Johnny Ryall
Hey guys just applied to join the EU clan on PC, I go by Macraig on there. 51 hours in fucking loving every second.
How do I join the guild anywho
The US clan's maxed out. We're giving people a chance to check in over the weekend before we start booting people.
The US clan's maxed out. We're giving people a chance to check in over the weekend before we start booting people.
Overflow clans didn't work out. We're using the GAF community instead and it's working out a lot better than having people split up. Check out this post for info:
How to join the US GAF community
By the way everyone, remember to re-join the chat since the patch reset it.
Which class were you playing? The endgame is definitely the "real game" when you can play with all the options. You may have just not been playing the right class for you.I have Diablo 3 and Reaper of Souls unopened in front of me. I'm trying to figure out if I want to activate them or not.
I've played some of the Starter Edition - just reached level 8 or so, and to be honest, it's pretty damn boring. Is that just because it's locked to normal and I barely have any skills/runes? I'm not much for grinding, and I don't think I'd play it more than twice, but I do enjoy the basic flow and crunch of combat.
Should I activate the games or not?
Which class were you playing? The endgame is definitely the "real game" when you can play with all the options. You may have just not been playing the right class for you.
Would highly recommend switching to Barb, Wizard or WD and seeing how they feel to you. I find Monks really annoying.Monk.
Would highly recommend switching to Barb, Wizard or WD and seeing how they feel to you. I find Monks really annoying.
Relatively new to DH so not the best gear, but what do you guys think is the better ring here? The Manald adds about 150k damage, but is that better than having the 15% fire damage + the elite damage I get from the SoJ? I feel bad for not using an awesome ring like SoJ, but without any crit or socket, I just don't know if it's worth it...
SoJ has better damage against elites, for sure.
Definitely losing against whites though, no matter what you do
A well rolled SoJ will typically have elemental, main stat, elite dmg and crit anything
Why not use both? I notice you have a yellow in your other socket
Starting to get the hang of the Sunwuko set gameplay. Missing the Eye of Peshkov to really crank up the spirit regen. I don't expect to be setting any records, heh.
This guide seems to be pretty good.
Lost a fair bit of DPS enchanting sockets onto my stuff, but at least I get to try out the gems now.
Kekegi's is just on there for the cooldown reduction right now.
Loving patching 2.1, but I have a question about the greater rift keys. Each person in the party has to have one to enter now correct?
What happens if I open a level 20 grift, and then a person joins my game but either:
A: Doesn't have a grft key
B: has a lower level grift key
Dammit, knew they'd fix Halls of Agony before I got a chance to try it.
Agreed on both counts. Doing rifts just seem like a chore now, terrible if you're solo too.Some notes about more 2.1 play today.
*Regular RIfts take way longer to complete. Medium/low health trash mobs are worth so little progress bar now, even big enemies don't give that much mobs. They need to redo the progress bar again because it's a slog getting through regular T6 Rifts now even though you are destroying all mobs in an instant. A GR26 Rift takes much less time than a regular T6 Rift even though GR26 is slightly harder than T6.
*Greater Rift reward structure is out of wack. Mostly talking about the shards here as completing a fairly difficult GR29 awards you about the same number of shards as a T4 Rift!!! The Legendary drop rate for GR is mostly fine though... at 30+ you get a good amount of Legendaries for your troubles.
These changes to Rifts actually makes it slower to farm shards than before.
I managed to get two Vault portals one after the other on my first two goblins in HoA. Made 50 million gold and got two Sunwuko set items from the boss there, plus the gold gem. I was pretty lucky. I kept playing HoA hoping to get another vault, but as I was playing, they must've fixed it because the goblins weren't spawning anymore. Just having the chance of getting into the Vault was really fun. When you see two set items/legendaries drop from one boss, the pull is strong, heh.
Agreed on both counts. Doing rifts just seem like a chore now, terrible if you're solo too.
The Hellfire amulet is a joke. Finding the keywardens, hoping you actually get one, and then the horrible drop rate from the uber bosses... it's bad. Our group barely got enough to make 2 amulets from 8 or 9 sets of bosses last night, and they went straight to the salvage pile. It's a neat idea, but the amount of work it takes isn't worth it at all to me.
It was intended to be and end-game grind/chase, but the two-drop structure makes 50% pretty painful to do. And Hellfire's not THAT useful for everyone at high GR tiers, considering it's probably more useful to have lightning or arcane absorption instead.