So how can I enjoy the NeoGAF clan? Requested to be part of the community but its been pending for a few days now.
I'll add you to both after I get home from work tonight, if someone doesn't beat me to it.
So how can I enjoy the NeoGAF clan? Requested to be part of the community but its been pending for a few days now.
I'll add you to both after I get home from work tonight, if someone doesn't beat me to it.
I remember saying that a few times, but I'm pretty sure most of us have!Whoever said "bitching about drops on GAF is real" is correct.
If I were you, I wouldn't do it. Here is why:So Kadala is not good for weapons and not recommended to waste shards on?
Awesome, thanks! My username is the same as on here~
Give me your full Battle ID and I'll add you to the clan (if you are Paragon 100 or above). Unfortunately I don't have any access to add you to the community though.So how can I enjoy the NeoGAF clan? Requested to be part of the community but its been pending for a few days now.
I'll add you to both after I get home from work tonight, if someone doesn't beat me to it.
I remember saying that a few times, but I'm pretty sure most of us have!
Why not craft aughild's? Aughild 2pc is still better than a random rare/legendary with 4 affixes.Bitching does have a history of working for me.
I'm currently spamming Kadala for any decent bracers but she's givin me shit. At this point I want anything with cold dmg. Preferably Strongarm or Lacuni's (lol). Then I can make the transition to a build that actually uses cold cull the weak bane of the trapped.
Why not craft aughild's? Aughild 2pc is still better than a random rare/legendary with 4 affixes.
I wouldnt have 2 from the set though. Just 1.
I'd craft reapers wraps but I hate farming Malthael.
Do dhs need the shoulder slot for marauders? Sorry I'm not familiar with dhs. :lol
Do dhs need the shoulder slot for marauders? Sorry I'm not familiar with dhs. :lol
Heh, you've really been away for a long time eh? No more specific crafting mats, just a pile of parts, dust, crystals, and 2 souls. Make as many Reaper's Wraps as you want!
You don't have to farm malthael anymore. They removed the specific drops for all the crafting recipes.
You don't have to farm malthael anymore. They removed the specific drops for all the crafting recipes.I wouldnt have 2 from the set though. Just 1.
I'd craft reapers wraps but I hate farming Malthael.
I remember saying that a few times, but I'm pretty sure most of us have!
If I were you, I wouldn't do it. Here is why:
Weapons cost 15 shards. The drop rate (for what you probably want) is way lower than what you might need on 5 shard required items from Kadala. So you end up spending more shards for a way lower chance. Weapons drop more often as legs too, as any item, and it's just generally better to use Kadala for only 5 shard items.
For instance,
3 bracers = 1 weapon.
Bracers leg have a higher drop rate than the weapon (assuming you're after certain top gear items) so it will cost you less.
Give me your full Battle ID and I'll add you to the clan (if you are Paragon 100 or above). Unfortunately I don't have any access to add you to the community though.
I swear to god i'm going to finish the jade or zunimassa set before any wizard set. already have two of each and only two of tal, vyr and firebird. :lol
Which gem would be better for a Stampede Crusader? Trapped or Powerful? Both are 25, but only have room for one right now.
Which gem would be better for a Stampede Crusader? Trapped or Powerful? Both are 25, but only have room for one right now.
Whoever said "bitching about drops on GAF is real" is correct.
Yeah they've already said they want to add more barb-specific legendaries, 2.1 brought a few, but I'm expecting more in future patches.
Has Blizzard ever mentioned implementing some kind of undo for item enchantments? Would be nice to switch the stat you've enchanted on an item.
Has Blizzard ever mentioned implementing some kind of undo for item enchantments? Would be nice to switch the stat you've enchanted on an item.
That's cool, it just feels wierd that my fire chains from maximus do more damage per second than my frenzy spam. Hell it feels weird that barbs even have the option to do anything but physical damage.
Are monks still the worst? I grouped with a really well geared one yesterday and it just looked awesome. So much mobility and he seemed to have great dps.
I leveled my monk to 40 so that I could use my -30 lvl requirement legendary weapon and it's been a blast doing rifts. I don't care so much about soloing level 40+ GRs, but are people generally enjoying the 2.1 monks for just regular T6 stuff?
My DH can barely survive tier 33. I have a keystone for 34 but I'm not even going to bother. I have no idea how to stay alive. Shit just kills me in no time at all. Awareness barely helps.
Using Unity helps, but then my dmg takes a hit.
Also at 55% crit and 500% crit dmg, I'm not sure if I want to give up 45% crit dmg for bane of the powerful.
Are monks still the worst? I grouped with a really well geared one yesterday and it just looked awesome. So much mobility and he seemed to have great dps.
I leveled my monk to 40 so that I could use my -30 lvl requirement legendary weapon and it's been a blast doing rifts. I don't care so much about soloing level 40+ GRs, but are people generally enjoying the 2.1 monks for just regular T6 stuff?
They're good if you can get a FD and Sunwuko set. If you can't get all that though they're pretty bad. My monk buffs up to around 6m sheet dps, 60m toughness once I get everything going.
Still weaker than DH even with those stats though :/
With this setup I was able to beat a Tier 34 rift, but the time ran out before I could kill the Guardian. I even had a little over 2 minutes to kill it. Just not putting out enough dmg.
Yes to the bolded question. They buffed that Passive where it basically doubles the damage of all Rockets.Is it really worth using the fire rune with multishot and sentries just for the rockets? I figured cold runes would be better.
I guess I can start leveling up enforcer. I have no idea when the game will drop me an Etrayu so I'll start spamming Kadala for bows. Not sure what else to spend them on except for Bracers anyways.
So GAF, I'm having problems with my Crusader. He's extremely durable but can't dish out damage for shit. I realized this when I thought I should do some bounties and it took me 10mins or something to kill fucking Diablo on Torment 1.
Here's my hero profile:
Any tips on builds or w/e? Where am I going wrong?
Yes to the bolded question. They buffed that Passive where it basically doubles the damage of all Rockets.
You should be rolling for Shoulders because they can be a lot better.
No All Resistances on there. Ideally you would want Dex, All Res, Vit, Sentry damage.What could be better on the shoulders?
So I mentioned I found a Quetzacoatl earlier... ran a L30 GRift with a DH friend of mine, we barely made it because it was filled with Act 5 mobs and it was super frustrating. I died right as the RG died, saw a Two Handed Mace drop. Made some sarcastic comment about how it better be a Furnace. It was a Furnace. Today was a good day.
I'm trying to decide if I should reroll the CDR to damage. CDR is helpful for Jade Harvester but I don't know if its worth passing up damage for. Any advice?