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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Apparently there are also some changes coming to the Raekor set:


Furious Charge
Has been redesigned. Now grants Furious Charge two charges.

The Legacy of Raekor
2-piece bonus: The first enemy hit by Furious Charge takes 100% additional damage.
4-piece bonus: Furious Charge gains the effect of every rune.
5-piece bonus: Enemies hit by Furious Charge take 3000% weapon damage over 3 seconds.
Another set gets a quick and lazy fix, +~3000% dmg.

I am expecting WD helltooth set to go from +300% dmg to +3000% months later. It'll end up playing like firebird except with wall of zombies and replace black hole with piranhado.

J. Bravo

How can they make single target damage for barbs better? I really want to play a barb next season and probably will, but that is going to make it tough lol.

And is there a GAF ptr guild?


Is season 1 over yet?

Hasn't even been announced yet, and will end 30 days after the announcement. Seasons are seriously the worst thing they could have done to this game. I just don't get the appeal whatsoever, and they split the playerbase in half and make it harder to find groups.


I just don't get the appeal whatsoever, and they split the playerbase in half and make it harder to find groups.

I think I finally get comments like this after all this time, it comes down to how much you play the game. Last time I was playing when I would log on most of the dedicated people were playing seasons, there was a few like coffeebeans that didn't but it was few and far between. I think the easiest way to understand it is just to look at the paragon levels. The people playing the game most hardcore have seasonal characters that have surpassed most of the clan's non-season characters in paragon levels. Lots of people way past 400 and some of us that made it past 500. Your own paragon level is 524 for example, my season paragon level was 517 (and there were people higher than me), pretty frickin' close to each other.

It's why I think the "split the playerbase" comments are 100% BS. I don't think most people playing seasons would be playing the normal game if there were no seasons, we just wouldn't be playing at all. Eventually you just hit a cap where you can't make very much progress anymore which is why seasons are appealing, you get to reset that grind and do it all again. It's obviously less of an issue if you aren't playing a lot, but, that is not how a lot of people approach the game.

If 2.1 would have launched without seasons I would have put maybe 50 hours into the patch (as opposed to the 400ish I put into seasons) because I already had pretty much BiS Raekor gear on my barbarian (would have just had to farm the new VW) and would have hit my potential GR cap pretty fast and then grown bored with the game because grinding the highest tiers of GRs flips between lots of fun and incredibly frustrating because the RNG involved with GRs. People can grumble about seasons all they want, but for the people that actually put the most time into the game it's something that is needed to keep us coming back.


Hasn't even been announced yet, and will end 30 days after the announcement. Seasons are seriously the worst thing they could have done to this game. I just don't get the appeal whatsoever, and they split the playerbase in half and make it harder to find groups.

I don't mind seasons per se, but the way they're implemented in D3 is really lacklustre. I wish they'd gone with a system more similar to the way PoE does seasons/events.


Seek victory, not fairness
There we go, Conduit pylon changes coming up.


As we stated previously at BlizzCon, we want to avoid removing Conduit Pylons entirely. Conduits feel awesome and exciting when you get them, and that’s something we want to preserve. Not every player is (or will want to be) a top tier competitor, and it’s important that we retain these exciting moments for everyone. However, we recognize that Conduit is currently too good and we’re planning to nerf it.

Specifically, we want to lower its effectiveness against single targets. We’re making some changes in the next PTR patch to accomplish this. While you’ll see little to no change (and potentially some improvement) against multiple targets, it will be significantly less useful in single target scenarios. In addition, the damage dealt will scale off your weapon damage instead of the Greater Rift level. This means it will feel strongest at lower tier Greater Rifts, about the same at Greater Rifts that match your level of gear, and less effective at higher Greater Rifts. Overall, it should still feel cool and powerful to use, but not an ultimate game breaker or something you should hedge your entire build around.

Our intent is that we want there to (a) be a variety of pylons you can encounter and (b) no individual pylon should determine your success or failure. We know that’s not where we’re at right now, but that is the ultimate goal.

As an unrelated (but nifty) addendum, because sharing is caring: The Speed Pylon will also be changed slightly to automatically destroy breakable objects and doors while you retain the buff. It felt a little weird to run full stop into a door with this buff up, so now you'll just be able to rush right through barricades and the like. Personally, I'm excited to attempt breaking the sound barrier with Warzechian Armguards and Steed Charge on my Crusader with this. Maybe I can break 88 miles per hour!

Both these changes will be in the next PTR patch, and I highly encourage you to give them both a try once they go live.


Only 3 months late on that change.

Obviously Blizzard realized that their plan of increasing randomness in GR Pylon rate to "balance" classes didn't work out so they had to do the fix that people have been telling them for quite some time.

Barbs about to go down dramatically in GR performance.


Yeah, there are a few ways it helps:

- instead of waiting half a second for a clone to explode against each new enemy you engage (which adds up to a lot of delay over the course of a map), you keep dealing full damage as you mow through packs of enemies with whatever skill you're using, thanks to the damage boost being a buff on the player, traveling with you and getting refreshed every time you use one of those spenders.
- when your buff is up, the big AoE wave of light can hit for full damage on everything on the screen. Previously you could only do max damage against enemies within 15 yards.
- Tempest Rush can kill in the first pass instead of needing to circle around on lower difficulties
- with Gungdo Gear, you can get a big chain reaction going with exploding palm and take out a whole screen easily instead of just the ones that were in the 15 yard range.
- it was sometimes a bit tricky to get the clones to spawn where you needed them to. That won't be a problem any more.

It's huge for clear speed on lower difficulties and will help on higher GR as well. There isn't really any downside.

In other words,

Fuck that sounds awesome.


Thanks you too Zenax.



Barbs about to go down dramatically in GR performance.

Alongside the Dreadnaught change, probably straight to the bottom. Making me rethink what class I wanna play next season. Monk is looking pretty good now after not really enjoying it last season, maybe focus more on a DH than just kinda having one too.


I just saw the new Raekor changes that are being planned.

Not sure what to think. On one hand it's obviously going to be a big boost to Raekor's single target DPS which it badly needed but on the other hand you will be getting way less Furious Charge spam in crowds.

It's a net positive change for the playstyle but GR performance is going to lag behind. DH gonna be #1 again pretty soon.


I just lost a bunch of rings and the russian pistol while trying to dupe stuff. Can someone add me on Xbox One. I need someone to give me the russian pistol and some good stuff for my demon hunter.

GT: G0lden 5un


Looking around on the Wizard forums for any PTR updates but unable to find anything concrete, how are they doing in the new patch?


Looking around on the Wizard forums for any PTR updates but unable to find anything concrete, how are they doing in the new patch?

Aside from the patch notes, I haven't found anything helpful to that question at all, unfortunately. It's also hard so say once Ancient Legs start dropping. Maybe the combinations will be different.


Looking around on the Wizard forums for any PTR updates but unable to find anything concrete, how are they doing in the new patch?
Apparently the mammoth hydra IAS fix makes it OP now but asides from that nothing new really. Maybe someone on PTR can give us a better clue with the GR leaderboards?
2.1.2 notes from the PTR launcher:


Lots of good stuff in there.
"The rarity of the rarest Legendary items in the game has been reduced"

Shit I hope "Ancient Mojos, Orbs, and Shields roll with increased Damage or Shield Block values" is enough to offset the need to get a Furnace. Fuck that thing.

Also the furious charge 5 set bonus (why are all barb sets lower by 1?) is still 1000% per second dmg. That's NOTHING.

Other than that, this patch really fucking blows for a pet doctor due to the ridiculous density in GR and pets only hitting 1 mob at a time but is awesome for a jade doctor aside from Rift Guardian taking ages to kill as one. Sad times as a WD because Blizz thinks Multishot or Rend set is better to work on than Helltooth set and Zunimassa which no pet doctors use.


Yesterday I got my first Frostburn.. and I never even expected that, at all. It has the SAME drop rate as TnT, which is what I was aiming for. That basically means it would either be a Frostburn or TnT. Bleh. Hopefully a TnT isn't too far away.. I'm already p510 now.


friend has blizzard bucks on his account and is trying to gift me this game, however it seems like the option is disabled.

Is there anyway for him to use his blizzard bucks on this game or convert them somehow?


friend has blizzard bucks on his account and is trying to gift me this game, however it seems like the option is disabled.

Is there anyway for him to use his blizzard bucks on this game or convert them somehow?
Sorry, no way to convert or gift or transfer blizz bucks. The last way to do that was when the RMAH was still active. I got 200 bucks out that way.


Fired it up again since how many months, did some bounties to obtain that elusive RORG on my seasonal character, didn't get any legs except yet another shitty leg shoulder from a bounty bag, said fuck it. Reinstalled LoD, rolled a hardcore paladin and this is great; I've already almost bitten the dust after being ganged by a bunch of Fallen. I have no idea why it's so difficult to replicate. The controls aren't as tight and the resolution is terrible of course, but as a dungeon crawler slash loot pinata, it can't be beaten.

If seasonal legs are the best thing Blizzard can come up with instead of actually changing the fundamental principles of the series, then consider me out.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Fired it up again since how many months, did some bounties to obtain that elusive RORG on my seasonal character, didn't get any legs except yet another shitty leg shoulder from a bounty bag, said fuck it. Reinstalled LoD, rolled a hardcore paladin and this is great; I've already almost bitten the dust after being ganged by a bunch of Fallen. I have no idea why it's so difficult to replicate. The controls aren't as tight and the resolution is terrible of course, but as a dungeon crawler slash loot pinata, it can't be beaten.

If seasonal legs are the best thing Blizzard can come up with instead of actually changing the fundamental principles of the series, then consider me out.

RORG is one of the easiest items to get in the game now fyi.

100% chance to get a bounty legendary at T6 = 33% chance of getting a RORG

If you can't do T6 yourself, someone else can :p


RORG is one of the easiest items to get in the game now fyi.

100% chance to get a bounty legendary at T6 = 33% chance of getting a RORG

If you can't do T6 yourself, someone else can :p


Skelly king pauldrons
Leo's ammy
Mad Monarch's Scepter
Sanguinary Vambraces


Agreed with you all above - this game really has gone stale.

Season 1 should be long over by now as most players have reached their seasonal goals I would assume.

Looking forward to 2.1.2 but really can't see myself playing until it's released, which I guess won't be until late Jan or Feb :(


Seek victory, not fairness
What I'd give to have a graph of active players from 2012 to now..

The stats on /r/diablo are interesting. It only goes back a year though. Check the "traffic by month"



I'm going to play Elite:Dangerous for a bit. They just started up, so getting in there on day 3 isn't too bad.

Edit: After trying it out for a day's play, I'd say make sure you watch a few videos of the beginning gameplay to see if it's for you. I think it's a serious game that prioritizes being a simulation over being fun. That can be ok, but I keep being put off by the repetitive drawn-out procedures and cumbersome interface (could just be a learn-to-play issue there though). Maybe they'll streamline that user experience later on, but I find it's pretty raw right now.


The stats on /r/diablo are interesting. It only goes back a year though. Check the "traffic by month"

A lot more than I had imagined.. but I don't know how I would compare those numbers to actual players.. so hard to guess without Blizzard releasing some kind of info, which will never happen.
I'm going to play Elite:Dangerous for a bit. They just started up, so getting in there on day 3 isn't too bad.

Wow, that looks interesting! Count me in on that game.


It's funny how I was just getting the itch to play again, only read the thread and see widespread discontent. Of course, I haven't played since June so maybe I'm just not burned out.
This game is dead with the current team. Atleast the DH might enjoy it for a while with new set planned, changes to current set, and buffs to old sets in addition to new weapons and quivers they've been getting before they realize no one else is playing as Blizzard can only focus on 1 class or maaaybe 2.


This game is dead with the current team. Atleast the DH might enjoy it for a while with new set planned, changes to current set, and buffs to old sets in addition to new weapons and quivers they've been getting before they realize no one else is playing as Blizzard can only focus on 1 class or maaaybe 2.
First it was the barb then the DH....Really sad
First it was the barb then the DH....Really sad

The biggest issue is they went from "we'll bring other classes up to speed with others to "we don't like how DH plays, lets spend a whole few months of balance to change how DH plays" At this point its clearly up to what this small team wants to do with D3 and the game is literally at the mercy of Sets so if they want a skill to do well, they simply put it in a set bonus. There is no long term gameplay decisions, just bandages.


Seek victory, not fairness
Confirmed the PTR will keep going through the holidays (therefore no patch):

Hey everyone!

Just a quick heads up that the patch 2.1.2 PTR will be available through the holidays. While we initially planned for a shorter public testing phase, we feel this additional time has improved the quality of the patch, as well as allowed players like you to experiment with (and prepare for) all the upcoming changes. We’re excited to get patch 2.1.2 and Season 2 into your hands and look forward to sharing more information about both updates in the new year.

In the meantime, thank you, as always, for your diligent testing and amazing feedback. We wish you the warmest and happiest of holidays, and can't wait to see you in 2015!


I think sets have become a real anchor around Blizzards neck. They were a fun idea from Diablo 2 that didn't really work, and then in LoD they improved on them with partial set bonuses. They then appeared in World of Warcraft but for the first two raiding tiers they were optional - you could make a valid top tier gear set without using any actual sets.

Since then though they have become mandatory, and it feels like Blizzard doesn't even think this is an issue - their solutions to balance seem to boil down to making more sets or adjusting a set.

Clearly the majority of their audience loves them, but for me it's a real turn-off to have sets and only sets be the heart of itemisation in their games.


To be honest, they should be glad they even had us sticking around for this long. I was always patient with Blizzard and Diablo 3 but right now I just have had enough, I think.

At this point, I think that most of us realize we've just had enough of the game, and that no matter what they bring, it won't keep us for long.

Of course I can't say I will never play the game again (because I might when I'm bored enough), but I'm gonna go explore other options and work on my Steam backlog. Lots of great games on sales too!


They don't really care if you're sticking around or not because they no longer get any more income from you, the only reason they maintain a semblance of caring is to get you to buy the next expansion and let's be honest we're gonna buy it.
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