Well the general theory is that a lot of people who haven't played in a long time (who are no longer in the clan) will come back and play 2.1 and since they won't be in the clan but still want to interact with everyone the easiest way to do that is through the community. It's pretty much supposed to be dead right now, and it will fill up in 2.1 again and be active. How long it remains active is up in the air, but, people that are actually still playing but not in the clan after a few weeks/months we should be able to work into the main clan, because really there is maybe 20 active people tops in the clan right now.
It's honestly just kind of a pointless exercise right now given on the entire experience up until now. I don't exactly want to come off as a dick, but it's kind of annoying to empty slots in the clan only to invite people who are going to play for like a week or something and then take up space. From the time Raticus gave me invite power until now only 1 single person I've personally invited has remained active (Ayumi). It's just a lot easier to wait until 2.1 has died down before we make major changes again.
Nope, your not being a dick at all. I totally understand. I was flushed out if the clan when the first purge happened and completely understood why. There are only so many spots to go around and active GAFers should be able to get in and replace in-active GAFers.
My D3 time will be split between console (co-op with my wife ) and PC. So I'm probably not a good fit for the clan when I think about it.