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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Back at you with another choose the best weapon question. A week into 2.1, found a couple of Ramaladini gifts; Used one on a Manticore. Keeping the other for a god tier Krider (can always hope!)

Which weapon would you go with for my current build?



Did they nerf lower difficulty GR ?

I'm only getting gems below level 10.


This may sound like hyperbole, but Boon of the Hoarder may be the greatest invention of our time. I feel like king Midas at this point. :lol
Getting close to Lvl 50 now ;_; still at story mode ... Items are shit ... Need to find 10 recipes so i can upgrade my jeweler and smith to max ..

Still contemplating what build i'm going for .. Serpent sprinkler,Furnace or SunKeeper all with the firebird set ....

Need to watch more and learn guides to know farm spots and start farming legendary items,specific sets and that ring


There are no farm spots, unless you count farming bounty bags for act specific legendaries. Otherwise the loot is completely random.. and really likes giving me nothing but belts and 2h weapons.
There are no farm spots, unless you count farming bounty bags for act specific legendaries. Otherwise the loot is completely random.. and really likes giving me nothing but belts and 2h weapons.
Hmm is that so .... I do need to level up to 70 now and finish this so i can go adventure mode and raise my stuff to t6 ;_;


formerly nacire
Back at you with another choose the best weapon question. A week into 2.1, found a couple of Ramaladini gifts; Used one on a Manticore. Keeping the other for a god tier Krider (can always hope!)

Which weapon would you go with for my current build?

I would probably roll with the Kridershot and just be much more active in laying down additional damage. Being able to spam frost arrow at no cost is pretty huge imo. Be the sixth sentry you were born to be!


From lots of testing all weekend with all the elements and lots of wasted materials, Holy Shield Bash is definitely the way to go for Roland's. I just need to get my hands on a decent weapon (the new Akanesh spear or a Furnace would be fantastic) and a holy SoJ and I'll be set. It's so much fun to play as!


Quick question, would it be horrid to pair a Wand of Woh and Mirrorball with a Firebird set? Right now I can solo T6 (although it's really slow due to lack of AoE), but I can barely do 23 GRifts, which really sucks. I wanna get higher! I'm saving the Firebird loot I'm getting just in case (right now I have 3 shoulders, 2 gloves and 2 sources or something). If I can stick with Woh, I also need to keep my CDR (50%) and fire dmg % (would be ideal for Firebird too obviously). Suggestions?

Here's my char:



From lots of testing all weekend with all the elements and lots of wasted materials, Holy Shield Bash is definitely the way to go for Roland's. I just need to get my hands on a decent weapon (the new Akanesh spear or a Furnace would be fantastic) and a holy SoJ and I'll be set. It's so much fun to play as!

Holy crap, I didn't even think about using Furnace as a one-hander. That sounds bloody fantastic! 100% elite damage is definitely feasible. Couple that with Pound. kreygasm


From lots of testing all weekend with all the elements and lots of wasted materials, Holy Shield Bash is definitely the way to go for Roland's. I just need to get my hands on a decent weapon (the new Akanesh spear or a Furnace would be fantastic) and a holy SoJ and I'll be set. It's so much fun to play as!

How does Roland's compare to FotF or BoP+seasonal shield?
Quick question, would it be horrid to pair a Wand of Woh and Mirrorball with a Firebird set? Right now I can solo T6 (although it's really slow due to lack of AoE), but I can barely do 23 GRifts, which really sucks. I wanna get higher! I'm saving the Firebird loot I'm getting just in case (right now I have 3 shoulders, 2 gloves and 2 sources or something). If I can stick with Woh, I also need to keep my CDR (50%) and fire dmg % (would be ideal for Firebird too obviously). Suggestions?

Here's my char:


Why is your Barbarian named semen?


Holy crap, I didn't even think about using Furnace as a one-hander. That sounds bloody fantastic! 100% elite damage is definitely feasible. Couple that with Pound. kreygasm

Yeah that would be nuts. I tried using Pound but it just doesn't have enough AoE for my liking and constant shield bashing doesn't leave you much wrath to spend on other skills. I found Shield Cross to be more useful, but the holy rune seems even better.

How does Roland's compare to FotF or BoP+seasonal shield?

I still can't find a FotF for the life of me and don't play seasons, so I can't really speak from experience. Akkhan is still the better set numberswise, especially for Greater Rifts since Roland is so fragile and you need to be in melee range. It's really just a play style preference, and I find Roland to be incredibly fun but it is limited as far as skills go. The BoP/shield combo looks like a really nice alternative to the FotF shotgun build, for those of us that can't find one.


Quick question, would it be horrid to pair a Wand of Woh and Mirrorball with a Firebird set? Right now I can solo T6 (although it's really slow due to lack of AoE), but I can barely do 23 GRifts, which really sucks. I wanna get higher! I'm saving the Firebird loot I'm getting just in case (right now I have 3 shoulders, 2 gloves and 2 sources or something). If I can stick with Woh, I also need to keep my CDR (50%) and fire dmg % (would be ideal for Firebird too obviously). Suggestions?

Here's my char:


After a quick look at your character, you need to have gems.
For a DH (which is my main) gems are indispensable. I crush T6 and clear it in under 5 min solo and currently up to level 33 in GR. Not focusing too much on GR ranks since I am currently preoccupied with farming keys and mats for a Hellfire.

Only put 50 hours into my wizard so cant really comment on the different items and sets but:
- Your Tal Rasha would be awesome with a gem. You need to sacrifice the 10% cc but the gem past level 25 would more than make up for it
- Things get a bit more dicey for your rings since what you'll re-roll are the main stats you want to have in addition to a socket. You need better rolled rings. (RROG might be the hardest to get with a socket)

My profile for reference:


New Manticore sucks now (no CHD roll so its basically just a glorified yellow bow now).... I still have my retro one which if a Ramalandi gift it would give me a ton of damage.

Although DHs don't just care about base damage anymore, they care about attack speed as well. Kriderhsot and Calamity are back in contention with Arcane Barb/Manticore although their special effects might edge them out these days.

I would only use Manticore if it has Dex, damage+%, CHD, high base roll and a socket (means a Gift was used on an old Manticore).


The overflow guild is saying to come to the last few pages of this thread, but I'm not seeing the info for how to get back into the main guild. codecow#1889


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Right after hitting 70 on my ladder crusader, I got my first Goblin vault portal. Dat sweet 20mil gold. Also, Greed dropped the new set crusader set helm and a Maximus, so that was pretty awesome. Always nice to have a maximus for fire builds.


Mirinae doesn't seem to be that good with HF spam. The proc rate is just too low. I might switch to another gem instead, but not sure what it would be.
Seasons seems like fun.... but I just don't think I have the time to dedicate to that right now. If I were to reinstall this game, I'd lose myself in it for months again. Very unhealthy.

Also, why did they change the Manticore?
Hellfire Amulet key/organ farming is such a pain in the ass, I gave it a go this afternoon but after 8 T6 infernal machines I only have a single organ, I'm not sure I can be bothered.


Mirinae doesn't seem to be that good with HF spam. The proc rate is just too low. I might switch to another gem instead, but not sure what it would be.

That's why I want the new Akanesh spear. I can Shield Bash crazy fast already with a 2H, so using a 1H with Fervor should be great for proccing the holy gem. Punish also has a good proc rate, and fits in very nicely with the Roland attack speed bonus and Angel Hair Braid.

They're not flashy, but the elite pack and +damage to impaired enemies (upgraded) gems are solid choices.


New Manticore sucks now (no CHD roll so its basically just a glorified yellow bow now).... I still have my retro one which if a Ramalandi gift it would give me a ton of damage.

Although DHs don't just care about base damage anymore, they care about attack speed as well. Kriderhsot and Calamity are back in contention with Arcane Barb/Manticore although their special effects might edge them out these days.

I would only use Manticore if it has Dex, damage+%, CHD, high base roll and a socket (means a Gift was used on an old Manticore).

Yeah, 2h Bows can be worthwhile now with the attack speed fix for sentries IF they let you hit a higher breakpoint (I think 2.8 is the ideal one). But even in that case people are really only looking at Etrayu (cold %) and Krider (so you can run FA to proc cull the weak and run Spitfire Sentries instead for more DPS). None of the other 2h bows have any special abilities that are relevant with M6, and 1h bows are simply too weak. Even with the faster APS you take too much of a hit DPS-wise, it doesn't come out ahead. Some people hardcore theorycrafted an ideal 1h setup a while back, and literally the only scenario where any 1 hander will come out on top of a well-rolled 2h bow or 2h xbow was this fantastical scenario with a max roll Calamity if you were playing with a zDPS Monk and 2 WD's that could constantly keep everything on top of each other, and even then it was only like 2% better and that was factoring in the MfD.

It seems like most of the debate now is if a max roll 2h xbow or Etrayu is better. I think they probably come up relatively close either way so I'd say go with what you have. Either way gives you some leeway in terms of what skills you can use and how you have to gear.


That's why I want the new Akanesh spear. I can Shield Bash crazy fast already with a 2H, so using a 1H with Fervor should be great for proccing the holy gem. Punish also has a good proc rate, and fits in very nicely with the Roland attack speed bonus and Angel Hair Braid.

They're not flashy, but the elite pack and +damage to impaired enemies (upgraded) gems are solid choices.

I'm currently using Bane of the Powerful, and might change Mirinae to Bane of the Trapped instead. Need a new neck before I can put a socket in that one.

Any resource with the latest proc coefficients? I haven't found one online anywhere.


I ll be going back to my Kridershot. More fun that way and want to take advantage of the Hoarder gem in normal T6 rifts.

I had an OK Etrayu drop yesterday, good base damage and 17% Cold. Managed to roll 9% on it after around 100 million and now it is up to 4 million a roll!

I ll wait a bit before using my second gift on this Etrayu (can't use it on the Kridershot since I already rolled higher damage on it) hoping for a better one (or a better Kridershot)
What is the best way to power level your first season character? I was so used to having gems to socket to buff the early game that I forgot how slow it could be. Should I just jump straight into adventure mode and not even try a speed run of the campaign until 70?


Yeah that would be nuts. I tried using Pound but it just doesn't have enough AoE for my liking and constant shield bashing doesn't leave you much wrath to spend on other skills. I found Shield Cross to be more useful, but the holy rune seems even better.

Well, if you happen to have the Piro Marella plan, try it out. Helps a lot in spamming Shield Bash, especially coupled with AC.


Seasons seems like fun.... but I just don't think I have the time to dedicate to that right now. If I were to reinstall this game, I'd lose myself in it for months again. Very unhealthy.

Also, why did they change the Manticore?
Most weapons with native CHD are having their CHD removed. This includes other weapons like Heart Slaughter as well although Heart Slaughter got compensated with a Physical damage affix.

None of the other 2h bows have any special abilities that are relevant with M6, and 1h bows are simply too weak.
1H Bow is viable thanks to Calamity. MAYBE an argument can be made for the new Balefire if you get a Ramalandi's on it but I doubt that.

The top DH right now actually does have a Calamity set up.

I think 4 best bows for M6 right now are (assumes you have Gifted these weapons):

Manticore (legacy)

The Lightning Bow is viable if you plan to run near full Lightning M6. Balefire not bad but probably not on the tier of those.


Well, if you happen to have the Piro Marella plan, try it out. Helps a lot in spamming Shield Bash, especially coupled with AC.

The cooldown on AC is too long to use with Roland's where I have very little CDR. I do use an almost perfect Piro Marella, couldn't imagine this build without it.


The firestarter rune is so good in akarats Champion. In fact, the haste and rally rune are so bad they should really change them up. I see zero reason why you would run the haste rune over Firestarter if its a matter of more DPS.


The firestarter rune is so good in akarats Champion. In fact, the haste and rally rune are so bad they should really change them up. I see zero reason why you would run the haste rune over Firestarter if its a matter of more DPS.

Prophet and Firestarter are the only ones worth using. For DPS, definitely firestarter. But the armor bonus on Prophet is great and frees up some skill slots to use for more offensive abilities instead of defensive.


The cooldown on AC is too long to use with Roland's where I have very little CDR. I do use an almost perfect Piro Marella, couldn't imagine this build without it.

Well, you did say you wanted to use Fervor. Does Roland's set use the headgear slot? Can socket a diamond in Leoric's Crown in that case for 40% cdr; 50% if it also allows Captain Crimson.


After a quick look at your character, you need to have gems.
For a DH (which is my main) gems are indispensable. I crush T6 and clear it in under 5 min solo and currently up to level 33 in GR. Not focusing too much on GR ranks since I am currently preoccupied with farming keys and mats for a Hellfire.

Only put 50 hours into my wizard so cant really comment on the different items and sets but:
- Your Tal Rasha would be awesome with a gem. You need to sacrifice the 10% cc but the gem past level 25 would more than make up for it
- Things get a bit more dicey for your rings since what you'll re-roll are the main stats you want to have in addition to a socket. You need better rolled rings. (RROG might be the hardest to get with a socket)

My profile for reference:

Thank you for replying!

Which gems would be the best for a fire Wizard? (Which 3 should I level first, and in what order?)


1H Bow is viable thanks to Calamity. MAYBE an argument can be made for the new Balefire if you get a Ramalandi's on it but I doubt that.

The top DH right now actually does have a Calamity set up.

I think 4 best bows for M6 right now are (assumes you have Gifted these weapons):

Manticore (legacy)

The Lightning Bow is viable if you plan to run near full Lightning M6. Balefire not bad but probably not on the tier of those.

I don't know if it's just because it's a rare drop and you'd have to get a good roll on top of that, but I'm just barely seeing any chatter at all about Calamity in 2.1, so no idea. With the aps fix I could maybe see it edging out the others in group play since you could mark everything for the group with MS? That's assuming it's a pretty well rolled one already as well though. I think Balefire is probably decent but off the table since even on a good roll most DH's are going to be using a mix of fire and cold skills so you don't fully benefit from the fire %, and you take the sheet dps loss.

Not sure what the rarity is now on the Etrayu (used to get them all the time before, very rarely seeing them drop now) but the Calamity and Krider are both very rare, so I imagine that most people are still rolling Arcane Barb just because it's craftable so it's significantly easier to get something that's endgame viable. I've got ~400 hours or so post RoS on a DH and I've only seen one Krider and no Calamities.
Thank you for replying!

Which gems would be the best for a fire Wizard? (Which 3 should I level first, and in what order?)

Assuming you are running Firebirds set and a standard Blizzard/Apocalypse style build, then (in this order or priority):

Zei’s Stone of Vengeance
Bane of the Powerful

The third gem is sort of a flex gem depending on the situation. Some good choices here:

- Gem of Efficacious Toxin (general purpose damage, great in groups as it buffs everyone's damage). Good for groups and speed clears of regular rifts when only care about legendaries and blood shards.
- Moratorium - Might be needed for operating in very high GR environments, where even 2x unity isn't enough to live. However, the issue here is that the loss of damage will likely put you so far behind you can't finish the rift anyway.
- Boon of the Hoarder - Sometimes the Mystic can be a right bitch.

I'm using the Toxin gem. It always procs on Blizzard, which I paint the map with, and is a direct DPS boost.

edit: If you are using a wand of woh Moratorium goes up in value quite a bit as a third gem.


Well, you did say you wanted to use Fervor. Does Roland's set use the headgear slot? Can socket a diamond in Leoric's Crown in that case for 40% cdr; 50% if it also allows Captain Crimson.

That's definitely worth trying. Roland has the same pieces as Akkhan, so you wouldn't be able to do the crown and captain crimson together. But still, 40% (50 with paragon) would make AC (Prophet) a lot more appealing.

Any resource with the latest proc coefficients? I haven't found one online anywhere.

I'd be curious to see this too, especially what changed in 2.1.


Bull on a Donut
Did they nerf lower difficulty GR ?

I'm only getting gems below level 10.

Man, it sure feels like it. Day 1 I was getting 3-4 legs per greater rift, didn't matter if it was level 1 or 25. Even got a few set pieces in tier 1 rifts. Now I get 1 legendary total, if I'm lucky, as I slow roll all the way up to 20. After 20 I'll start getting 2-3 per rift again.

Dunno if it's just RNG being RNG or a stealth nerf, but it sure as hell feels different.


I find Nephalem Rifts to be a very good place to find legendaries. I have done 2 of them and have gotten three legendaries on each rift.

But, as others have said, it is completely random.


After about 7k blood shards I've given up on getting MoJ and just switched to a poison darts build w/ Carnevil (yes, I've gotten 3 of these, 2 zuni, 3 grin, and 1 of every other WD helm..) and dagger of darts. The build is surprisingly pretty good.

My first mistake was using splinter for my dart rune but the proc rate on it is terrible so I couldn't keep FS up. I switched to the last rune (stun) and it is pretty good. The nice thing is you can stun people that the dart passes through.

I think I'm going to socket an amulet and try to put on the swiftness gem to get my attack speed higher but right now it's pretty hilarious to see 20+ fetishes shooting arrows everywhere.

Biggest adjustment is probably positioning. When you attack your fetishes stop moving so they can fall behind if you're not careful. I've been running past enemies I want to attack then shooting back from the direction I came from. Usually helps my fetishes catch up.

The weakness of the build is definitely low rift density (but also a problem w/ other WD builds). Getting into stretches where there aren't a lot of enemies despawns your FS pretty fast and when you have only 1-2 FS left you start to kill pretty slowly. I'm not that optimized for +poison% right now though.

Overall not bad. I don't even want a mask of jeram anymore.
blizzard, pls

In retrospect I should've picked a class that I don't normally play like barb or crusader because once seasons is over I'm basically going to have a duplicate of all my WD shit which seems pointless.
Hey guys. I just got back into playing again since the new patch came out. Was wondering if anybody wanted to be my friend? ;_; LunarKnite#1433


Monk with Thunderfury, SWC, Neph Orb, and Wreath of Lightning legendary gem = way too much lightning fun, lol.

Thanks to 100 Fists and these, I'm chewing through stuff on T3/4 with like 500-600k DPS. Fun stuff.

The gold explosion gem is crazy good btw. Makes trash mobs worth doing if you need gold to upgrade stat gems.


Monk with Thunderfury, SWC, Neph Orb, and Wreath of Lightning legendary gem = way too much lightning fun, lol.

Thanks to 100 Fists and these, I'm chewing through stuff on T3/4 with like 500-600k DPS. Fun stuff.

The gold explosion gem is crazy good btw. Makes trash mobs worth doing if you need gold to upgrade stat gems.

How much gold we talkin about??
Do you mean the animated figures at the bottom of the member list? You probably won't find a downloadable version anywhere - they're generated as a code according to the individual equipments. Best case scenario, you'll find the design of each item used in the animation (character, gear, dye) and then you have to put them together as frames. I think the best way would be to record your screen and crop the characters into a .gif file. (You can also hover over them for a larger version.) Maybe you can find them in your Diablo folder.

No I mean the picture of the female monk with claws, the barb holding the axe, etc. in the background of the roster list.
Most weapons with native CHD are having their CHD removed. This includes other weapons like Heart Slaughter as well although Heart Slaughter got compensated with a Physical damage affix.

1H Bow is viable thanks to Calamity. MAYBE an argument can be made for the new Balefire if you get a Ramalandi's on it but I doubt that.

The top DH right now actually does have a Calamity set up.

I think 4 best bows for M6 right now are (assumes you have Gifted these weapons):

Manticore (legacy)

The Lightning Bow is viable if you plan to run near full Lightning M6. Balefire not bad but probably not on the tier of those.

What about Nats Slayer?


Seek victory, not fairness
Woohoo, I got the marauder's 6-set on my seasonal DH. (No RoRG, bombardier's rucksack or tasker's yet)
I've been curious to see how much of a tradeoff it is to use it with cold bola shot so I can take advantage of the Leonine Bow of Hashir, which is pretty fun. I dropped Preparation so I could use two spenders. Started with the rocket runes on cluster arrow and multishot after a quick glance at builds. Time to dig in.

Review of the literature: (old news, just me doing my homework)
Basics: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/12328923302
Spender options: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/13271407601

Sentry attack speed breakpoint table (your APS said:
BP.......APS (rounded to 3 dp)

Proportions of attacks used with different spender combos:
1 spender: http://i.imgur.com/T1KaK3J.png
2 spenders: http://i.imgur.com/KgmGnjU.png
3 spenders: http://i.imgur.com/p1nAOPG.png

Here's my character (not done rerolling stuff yet)
Seasonal paragon level isn't showing yet - I'm around paragon 80.

I got the Meticulous Bolts quiver that makes ball lightning travel slowly - I'll probably use ball lightning as one of my spenders until I get the rucksack for more sentries. Now I just need to figure out what to use as the second spender. Might go Impale just so I can free up that rockets passive, probably with Overpenetration since the bow is clustering the mobs.
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