaf? Armor is in the 200s though...

My stash is filled with it, the unfortunate part is most of it is in fact trash :(. I did find a couple 5 mill sells the other day tho which was nice.


My stash is filled with it, the unfortunate part is most of it is in fact trash :(. I did find a couple 5 mill sells the other day tho which was nice.

What happens with my stash is I'll find items and think "Oh, I could use these when I make *insert new character here*". Before I know it, my stash is full of crap that I then know that I'll never use.


What happens with my stash is I'll find items and think "Oh, I could use these when I make *insert new character here*". Before I know it, my stash is full of crap that I then know that I'll never use.

That's when you simply sell shit off to a vendor lol. Sometimes ya just gotta part with it :p. Even if it could be decent, some stuff you can't simply sell fast enough despite if it COULD sell for X amount - you gotta weigh time spent trying to sell (and failing....repeatedly -_-) vs getting back to the grind and benefiting your character and people you are playing with. I find the auction house to be a real crapshoot sometimes. Things that "should sell" don't, because there's sooooo much gear that's better or similar for cheaper.

But the big thing is there are "must have" legendaries now for many chars. Inna's pants, lacuni's, mempo's, tals in various slots, witching hours, the list goes on. Unless it's a real first time char, a lot of these rares we find are not on someone's watch list. I venture some people ignore rares altogether. I still look at them for trifectas, but other than that, it really is the legendary show nowadays and figuring out what stats you can afford on the ones you desire.

edit: not so much talking about weapons here - moreso armor pieces. there are a lot of solid/great weap rares that can be snagged for surprisingly cheap for each class. and prices are only dropping.


First run, 5 minuts in


Worth anything? I guess could be a lot more if it had AR
I first thought those were the IK boots that I want :(


I'll still play occasionally. It's a bit like a drug-addict promising to quit tomorrow. Got Wii U, two games and Prometheus+All Alien films, that should keep me busy a bit.

Better watch out or I'll pass your paragon level :p

Edit: Well, it's right here when you do decide to come back :p
You'll probably find an amazing item when you come back, blizzard gonna be sorry for trolling you!


It's still on the first page most of the time. There's just nothing to talk about besides good drops (which are rare) and price checks for impatient people. :p The former is rare, the latter... Well, it is what it is. I do a few runs a week because it's a habit/addiction and that's it. Other games have taken over.

I've been thinking of trying hardcore, but I really don't want to die from a DC or due to other external circumstances. Might rekindle my spirits, but it might also crush them entirely.


Why does it seem like this thread is dead? did people quit after 1.0.5?

I think that the last patch gave folks at least a month of fun to look forward to. But more than a month has passed. Yet, the game still has the last page of comments from the past 2 days, so it is alive.


I've started playing again after a few months break. I was able to make 2 infernal machines. I've heard people do the uber battles in groups and each person uses their machines so that you have many chances to get items. Anyone here with machines want to group? Send me a pm.


Can you put an estimate on it though? I really have no idea. There are some up there on the AH but none that are the same. Just came back to the game recently.

Put it up at 350 million no buyout. But do it at 8am on a Friday morning.


Why does it seem like this thread is dead? did people quit after 1.0.5?

I put in about 4 hours tonight and the sum of my efforts was a paragon level. 1.05 brought me back, but I've literally run the same content hundreds and hundreds again so it's getting really stale. Plus I've hit the "Oh fuck, upgrades are expensive!" part of the game and I've gotten shitty drops since I've been playing.

Love the game, but the game doesn't love me...sigh.


I've been stuck on an all day conference call for a change at work and have been doing some runs while waiting for my tasks and legendaries have been raining from the skies. So far I've had 10 drop already today:
Ivory Tower (saving this for Henry)
2 x Warmonger
Strong arms
Sledge of Athskeleng
Tal Rasha's Helm
300th Spear

Unfortunately none are worth much more than a brimstone. But I did find these yellow gloves which were an upgrade for me:


Hoping I get some more legendaries this evening as I sitll have several more hours on the call this evening and more tomorrow as well.


Can you put an estimate on it though? I really have no idea. There are some up there on the AH but none that are the same. Just came back to the game recently.

Aye, 200+ mill id say. Just throw it up on a Friday. Or even tonight. Up to you! Good luck with the selling.


Hates quality gaming
Dead thread? I just refresh this thread whenever I check the Gaming side, and there's usually a few new posts to read. If it's not IIDX or this game at the moment, I just don't care. This thread has enough posting frequency in my opinion.

That Pox is very nice. I'm still not a very big fan of open ended buyouts, but perhaps that's because I've never had something worth nine digits. I'd post 400M, then 350M, then 300, then 270, and so on.

In the interest of having one viable amulet to share amongst my wizard and monk, I was looking for a trifecta piece with at least 700 LOH. I lost a bid on one at 130M. Just to verify things, I link a similar 400M amulet and compare it against my monk's current amulet (with no CHD) and ... it was a loss of DPS. Those min/max damage affixes really do matter significantly. So I put a bid on something that's closer to what the monk has now, only with 750 LOH. Here's hoping I win it, I guess.

Hardcore. I find there to be too many strikes against it for me to consider it. Lags in attack animations and hit boxes, combined with the imprecise mouse movement, means that there's so many times when things hit you when it should look like they don't. Beyond lag deaths and their "inevitability", I just have no interest in playing a character at less than Level 60 now. I cannot tolerate playing this game with a character that has less than 24% movement speed. I don't want to spend any more time in this game playing a character that doesn't have its full skill set available or a halfway functioning build. Fights against elites with less than four affixes is so uninteresting. No matter how boring I may think a multiple day stretch of not having good finds may be, I still think it's far better than raising someone up to 60 and deal with all of those shortcomings. I don't want to play in anything less than Inferno ever again. I don't want to use shitty gear in a gimped build ever again.

I've started playing again after a few months break. I was able to make 2 infernal machines. I've heard people do the uber battles in groups and each person uses their machines so that you have many chances to get items. Anyone here with machines want to group? Send me a pm.
I came to discover that the Friends List has a limit of 100 names, so I cleared some people who have been absent for 60 days or more. Nothing personal.

Soloing ubers seems to be profoundly wasteful. Add posters here. Post your tag.


Soloing ubers is totally a waste. I'd be down for ubers or key runs later tonight. I'd post my tag but I think everyone is already on my list anyway :p


Hardcore. I find there to be too many strikes against it for me to consider it. Lags in attack animations and hit boxes, combined with the imprecise mouse movement, means that there's so many times when things hit you when it should look like they don't. Beyond lag deaths and their "inevitability", I just have no interest in playing a character at less than Level 60 now. I cannot tolerate playing this game with a character that has less than 24% movement speed. I don't want to spend any more time in this game playing a character that doesn't have its full skill set available or a halfway functioning build. Fights against elites with less than four affixes is so uninteresting. No matter how boring I may think a multiple day stretch of not having good finds may be, I still think it's far better than raising someone up to 60 and deal with all of those shortcomings. I don't want to play in anything less than Inferno ever again. I don't want to use shitty gear in a gimped build ever again.
I can totally see all that, but I actually went ahead and created a hardcore Barb earlier. Made it through act 1 normal and I've got to say... It's not too bad. The stakes do a whole lot to make it feel worthwhile. The Butcher actually had me worried for a bit.
It helps that I already have my core skills unlocked at level 14. Only thing missing is WotB and the shouts. Mobility (Leap/Iron Impact), survivability (Revenge) and damage (Cleave/Rupture, Rend) are already there.
It's still on the first page most of the time. There's just nothing to talk about besides good drops (which are rare) and price checks for impatient people. :p The former is rare, the latter... Well, it is what it is. I do a few runs a week because it's a habit/addiction and that's it. Other games have taken over.

I've been thinking of trying hardcore, but I really don't want to die from a DC or due to other external circumstances. Might rekindle my spirits, but it might also crush them entirely.


They need to start talking about the next patch and PvP


Hates quality gaming
Hello GAF, I've been playing on and off since launch, but somehow I feel that my wizard still sucks. Can you guys give me some advice regarding what upgrade should I go after? :(
Here is my build:


Thanks! :D
Long story short - you have the skill set for CM permafrost but your gear doesn't support it at all.

You'll need to choose if you want to put more money into making permafrost work or just get a Skorn and farm MP1 with Archon all day.

I'll expound later if nobody else does.


Had a good run with talay and opiate and my roomie Nothing nonoteworthy dropped but had a great time and we cut through mp8 Ubers like butter. Or like a hot knife through butter. Or something like that!


The legendary orgy continued tonite, I found 7 more for a total of 17 today. No jackpot items unfortunately but I did get a inna's belt, wizardspike, lacunis with crit and a skorn that a goblin dropped. I can't remember the last time I got a lengedary from a gob.


Had a good run with talay and opiate and my roomie Nothing nonoteworthy dropped but had a great time and we cut through mp8 Ubers like butter. Or like a hot knife through butter. Or something like that!

Yes, that was an efficient group. I'm enjoying the Uber runs.


The legendary orgy continued tonite, I found 7 more for a total of 17 today. No jackpot items unfortunately but I did get a inna's belt, wizardspike, lacunis with crit and a skorn that a goblin dropped. I can't remember the last time I got a lengedary from a gob.
What run you doing? What Mp? I got 10mil for those pants I posted earlier but that's the best that has dropped for me in about 30 runs.


What run you doing? What Mp? I got 10mil for those pants I posted earlier but that's the best that has dropped for me in about 30 runs.

I was running mostly mp3 and I have max mf which means 450mf after a 5 stack on mp3. I usually run act 3 starting from the breached keep and go through until siegebreaker, then stonefort for key. Sometimes I'll keep going and do the craters and towers all the way to azmodan too if I'm having a good run up until then.
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