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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Well the general theory is that a lot of people who haven't played in a long time (who are no longer in the clan) will come back and play 2.1 and since they won't be in the clan but still want to interact with everyone the easiest way to do that is through the community. It's pretty much supposed to be dead right now, and it will fill up in 2.1 again and be active. How long it remains active is up in the air, but, people that are actually still playing but not in the clan after a few weeks/months we should be able to work into the main clan, because really there is maybe 20 active people tops in the clan right now.

It's honestly just kind of a pointless exercise right now given on the entire experience up until now. I don't exactly want to come off as a dick, but it's kind of annoying to empty slots in the clan only to invite people who are going to play for like a week or something and then take up space. From the time Raticus gave me invite power until now only 1 single person I've personally invited has remained active (Ayumi). It's just a lot easier to wait until 2.1 has died down before we make major changes again.

Nope, your not being a dick at all. I totally understand. I was flushed out if the clan when the first purge happened and completely understood why. There are only so many spots to go around and active GAFers should be able to get in and replace in-active GAFers.

My D3 time will be split between console (co-op with my wife ) and PC. So I'm probably not a good fit for the clan when I think about it.


It's honestly better to do a GAF clan purge now, fill it with regular members first and then start filling it with people who are coming back for 2.1.

I'm pretty sure we have the majority of active gaffers in the clan right now.

That said, I don't think it makes much sense to clean out the clan now and invite people who are coming back for 2.1 because we'll just end up where we are right now. Why not skip all that bullshit and wait a while to see who is still playing 2.1 and then invite them.

I think Raticus has spent more time managing the clan than he has actually playing the expansion, constantly cleaning it out is a pretty big hassle, so in an ideal world people who aren't going to play much but still want to be a part of the group should stick with the community.


Why not skip all that bullshit and wait a while to see who is still playing 2.1 and then invite them.
This would've been my second suggestion... purge/start up the clan at least one week after 2.1's release.

I don't have a problem with inactive/casual users being on the clan but the problem is inactive users being in over active users. There aren't many cases of this but it does happen every now and then.


Just confirming: am I remembering correctly that cache rolls (and maybe items as well?) are determined when they're opened, not created? Like I could speed run bounties with my DH and then open them with my Crusader to try to get a Str RRoG?

To be honest I just run Akkhan + Crimson (with rrog of course) as well on my crusader. Gets me enough CDR where I have 100% uptime on Champion. You need fairly high CDR for 100% uptime and that makes it easier right now. No idea how things will pan out in 2.1 though as I haven't been following crusader much, should be easier to get CDR on your weapon and there is a new CDR belt as well, also the new crown, but yeah, haven't been keeping tabs on it.


Is there any particular Crusader shield I should be going for? My current one actually seems pretty solid stat/bonus-wise, but I have no idea about any Crusader-specific shields other than the crafted one which I think is just a Shield Bash one.


Seek victory, not fairness
This would've been my second suggestion... purge/start up the clan at least one week after 2.1's release.

I don't have a problem with inactive/casual users being on the clan but the problem is inactive users being in over active users. There aren't many cases of this but it does happen every now and then.

Oh, were you just thinking of dropping everyone and rebuilding using whoever's active that week? What do you do the month or two after that, just reset again and have everyone reapply? That would get ugly fast.

I've been managing them case by case and tracking history with a third party site (d3rockstars), but even that isn't working that well. At what point do you boot a p400 who hasn't been on in months in favour of the p150 who's been posting a bunch and is really into the game at the moment? What if people really like someone but they don't really play? What if people only solo? Hardcore? Seasons? It's complex and about to get worse. Now picture doing dozens of those a week with no way to get a history on the new applicants. It's dry as hell and the game doesn't provide the tools to make a solid evaluation. I was trying to come up with a process for the officers so they can help out but I've got nothin'.

I've been plugging away at it as a service and it's been an interesting challenge, but it's really not a fun position to be in. After engaging the problem for a while, I'm pretty much out of ideas for improving the process. I don't think the clan features are worth the effort over the simplicity and convenience of a large community. I'm happy to let someone take over the clan if they want to try their hand at it and I'll just maintain the community. In the mean time, making the best of it that I can.
It's crazy how crippled these legendary gems got. They're just ok now, nothing really special.

It makes the whole experience of upgrading them feel tedious and unrewarding (T6 rift -> Trials -> GR for about an hour = .3% pet dmg upgrade IF SUCCESSFUL)

The upgraded gems aren't really going to push you that much further into the Grifts lol. It's what mob type you get such as act 1 zombies and fatties or incinerators angels anarchs etc = gg.

I've been enjoying my Firebird Wizard though. Been playing with the new arcane torrent fire one that gives you 25% dmg reduction as you channel it, it's awesome with mammoth hydras. Needs that season bracers that prevents knockbacks and stuns and it'll be much better.


Upgrading gems (at least until 25 when you get the 2nd ability) is pretty easy now. The first few levels you basically just clear up to 12-15 to get the 100% chance 3 times. Each clear gets you like 3 100% chances. I am pretty sure I can get a gem upgraded to 25 in a day.

The Gems were clearly super overtuned before. You have to realize that even in their current state, Gems outclass any other affix that can be on a Ring. With Amulets though you actually have a choice to make unless you can somehow sacrifice main stat for it (like element damage, double crit and socket would be ideal). For example there is no stat on a Ring or even amulet that beats having 20% damage boost plus 15% damage to Elite.

The Trials system is still pretty broken though. They need to make the waves scale up faster... it's pretty stupid clearing wave 40 something and only getting the key for 28 Rift. The way it should be is that every wave should correspond to 5 GRs so wave 1 should have difficulty of GR 5, wave 2 of GR 10, wave 3 of GR 15 and so forth. Trials are just way too tedious right now and in 95% of cases not an accurate indication of the content you are capable of clearing.

Oh, were you just thinking of dropping everyone and rebuilding using whoever's active that week? What do you do the month or two after that, just reset again and have everyone reapply? That would get ugly fast.
I've been managing them case by case and tracking history with a third party site (d3rockstars), but even that isn't working that well. At what point do you boot a p400 who hasn't been on in months in favour of the p150 who's been posting a bunch and is really into the game at the moment? What if people really like someone but they don't really play? What if people only solo? Hardcore? Seasons? It's complex and about to get worse. Now picture doing dozens of those a week with no way to get a history on the new applicants. It's dry as hell and the game doesn't provide the tools to make a solid evaluation. I was trying to come up with a process for the officers so they can help out but I've got nothin'.

I've been plugging away at it as a service and it's been an interesting challenge, but it's really not a fun position to be in. After engaging the problem for a while, I'm pretty much out of ideas for improving the process. I don't think the clan features are worth the effort over the simplicity and convenience of a large community. I'm happy to let someone take over the clan if they want to try their hand at it and I'll just maintain the community. In the mean time, making the best of it that I can.
Yeah I don't blame you for the clan or anything. I know it's a difficult job and I definitely do not want to be in charge of that either.

My main thing is that making a new clan as soon as 2.1 hits or even right before is not a good idea. I feel like the game should be given a week and then the clan should be started up again.


Seek victory, not fairness
Yeah I don't blame you for the clan or anything. I know it's a difficult job and I definitely do not want to be in charge of that either.

My main thing is that making a new clan as soon as 2.1 hits or even right before is not a good idea. I feel like the game should be given a week and then the clan should be started up again.

Yup, I agree, someone suggested a week after 2.1 a while ago and I've been going with that.


Weird, I tried installing the Bluestacks android emulator and it totally killed my PC. Blue screen with a paging error even in safe mode. Either that or a virus finally got me. First time I've had to reinstall Windows in a while, feels a bit nostalgic.


Seems like Blizzard is planning to release 2.1 in a couple of weeks, based on a quote from their latest stream.

They will be doing some Q&A next week so I am guessing 2.1 comes after that.

Oh and Josh's favorite classes are Crusaders and Demon Hunter.... IT'S LIKE JAY/BARBS ALL OVER AGAIN!!!! /jk


Seems like Blizzard is planning to release 2.1 in a couple of weeks, based on a quote from their latest stream.

I hope so, at this point even if some stuff is broken or not balanced I'd rather them just ship it and fix it later.

All the season 1 loot seems fairly terrible except for a few pieces, but, hopefully with not having to develop an entirely new patch by season 2 (if the seasons are really going to be 2-3 months) we'll see some better stuff come from it.


There aren't even that many new Legendaries... it's like 1-2 new Legendaries per class and Crusaders got a new set (they still only have 2 total sets compared to other classes who have 3 sets at least). I honestly expected way more Legendaries for the first Season.

Most of the "new" Legendaries are coming from modifying older Legendaries to have new Affixes. Like Crudest Boots giving double Allies or Vile Ward giving that insane Furious Charge buff.


There aren't even that many new Legendaries... it's like 1-2 new Legendaries per class and Crusaders got a new set (they still only have 2 total sets compared to other classes who have 3 sets at least). I honestly expected way more Legendaries for the first Season.

Most of the "new" Legendaries are coming from modifying older Legendaries to have new Affixes. Like Crudest Boots giving double Allies or Vile Ward giving that insane Furious Charge buff.

Yeah, I wonder if the lack of seasonal legendaries is intentional because they are modifying so many older ones (not to mention legendary gems being added as well) and we can expect more in future seasons, or if it will always be like this.

On the one hand I'd expect more per season as well, but, I'd rather the ones they do add actually be useful. I really feel like a lot of the new ones aren't going to see much use at endgame. Either way I'm not too worried about the first season just because there will be so many new things to play with, but, I still hope season 2 ends up better.


While they buffed/reworked many of the older Legendaries... A LOT of them are still butt cheeks right now.

I think it will be 3 or 4 seasons before we see most Legendaries at least having something interesting about them.

They have however stated that going forward after 2.1 they would want to focus more on making new Legendaries than retroactively changing old ones.

On another note, Physical Leapquake + WW Barb build with Stalgard is like really good now. I had a Stalgard once and I salvaged it but it was an Intelligence Stalgard with bad rolls in general (and the only reason I really salvaged it was because I literally didn't have inventory space for it). Because of this and a few other Legendaries that were buffed I have this phobia about salvaging bad Legendaries. I am so glad I didn't salvage my Scourge though.


To be honest I just figured in typical D3 fashion 2-handed weapons would remain terrible forever so I got rid of everything I had. Stalgard, a really good Maximus (which is also part of a really good furious charge build now), multiple FoTVP, my original furnace (granted this one was before we all knew how OP furnace was, like first week of the expansion), Scourge, and so on.

I've had multiples of pretty much every 2h weapon and I just junked them all, well before we knew any of this of course, but yeah, like I said I had no faith in Blizzard ever making 2h weapons good.

I'm not too worried about it though, I don't plan on messing with my current characters builds too much so if anyone is using 2h weapons it will be my seasonal characters where I'd have to get those items again.


taskers finally dropped for me, which is great since I'm using a gale/hydra build! nothing special in terms of stats, but finally an upgrade!


There is no guaranteed legendary from GRift bosses. Yes, the chances are good that you'll get at least one, but I get none as often as I do get any.

Wow really ? I did about 30 GRifts and had at least one Legendary drop, guess the RNG gods were watching.


Just confirming: am I remembering correctly that cache rolls (and maybe items as well?) are determined when they're opened, not created? Like I could speed run bounties with my DH and then open them with my Crusader to try to get a Str RRoG?
The content is already determined when you earn the bag, but smart loot is still enabled, so you can open the bags with the character you want the stat attributes for. (So yes, you can do that - open with you Crus.)


So all the recent news of 2.1 made me realize that I haven't leveled a Hardcore character to 70, and it's kinda great because now I get to reexperience the joys of farming for top tier gear again. Anybody around here on the NA servers wants to join me on HC, my bnet ID is hidden in this post (quote to see)


my bnet ID is hidden in this post



So if 2.1 is actually coming out before the end of the month I think I'm taking a break until then. Don't want to burn out, especially since I'd be going in hard on it since it's going to be a dead stop for me on the game for a good while when Destiny comes out on the 9th. I'll probably still continue to play when it's time to listen to podcasts though, game has always been fantastic for that.
I've applied to the Gaf community, bnet id is Arthois. I am no where near active nor dedicated to join any sort of clan but communities are a great idea.

Community chat is not joined on login tho, gotta do it manually every time.


I've applied to the Gaf community, bnet id is Arthois. I am no where near active nor dedicated to join any sort of clan but communities are a great idea.

Community chat is not joined on login tho, gotta do it manually every time.

It might be somewhere in options, but you can definitely have it rejoin whatever community chat you were signed into the last time you logged off the game.


Seek victory, not fairness
I've applied to the Gaf community, bnet id is Arthois. I am no where near active nor dedicated to join any sort of clan but communities are a great idea.

Community chat is not joined on login tho, gotta do it manually every time.

All right, I approved it. Next time you log in, just click the little connection icon next to it on the community window and it should remember it now. (that used to be a bug, but they fixed it - it's been joining chat for me every time)
Hey guys, has there been any research done on the Puzzle Ring's odds of giving you a leg?

I finally found my first one after months of playing this game. Good very good stats as far as rings go, though I'm still working to re-roll +dmg into crit chance. But I'm sure at some point I'll find an equal ring that does something useful like a SoJ and wanted to know as a practical matter whether or not the leg drop chance from it makes it work keeping equipped later.

Also, I seem to find at least one Cape of the Dark Knight every day. Still wearing my level 60 3x wolf cape. ZzzzZzz


Hey guys, has there been any research done on the Puzzle Ring's odds of giving you a leg?

I finally found my first one after months of playing this game. Good very good stats as far as rings go, though I'm still working to re-roll +dmg into crit chance. But I'm sure at some point I'll find an equal ring that does something useful like a SoJ and wanted to know as a practical matter whether or not the leg drop chance from it makes it work keeping equipped later.

Also, I seem to find at least one Cape of the Dark Knight every day. Still wearing my level 60 3x wolf cape. ZzzzZzz

If it gives you what you want and you don't have any better rings to use, it's perfectly fine. But it's not worth giving up all good secondary Leg stat for the Puzzle Ring. It's nice and fun to have while waiting for something better to drop. It's a shame it doesn't work on your followers.
I went awhile without playing, and decided to do a rift with my crusader and one with my demon hunter. God damn I forgot how well geared my DH was compared to my Crusader. Drops have been lovely for one but lacking for the other. I'm hoping to get another toon to 70 and flesh out a lot of my gear on my current 70s. That's something I didn't really try accomplishing when I was playing a lot more.


Hey guys!

So I've been playing some Diablo 3 (no RoS) and enjoying it quite a lot. I wanted a game that I can play in 30m to 1h bursts (mostly solo) and just have fun with it while also having a sense of progression ( gearing my char and such ) and I feel like D3 is filling this role very nicely.

My main question is if getting RoS is worth it for 40€. The price just seems a bit to steep for one more class and one more act. I know there are new game modes as well, but I'm not sure how much these add to the game.

Do you think the expansion greatly increases de replay value of the game? Did you feel like your 40$/€ were worth it?


Hey guys!

So I've been playing some Diablo 3 (no RoS) and enjoying it quite a lot. I wanted a game that I can play in 30m to 1h bursts (mostly solo) and just have fun with it while also having a sense of progression ( gearing my char and such ) and I feel like D3 is filling this role very nicely.

My main question is if getting RoS is worth it for 40€. The price just seems a bit to steep for one more class and one more act. I know there are new game modes as well, but I'm not sure how much these add to the game.

Do you think the expansion greatly increases de replay value of the game? Did you feel like your 40$/€ were worth it?

Personally, I think that it's gonna be way less fun to play D3 without RoS since most people have the expansion. It's basically extended end-game content and has a lot of things you would need to gear up your character properly (at least to keep up with the other players). For instance, using the Mystic is essential for gearing up. If some users have RoS and access to the Mystic, users without RoS really cannot compare to those who are actually able to alter their gear stats.

Not only that, but leveling up with RoS is a lot faster and more effective. There are many ways to earn XP and RoS actually has the best ones, imo. Adventure Mode is great, and I really don't know of anyone with RoS who still plays on Campaign (unless they're going for certain achievements (like conversations with NPCs) that require you to be in Campaign Mode.

40 Euro is completely worth it, if you want more out of the game. There are also Blood Shards (among other things, like a new Class, more maps/areas/quests aka Act 5), which are an awesome and fast (at least way more fast than just waiting for stuff to randomly drop) way to get new gear, especially choosing what you want ("Today, I want to gamble for new gloves!").

You'll also be able to reach the new level cap; 70. This benefits you as well, with the increase of stats and other facts following new levels. IMO, the expansion is essential to enjoy D3 as much as possible.

In short: Yes, it's worth it. Yes, you can play without - not it's not the same. Buy it. :3


Hey guys!

So I've been playing some Diablo 3 (no RoS) and enjoying it quite a lot. I wanted a game that I can play in 30m to 1h bursts (mostly solo) and just have fun with it while also having a sense of progression ( gearing my char and such ) and I feel like D3 is filling this role very nicely.

My main question is if getting RoS is worth it for 40€. The price just seems a bit to steep for one more class and one more act. I know there are new game modes as well, but I'm not sure how much these add to the game.

Do you think the expansion greatly increases de replay value of the game? Did you feel like your 40$/€ were worth it?

The expansion greatly increases the replay value. You'll really enjoy rifts and bounties.


RoS for me was worth every cent of those 39.99€.
Act 5 is really nice and the OST is great (I'll track down a physical CE just to get my hands on the CD some day, as I missed my chance on the German CE from Amazon.de for 36€ +/- some weeks ago), adventure mode is the perfect way to not only grind but also level up as far as I'm concerned with the ease of movement between zones and everything open for you to go to. And naturally the rifts.

40€ can feel steep but if the price is that much of a problem, Amazon does have some discounts from time to time, it's 24£ on Amazon.co.uk right now, which is what, 30€? Also 24,53€ on Amazon.de.


2 Questions for you DiabloGaf

Just had a Kridershot drop. What do you think I should reroll on it?

- The base Fire damage?
- The % damage to get it to 10%

After 30 millions in and since I cant seem to roll Fire Damage on Randal's Locket which one would you go with?


Thank you for the insight guys, I'll get RoS for sure now :)
Cheers and may the Gods of Loot shine their good will upon us all!


Do you think the expansion greatly increases de replay value of the game? Did you feel like your 40$/€ were worth it?

Man you are greatly under valuing adventure mode, it's easily the biggest part of the expansion (bigger than the new act or class) and worth every bit of money. Put it this way, you will never go to story mode again once you finish the new act, that's how important it is. I find it hard to even look at adventure mode as a "new mode", it's more like the core of the entire game, story mode is more like a side mode that you will barely touch.


Seasons is even lamer than I thought it'd be.
As someone who hasn't touched the PTR, can you tell me why I would choose to do seasons instead of just power leveling a character?

I don't understand how it's supposed to be better.. Is it just for fun?

The only thing I remember being different was new legendaries, that you would get to keep after seasons are over. But why bother leveling 1-70 then, and not just power level, then farm for the legs (if they're worth it)? I doubt the Paragon experience earned will be any different/faster than using our existing characters.


As someone who hasn't touched the PTR, can you tell me why I would choose to do seasons instead of just power leveling a character?

I don't understand how it's supposed to be better.. Is it just for fun?

The only thing I remember being different was new legendaries, that you would get to keep after seasons are over. But why bother leveling 1-70 then, and not just power level, then farm for the legs (if they're worth it)? I doubt the Paragon experience earned will be any different/faster than using our existing characters.

Because it takes a lot longer to wait for the season to end than it does to level a new character to 70.


There's a few reasons to be interested in Seasons:

-For competitive purposes if you want to race to be one of the first to hit 70, or complete a set, etc
-If you really care about achievements and/or the leaderboards
-If you want to get or check out new legendaries ASAP
-If you want any season-exclusive stuff; the new legs roll out to everyone post-season, but the new transmog for hitting 70 I believe is exclusive to the Season, not sure if there's any other stuff like that
-Some people enjoy it being it as being a hard reset for everyone, and it's something that Diablo 3 has not had since it's launch over 2 years ago. This is also largely where my interest is. This will be the first time there has been a completely clean slate for anyone participating; not vestiges of RMAH etc. I'm not super competitive or anything, but I feel that it's like a New Game + mode, it gives me a good excuse to start over and do the grind again and recapture some of the excitement of finding new legs etc.

It's not at all for everybody and that's totally fine though, but I think there's a pretty wide spectrum of people and reasons to be interested in it if you are.


It's about being in an environment where everyone starts off on a level playing field and trying to get high on the Leaderboards. That's what it is really.... it's about the only form of competitive D3 play we have. And it's also a fair reset... not like the reset we had when the Expansion launched because the economy was still marred by the remnants of the AH (ie. people with a shit ton of gold).

I do think that 2 months is too much though... people will be getting to end game gear around the 2nd week easily. Also there aren't enough new Legendaries in Season 1.

Ideally Seasons should have some extra parameter to the normal game plus some special Season only events. Stuff like EXP/MF bonuses during Seasons or something more drastic like say every character in Seasons has MS cap of 50% to help them move around faster during Seasons.

I think Seasons 1 is just an early test bed... they would/should be adding more features to future Seasons.


Okay, I understand better now why people will like it (I think fair resets sounds great too). 2 months is really long though.. But I agree with above - they'll probably adjust as time goes after seeing how it is live. Thank, you guys!
I imagine they must really be banking on Seasons being a big draw for the majority of the playerbase, because I can't say I'm excited for this wonky iteration of G.Rifts/L.Gems.


I like how people are talking about 2.1 like it's gonna be out any time soon. They've only been pushing PS4/Xbone versions of D3 out, the PTR has been updated once in 2 months. Seriously, the POE team put Blizzard to shame. Let's not pretend to make seasons and an updated rift system to be any more fancy than it's not.


-Some people enjoy it being it as being a hard reset for everyone, and it's something that Diablo 3 has not had since it's launch over 2 years ago. This is also largely where my interest is. This will be the first time there has been a completely clean slate for anyone participating; not vestiges of RMAH etc. I'm not super competitive or anything, but I feel that it's like a New Game + mode, it gives me a good excuse to start over and do the grind again and recapture some of the excitement of finding new legs etc.

Yep, while it doesn't effect a lot of people those of us that have stuck with the game since the beginning have been working on the same profile for years now, and this is something that has long term effects on the game that not even the expansion fully resolves. For example our paragon level and gear. A lot of us went into the expansion at paragon level 200+ with really great gear, we were able to plow through Act 5 mostly on torment difficulty (though at the end I decided to finally drop down to master myself). That is not normal for the majority of players.

I have no idea what it is like to play the current version of D3 without a bunch of boosts from all the time I spent with the game in the past. Something as silly as needing move speed on gear I never had to bother with because I was pretty much capped on move speed paragon points days after 2.0 hit (well before the expansion even came out). I actually remember being really annoyed when I saw move speed on a pair of boots before the xpac launched (and we had access to the mystic).

As for the length of seasons I actually don't mind a couple of months to be honest. I can understand it if you only plan to work on one character, but, I have enough character slots that I plan to work on multiple characters each with a new build. A few months should be plenty of time to see what I like and if I want to replace any of my current character's builds with those I discover inside the season (I already know I will be completely overhauling my current monk when season 1 ends, fuck raiment).

I like how people are talking about 2.1 like it's gonna be out any time soon. They've only been pushing PS4/Xbone versions of D3 out, the PTR has been updated once in 2 months. Seriously, the POE team put Blizzard to shame. Let's not pretend to make seasons and an updated rift system to be any more fancy than it's not.

a) They've already confirmed the patch will be out in ~2 weeks and b) they've patched the PTR almost every single week, not sure where you got that it's only been updated once in 2 months.
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