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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Hm, arcane dynamo does sound pretty neat for a channeling spell. I was trying them out earlier without a primary skill, so that's certainly worth looking into. Isn't there a fire rune on Electrocute now too - is that any good?

Not many Crusader changes, so it's still a lot of Firelight / Holy Shotgun for now. Hopefully we'll see some new variations once people start getting the Roland set together.

is there any specific place i should go for the gear (difficulty etc) ?


Did a quick T6 rift over lunch break. Firebird 6 piece is pretty nice right now - a sub 15 min run was easy (totally forgot about the resurrection bonus). I like it better than my Unity + individual pieces build. It's a little more glass cannon (obviously), but it feels more like what Wizard should play like.


There's a staff that doubles meteor damage. Gonna try that shit out with tal set. Meteors everywhere!

Is the 8 second cooldown on any type of meteor or does each element have its own separate cooldown? That would be pretty nuts if it's the latter.

is there any specific place i should go for the gear (difficulty etc) ?

The sets are the main thing to build around, which only drop in Torment. So just do rifts in as high as a torment you can manage. It looks like there's a lot of people that came back for 2.1 playing in the lower ones, so it shouldn't be too hard finding a group.


Not many Crusader changes, so it's still a lot of Firelight / Holy Shotgun for now. Hopefully we'll see some new variations once people start getting the Roland set together.

Darklight stacking Firestarter seems to have been nerfed with a cap of 3 stacks, where there were no caps before. People are reporting lower damage with fire Crusader builds. This is hearsay though, as I don't run a fire build.

The new Season legendary Crusader shield also re-enables Blade of Prophecy-Condemn, and basically uses the same gear as Fate of the Fell-Heaven's Fury (Akkhan's set with Holy% focus) with even higher damage, except against single targets.


Darklight stacking Firestarter seems to have been nerfed with a cap of 3 stacks, where there were no caps before. People are reporting lower damage with fire Crusader builds. This is hearsay though, as I don't run a fire build.

The new Season legendary Crusader shield also re-enables Blade of Prophecy-Condemn, and basically uses the same gear as Fate of the Fell-Heaven's Fury (Akkhan's set with Holy% focus) with even higher damage, except against single targets.

That shield looks pretty neat, I'll give it a shot eventually. I've actually been rocking a near perfect Maximus over my Darklight since 2.1. Getting too close to monsters just gets you killed in GRs, so the bonus Fist from Darklight is pretty useless. And now that the fire chains scale with +fire, they're totally nuts. Just shreds stuff in T6 like paper.
Mmmm, very satisfying to pop Epiphany, jump into an elite pack, start mashing Mantra of Healing and Sweeping Wind, and watch everything explode from a bunch of SWK clones and my Smite gem.

Since I have no Madstone I've been dropping the ice stun bell with the 20% passive rune. I'm not using a generator either. I'm having fun with my monk though. SSS, Bell & EP with air ally.


So i bought D3 and the ROS expasnsion (Still have to wait till tommorow before i can start playing) but i wanted to ask already : what are some of the best clases for a firsttimer ?


So i bought D3 and the ROS expasnsion (Still have to wait till tommorow before i can start playing) but i wanted to ask already : what are some of the best clases for a firsttimer ?

I'd go with Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Wizard, or Witch Doctor. Seriously, you can't go wrong. Each one is fun and quite different. Just go with whatever play style appeals to you, the only time "best" really comes into play is for the super late game - which is hundreds of hours away for you (if that even interests you at all).
Hm, arcane dynamo does sound pretty neat for a channeling spell. I was trying them out earlier without a primary skill, so that's certainly worth looking into. Isn't there a fire rune on Electrocute now too - is that any good?
I like it. You crit a lot and it adds extra aoe damage when those crits happen. It's also the fastest way to build Arcane Dynamo stacks. The electocute bolts come out about 2x the speed of magic missiles or shock pulse rounds. It's also second to none in AoC regeneration.

The issue I have with it is this: like you were saying before - you want to retain some mobility. Electrocute mine as well be a channeling spell because it has absolutely no value if you're trying to kite and attack. Kiting and attacking is something you can do easily with Magic Missile, Spectral Blades and Shock Pulse. It's something you simply can't do with Electrocute.

In my personal opinion, Electrocute should be limited to builds where you're using Time Warp as you crowd control and builds where your secondary is NOT a channeling spell (like fire arcane orbs or something). It does not synergize with Arcane Torrent, Ray of Frost or Disintegrate builds. Not in my experience, anyway. Of course if you're in a party of 3 or 4 and have some people to do the tanking, you can run dual channeling abilities like Electrocute + Torrent/Disintegrate/Frost. Because it stacks your Arcane Dynamo so fast, you can do:

Max Dynamo --> Hydra --> max Dynamo --> Meteor --> max Dynamo --> Disintegrate/torrent/frost channel and get off stupid damage in under 5 or 6 seconds once you get the hang of it.


How exactly do you figure that? Even at the lowest roll vile ward offers more FC damage than the fire damage with magefist (since none of the other stats matter as you can get them on any gloves) and the damage is for each enemy hit (so 30% for the first enemy, another 30% for the second enemy, and so on). Vile ward is pretty much always going to be better than magefists. More importantly though that extra damage per enemy hit is the only way you can really beef up the damage for higher GRs.

I should've mentioned that I use a Resource spender in Hammer of the Ancients, which wouldn't benefit from the Vile Wards FC dmg%, but it does get affected by the Fire Damage % on Magefists - I also have HOTA dmg% on my boots. That's why I like Magefists better for my own personal style. Don't get me wrong, I think Vile Wards are fantastic with that FC dmg% buff, and if I find a really good Vile Wards and a really good Raekkor's Wraps, I'll definitely give it a go. As it stands, I don't have Vile Wards yet, and the one Raekkor Wrap I do have is significantly inferior to my Magefist.

Edit: Edited my original post of this discussion. After I thought about it some more, focusing exclusively on Furious Charge, you're totally right. Vile Wards > Magefist in every conceivable way for damage output, if you've got a good pair of offensive gloves.


Edit: Edited my original post of this discussion. After I thought about it some more, focusing exclusively on Furious Charge, you're totally right. Vile Wards > Magefist in every conceivable way for damage output, if you've got a good pair of offensive gloves.

Yeah, just based on the leaderboards the highest raekor barbarians seem to be using no real damaging spender. I've seen a lot of them with WW but I am like 120% positive it's not for the damage (since we all know WW is not all that hot). I haven't been paying too much attention to it though as I plan on doing raekor in the season with my own spin on things. Pretty excited as I do like raekor a lot.


Though, one shouldn't discredit Magefist if you're using another offensive ability that's fire damage (i.e. HOTA/Smash). It may reduce the damage on Furious Charge comparatively to Vile Ward, but it will increase the damage of the other. Don't forget that the fire chain from Maximus ALSO has its damage increased by the fire dmg% of Magefist as of 2.1. That's why I said that if we're focusing exclusively on Furious Charge, yes the Vile Ward is better in all ways, but I was thinking more generally. That fire dmg% from Magefist increases my HOTA/Smash damage and when fire chains + HOTA is going off on an enemy, it's an incredible amount of damage - comparatively so to a Furious Charge. I've clocked my Furious Charges critting for 22-26 mil (non WOTB), and about the same for a HOTA/Smash+Fire Chain combo. It's good damage output for when FC is on cooldown. I've seen videos of some Barbarians hitting waaay harder due to using more offensive passives or just straight up having better gear.

I guess it just comes down to play style. I do like maxing out efficiency, but not to the extremes the top players would do it. My cooldown reduction is only at ~19.7% (Raekkor shoulder enchantment, helm gem, a bit of paragon), so I don't have the cooldown reduction that keep Furious Charge mostly up (especially against a single target).

Edit: Dammit, now I can't think of anything but D3 at work. I've been thinking that I could greatly increase my damage by giving up some of the defensive passives I've been using and going back to using Rampage or Brawler or something. Been using Superstition for Fury generation and elemental defenses. I should track down a Furnace and give that a shot instead of Maximus (or at least switch it out for elites). Lots of stuff to try.
I'm still messing around with skills and trying things out, but haven't found anything better than the typical Mirrorball MM build yet. Not too big a fan of the channeling spells like disintegrate or arcane torrent, I like the mobility of MM. My Firebird source is quite nice though at least, gonna keep trying stuff.

Mammoth Hydra + Apocalypse Blizzard + Blazar Black Hole is what I've been running, works amazingly well. Only notable things I'm wearing are Firebirds 6pc and a Furnace.


Oh man I had no idea Windforce is currently bugged (?) and sentries are proccing it. Need to abuse this tonight.
I wasn't going to reveal this yet publicly but I will do it anyway.

Sentries also proc the effect on Strongarm Bracers now. Combine this with the buff on Impale Impact rune that now stuns at 100% chance + Knockback allows Sentry to dish out more damage through proc of Strongarm and perma stun packs. It's the basis for my Physical Marauder build (the rest of the gear/skills is standard, I am using Manticore for weapon).

NB4 someone uploads this build on Diablofans.
I wasn't going to reveal this yet publicly but I will do it anyway.

Sentries also proc the effect on Strongarm Bracers now. Combine this with the buff on Impale Impact rune that now stuns at 100% chance + Knockback allows Sentry to dish out more damage through proc of Strongarm and perma stun packs. It's the basis for my Physical Marauder build (the rest of the gear/skills is standard, I am using Manticore for weapon).

NB4 someone uploads this build on Diablofans.

Philisophos was running this build on stream last night and it looked aces.


I did my first GR last night but only got 15 because clicking with my mouse is all garbage in this game so I sometimes randomly go bonkers on screen.

My Crusader is still stupidly effective, makes my Monk sad since I've been playing that longer.


My in-game DPS is up around 700k but with all my buffs going, I hit 1.35 million. There's still a lot of room to improve on the gear too. I also always have Heaven's Fury going too because of the shield, lol. I haven't upgraded at all since I last played so I'm only really benefiting from class/system buffs.


Philisophos was running this build on stream last night and it looked aces.
Don't know who he is but I was running this build in 2.1.

I wish I had a better PC + more free + godlike Internet so I can stream some theory craft D3.

I have one more build in the works for Monk but I need a Lightning damage Sunwoko amulet for it. I think this build will be really good for trash mobs even at higher GRs.


there an eu gaf clan ?
Yeah. Search for NeoGAF. Might be full though. Not sure.

I've done a rank 15 greater rift just now, and my god, it reminded me how dumb cooldowns are. Waiting for skills to get off cooldown to actually do something is more boring than mephisto runs ad infinitum. Which is why I've decided to roll a wizard this coming season. Fuck crusaders.
Just got a Madstone off a GR boss :O

SSS builds aren't as good as SWK clone spam builds though, right?

Specifically, this SWK clone spam build.

I have the reduced cooldown diabo and have it in my build right now to practice for when I get my Madstone for the EP spam.

Right now im using it to freeze the mobs/elites and for some invulnerability when up.

I have the SWK set which the bell spams trigger.

My effective cooldown is About 56%.

I actually have no idea what builds are popular right now. i'm just dicking around with things on the fly.


So what method are you guys gong to use to level to 70 as fast as possible in seasons? I was just thinking Act IV bounties.
2 questions regarding the goblin realms. Looking to try get a few more over the weekend whilst the gold buff is up as I have a number of characters waiting for their gems to be upgraded.

1. Once the portal appears, is their a timer before it will dissapear or can I wait a bit before heading in(not going to town or anything like that)?

2. Can a friend join me and jump in the portal with me, hence my first question about waiting a little bit?
Nice to see this thread surging back to life. Finally saw ElyrionX online! Too bad we didn't manage to get some games in. New patch is great.

First GRift trial, we went all in.... And got to GRift 34. Totally failed that one. Next one was GRift 32, managed to complete it just below 15 mins. We decided that we want to upgrade our gems first, so we play GRift ~29 (that's about wave 33 in the trial).

Now I have a rank 25 gem (the one that does damages to elite), but currently no jewelry that can slot it in! Urgh...

The damage at higher GRift is really insane. I really need to level up the gem that spreads damage taken over time.

Oh, my main is a Woh/firebird build with flame ward. My alternate is an Ion Cannon Wiz. Bnet id is Booga#6818.

P/s Where's my community invite?


What would you suggest in its place?
The reason you don't want to use Captain Crimsons is because it has resource cost reduction on it. If it weren't for that it would be best in slot quality for this build. RCR impacts SWK procs meaning you would have to press SW twiceto get one clone out. With 0 RCR you get one clone out every SW activation. In one second you can press SW, Mantra, SW, Mantra and get out 3 clones where as with Crimons you would get out two with this succession of button presses.

The build I have is Belt = Witching Hour, pants = depth diggers, boots = ice climbers. Belt is pretty obvious, attack speed is pretty necessary to this build. You can replace it with Hellcat belt as well. Depth Diggers will add a substantial amount of extra dps to this build because you are attacking with your generator non stop. Boots are whatever to be honest, I am simply using the best boots legendary there is which is ice climbers.

A variant of this build that I am currently testing with is a Wreath Cyclone Lightning build. Basically instead of stacking holy damage, I stack Lightning damage and use Cyclone SW. I also use Wreath of Lightning gem instead of the smite gem. For the belt I have a Thundergods Vigor which is much easier to get than Witching Hour. The caveat to this build is that you would need lightning damage on your SWK amulet. I switched to this build today and there is very little damage difference... in fact at T6 I prefer this build because it clears trash mobs faster.


What's exactly bugged about the Windforce? Testing it now.

Rockets from the Spitfire Sentry rune (and maybe others?) are procing the knockback effect. Sentries normally don't proc those effects, so it's likely a bug that will be fixed. It also works in conjunction with Strongarm Bracers like dahbomb mentioned above.

Also looking around seeing some interesting discussion about bows possibly being better than crossbows for M6 builds not because of a special effect (Kridershot or Buriza) but because with the attack speed fix using a bow + TnT can let you hit potentially way higher breakpoints with sentries that could outdo higher damage but lower breakpoints with a crossbow. Might have to mess around with that a bit, I could see that maybe working well if you used a Kridershot with Frost Arrow to proc Cull the Weak and then swap out Polar for Spitfire on Sentries for more damage. Previously the dps loss I figured wouldn't be worth it, but I hadn't even thought about potential attack speed + breakpoint potential with a bow.

Of course this is all a moot point if I'm playing seasons since I'll have to get another Krider ;__;


Rockets from the Spitfire Sentry rune (and maybe others?) are procing the knockback effect. Sentries normally don't proc those effects, so it's likely a bug that will be fixed. It also works in conjunction with Strongarm Bracers like dahbomb mentioned above.

Also looking around seeing some interesting discussion about bows possibly being better than crossbows for M6 builds not because of a special effect (Kridershot or Buriza) but because with the attack speed fix using a bow + TnT can let you hit potentially way higher breakpoints with sentries that could outdo higher damage but lower breakpoints with a crossbow. Might have to mess around with that a bit, I could see that maybe working well if you used a Kridershot with Frost Arrow to proc Cull the Weak and then swap out Polar for Spitfire on Sentries for more damage. Previously the dps loss I figured wouldn't be worth it, but I hadn't even thought about potential attack speed + breakpoint potential with a bow.

Of course this is all a moot point if I'm playing seasons since I'll have to get another Krider ;__;

Been running an end game Krider with EA FA + CA Malestorm + Multishot + Spitfire turrets and cull the weak. From my own tests, it outclasses an Arcane Barb or a Manticore.


Been running an end game Krider with EA FA + CA Malestorm + Multishot + Spitfire turrets and cull the weak. From my own tests, it outclasses an Arcane Barb or a Manticore.

Yeah, I'm gonna run it for a bit and see how it feels. I am fucking terrible at theorycrafting and spreadsheeting, just gonna mess around with it for a bit myself. I'd probably be more inclined to go all in on that, problem is while my Krider is also pretty damn good, it's still pre-2.1 so and I had already re-rolled the % damage roll. Ideally if you could get one now and tweak it with the rimaldi's gift that would be crazy good.

Edit: They just added sentries procing knockback to upcoming hotfixes, so that's gonna be gone shorrtly.


Mine is pre 2.1 also. On the first day had a new one drop with a gift from the same GR guardian level 32.Rolled its socket to 10% Damage, but sadly its range damage is 1054-1308 compared to what I have on the current one 1196-1448!

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