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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Seek victory, not fairness
Non-optimal roll on Flying Dragon, but it's decent.

My plan is for the attack speed I rolled to eventually be cooldown reduction, and then I'll add a socket with Ramaladni's Gift later.

I believe they can only appear in regular adventure mode (bounties), not in rifts sadly.

Yeah, I think the goblin portal counts as a rift itself, so you can't spawn one inside a rift (or while you have one open).


Goblin Portals could be improved by dropping a special Rift Stone for the vault, so you take it to the obelisk and open it at your leisure. The advantage is being able to drop in other rifts, and also being able to share (probably would be nerfed).

With the revised Leoric's Crown and Vigilante Belt, I need to hunt down some Akkhan's pants now (as well as the new crown/belt). Swapping Captain's Crimsons to Crown + Vigilante should be a net gain of about 5-7.5% CDR. Ramaladni's would yield another 8-10%, so 13-17.5% gain in CDR. That should put me pretty close to a no-CD AC, somewhere between 2-3s.

At least I have some items to chase again, I suppose.


At what point do you guys upgrade a gem? Does it only add one level to the gem or multiple?

You get 3 chances to upgrade a gem, you can choose to use all tries on one gem or spread them out. Your greater rift level needs to be 10 leves higher than your gem level for it to be a 100% chance to successfully upgrade, and its 60% at equal levels.


Is there any word on how the new Crusader set is faring? Is it all about Shield Bash or is Sweep Attack decent as well? I have a 3900 dps Golden Flense (sweep attack restores wrath) that looks like it could be really fun.


So, returning for the ladders, which character would you guys recommend? Barb/Sorc/WD?

Currently thinking Barb since apparently 2h is good now.


The US clan's maxed out. We're giving people a chance to check in over the weekend before we start booting people.

Overflow clans didn't work out. We're using the GAF community instead and it's working out a lot better than having people split up. Check out this post for info:
How to join the US GAF community

By the way everyone, remember to re-join the chat since the patch reset it.
Don't boot me, I'm back on sunday from my US trip!!

Tom Penny

I asked on the previous page is there a basic rule of thumb for + elemental damage vs X percent damage increase

I guess the simplest way to put it is would you ever trade 20% elemental damage modifier for a loss of 10% sheet DPS.

I have 2 amulets. One would add 20% elemental but sheet DPS 800K. The other raises my sheet DPS to 900K without elemental modifier.

I'm guessing it's the obvious 100k sheet.


I asked on the previous page is there a basic rule of thumb for + elemental damage vs X percent damage increase

I guess the simplest way to put it is would you ever trade 20% elemental damage modifier for a loss of 10% sheet DPS.

I have 2 amulets. One would add 20% elemental but sheet DPS 800K. The other raises my sheet DPS to 900K without elemental modifier.

I'm guessing it's the obvious 100k sheet.

Are you looking at the basic damage number when you open the inventory, or the number including +elemental bonuses when you expand the sidebar? If you hover over the "+% to all % skills" it will tell you the actual damage number. But as always, sheet deeps aren't always the end-all-be-all. But if you're just comparing between two amulets that are otherwise identical and use all of one element, just go for the higher number there.

Tom Penny

Are you looking at the basic damage number when you open the inventory, or the number including +elemental bonuses when you expand the sidebar? If you hover over the "+% to all % skills" it will tell you the actual damage number. But as always, sheet deeps aren't always the end-all-be-all. But if you're just comparing between two amulets that are otherwise identical and use all of one element, just go for the higher number there.

Didn't know that. Thanks.


Finally get a decent pair of magefist and the first reroll I get is 26% CHD. Highest by now is 36% and my rerolls are costing 1mil. Wonderful.


Do we have any Wizards that played on PTR for awhile?

Is the new Firebird 6pc worth giving up Cindercoat/Magefist/Andariel's/Aughild's?


Do we have any Wizards that played on PTR for awhile?

Is the new Firebird 6pc worth giving up Cindercoat/Magefist/Andariel's/Aughild's?

Screw Firebird. Gonna go Tal Rasha for the set bonus, the new wand and telespam. Is the full Tal Rasha set bonus worth it though? I saw people were salivating and kicking ass with full Tal sets in the last big patch, but it apparently sucks at higher torment levels?


Screw Firebird. Gonna go Tal Rasha for the set bonus, the new wand and telespam. Is the full Tal Rasha set bonus worth it though? I saw people were salivating and kicking ass with full Tal sets in the last big patch, but it apparently sucks at higher torment levels?
4 pc Tal's is decent for group play with RoRG since it has good survivability. However for solo play it isn't worth giving up Unity and a stronger individual piece.

Not sure if that's changed lately.
Do we have any Wizards that played on PTR for awhile?

Is the new Firebird 6pc worth giving up Cindercoat/Magefist/Andariel's/Aughild's?

I don't know what you were doing before, but with the new Firebird I went from killing T3 to killing T6 with relative ease. Even in its current bugged state it's quite powerful. Even better if you have a RoRG so that you can keep your Magefists on.


4 pc Tal's is decent for group play with RoRG since it has good survivability. However for solo play it isn't worth giving up Unity and a stronger individual piece.

Not sure if that's changed lately.

Why not both? SoJ isn't all that hot now that gems exist, right?

Maybe I can combine 4pc Tal with 4pc Vyr. :lol

Does the familiar and hydra trigger meteors?


Wonder why they didn't put in a way to get out of the goblin vault, so annoying having to tp out and then run back through the bounty i was doing. I even tried smashing the boss's head in the chest for a few minutes hoping something would happen. lol.


I don't know what you were doing before, but with the new Firebird I went from killing T3 to killing T6 with relative ease. Even in its current bugged state it's quite powerful. Even better if you have a RoRG so that you can keep your Magefists on.
I was doing ~10-15min T6 clears depending on the rift density (thanks to Unity...). I guess I'll test the 6 piece later and see how it goes. Would be nice to remove Unity from the equation.

Why not both? SoJ isn't all that hot now that gems exist, right?

Maybe I can combine 4pc Tal with 4pc Vyr. :lol

Does the familiar and hydra trigger meteors?
SoJ is still good. You can replace the main stat with a socket on a perfect roll.


After playing both 2.1 and the PS4 version, I really miss the console's nephalim globe bonus (double damage for x amount of time per globe) and the killing mobs/breakables xp/speed bonuses.

They should really add those to PC.


I was enjoying playing 2H Maximus/Raekkor Set/Fire Furious Charge Barbarian before 2.1, but OH. MY. GOD. how GLORIOUS it is after 2.1! First off, that buff to 2H damage really helped my damage output (went from a 2450-2500 DPS Maximus to 3377ish). Furious Charge's redesign for better pathing, faster animations, and the attack speed bonus makes it a joy to play with.

I was already built for these changes prior to 2.1 and its announcement, so my gear hasn't changed at all, but my damage and survivability went up through the roof. However, a lot of people are swearing by the new Vile Ward (+%dmg to Furious Charge), which admittedly looks really good, but I don't know how I would ever fit Vile Ward into my gear. I think I would have to give up my Magefist (which is already damn good, minus having the lowest fire dmg% on it) to put the Raekkor Wraps on, so I could replace my Raekkor shoulders with Vile Ward. That's a loss of the quadfecta of str/CC/CD/AS on top of the fire dmg% just for some different kind of dmg% on Furious Charge.

I dunno man, I think a really well rolled Magefist > Vile Wards for a Fire based Furious Charge. I could totally see Vile Wards being fantastic for non-fire Furious Charge builds though.

Edit: Actually, ZenaxPure made a better case that Vile Wards > Magefist. When I step back and thing purely on the context of maxing Fire Furious Charge damage potential, the higher rolled Vile Ward dmg% will outclass Fire dmg% on Magefists in every case. So, I'm wrong about what I said just above. Though as I posted afterwards, I don't have Vile Ward at the moment, but I *do* have a pretty bitchin' Magefist and no other gloves that come close to their damage potential. Perhaps if I find a kickass Raekkor Wrap and a kickass Vile Ward, I'll switch it up.

My profile:


And like I said, I was rocking Maximus/Raekkor BEFORE it was cool ;)

(damn Ramaladni's Gift won't drop for meeeeee)


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
is lightning ww barb still playable? if yes any good builds?
1000 for my first then another 1100 after they "buffed the drop rate for T2+" for my second...

You're a better man than me. After my first 300 or 400 bags, I pretty much rage quit the game. It was too much time invested to not get any results, in my opinion. There were a whole bunch of things I could have been doing with that time that would have made me happier, but the general importance of having a rorg forced me to push to get it.

The RoRG is the core reason why I basically stopped playing the game for 3 months. After coming back in early August, I ended up getting 2 in about...idunno maybe 350-400 bags. Even after scores of rifts, I still have over 1,000 rift keys. Takes a lot of fuckin bounties to amass so many.

I'm going to get one more to shuttle between my STR heroes and I'm never doing bounty bag farming ever again. FUCK bounty bags, and FUCK Blizzard for thinking that locking such an essential item behind this bounty experience was a good idea. Fucking nonsense is what it was and is. I'm actually getting angry thinking about it right now.


Woo, #939 on Monk leaderboards :p

T27 GR. Could have done a lot better since I died twice due to carelessness, the mob density was shit, and the map sucked. Onward!


I don't know what you were doing before, but with the new Firebird I went from killing T3 to killing T6 with relative ease. Even in its current bugged state it's quite powerful. Even better if you have a RoRG so that you can keep your Magefists on.

I'm still messing around with skills and trying things out, but haven't found anything better than the typical Mirrorball MM build yet. Not too big a fan of the channeling spells like disintegrate or arcane torrent, I like the mobility of MM. My Firebird source is quite nice though at least, gonna keep trying stuff.
I'm still messing around with skills and trying things out, but haven't found anything better than the typical Mirrorball MM build yet. Not too big a fan of the channeling spells like disintegrate or arcane torrent, I like the mobility of MM. My Firebird source is quite nice though at least, gonna keep trying stuff.

try building around the fire arcane torrent. get a blackhole for crowd control and fire shockpulse to retain mobility. combine with something like blur + dominance and energy armor so you rarely have to stop channeling.

Lastly, consider Arcane dynamo. That adds +60% to your channel for the entire duration.


I dunno man, I think a really well rolled Magefist > Vile Wards for a Fire based Furious Charge. I could totally see Vile Wards being fantastic for non-fire Furious Charge builds though.

How exactly do you figure that? Even at the lowest roll vile ward offers more FC damage than the fire damage with magefist (since none of the other stats matter as you can get them on any gloves) and the damage is for each enemy hit (so 30% for the first enemy, another 30% for the second enemy, and so on). Vile ward is pretty much always going to be better than magefists. More importantly though that extra damage per enemy hit is the only way you can really beef up the damage for higher GRs.

is lightning ww barb still playable? if yes any good builds?

What do you mean by playable? Because with good lightning gear and some of the new legendary gems lightning WW should be fine for T6, but, don't expect the best GR results.


try building around the fire arcane torrent. get a blackhole for crowd control and fire shockpulse to retain mobility. combine with something like blur + dominance and energy armor so you rarely have to stop channeling.

Lastly, consider Arcane dynamo. That adds +60% to your channel for the entire duration.

Hm, arcane dynamo does sound pretty neat for a channeling spell. I was trying them out earlier without a primary skill, so that's certainly worth looking into. Isn't there a fire rune on Electrocute now too - is that any good?

any good builds for crusader please ?

Not many Crusader changes, so it's still a lot of Firelight / Holy Shotgun for now. Hopefully we'll see some new variations once people start getting the Roland set together.


Been playing my Raekor's set with Maximus and it's a really fun and hilarious type of gameplay. For solo play that is. I don't find this build viable for public games because all the mobs and elite packs gets pushed around all over the place. I've played three public games with this build and while no one has said anything it must have been annoying as shit to them. You can forget using any AoE spells because by the time you set one off they're already off the screen. I went back to Leapquake. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, I don't know. I wish they would redesign the Dreadnought rune. Otherwise in public games this set is going to stay in my stash.


I'm still messing around with skills and trying things out, but haven't found anything better than the typical Mirrorball MM build yet. Not too big a fan of the channeling spells like disintegrate or arcane torrent, I like the mobility of MM. My Firebird source is quite nice though at least, gonna keep trying stuff.
There's a staff that doubles meteor damage. Gonna try that shit out with tal set. Meteors everywhere!


Mmmm, very satisfying to pop Epiphany, jump into an elite pack, start mashing Mantra of Healing and Sweeping Wind, and watch everything explode from a bunch of SWK clones and my Smite gem.


I just started playing d3 again with this new patch, do a lot of you guys actively still play?

My tag is zanyu#1243

I'm pretty stoked about the season, starting fresh and ladders seems like it can bring some excitement to the game. I would love to play a group of people, I dislike soloing mostly. You can PM me for my skype if interested :)
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