That's so weird. I would love it if I saw ghom or cold snap. Erethor (the arcane dude), saxtrix, and choker give me the most trouble without tkg on.
Congrats man
Edit: I just did GR44 \o/. I think I'll take a break from my monk now.
Any tips to getting high level rift keys with a Monk? I hate having to do 39s over and over to get to 42. Shit gets boring.
Decided to start up this game again. Leveled a WD to 70 in seasonal hardcore for the banner!
Can someone give me some tips on what I should do with my DH? I think I'm at the point that I don't even know what to replace and where to farm. About 100% of the stuff I find don't increase my damage at all.
So I have a level 70 wizard - what is the most efficient way of gearing? I can do torment 2 but 3 takes too long yet. I'm at about 680k dps. I'm just doing a random mix of bounties and rifts. Are their specific drops I should be farming for?
So I have a level 70 wizard - what is the most efficient way of gearing? I can do torment 2 but 3 takes too long yet. I'm at about 680k dps. I'm just doing a random mix of bounties and rifts. Are their specific drops I should be farming for?
Any tips to getting high level rift keys with a Monk? I hate having to do 39s over and over to get to 42. Shit gets boring.
Firebirds set is a MUST. The best ring combination for solo play is Stone of Jordan and Unity - Unity splits damage between wearers of the item, so you can equip one on your follower (preferably Templar) and equip them also with the "Follow Cannot Die" item - Congratulations, you now take a lot less damage!
Best weapons are Furnace for 2H, Sunkeeper for 1H. If you have enough crafting materials, you could consider trying to make an Ancient Devastator to help you along until you get one of the better items.
Here's my Wizard for reference. The best bracers are Strongarm Bracers, which results in stunned/CC'd targets to take 25% or so more damage - Black Hole counts, so stacking CDR (Gem, reroll shoulders) when you get Strongarm is the way to go.
Tasker and Theo is way too good to not use it.
I would suggest using Rorg + Unity for single player if you have TnT instead of FB's gloves.
Tasker and Theo is way too good to not use it.
I would suggest using Rorg + Unity for single player if you have TnT instead of FB's gloves.
TnT is good enough to use just for Hydra? Do you stack +Hydra damage or +Blizzard? I haven't used my wizard in quite some time, but I have a tri-fecta TnT and Firebird (and Magefist), quite stocked in gloves.
Yeah, they made it to work with hydra now.Ahh, didn't they change the way it affected pets in 2.1.2?
I have no Firebird's set. Does that have a specific drop location?
I have no Firebird's set. Does that have a specific drop location?
Is there any merit to "fully clearing" a Rift after the boss is dead? I thought it would be better to grab the bonus for finishing it, then starting another one (It's not like Elites are finite or something), but I've had a few pub groups want to hunt down all the Elites in there.
The only reason I could conceivably see is if you are running low on key stones?
Is there any merit to "fully clearing" a Rift after the boss is dead? I thought it would be better to grab the bonus for finishing it, then starting another one (It's not like Elites are finite or something), but I've had a few pub groups want to hunt down all the Elites in there.
The only reason I could conceivably see is if you are running low on key stones?
Is there any merit to "fully clearing" a Rift after the boss is dead? I thought it would be better to grab the bonus for finishing it, then starting another one (It's not like Elites are finite or something), but I've had a few pub groups want to hunt down all the Elites in there.
The only reason I could conceivably see is if you are running low on key stones?
For goblin packs
But now seems there's no point as the amount of gob packs seem greatly reduced ... Haven't had one since the patch went live
Has anyone tested that theory of getting more drops deeper in the rift? It seems like the kind of belief that would be persistent due to making some sense as a design and being quite difficult to disprove.
Got my Ancient Kridershot. Now I just need a gift!
Also, how do you guys manage the desire to keep something *just in case*? Like, I have just about 2 of everything. Like, I might have a glove with +vit, but then one with the trifecta...but then one with CDR because that's pretty popular too. So I end up with like 3 or 4 gloves. But then there are like 5 different kinds of gloves...and oh, maybe I should keep these Life On Hit items in case I switch to a build that actually uses a resource generator with attack speed...or...
...and with limited space, it doesn't seem reasonable to keep them all. But if you end up wanting to adjust your build, not having one of those options could be salt-inducing. How do you guys deal with that paralysis? My backpack is 100% full and my toon's inventory has like 5 slots. I mean, I could delete one of my normal mules and make a new Seasonal to mule to, but that's just delaying the inevitable.
I'm only level 58. I'm gonna try to get to 70 before the season ends. What are the fastest ways to level to 70 in SP/MP?
I doubt there's any difference, but I personally like clearing rifts better, unless it's a spider map.
So...nobody? It's just me, then?
Running low on keystones, if it's a particularly dense level, or the mindset of feeling like you get more drops after the RG ().you totally do
Usually when I'm doing rifts we just keep going until we find the exit teleport thingy. I remember there was a time when we did this in the beginning, then it changed and every rift was closed right after the rift guardian and now it's back to clear everything till the end of the rift.
I prefer clearing as much as possible, the chance to get items is better if you kill more enemies.
For goblin packs
But now seems there's no point as the amount of gob packs seem greatly reduced ... Haven't had one since the patch went live
See my post above, I hoarded everything that even looked remotely like oh I could maybe use it in a build. Ended up destroying it all today. 114 legendaries.
So...nobody? It's just me, then?
find a nice group of people that will let you sit in the home area while they get you XP via Rifting.
Full clears is the only way to do it now. You get from 4-8 legs/T6 rift. Compare with just 1-3 on average if you quit after killing the RG.
There is no reason to NOT fully clear a rift.
Also, every day I get something really cool that I wasn't looking for. I got a near perfect Frostburn and Winter Fury, but there's no cold build worth running with it.
So...nobody? It's just me, then?
I...I can't do that. What if they buff cold/lightning/arcane! I'll have deleted a bunch of shit that would have been amazing to have.
First world problems man. I haven't been fortunate enough to get multiples of very rare items to horde them.
I try to keep anything that seems like it might be useful, but there have certainly been times where I blew something up that I ended up wanting later. The zdps builds are especially tricky, I've found some really great zdps monk gear (though I'm not sure I'd ever even play that build) that I unknowingly destroyed. My biggest way to save space is to not really play wizard and WD, because I have so much strength gear, and now piling up on dex that I've started playing monk. Bracers are an especially tough one, because you want to hang onto one of every element. I wish there was a better solution, but my stash is generally a giant mess despite attempts to keep it organized.
That Kaddy bitch finally drop the Gyrfalcon, what I should reroll?
the socket is a made from the gift.
Full clears is the only way to do it now. You get from 4-8 legs/T6 rift. Compare with just 1-3 on average if you quit after killing the RG.
There is no reason to NOT fully clear a rift.
Do you mean a greater chance the more you kill during one rift, or just generally speaking? If it's the former then point taken, but if it's the latter, it still seems better to me to grab the gold and XP from rift dude and start another one. You'll end up with more blood shards, gold, and XP in the long run, because you can squeeze in that many more runs (and quest bonuses) in the time you spend playing. Unless you're running low on stones
Is/was this something rift specific?
Is there any merit to "fully clearing" a Rift after the boss is dead? I thought it would be better to grab the bonus for finishing it, then starting another one (It's not like Elites are finite or something), but I've had a few pub groups want to hunt down all the Elites in there.
The only reason I could conceivably see is if you are running low on key stones?
oh i see. Yea I still have like300 rift keys so that's not an issue for me, but that all makes sense.That has more to do with the fact that it can take up to 2-3 times longer to full clear. *IF* you have an inexhaustible supply of fragments, restarting after RG still yields more exp and loot. Many months ago, when the average RG clear was ~8 minutes, and everyone had crazy stocks of fragments from insane number of RROG runs, there was no reason to stick around after RG died.
Today, most people stopped doing bounties after they found their RROG and are finally seeing their once infinite fragment supply actually depleting. Together with T6 RG clear times as short as 2 minutes, full clear finally makes more sense, but only because doing bounties is mind numbingly boring.
The drop rate for legendary is way higher in a rift. It's also rude as shit when people just randomly close them when people are still in it.
I'm not advocating that at all. The reason this came up is because I was asking folks why they were staying in there because I thought collecting the bonus ASAP would be better. Closing them when people are clearly still in there is not very nice.
Points all well taken though. I don't play that often so I still have a crapload of keys, which is where my perspective is coming from.
The most efficient way is to close straight away, unless it's the graveyard or warden's room as the density is great in those areas. There's no benefit in staying in a rift after the boss is dead.
But what about the blood thief?The most efficient way is to close straight away, unless it's the graveyard or warden's room as the density is great in those areas. There's no benefit in staying in a rift after the boss is dead.
The most efficient way is to close straight away, unless it's the graveyard or warden's room as the density is great in those areas. There's no benefit in staying in a rift after the boss is dead.