What's the fastest way to hit 70 with a seasonal character? Just been doing Act 1 bounties on Expert. I'm 3+ days behind since I was away for the weekend, trying to get to 70 ASAP.
What's the fastest way to hit 70 with a seasonal character? Just been doing Act 1 bounties on Expert. I'm 3+ days behind since I was away for the weekend, trying to get to 70 ASAP.
how many caches was that? 20?
Woohoo, I got the marauder's 6-set on my seasonal DH. (No RoRG, bombadier's rucksack or tasker's yet)
I've been curious to see how much of a tradeoff it is to use it with cold bola shot so I can take advantage of the Leonine Bow of Hashir, which is pretty fun. I dropped Preparation so I could use two spenders, I had started with the rocket runes on cluster arrow and multishot before reading up on anything.
Review of the literature: (old news, just me doing my homework)
Basics: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/12328923302
Spender options: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/13271407601
Proportions of attacks used with different spenders:
1 spender: http://i.imgur.com/T1KaK3J.png
2 spenders: http://i.imgur.com/KgmGnjU.png
3 spenders: http://i.imgur.com/p1nAOPG.png
Here's my character (not done rerolling stuff yet)
Seasonal paragon level isn't showing yet - I'm around paragon 80.
I got the Meticulous Bolts quiver that makes ball lightning travel slowly - I'll probably use ball lightning as one of my spenders until I get the rucksack for more sentries. Now I just need to figure out what to use as the second spender. Might go Impale just so I can free up that rockets passive, probably with Overpenetration since the bow is clustering the mobs.
Yeah Greater Rifts have been shit for me. I've been getting like 1 rare everytime...Man, it sure feels like it. Day 1 I was getting 3-4 legs per greater rift, didn't matter if it was level 1 or 25. Even got a few set pieces in tier 1 rifts. Now I get 1 legendary total, if I'm lucky, as I slow roll all the way up to 20. After 20 I'll start getting 2-3 per rift again.
Dunno if it's just RNG being RNG or a stealth nerf, but it sure as hell feels different.
So I just got my seasonal monk to 70. Do rift guardians on Master or Expert drop keystones? Is it worth doing rifts for gearing up on pre torment levels?
leveling to 70 sucks. i'm at 20 now and already tired of doing random miners gold bounties with randoms lol.
then do other bounties?
(DH stuff)
700 Keys later and no RORG. I have a ton on non-seasonal but it just won't drop for me in seasons. I think I'm done forever now lol
What are your ideas and whats your gear and skills setup?
Damn that Rogar's Huge stone is legit.
I'm getting back into this game, what's the current best graphics mod to use to jazz up the games looks?
One of the many reasons I couldn't possibly care any less about seasons. Just thinking about RoRG farming makes me sad. The one I use is quite crappy, but I hate the process so much that I just live with it.
The only that is used is the one that makes it look darker/grittier like the older Diablo games.I'm getting back into this game, what's the current best graphics mod to use to jazz up the games looks?
You should look into bane of the trapped. It's pretty excellent for leapquake considering leap is also a slow (and then at rank 25 you just get a slow aura anyway). Also you have too much HP imo, your profile has you at basically double my HP which seems like overkill as I feel like I still have too much at times. Diamond in the helm is pretty much required for leapquake.
This is my leapquake barb right now. Haven't touched her since the season started but once I get my season barb where I want I will start playing her a bit again. I am rocking IK along with MoTE for the consistent single target damage right now. When I am in wotb and at max stacks of rampage my ancients can crit for up to 70ish mil per hit each. That kind of damage is pretty much invaluable on rift guardians. If I can ever get another Maximus I will probably drop IK, but, I will absolutely keep CoTA which I suggest you should grab as well. They've pretty much always been the best single target cooldown leapquake has had.
With my current setup I can do GR 33 consistently, but, all the GR 34s I've tried so far have been pretty shitty in terms of mob type and density (but I only tried 3 or 4 34s before the season started, so basically pretty bad RNG. Even then the last 34 I tried I only failed by a few seconds, it's pretty much in the bag).
One of the many reasons I couldn't possibly care any less about seasons. Just thinking about RoRG farming makes me sad. The one I use is quite crappy, but I hate the process so much that I just live with it.
thanks man! Much appreciated. Could you give me any idea what you go for as let's say first gambling Item. What should I pretty much go for as the first thing in my build? I mean diamond in a slot is done in 20 seconds
You need a new amulet as well, but, gambling for those suck. I'd only do that when you have no other gear you want.
I hate you Raticus.![]()
Here's a small thing I forgot about when I was getting my seasonal character started - you can reroll rare rings and amulets much more cheaply since you don't need to pay gems. Easy way to get those sockets.
I heard that Hellfire amulets don't require gems to reroll either.
How much gold we talkin about??
Here's a small thing I forgot about when I was getting my seasonal character started - you can reroll rare rings and amulets much more cheaply since you don't need to pay gems. Easy way to get those sockets.
Well hey, at least I've finished up that initial multibox gearing stage I had planned, so I'll be available for the seasonal GAF groups now. Next tall man's finger is all yours.
I got a decent one already but you can farm me some MoJs! Please.![]()
You and me both. I haven't gotten a 1h weapon for quite a while now.Game has forgotten I am a Monk, keep getting 2 handed drops. This is just from the last few rifts. Got a lot more earlier today.
You and me both. I haven't gotten a 1h weapon for quite a while now.
I'd probably start with your belt. Pride of Cassius is really great for the build but yours rolled with a useless stat obviously. You need a new amulet as well, but, gambling for those suck. I'd only do that when you have no other gear you want. Otherwise your gear isn't really that terrible to be honest. You should try to get around 40% CDR if you can, the more CDR the better for the build but it's fairly challenging to get past 40% without losing a bunch of other good stats. If you ever get another maximus you should try to roll CDR onto it and use a Gift to put a socket into it.
That aside, I think most of your problems are probably tied to your skill selection. CoTA alone should give you a pretty huge damage boost on elite packs and rift guardians which will speed up your GR clears a lot. For leap I don't really think call of arreat is worth it, doesn't work on a lot of mobs (especially elites) and it is wasted on rift guardians. Personally I prefer iron impact because it gives insane damage mitigation (leaping into a huge pack usually puts me at 50-60 mil toughness for ~5 seconds which protects me from damage until the pack is thinned down) but the stun rune is alright too, especially combined with ancient parthan defenders (which is what the top leapquake barb is using right now). Both War Cry and Ignore Pain is kind of overkill for defensive skills, I'd probably trade War Cry for CoTA if you plan on sticking with Pride of Cassius. Also your profile also says you don't have a rune selected for WOTB for some reason, not sure if that is just a display bug or you forgot to pick one >_>
Yeah new Leorics is pretty good. That combined with the Golgok gems allows new upper limits of CDR from gear.
Yeah new Leorics is pretty good. That combined with the Golgok gems allows new upper limits of CDR from gear.
how is the leg gem cdr working by the way? Is it just added to you current CDR ? So basically the question is does it get struck by diminishing returns and offer less than what it's promising?
10 stacks = 10% CDR ?
I am pretty sure its subject to the same diminishing returns as regular CDR on gear otherwise it would be way too good. Its already insanely good in that it gives you 15% CDR as a secondary stat on top of giving you 15% IAS.... only other single item slot that gives more CDR is a socketed helm.how is the leg gem cdr working by the way? Is it just added to you current CDR ? So basically the question is does it get struck by diminishing returns and offer less than what it's promising?
10 stacks = 10% CDR ?