I would say for crus keep the CDR roll off the vit.
It's tuesday.What's wrong with EU Battlenet today?
It's tuesday.
What's wrong with EU Battlenet today?
MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 9/23: #WoW, #SC2, #D3, #Hearthstone: 1am - 11am PDT
It's tuesday.
EU patch days are on Wednesday.
RNG is RNG. Can drop anywhere. Just do whichever gives you more legs/hrAnyone know if Flying Dragons will drop more likely from GRs or regular rifts?
What's wrong with EU Battlenet today?
RNG is RNG. Can drop anywhere. Just do whichever gives you more legs/hr
Useful chart that someone made for DH sentry breakpoints.
So as part of the 2.1.1 patch they're reducing the jewelry reroll gem level to imperial...which would be FANTASTIC...if I hadn't spent all weekend rolling my 1k+ stacks of marquise up to flawless imperials (now have 150-200 flawless imperials of ALL kinds, even topaz) which are useless for anything but rolling into flawless royals...
This question probably gets asked a lot but I can't find a solid answer.
How many levels apart can 2 players be in co op before someone is either being power leveled, or not doing any damage, or doing too much, or taking too much, etc.
So as part of the 2.1.1 patch they're reducing the jewelry reroll gem level to imperial...which would be FANTASTIC...if I hadn't spent all weekend rolling my 1k+ stacks of marquise up to flawless imperials (now have 150-200 flawless imperials of ALL kinds, even topaz) which are useless for anything but rolling into flawless royals...
I love everything about this patch.
Which patch? Are there any details posted yet?
Ouch on those Kadala price increases.
kadala was my main source of arcane dust and veiled crystals. :lol
Ouch on those Kadala price increases.
Anyone mind pasting the text here, please? Gaming sites are blocked at my work.
What's the point of increasing Kadala's shard cost only so we can spend less time salvaging the items? This also means less mats..!
If it was all increased equally (5/1:100) to 10/2:200) there really is no point. So I certainly hope the Legendary increase goes above the shard cost increase (like 10/2:150). I haven't signed on to check the situation yet so if anyone's able to reply and enlighten me how they executed this, I would appreciate it a lot.
Travis Day said:Hey there I see a lot of threads popping up on this topic so I wanted to stop in for a visit and explain the changes. The Kadala change is primarily meant to be a quality of life change for players. Having to fill up your inventory and run back and forth to the blacksmith could be a mildly cumbersome experience and we wanted to improve that. All items on Kadala had their cost increased, when this was done the chance for her to give you items was also increased but by more than the cost justified. For the same number of shards as before players will now walk away with 1/3 more legendary items.
Since we wanted this change to be purely better for players and we know that many people get their crafting materials from Kadala we also decided to add a lot of extra crafting reagent drops to Greater and normal Rift Guardians. The overall impact should be that you are getting roughly the same amount of crafting materials, except instead of getting primarily yellow mats like Kadala gives you, the mats on the Guardians could be white, blue, or yellow. This should help even out the quantities of assorted material types instead of flooding players with just one type like Kadala was inclined to do.
We will continue keeping on eye on all the effects of the changes. If we find that these changes had any meaningful negative impact on the ability for players to generate crafting materials we will make further tuning adjustments to the amount of material dropped by Rift Guardians.
TLDR - You get more items than you used to!
Nothing wrong/bad with it if you're happy with everything else! Gotta spend the shards before they run out anyway.Kadala change makes gambling for weapons even worse. True you might walk away with more legs spending the same amount of shards, but getting charged more somehow just feels worse. Running two t6 rifts and only being able to get 2-3 weapons is pretty disheartening.
(Yes, I know gambling for weapons always sucked. Sometimes it's the last thing you need though...)
They should increase the blood shard stack from 500 to 1000. It's the least they can do.Good patch all around except the Kadala change.
Oh hey, potions stack above 100 now.
They should increase the blood shard stack from 500 to 1000. It's the least they can do.
Blue Post on Kadala changes
TLR version - More legendaries from Kadala per blood shards then before, Rift Guardians drop way more crafting materials to compensate.
Edit - Travis Day chimes in - Kadala is a 10% chance at a legendary now.
And yet they still haven't prevented people from auto-collecting potions when they have a bottomless potion. Once I hit 100 I just toss them on the ground somewhere I wont accidentally pick them back up.