Mind posting your monk profile so I can check it out?
Sure, this is my season monk: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Splatbang-2980/hero/47791665
Mind posting your monk profile so I can check it out?
Here's my current DH for Grifts. Any advice for improving?
Just did a 41 with my Monk, felt so good. Took 10:50. Yay. Scared to attempt 42 now.
I'm at 40 right now but not sure what else I can really change to get higher, other than an ancient weapon. Can you link your profile? Curious what our differences are, and what else I can do.
and just in case I jump into a rift with a different build before you see it. Here's an image. http://i.imgur.com/sU7091H.png
The wait for Season 2 is getting kind of silly. Am I the only one that doesn't even want to log on in fear of getting burnt out with the inevitable grind that will start with the new Season? So yea there was a technical difficulties releasing the new Season with the latest patch, but why hold it up for another 3-4 weeks? How hard can be be?
Can someone help me out here? I don't know what to reroll. I checked the max and I believe it maxes at:
With Max Damage Rolls: 4044.6
With 10% Damage 4162.5
With 7% IAS 4049.0
I mean 4162 is pretty sweet but idk if I'd want to give up 1200 vit or loh for it.
Roll Vit into damage. LoH will sustain you.
Not even sure why you mentioned attack speed, it's completely irrelevant.
My setup is pretty close to how yours was in the screenshot (but weapon not as good). Wish I could find a SWK amulet with lightning, so I've also been running Countess Julia. Looks like you do have one based on the current profile - how are you liking the full Inna's with Aughild's shoulders? Better or about the same?
For SWK Shines what kind of stats are ideal? I have one with dex, chd and chc. I guess lightning dmg would be nice as well. How's the priority?
I really want to get to GR40 but I only ever started to pay attention to greater rifts about a week ago and I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go from here. I was trying to get a different RoRG to get rid of the IAS because I figure I don't really need that stat, but so far I haven't been lucky. I'm also still using the enchantress companion because the only companion item I'm still missing is the one that makes the templar immortal :|
Season monk here: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Splatbang-2980/hero/47791665 Any input would be appreciated.
I wouldn't use inner sanctuary. Use exploding palm to take out big groups or agility if you want to survive/dodge more.
Using Inner sanctuary I was able to finish GR40, after some test I switched it to EP (Shocking Grasp rune) I managed to clear GR43.OK, so I'll try to get rid of inner sanctuary. I guess I can either swap it out for EP or Agility. Not sure what to do though.
The problem with that is if you switch to Leorics you'll lose Aughs +15%damage and 15% damage reduction.hmm I could switch my gogok for botp and go back to leorics, so I wouldn't need the cdr from gogok. Thinking about it it seems a bit useless anyway because I don't always have the stacks for the full cdr anyway.
Hm, so what's the solution? I could live without 4 piece Inna's but then I'd have no Mantra at all. I think I ran a build previously without a mantra but I don't know if that is going to fly in greater rifts. I could maybe try to replace sanctuary with exploding palm and dashing strike with with agility. Get rid of 4 piece Inna's, keep 2 pieces of Aughild and go back to leorics. I'm not sure if I tried a build without Dashing Strike before, it seems almost mandatory to get out of tight spots. Guess I'll have to do some experimenting when I get home.
Damn u soo lucky :O amazing torch.Can someone help me out here? I don't know what to reroll. I checked the max and I believe it maxes at:
With Max Damage Rolls: 4044.6
With 10% Damage 4162.5
With 7% IAS 4049.0
I mean 4162 is pretty sweet but idk if I'd want to give up 1200 vit or loh for it.
Anyone know when Season 2 is suppose to begin?
Probably the 10th. I wish they would just announce it.
On my best try I got Ghom as RG and I just can't fight him =/. Him and Coldsnap are the worst I can get right now.
Yeah, fuck Cold Snap. I was lucky so far and never got Gohm though.
That's so weird. I would love it if I saw ghom or cold snap. Erethor (the arcane dude), saxtrix, and choker give me the most trouble without tkg on.
To use a tired comparison, Blizzard need to look at what Path of Exile's team do with their various leagues.What sort of content could they actually add that didnt involve an expansion?
Something like charms or whatever?
Erethon is a cake walk in 40+. I can barely survive ghom in T6 haha.
I was playing a little bit the last few weeks and I saw Ancient Weapons mentioned. What's the lowdown on those?
I was playing a little bit the last few weeks and I saw Ancient Weapons mentioned. What's the lowdown on those?
Wohoo got to GR40 and managed to clear in time. FML for being one second to slow to get onto the leaderboards
Legendary items have like a 1/10 chance of being an Ancient Legendary, which just means bigger stat caps. For weapons, it means the damage range bonus is higher, so instead of the 9xx-1490 damage that you normally get on a 1h, it's now something like 13xx-19xx.