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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Roland set with the crafted crusader shield, a cindercoat, and a fire build lets you pretty much endlessly spam the fire-rune shield bash, which is fun.

I'm currently running a Holy Sweep build on my Crusader, it's super fun. Quite a bit of damage, low Wrath consumption and the pulling in move works well with Heaven's Fury. The 6 pieces bonus is garbage though. Hopefully it'll get buffed.

I just need to find more pieces so I can mix and match other sets and open up some more builds. 54% Holy damage currently.


So is Skycutter still good to hold on to in a possible holy build? I found a well rolled one (except for the Holy rolled 15%) and I'm wondering if I should hang on to it


The Armor vs All Res debate boils down to this...

It's not Armor vs All Res.... it's Armor + Secondary res plus All Res. When your character has 2000+ All res as is the case for Intelligence classes, at that point you will be better off going with Armor plus Secondary res. If it was just Armor vs AR then of course AR wins but you have to factor in the secondary as well which becomes more important at top end (getting secondary stats that are good helps out as well).

People can theory craft all they want but they will come to the same conclusion when their 2400 AR Wizards gets wiped out quickly because they lack the proper amount of armor.


Does anyone by any chance have a Rimeheart and a Frostburn? If possible, can you test if the proc works on elites and bosses? Apparently they changed Rimeheart from only proccing on lesser enemies to every enemy now, but I want to make sure. I have this crazy idea for a cold build... Thanks a lot!

It does, but it's a real bitch trying to keep elites frozen for long enough for Rimeheart to get a chance to proc.

There's a monk build that uses frosties/rimeheart/hack/invoker set/water ally that can do massive aoe freezes, but elites are an issue due to the difficulty in keeping them frozen.


I'm currently running a Holy Sweep build on my Crusader, it's super fun. Quite a bit of damage, low Wrath consumption and the pulling in move works well with Heaven's Fury. The 6 pieces bonus is garbage though. Hopefully it'll get buffed.

I just need to find more pieces so I can mix and match other sets and open up some more builds. 54% Holy damage currently.

Do you use Golden Flense for keeping wrath up? Could probably use Strongarm bracers over Reaper's if you're not already. Would be nice if the bonus was +20% damage instead of attack speed.


The problem with Rimeheart is that it needs enemies to be frozen and the proc chance is low. I have a Monk build that can freeze enemies reliably and proc Rimeheart enough to make it usable.

However against high HP elites.... the more you freeze them the more resistance they get to it until they reach a point where they can't get frozen at all. At this point Rimeheart becomes absolutely useless. And this is where you need Rimeheart the most.


Seek victory, not fairness
It does, but it's a real bitch trying to keep elites frozen for long enough for Rimeheart to get a chance to proc.

There's a monk build that uses frosties/rimeheart/hack/invoker set/water ally that can do massive aoe freezes, but elites are an issue due to the difficulty in keeping them frozen.

Hack's AoE can proc things? Load that up with fists of fury and the Act 3 confusion necklace!
*probably doesn't work for some reason I'll find out about shortly


Do you use Golden Flense for keeping wrath up? Could probably use Strongarm bracers over Reaper's if you're not already. Would be nice if the bonus was +20% damage instead of attack speed.

I had no idea the Golden Flense existed :O Gonna have to gather up some shards and hit Kadala up. This is what I'm running with. Basically working with the drops I have. It's not efficient but between health globes, Zealous Glare and Unstoppable Force I get plenty of swing time.
Just got Raekors up and running on my barb in seasons. Damn it is hard to control effectively. I can't seem to make sense of when the ability will pull mobs with me or leave them frozen behind me. And it seems to cause me to take more damage than I would running from A to B if there's an affix or something on the ground. I've learned not to use it directly on electric mobs because it places you at the exact epicenter of the discharge, and if I target even what seems to be just a centimeter over, I take like 5x less damage. It's a huge improvement in damage, but it's so annoying to use I kinda wish I had got Immortal Kings or something instead. I think I would have the same problem with leapquake in that it feels like you're not longer attacking mobs directly but just jumping/running around and doing damage indirectly.

Kadala doesn't drop class sets or torment exclusive legs right?

J. Bravo

Just got Raekors up and running on my barb in seasons. Damn it is hard to control effectively. I can't seem to make sense of when the ability will pull mobs with me or leave them frozen behind me. And it seems to cause me to take more damage than I would running from A to B if there's an affix or something on the ground. I've learned not to use it directly on electric mobs because it places you at the exact epicenter of the discharge, and if I target even what seems to be just a centimeter over, I take like 5x less damage. It's a huge improvement in damage, but it's so annoying to use I kinda wish I had got Immortal Kings or something instead. I think I would have the same problem with leapquake in that it feels like you're not longer attacking mobs directly but just jumping/running around and doing damage indirectly.

Kadala doesn't drop class sets or torment exclusive legs right?

she does


Did you guys see this:

For those who are unaware, Ramaladni's Gift is currently not displaying its name when it drops on the ground. We believe this may also be causing the Legendary star notification on your minimap to occasionally not display when one drops. As has been mentioned, this is a bug, and it's currently on our radar to be addressed in a future patch. In the meantime, be sure to keep a sharp eye (or ear, as the case may be) out for these little green cubes.

Source: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/14279128235?page=2#30

I wonder how many I've missed.


Have rimeheart, send me later a mp and i'll test when i get @home in 4 hours..

The Rimeheart proc does work on bosses, but never seemed to activate often enough to really make it worth using when I was trying it out.

It does, but it's a real bitch trying to keep elites frozen for long enough for Rimeheart to get a chance to proc.

There's a monk build that uses frosties/rimeheart/hack/invoker set/water ally that can do massive aoe freezes, but elites are an issue due to the difficulty in keeping them frozen.
Ah, thanks a lot, guys. That's what I needed to know.

The problem with Rimeheart is that it needs enemies to be frozen and the proc chance is low. I have a Monk build that can freeze enemies reliably and proc Rimeheart enough to make it usable.

However against high HP elites.... the more you freeze them the more resistance they get to it until they reach a point where they can't get frozen at all. At this point Rimeheart becomes absolutely useless. And this is where you need Rimeheart the most.

What. I didn't know elites/bosses build up cc resistances the more you use them. Does the resistance build up from a particular skill that has cc or the type of cc? This may affect the viability of my theoretical build. :/


Minor DH theorycraft question.

I don't have a Taskers yet, so my one "free" set armor slot from RRoG is currently being used by a pair of leg shoulders that rolled good dex/vit/AR and sentry %. Doing some Act 2 bounties (trying to knock out the seasonal achievements) I got a pair of incredibly well rolled Illusionary Boots (like, near perfect dex/vit/AR and 12% MS I can roll to MS or whatever). Any thoughts on maybe using these instead of Vault so I can drop that for Smokescreen Healing Vapors? At higher difficulties Vault is nice for moving around, but I've mostly only stuck with it because it lets you move through mobs which Smokescreen doesn't. Practically speaking I've found Smokescreen Healing Vapors good at higher difficulties and GR's when I was doing those in non-seasons since we don't really have any other Disc dumps so I could basically heal myself using it. I'm gonna try it out because why not, but wondering if anyone had tried anything similar?


Seek victory, not fairness
The problem with Rimeheart is that it needs enemies to be frozen and the proc chance is low. I have a Monk build that can freeze enemies reliably and proc Rimeheart enough to make it usable.

However against high HP elites.... the more you freeze them the more resistance they get to it until they reach a point where they can't get frozen at all. At this point Rimeheart becomes absolutely useless. And this is where you need Rimeheart the most.

It's not totally hopeless. Try teaming up with a class that has a really long freeze duration, like freeze leapquake, if that's still a thing.

I don't think they have the current state of crowd control info in a single post anywhere. The game guide's definitely outdated, but it has the starting point.


- Elite modifiers have been changed slightly at higher levels: The minimum stun duration required for most Elites is now 0.65 seconds (up from 0.5 seconds); stuns less than 0.65 seconds will have no effect

- The minimum stun duration required for Rares and bosses is now 0.85 seconds (up from 0.5 seconds); stuns less than 0.85 seconds will have no effect

70% max stun resist on bosses and a minimum stun duration of 0.85 seconds means you need a stun/freeze that lasts for over 2.83 seconds in order to keep having an effect after 10 seconds of continuous CC. Anything less than that, even being applied by 4 players a few times a second, will result in intermittent CC where they still get some attacks in.

Edit: made a post asking for an updated table, since they actually do that kind of stuff from time to time. Worth a shot.


It still shows up as a set of empty brackets to click on when you press alt, like if you link it before identifying: [ ].

I can confirm this as that's how I picked mine up. Thought it was strange when I heard a jingle but not saw no stars on the map.


I can confirm this as that's how I picked mine up. Thought it was strange when I heard a jingle but not saw no stars on the map.

Same thing for mine. It dropped off a random destroyable object from a holy bolt, offscreen. I heard the legendary drop sound and it DID show up as legendary star on the minimap. It was weird to see it have an empty name though.


Hack's AoE can proc things? Load that up with fists of fury and the Act 3 confusion necklace!
*probably doesn't work for some reason I'll find out about shortly

Invoker set causes all thorns dmg to gain an aoe effect, so when Rimeheart & frosties are used, everything gets chilled and then frozen, with a chance to shatter via Rimeheart.

Hack also has an interesting interaction with Rimeheart in that it somehow gives it double the proc chance. I haven't been able to track down one of the monks who was running that spec to ask them all the details about it, but now that I finally found another pair of frosties (rolled str - grr) I'm eager to try it out so it's on my to-do list.
Does the campaign season still give you legendary drops for the first time you kill a boss? I just levelled doing bounties/rifts, but I'm wondering if its worth my time to go back through the campaign.


Does the campaign season still give you legendary drops for the first time you kill a boss? I just levelled doing bounties/rifts, but I'm wondering if its worth my time to go back through the campaign.

One (1!) guaranteed legendary for clearing the entirety of Story Mode will almost certainly never be an efficient way to farm legendaries until and unless there are some major exploits allowing you to do so under 10 minutes for a full clear.


Most top end Raekor players completely skip Electrified mobs in Greater Rifts.

You also skip fire chain packs as well in higher GRs. It will typically fuck you up faster than electrified a lot of the time. Pretty much just something you have to come to terms with playing raekor is that eventually you will be skipping mobs, but, really that isn't much different than how leapquake skips pretty much any pack of white mobs where there is only 1 or 2 guys total. Just not worth it to stop and leap, you're better off using those leaps to just go through the rift faster.

As for playing raekor itself it is pretty hard to get a handle on at first, but, it's not that bad. There are some enemies who can't be moved by the charge, but, these are the same enemies that are immune to displacement effects from stuff like Pirhanado and Black Hole as well. Something to keep in mind with raekor is that there is no real reason to actually drag mobs places unless you are going to pick up some more guys. Raekor does the most damage when you are spamming charge in a tiny radius because you aren't bound by the cooldown so the less distance you travel the better. The only time it's worth it to move enemies is when there are a lot more guys you could pick up (leading to more damage from vile ward).

Anyway, for Immortal Kings, no need to really go after that set first. It is a support set meant to be combined with builds when you have spare slots. There is no such thing as an "IK" build really, you can use IK with just 4 pieces of gear (4 piece IK or 3 piece and rorg) which leaves a lot of unused slots of equipment. Currently there just isn't any game changing legendaries that you can put there to make IK specifically better. The only thing is T&T, but, T&T + IK alone is not going to get you very far past T6.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
So I'm pretty much stuck at GRift 32 until Blizzard do something about pets getting 1 shot. I also spent 150m yesterday trying to get 15% Fetish Army on shoulders and never saw higher than 12% so my luck hasn't got any better since the last time I played. And obviously I haven't seen another pair of T&T in a gizzilion Blood Shards.



I think it's time to give this game a break. People will say, "RNG gonna RNG," but I haven't gotten a single legendary off a rift or grift boss in 4 days, and at most I've gotten two legendaries in a T6 rift run, frequently going two runs without a single drop as well. The point of the game is drops, and I ain't gettin' shit. So like I said, it's break time!


I think it's time to give this game a break. People will say, "RNG gonna RNG," but I haven't gotten a single legendary off a rift or grift boss in 4 days, and at most I've gotten two legendaries in a T6 rift run, frequently going two runs without a single drop as well. The point of the game is drops, and I ain't gettin' shit. So like I said, it's break time!

That's...not that unusual. The no legs off the RG's is a tad unusual, but I rarely get them as well now, even if it's conspiracy theory I 100% believe that the keystone drop is pulling from the leg pool. I consistently for literally months would almost always get a leg from a T6 RG, now outside of the keystone I get one maybe 1 in 8-10 times.


I mean, a rift takes like 8 minutes tops if you're not running stuff above your capabilities. It's kind of silly to expect a legendary every 2-3 minutes. (Not saying it doesn't happen often, it does, but when it doesn't that's just that RNG, you're still getting a ton from what you're saying).


I think it's time to give this game a break. People will say, "RNG gonna RNG," but I haven't gotten a single legendary off a rift or grift boss in 4 days, and at most I've gotten two legendaries in a T6 rift run, frequently going two runs without a single drop as well. The point of the game is drops, and I ain't gettin' shit. So like I said, it's break time!
That is standard drop rate. If you want higher drop rate, play 30+ Greater Rifts.

There was a time where you would be LUCKY to get a Legendary in 2-3 hours. Now we have gotten to a point where a Legendary every fifteen minutes isn't good enough.


I mean, a rift takes like 8 minutes tops if you're not running stuff above your capabilities.

I don't think this is really accurate for everyone (specifically here though). If you are doing rifts consistently in 8 minutes or under (as you say tops) you should probably bump up the difficulty. If you are doing T6 rifts in 8 minutes or under then it means your gear/build is really great which means that you probably don't actually care about loot that is dropping. Basically what I'm getting at is that anyone who still actually cares about how often they are getting loot probably is still in the phase where T6 rifts are around 10-15 minutes per clear.

I mean, not that I disagree with your general point though, the game rains legendaries as is right now, anymore would be ridiculous.


I'm looking for a group to do T3 rifts or bounties in. I haven't played multiplayer in a while.

Does the neogaf clan have any open spots? The clan thread seems to be closed.


battletag is oneils#1817


Think im pretty much BiS(except for Hellfire Amulet) with everything for my season Demon Hunter. She is already far better then my normal Wizard.

Time to move to the next class.

J. Bravo

Got from 51 to paragon 32 ish today thanks to someone whose ign I can't remember and sykotic. Thanks fellas. Time to start looking for marauder gear...


I'm looking for a group to do T3 rifts or bounties in. I haven't played multiplayer in a while.

Does the neogaf clan have any open spots? The clan thread seems to be closed.


battletag is oneils#1817
The clan is full, but you can join the community (name: GAF). Most clan members (at least the active players) are there too, I think. :3


Did you guys see this:

Source: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/14279128235?page=2#30

I wonder how many I've missed.

man blizzard are fucking clueless at how like 100% of players play.... I would give anything if they would make the loot sounds on a separate slider I'm soo sick of the combat sounds. I've been listening to music awhile playing... -__- And the most important/rare item this patch is bugged FACEPALM Blizztard....smh
Replaced Evocation with Elemental Exposure (since my Serpent Sparker is lightning damage) in my firebird build. Does the 10% damage increase the firebird's DoT?

Also managed to reroll the bracers to 20% fire damage! Woot.

Changed the vigilante belt to BT belt and got a vit boost and some lovely +10% damage to elite.

When Mammoth Hydra is finally fixed, will it be better than Blazing Hydra?


p/s good games with Elyrion last night

man blizzard are fucking clueless at how like 100% of players play.... I would give anything if they would make the loot sounds on a separate slider I'm soo sick of the combat sounds. I've been listening to music awhile playing... -__- And the most important/rare item this patch is bugged FACEPALM Blizztard....smh

This just made me realize that I've been playing without sound for a long time (mainly cause I was using Wand of Woh). Now that I've switched to Apocalypse build, I should really plug in the headphones.
I got into the Treasure Goblin's vault!



Unfortunately, none of my gear has any gem sockets. In the end, I got some 10,000,000 gold, which I used to buy those super expensive plans from that girl in Caldeum. Now where the heck am I supposed to get the ingredients for the Hellfire stuff?
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