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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Just organs as far as I can tell. I believe the reasoning behind this is to keep your ability to mass-craft down, but to reduce the double RNG failure scenario where you spend forever farming keys only to not get any organs. Restricting the low percents to just the key half keeps entry low, but makes it less infuriating to end up with nothing to show for it.
About time. D2 offered a guaranteed torch like more than a decade ago. Don't know why they thought it'd be a good idea to add even more variance to an item drop with random affixes.


Just organs as far as I can tell. I believe the reasoning behind this is to keep your ability to mass-craft down, but to reduce the double RNG failure scenario where you spend forever farming keys only to not get any organs. Restricting the low percents to just the key half keeps entry low, but makes it less infuriating to end up with nothing to show for it.

Makes sense, I'm okay with it like that. But farming all those keys and only getting enough organs to craft 2 horrible amulets from 8 complete uber runs was just depressing. So that's a good compromise.

I'll be down for some split T6 key farming sometime I'm on.


All I wanted was them to make one of them 100%. Keys or organs IDGAF but having both at 50% was fighting way too much RNG. This change is fine by me. Farming keys with a group is actually kind of a nice change of pace.


paid requisite penance
I had an interesting conversation with 2 coworkers today.

Both of them used to play Diablo 2, bought D3 and didn't like it (one of them also bought RoS but eventually stopped playing anyway). Their chief complaint wasn't the auction house or item balance or the scenario, but that the skill system ruined the game. That it made the game too easy and that you feel less committed to your character when you can just change everything all the time.

I can see their point, but it's so weird to me because I've always felt the new skill system was the single best gameplay change. But then, I wasn't huge on Diablo 2. I mean, I played it and I played D1 as well, and I still love the gameplay and the atmosphere of both games, but I've never finished either, not even on normal. What was a major turn-off to them is a major draw to me. If anything, my complaint is that the skill tree is not flexible enough. Endgame builds are more or less always shoehorned into one or two cookie-cutter builds, with only 1 or 2 different skills from one build to another. For instance, wiz used to my main but right now I hate it. I don't want to be relying on firebird or fire skills for that matter. I want to be able to rock a cold/lightning/arcane build and not feel gimped because of it. Or an attack speed-reliant build or whatever.

I'm sure many of you here are/were hardcore D2 fans, so what's your take on the current skill system vs. that of D2?
I was a big D2 fan. The skill system allowed for some very narrow and specific builds, but the tradeoff-that they resultant characters were completely unable to operate outside of that role-sucks. The new system is less intricate / "hardcore" , but the actual result of it allows players to build off the gear they find instead of building characters to specific gear and having them be very weak until the entire character (both levels and gear) came together.


Any Condemn Crusaders mind giving me some advice on what I should be aiming for at this point?


I just picked up Frydehr's Wrath today and had a Blade of Prophecy sitting in my bank so I went Condemn and I'm really enjoying it. I'm just not entirely sure how to rework my gear or what I should be aiming for. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks

I'm sure many of you here are/were hardcore D2 fans, so what's your take on the current skill system vs. that of D2?

I miss it. What D3 is doing is fine and all but I miss the big skill tree pages and being able to allocate stats. Coming up with unusual builds and having them work was so much fun in that game and its something I really miss in D3. Yeah, you can do tons of different builds in D3 but it just feels like you'll always end up with the same character with different skills. Weird stuff like Dual Throw Barbs or Melee Enchant Sorceress were so much fun.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I'm sure many of you here are/were hardcore D2 fans, so what's your take on the current skill system vs. that of D2?

I played a ton of D2. At first I didn't like the skill system changes for D3 for the same reasons your friends don't. However, after spending some time with the game (150+ hours) and after RoS I can now say that I think it was a good change. Part of me misses having to start new characters to try out different builds, but then part of me is glad that I no longer have to. I like the fact that you can find a great item that works with a skill you don't normally use and within a few minutes you can completely change your character to play totally different. It's kind of refreshing not to have to reroll the same classes all of the time.

It's a mixed bag with pros and cons, but overall I think it was a change for the better. I do think they need even more items that are skill oriented which allow us to do more crazy stuff with classes and skills. And I really wish the story mode had more variety and randomness to it, as the game is now there is zero reason to ever play story mode again. I think that's my biggest beef with D3 right now, not enough variety or randomness in the levels and environments. D2 felt like it had more to me.


Any Condemn Crusaders mind giving me some advice on what I should be aiming for at this point?


I just picked up Frydehr's Wrath today and had a Blade of Prophecy sitting in my bank so I went Condemn and I'm really enjoying it. I'm just not entirely sure how to rework my gear or what I should be aiming for. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks

Leoric's Crown, Vigilante Belt, Akkhan's boots would be my guess. Also reroll the socket for +10% damage if you happen to have a Ramasomething Gift lying around.

As for the build, I'd go with Zeal for the wrath generation and holy damage, and Prophet for high level GRs. You can then replace Wrathful for Long Arm of the Law.


Leoric's Crown, Vigilante Belt, Akkhan's boots would be my guess. Also reroll the socket for +10% damage if you happen to have a Ramasomething Gift lying around.

As for the build, I'd go with Zeal for the wrath generation and holy damage, and Prophet for high level GRs. You can then replace Wrathful for Long Arm of the Law.

Thanks a ton. I have Akkhan's Boots sitting in my bank right now but I haven't wanted to break the Crimson set just yet since I feel I'd be lacking too much CDR but I think with Leoric's it'd make up for it so I'll definitely spend my shards on that. I definitely plan on rerolling the socket on the BoP as soon as that is an option too.
One thing also to note about D3's skill system is that it will scale super well with continued content and skill additions/rebalances to the game, whereas D2 kind of monolithic-if there was a new build due to new items/changed abilities, you needed a new character. Given that D3 is certainly going to have a lifespan for many more years (honestly the game should have a content model and lifespan similar to Hearthstone, people will throw rocks at me for saying this but more story content is pointless, just give me more mapsets, more loot, and more features).


Anybody willing to look at my character sheet and tell me what I should be trying to do for upgrades?

Right now I'm working on replacing the emerald in my weapon for the max rank one. But I think there's probably some rerolls I could be doing, or maybe there's a couple pieces that just aren't good? I have a lot of legendaries I can craft, but I'm not sure what I should be replacing.

Here is the actually link to my thing: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Ketch-1671/hero/52053683 I forgot to post it earlier.


paid requisite penance
I miss it. What D3 is doing is fine and all but I miss the big skill tree pages and being able to allocate stats. Coming up with unusual builds and having them work was so much fun in that game and its something I really miss in D3. Yeah, you can do tons of different builds in D3 but it just feels like you'll always end up with the same character with different skills. Weird stuff like Dual Throw Barbs or Melee Enchant Sorceress were so much fun.

That has more to do with skill/stat balancing and gear variety than the skill system though, doesn't it? Remember permafreeze melee wizards with wicked wind twisters for instance. It got OP and boring after a while, sure, but still, it was fun for a while.

I'm toying with the idea of making a Crusader with high attack speed and hope I can work around that to find a build that's at least decent in T3-T4. I've always loved the idea of attacking really fast, but right now it seems nobody can quite work with that apart monks and demon hunters. This is what I think the game misses: you can't say "oh, I want my character to play this way" and find a build and gear to accommodate that playstyle. Not in higher difficulties anyway.

I played a ton of D2. At first I didn't like the skill system changes for D3 for the same reasons your friends don't. However, after spending some time with the game (150+ hours) and after RoS I can now say that I think it was a good change. Part of me misses having to start new characters to try out different builds, but then part of me is glad that I no longer have to. I like the fact that you can find a great item that works with a skill you don't normally use and within a few minutes you can completely change your character to play totally different. It's kind of refreshing not to have to reroll the same classes all of the time.

It's a mixed bag with pros and cons, but overall I think it was a change for the better. I do think they need even more items that are skill oriented which allow us to do more crazy stuff with classes and skills. And I really wish the story mode had more variety and randomness to it, as the game is now there is zero reason to ever play story mode again. I think that's my biggest beef with D3 right now, not enough variety or randomness in the levels and environments. D2 felt like it had more to me.

Yeah, story is something that can never be undone within D3. That'll have to be fixed with D4. Randomness (or lack thereof) Blizzard sort of found a workaround to with rifts, but honestly I expected more. When the system was first unveiled I thought it meant you could have, say, a Tower of the Cursed tileset with a completely different map architecture, not just a boring circle. Changing the lighting and monsters isn't everything.


That has more to do with skill/stat balancing and gear variety than the skill system though, doesn't it? Remember permafreeze melee wizards with wicked wind twisters for instance. It got OP and boring after a while, sure, but still, it was fun for a while.

I'm toying with the idea of making a Crusader with high attack speed and hope I can work around that to find a build that's at least decent in T3-T4. I've always loved the idea of attacking really fast, but right now it seems nobody can quite work with that apart monks and demon hunters. This is what I think the game misses: you can't say "oh, I want my character to play this way" and find a build and gear to accommodate that playstyle. Not in higher difficulties anyway.

Yeah, story is something that can never be undone within D3. That'll have to be fixed with D4. Randomness (or lack thereof) Blizzard sort of found a workaround to with rifts, but honestly I expected more. When the system was first unveiled I thought it meant you could have, say, a Tower of the Cursed tileset with a completely different map architecture, not just a boring circle. Changing the lighting and monsters isn't everything.

I've done that, a holy build with the Fist of the Heavens 1h flail. It works fine, I just need better gear for it to raise the damage cap a bit. With the zapping holy bolts rune you cover the map in shiny death. It's also nice because if there's no mobs in range of the bolts they'll just zap any breakable object, I got a couple legs offscreen like that, including a Ramaladni :)


Here is the actually link to my thing: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Ketch-1671/hero/52053683 I forgot to post it earlier.
You have nearly double the hp you actually need. Suggest turning some of that vit into resists and dps.

I updated the monk gearing guide I wrote up on reddit for 2.1, so I'd suggest reading through that to get an idea of what rolls you want for each piece of gear: http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo3Monks/wiki/ros-general-gearing

As for skills, they could be optimised a bit better. Harmony really should be one of your passives, as you need resists big time.

Looks like you main dps is bells so I'd switch generator to either FoT Quickening or CW:Rising Tide as those will give way more spirit for more bells.

Hope that helps :)

Here's my monk if you wanted to see the type of gear/skills people are using for T6 + GRift 30+ stuff: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/shifty76-1953/hero/6639133

My SWK clones crit for ~140m each, and when Flying Dragon procs I can spawn 3-4 of those each second.


That has more to do with skill/stat balancing and gear variety than the skill system though, doesn't it? Remember permafreeze melee wizards with wicked wind twisters for instance. It got OP and boring after a while, sure, but still, it was fun for a while.

I suppose. I just feel like in D2 between your stat and skill choices gear would only make you better... while in D3 your build is dictated by what gear you find. I stopped playing a month or so after RoS came out because I was getting super frustrated with my Crusader. I was stuck with the same build because I could not find any new weapons/shields to change things up. I guess you're right though, I'm talking more broadly about everything than just the skill system.


You have nearly double the hp you actually need. Suggest turning some of that vit into resists and dps.

I updated the monk gearing guide I wrote up on reddit for 2.1, so I'd suggest reading through that to get an idea of what rolls you want for each piece of gear: http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo3Monks/wiki/ros-general-gearing

As for skills, they could be optimised a bit better. Harmony really should be one of your passives, as you need resists big time.

Looks like you main dps is bells so I'd switch generator to either FoT Quickening or CW:Rising Tide as those will give way more spirit for more bells.

Hope that helps :)

Here's my monk if you wanted to see the type of gear/skills people are using for T6 + GRift 30+ stuff: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/shifty76-1953/hero/6639133

My SWK clones crit for ~140m each, and when Flying Dragon procs I can spawn 3-4 of those each second.


Do you think harmony over sixth sense? I thought harmony only worked from "+resistence to X element" and I've only got one piece with +resistence to a single element...everything else is all resist. Either way chose sixth sense over harmony because it gave me higher overall toughness on my character sheet.

Also, I'm playing in HC so I kind of like having all the extra HP, I still get pretty low sometimes and i've procc'd cheat death a couple times aswell... I know it's a trade off with DPS, but if I die then none of my gear matters anyway.

I'll read through your guide on reddit.


Stupid question, but how does split hellfire key farming work? Does everyone just take a different act boss, report when you're finished, then go to the other maps and look for loot?

If one person gets a key to drop, does everyone? (like GR trial keys)


That has more to do with skill/stat balancing and gear variety than the skill system though, doesn't it? Remember permafreeze melee wizards with wicked wind twisters for instance. It got OP and boring after a while, sure, but still, it was fun for a while.

I'm toying with the idea of making a Crusader with high attack speed and hope I can work around that to find a build that's at least decent in T3-T4. I've always loved the idea of attacking really fast, but right now it seems nobody can quite work with that apart monks and demon hunters. This is what I think the game misses: you can't say "oh, I want my character to play this way" and find a build and gear to accommodate that playstyle. Not in higher difficulties anyway.

Yeah, story is something that can never be undone within D3. That'll have to be fixed with D4. Randomness (or lack thereof) Blizzard sort of found a workaround to with rifts, but honestly I expected more. When the system was first unveiled I thought it meant you could have, say, a Tower of the Cursed tileset with a completely different map architecture, not just a boring circle. Changing the lighting and monsters isn't everything.

I have a crusader and for shits and giggles I made a Zealsader using Zeal, Gogok of Swiftness, Born Axe/Shield Combo, IAS gear, etc, got up to about 2.7 APS, which was hilariously entertaining. Finding a good 10% damage/7% IAS Sword would be nice and significantly up my APS probably.



Do you think harmony over sixth sense? I thought harmony only worked from "+resistence to X element" and I've only got one piece with +resistence to a single element...everything else is all resist. Either way chose sixth sense over harmony because it gave me higher overall toughness on my character sheet.

Also, I'm playing in HC so I kind of like having all the extra HP, I still get pretty low sometimes and i've procc'd cheat death a couple times aswell... I know it's a trade off with DPS, but if I die then none of my gear matters anyway.

I'll read through your guide on reddit.

Derp, missed the hc part!

Regarding Harmony: Say you had 160 fire resist on a piece. That would give 160 fire + 64 to everything else, so unlike OWE you really want a bit of everything and then AR where you can get it.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
so i kinda asked this before. but is there anyway to get into the gaf clan? my blizz name is Complex#1954 if someone could invite me. thatd be nice. thanks


You have nearly double the hp you actually need. Suggest turning some of that vit into resists and dps.

I updated the monk gearing guide I wrote up on reddit for 2.1, so I'd suggest reading through that to get an idea of what rolls you want for each piece of gear: http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo3Monks/wiki/ros-general-gearing

As for skills, they could be optimised a bit better. Harmony really should be one of your passives, as you need resists big time.

Looks like you main dps is bells so I'd switch generator to either FoT Quickening or CW:Rising Tide as those will give way more spirit for more bells.

Hope that helps :)

Here's my monk if you wanted to see the type of gear/skills people are using for T6 + GRift 30+ stuff: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/shifty76-1953/hero/6639133

My SWK clones crit for ~140m each, and when Flying Dragon procs I can spawn 3-4 of those each second.

Can you do me next??



Looks pretty solid to me man.

Maybe -elite dmg in place of life % on chest and either gamble up a WH belt or run BT belt + pants over String + DD's since generator is such a tiny part of your dps anyway.

Got SWK helm? That amulet is poop so you may end up better off with a solid dps ammy and run SWK helm instead, dropping BoH for Fire Ally or blind. About to run that test myself actually as my SWK ammy is equally poor :(

*EDIT* Just tested on a couple of quick Ghom kills on T6.
My current setup with SWK helm was 15 secs, switching to poopy SWK ammy (with 9.5 cc vs your socket) and using Peshkov was closer to 20 secs, so no contest really


Looks pretty solid to me man.

Maybe -elite dmg in place of life % on chest and either gamble up a WH belt or run BT belt + pants over String + DD's since generator is such a tiny part of your dps anyway.

Got SWK helm? That amulet is poop so you may end up better off with a solid dps ammy and run SWK helm instead, dropping BoH for Fire Ally or blind. About to run that test myself actually as my SWK ammy is equally poor :(

Rolling chests is so expensive. I crafted about 30 last night because rolling is 50 veiled compared to 7 to craft!! (wtf!!) I've been trying to get globes on my chest. My ideal would be dex/vit/elite/globes/2res I guess but it seems impossible to do ;_;

I do have a SWK helm but it is pretty bad as well which is why I'm using the amulet.

I'm going to run grifts tonight to level my other gems to 25 so hopefully I get a better amulet or helm drop along the way..


How do you keep spirit regen high without BoH?


Do me now Shifty, do me!


Unsure about my mantra + passives. Also, large parts of gear is poop. Love the Won Khim Lau though.

Do you have any of Odyn Son, Thunderfury or Shard of Hate? All 3 of those would be better, simply because monks skill dps is balls - need to rely on procs to do dmg for us. I love WKL, but the lack of a proc on it really kills it for dps.

#1 thing for you though BY FAR would be to start getting crit chance and crit dmg. All of gloves, rings, ammy, bracers and helm should really have crit chance, and both weapons absolutely need sockets for emeralds.

Unless they changed how Resolve worked in 2.1 (other than the extra second duration - wtf?) it's a pretty crappy passive as it only reduces physical dmg - does zero vs elemental. I'd switch it to Harmony for help in that dept.

Your bracers are the wrong element too - using lightning skills yet they're +fire dmg and have no cc.

I'd look at crafting Aughilds chest too, and absolutely get 3 sockets on it. You could then switch up helm for something more useful (we have tons of solid helm options with unique leg affixes)

Finally, your RoRG isn't doing anything at all for you. Do you have any other set items or set plans? Just using one piece of a set doesn't get you the 2pc bonus - need 2 pieces minimum so I'd look to take advantage of that ring and string together another set combo or two.


Rolling chests is so expensive. I crafted about 30 last night because rolling is 50 veiled compared to 7 to craft!! (wtf!!) I've been trying to get globes on my chest. My ideal would be dex/vit/elite/globes/2res I guess but it seems impossible to do ;_;

I do have a SWK helm but it is pretty bad as well which is why I'm using the amulet.

I'm going to run grifts tonight to level my other gems to 25 so hopefully I get a better amulet or helm drop along the way..


How do you keep spirit regen high without BoH?

I run Quickening as generator instead of FoF. Lose some Mirinae and FD procs, but the spirit gen is pretty insane. I can spam mantra and sw endlessly when FD procs, even without BoH. Extra spirit generated works well with the LpSS on my FD too.

I tested it on Ghom a few times to see how it compared to FoF and it was consistently faster (14-15 secs vs 17-18 secs) so I decided to stick with it until I can get a decent SWK ammy.


Here's my Monk also for a reference:


Just pretend there's a Sting of Ears on the Belt and a RoRG + Golgok gem in the empty Ring slot.

Nice. Really wish I could fit in the sweet steady strikers I found (19 holy, 498 dex, 7 ias, 6 cc) but I'd lose that sweet Aughild bonus, and I doubt the extra dps from those bracers + whatever chest would make up for the lost elite dmg from Aughild set. One more item in that set would make life so much easier!

First attempt at a Hellfire ammy for my Shotgun crusader. Close, but sucks.

any tips i need to do with my character?

i just need to replace my glove with a firebird and use a strongarm bracers,the two rings and my amulet and i'm set to focus on getting a furnace

You might consider going Ring of Royal Grandeur along with Aughild's Bracers/Shoulders. This would give you a much needed boost to elites and some extra mitigation, while at the same time shoring up a ring/bracerslot and letting you keep those magefists (which are good). I think Strongarms are super overrated unless you have both a Unity and a Fire SOJ and going Unity+RoRG and Aughild's gives you more bang for your buck. Some go Cindercoat+Magefists in 1h+source setups but the issue there is that they are pretty squishy and the cumulative stacking of fire damage catches up with them.

You really can't build around getting a Furnace or gambling for one. Furnance finds you, you don't find it. 1H+Source is fine.

One more thing-doing Act I bounties will also give you some chances at a decent Golden Gorget of Leoric neck, since they always roll mainstat+crit chance as two of the primaries.


Currently able to solo up to GR29, still looking for a second Unity to equip which should push that into the low 30's. Could probably do with a Ramaldi's, better RoRG and weapon as well, thoughts?


What's your AR at without the diamonds? That's a ton of missing dps from not using emeralds. I'm around 900 AR and find that with Harmony & 6th sense that it's working fine on GR33 (haven't tried higher yet)

I'm not sold on Depth Diggers as pants for Sunwuko builds, as the dps from the generator is so minimal compared to the clones. I'd look into BT boots to complete the set for immunity to ground effects, or if you can gamble up a WH belt.

Maybe give Quickening a whirl in place of FoF too and see how you like it.

That RoRG is damn near perfect - I wouldn't bother trying for anything better.



Crafted set plans my friend :)

Pretty much any of them are better than random legendaries.

What's your missing passive? Assume Harmony?
Assume you're still rolling for AR on those pants too? Generators simply don't do enough dps to be worth wasting a valuable affix roll on boosting it.

Definitely keep an eye out for the lightning proc weapons, then when you get one I'd look at switching BoP gem to gogok to maximise ias for more procs since procs > monk skill dmg.

Skillwise you'd be better off picking one element and sticking to it - got a WKL so lightning would be obvious, yet you're using the fire rune LTK? You could switch LTK to Scorp Sting for the stun and then run Relentless Assault in place of Momentum


What's your AR at without the diamonds? That's a ton of missing dps from not using emeralds. I'm around 900 AR and find that with Harmony & 6th sense that it's working fine on GR33 (haven't tried higher yet)

I'm not sold on Depth Diggers as pants for Sunwuko builds, as the dps from the generator is so minimal compared to the clones. I'd look into BT boots to complete the set for immunity to ground effects, or if you can gamble up a WH belt.

Maybe give Quickening a whirl in place of FoF too and see how you like it.

That RoRG is damn near perfect - I wouldn't bother trying for anything better.

I'l take another look at the AR/Dex gems when I get home, I chucked them in before moving to Agility on Mantra. I've got the BT pants but not a huge fan of the 4-set, WH would be nice here.

Quickening looks interesting, but (without testing it) thats gonna be a lot of spirit gain. Do you get stuck at full spirit often with Epiph/BoH up like that, or is it a non-issue? Cheers for the tips!


I will do some tests of Depth Diggers + Ice Climbers vs Blackthorne Pants and Boots.

I have wanted to do this for quite some time but I in fact don't have good Blackthorne Boots and Pants. That's because I salvaged my decent ones from before for some reason. Once I get them I will put it to the test.

I feel like the damage would be around the same overall but it will come down to whether you prefer some toughness increase + damage increase against Elites or whether you prefer the Frozen/Jailer immunity. I personally would prefer the Blackthornes + Witching Hour/String of Ear combo myself but just barely.

In any case the damage from Depth Diggers is not insignificant, it has repeatedly shown to have an impact on DPS. With 4 attacks per second you are looking at an addition 800% weapon damage increase per second.


Got 6pc Firebird w/ RORG and a shitty-rolled Countess Julia's Cameo. Jumping from T2 to at least T4, we'll see how it goes. Can't roll sockets on my jewelry to save my life. Also, I have a nice-ass Sun Keeper sitting in the stash waiting for a Ramaladni's Gift, but I have yet to see one drop :(
Got 6pc Firebird w/ RORG and a shitty-rolled Countess Julia's Cameo. Jumping from T2 to at least T4, we'll see how it goes. Can't roll sockets on my jewelry to save my life. Also, I have a nice-ass Sun Keeper sitting in the stash waiting for a Ramaladni's Gift, but I have yet to see one drop :(

Can u link yours ? My wiz with a 6 set firebird and some decent gear and a serpent sprinkler can do t6 .. I jumped from t2 to t6 but i gotta kite though ... ;_;


Welp, this is the build that finally took me into T4. I'm glad I decided to try Shield Bash with Roland's for the hell of it, the results were...surprising haha. With the improved cooldown on Glare I think I will replace Laws of Valor by Laws of Hope + Wings of Angels since I'm taking quite a bit more damage and that would allow me to get out of walls.

On the other hand I also have a pair of Illusory boots and could replace the Akkan and switch to Laws of Justice instead (though the Justice runes seem kinda meh).
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