Cant decide if I want to gear my Crusader for Fire or Lightning. Thinking of trying out the blessed hammer build, has one for both fire and lightning.
It is.
Is it bannable? Yes.
Will you get banned? Probably not. But maybe.
Keep in mind that anything automating your character or playing the game for you is bannable.
Automated SWK Monk:
I'm really happy about keys group farming change. Now in 4 people group it should take 10-20 minutes to create 4 Infernal Machines.
How is it different now? The patch note was pretty vague.
Haven't seen it mentioned here yet but it seems like they messed with the trials quite a bit. Used to be able to get 47 or 48 keys in a 4 man and now barely getting 40.
Solo isn't quite as bad but it was still adjusted. Used to get 45 or 46 and now I can only get 42. This will make leveling gems a bit more difficult/tedious.
Till now if you were in a group (say 4), the key would drop independently for each group member (I could get one but other member not).
Now if you see that key dropped, then you know everybody gets it. This is how it worked for Key of Evil, and now it also works that way for other keys.
So, creating a Hellfire Amulet is way less tedious in a group. The best way is to farm in a group of 4. Let's say that your group is lucky and in first pass every Keywarden dropped the key. That means that in this group everyone has the key, so every one of the group can craft Infernal Machine. So in fact you can create 4 of them, and therefore you can kill 4 Ubers, therefore you can craft Hellfire Amultet
The chance for the key to be dropped on T6 is 50%, so on average to get all 4 keys, I think the group would need to do 2 key farming runs. Which is still very good.
I hope I didn't confuse you more![]()
Pretty sure they nerfed RG (non-grift) leg drops. I used to always get at least 1 leg off an RG, after maybe 6 runs post-patch I got 0 every time. Anyone else noticing this?
They most likely nerfed it with 2.1.0 (I would get 4 Legs per T6 rift on an average. It's definitely way less now, but I don't notice a difference after 2.1.1.Pretty sure they nerfed RG (non-grift) leg drops. I used to always get at least 1 leg off an RG, after maybe 6 runs post-patch I got 0 every time. Anyone else noticing this?
I managed to beat tier 36 last night. It was a close call. Dying a few times didn't help.
I added in custom engineering and an enforcer gem on my RoRG. This helps put out more DPS in longer battles but it's not as strong taking out trash as I only get down a few turrets.
Now I need a good Etrayu. Gotta get my turrets doing more dmg. I'm not sure how much I can squeeze out though. I also have no idea how demon hunters survive anything beyond 40 O_O
Found an SoJ for my sorc, was arcane damage, anything but arcane!
Also found a nice neck for my barb, what is higher value, straight up damage (low roll) or strength (good roll). Trying to figure out what to enchant.
Pretty sure they nerfed RG (non-grift) leg drops. I used to always get at least 1 leg off an RG, after maybe 6 runs post-patch I got 0 every time. Anyone else noticing this?
What I've been finding kind of annoying is that so many of my legendaries have been rings. The one time the guardian dropped something last night, it was 2 rings. Greater rifts? Ring + one other item.
Tried my luck with Hellfire Amulets again.
You might be the luckiest person ever? People say they craft 20+ before getting one like that. I gave up after 2.
Added you to my friendlist - will add to clan once you're online (I'm Ayumi in-game).Hey All,
If you could find room in the NA GAF Clan I would love an invite.
Currently playing (a lot) in GAFO and not many people are still active.
Battle Tag: w4ttsup#1736
So has it been worth the effort? I'm at 20+ with nothing usable...I did atleast 50 or something.
Added you to my friendlist - will add to clan once you're online (I'm Ayumi in-game).
Till now if you were in a group (say 4), the key would drop independently for each group member (I could get one but other member not).
Now if you see that key dropped, then you know everybody gets it. This is how it worked for Key of Evil, and now it also works that way for other keys.
So, creating a Hellfire Amulet is way less tedious in a group. The best way is to farm in a group of 4. Let's say that your group is lucky and in first pass every Keywarden dropped the key. That means that in this group everyone has the key, so every one of the group can craft Infernal Machine. So in fact you can create 4 of them, and therefore you can kill 4 Ubers, therefore you can craft Hellfire Amultet
The chance for the key to be dropped on T6 is 50%, so on average to get all 4 keys, I think the group would need to do 2 key farming runs. Which is still very good.
I hope I didn't confuse you more![]()
Are the drops from the ubers 100% now? I remember I needed 9 sets of keys to make my hell fire ring pre 2.1,if they've changed this then I might actually bother to make an amulet ha.
Organs are 100% in T6 now.
This is the game we play.Hellfire amulets can roll such crappy stats, and then you need to worry about the passive. The odds of getting a good one seem so damn low... and yet... getting a good one could be huge. Uuuuuugh.
So has it been worth the effort? I'm at 20+ with nothing usable...
Can you progress further or not really?
Ah ok, cool. My max right now is T3 sadly. I'm sure if I supply the machines I'll find someone to carry me.
Keep the strength for sure!
I'll carry you homie!
Thanks Ayumi!
Sounds good, thanks. I'm in the clan otherwise VWdrewZbie#6802 if wanna add me. Still gotta get the keys but I've done it all before so won't take long.
Blade of Prophecy + the seasonal Condemn shield may be the most fun i've had in Diablo. Holy shitsnacks, its amazing. Just melting Torment 5, and when i get full 6p Akkan, T6 is going to just fall over.
Some guy gave me two pieces of Marauder last night in a pub game. Chest and helm. I already had the chest but the one he gave me had better rolls. Another guy gave me a really nice Stone of Jordan on my crusader. What a couple of real pals.
Tried my luck with Hellfire Amulets again.
I tried it, but I got stumped by trying to figure out how to handle movement. I'm too used to being rooted in place when I attack.. being able to Condemn spam on the move feels weird. I like Holy Shotgun a lot more and it also stomps all over T6 even with less than super gear.
Does anyone notice significantly less Hardcore players?I guess I'm curious if maybe the crowd that would play standard hardcore would also be the same crowd that would unanimously move on to seasoned hardcore? I keep seeing less than 5 people ever played Normal or Torment @70 hardcore. :|
Calamity is REALLY good for M6.Figures I would drop this before Etrayu....
Maybe some day I'll have a use for it.