Seems like the most powerful build for Wiz now is the Gale/Apocalypse Hydra one. On the one hand, I am glad the Wiz is finally back to her roots as a kiting/ranged class instead of the ridiculous melee shit that was forced upon us by the sheer power of SNS in vanilla and then Woh in RoS. On the other hand, the build is strangely passive since it runs no primary skill and sometimes you literally stand around and just wait for your dot to kill the enemies.
I wish I can do this. I haz no Furnace! T_T
You know if there are any viable cold builds now? Just got back after a few months and my arcane orb/mirror ball wiz is feeling pretty lame, got all this gear build around %cold damage though so I hate to scrap all that. I wonder if hydra plus blizzard is decide now with buffs to those and the 100% freeze chance on blizzard.Seems like the most powerful build for Wiz now is the Gale/Apocalypse Hydra one. On the one hand, I am glad the Wiz is finally back to her roots as a kiting/ranged class instead of the ridiculous melee shit that was forced upon us by the sheer power of SNS in vanilla and then Woh in RoS. On the other hand, the build is strangely passive since it runs no primary skill and sometimes you literally stand around and just wait for your dot to kill the enemies.
Serpent Sparker + Firebird orb works.
That's what I am running anyway.
They just added sentries procing knockback to upcoming hotfixes, so that's gonna be gone shorrtly.
You know if there are any viable cold builds now? Just got back after a few months and my arcane orb/mirror ball wiz is feeling pretty lame, got all this gear build around %cold damage though so I hate to scrap all that. I wonder if hydra plus blizzard is decide now with buffs to those and the 100% freeze chance on blizzard.
Oh yeeah...I have those. Is this build great in party GRift? My party moves along at breakneck speeds.....basically ignoring whites and going straight for elites.
Immediately upgraded 90% of my gear. Crafting is your friend, even if it's just rares.When did you guys get an upgrade after hitting lvl 70?
ah I see. Well I'm trying freezing blizzard + hydra+ MM + blackhole and also I have the wand that gives you two hydras. It's actually pretty decent because I can almost get a permafreeze between the blizzard and my MM, I have prodigy on so as my hydras and blizzard are doing work I'm spamming MM gaining mana back to keep spamming blizzard to keep freezing them. I'm sure it's not high-torrent viable but still fun.Haven't tried anything myself but the Blizzard Hdyra build is only made viable by the Firebird set. Those two skills are not strong individually.
My guess is, the only high-Torment/Grift viable cold build is likely to be based on Woh and the new Cold rune for Explosive Blast.
It's great for Grifts as it is very mobile and you have high survivability due to Mirror Images and Illusionist.
I don't believe they have a hard cap so to speak, it just becomes almost impossible to level them past a certain point.What level can gems go up to got Bane of Powerful to Rank 25 and noticed I can keep increasing it. Got it to 27 So its at 57 seconds. I assume Rank 30 and 60 seconds is the max?
What's the best spot for goblins now that Halls are fixed? I want to do a vault. =(
Immediately upgraded 90% of my gear. Crafting is your friend, even if it's just rares.
Arreat Core because it's the smallest zone to run through.
Found a Star of Azkaranth, didnt roll Cr/CHD/Ele DamageGoing to keep it to see if I can hack it into something useful when I upgrade my rings.
Congrats! Reputedly the RAREST item in the whole game. If you're not in GRift, you can keep it in your inventory and wear it when some fire element elite shows up.
Found a Star of Azkaranth, didnt roll Cr/CHD/Ele DamageGoing to keep it to see if I can hack it into something useful when I upgrade my rings.
So are there any good Arcane builds for Wizard these days? I have a really good arcane Andariel's and arcane SoJ on that alt, but not much else at all. I've also got a cold SoJ.
People are using two handers to get as high base damage as possible.2hr?
People are using two handers to get as high base damage as possible.
Newbie question... how do you not roll the stats when you find something?
Yeah it matters a lot, all your chars and stuff are bound to the region you play on though you can play on any region. Just pick the region that is closest to you for better ping.Currently installing the game .
Does it matter which region you pick or should i pick America if i want to play with Gaffers ?
Yeah it matters a lot, all your chars and stuff are bound to the region you play on though you can play on any region. Just pick the region that is closest to you for better ping.
So even if i where to pick Europe , i can still play with everyone who is in America ?
Could you explain this leveling method?Looking forward to starting the first season when it goes live tonight. Probably going to blitz to 70 using the no-kill T6 method and I'm thinking I'll probably roll Barb as I haven't played that at all beyond level 20 normally.
As long as you are happy to start again at level 1.
GAF has communities in both regions.
Could you explain this leveling method?
Also, Usling recent shared, in a thread on our forums, a method he considers to be the fastest way of leveling a character from 1 to 70 - in slightly over 3 hours (tested on the PTR before it went down - see the VOD). It consists on farming Bounties (on Torment 6) which do not require you to kill any monsters to be completed. Not exactly a new method, but still a very efficient one.
Create a new game and check the map for the following bounties:
Miser's Will (Act V - very rare) - Westmarch Commons - could take a while to find the Miser's Hovel
Miner's Gold (Act II - common) - Howling Plateau - need to be alive to get the experience when the event ends. Either keep moving and avoiding enemies, or respawn right before it ends. If you can, open the resplendent chest to get some loot so that you are tankier in future runs.
Jar of Souls and The Matriarch's Bones (Act I - somewhat common) - Cemetery of the Forsaken - the Matriarch's Bones can be completed without killing the Ghost. Just ignore him and click for the crypt to end the quest.
This method is even better in a party (since there are more targets for enemies, less chance of dying), with each player creating their own game and inviting others once the quests are found. It also makes it more likely for the party to find the Miser's Will event, which grants more experience than the others.
Mind that this method has a few cons:
It is somewhat boring, as you aren't really fighting, just avoiding enemies and collecting the bounty reward.
You will die often, so it's not suitable for Hardcore (unlike the tips from the previous video).
You will get most of the experience from Miner's Gold, and there's a catch with that event - if you're dead when it ends, you get no experience (unlike the other 3 events which require you to "activate" something to get the reward).
You will barely collect any materials (pre-level-60), almost no gold (for lvl 70 enchants), and less Rift Keystones and Blood Shards than through normal leveling.
Note that in the VOD previously acquired Gold was used to buy gear from vendors (for improved Toughness), which is needed to survive and get the experience in the Miner's Gold event. That would result in even less gold once the player reaches level 70.
Remaking games over and over again (to check for the events) could be problematic for players who have disconnect issues, or if Blizzard servers are overwhelmed by too many users.
You wouldn't be able to play a Crusader.One last thing : should i install ROS right after the vanille game or should i play the vanille version first ?
Would i miss anything by doing so ?