wrong thread
honestly man. Blizzard has done Wizards wrong. I got some solid items up on my DH and there are no less than 3 elements I can build around and several items and off-hands i can use. Just about any 2H Bow, Crossbow or 1H bow are viable, as long as they roll with enough damage you can get up to GR40 as long as the rest of your gear is up to spec. Fire, Cold, or Physical. No problemo.
Compare with Wizards. Sunkeeper, Furnace, Sparker, or Maximus. That's it. No exceptions. Fire. No exceptions.
I don't understand the thinking behind constraining Wizards to only a Fire spec, and the hands-off hydra + blizzard setup. You barely even feel like you're playing the game as Wiz right now. At least with DH you feel like you're working for your food and it feels good. I'm sure Monks feel the same way. I've seen lightning and fire, and I assume physical is also an option.
It's like...you don't realize how limited your experience has been until you spend a bit of time with something else. Very unlikely I roll with Wiz again.
To be fair he is what now paragon 1200? His ridiculous dex alone will carry him through most greater rifts. His streams are boring as fuck, how do you watch![]()
Sorry, that feels like bullshit to me. If the endgame was going to be ranged kiting, several skills across several elements should have been remade in order to allow several elements and elemental weapons to be viable. Fuck a frozen orb. Why couldn't firebird be more element-neutral like Marauders? Again, DH can roll fire, physical or cold with little difference between them. They're ranged and kiting too. Why are we stuck with one?It all moves in a cycle. When Wizards were the hot shit back in the day of Shocknadoshards and subsequently, Woh builds, Monks and DH were not doing much in their own builds. Now that Monks and DHs got the attention they deserve, it feels like the Wizards haven't got much at all.
Yes, it has been mainly Fire-based builds ever since RoS launched and I think it needs to be fixed. However, I think the current Hydra + Blizzard build is way better than the old days of forcing the Wizard to be in melee range to exploit the power of Explosive Blast. The Wizard is a ranged class. She should be kiting all day long and not being in melee range, tanking hits like a Barb or Monk. Of course, I do want skills like Frozen Orb to be viable but at least we know that's coming with the new set items in 2.2.
Sorry, that feels like bullshit to me. If the endgame was going to be ranged kiting, several skills across several elements should have been remade in order to allow several elements and elemental weapons to be viable. Fuck a frozen orb. Why couldn't firebird be more element-neutral like Marauders? Again, DH can roll fire, physical or cold with little difference between them. They're ranged and kiting too. Why are we stuck with one?
Levelling up 'exploit' 1-70 for season 2.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YstsRBPWni8 Just another place to run T6 and hit checkpoint.
He's right about the cycle thing though. It's unfortunate that Blizz can't seem to work on more than a couple classes at a time. They haven't touched Firebird much since it was re-introduced. And let's be honest, at the time, it worked well enough that most were willing to overlook the single-element deficiency. It's just that now Firebird has clearly fallen behind to all other classes, that being stuck with Fire sticks out like a sore thumb. But really though, making Firebird elemental neutral would not change much. The Fire cap is higher than all other elements, so if you are min/maxing, Fire would still end up the only way. So they'd either need to re-work the entire Firebird concept like they did with SWK and M6, or introduce a brand new 6pc set.
Is there any sort of calendar that shows when there will be events such as bonus experience? Or is it something they announce a few days in advance?
Been experimenting with some new DH builds and I'm really liking Chakram with Spines quiver and M6.
- Spines quiver gives 3-4 hatred per Chakram (poor man's Krider, I guess) so you can spam it non-stop.
- M6 gives you 1) chakrams from each of your sentries and 2) increased chakram dmg per sentry.
I am using Twin Chakrams for this, but Serpentine may also be good. With Twin Chakrams and 3 sentries out, the screen fills up with Chakrams similarly to how a Ball Lightning build looks like with Meticulous Bolts. Really effective and fun. Haven't tried it in high GRs yet- tested in just GR30 and cleared in maybe 7 minutes. I also have LFB on the 4 key to send out semi-un-interrupting LFBs every so often (gotta spend the hatred on something..)
Sorry, that feels like bullshit to me. If the endgame was going to be ranged kiting, several skills across several elements should have been remade in order to allow several elements and elemental weapons to be viable. Fuck a frozen orb. Why couldn't firebird be more element-neutral like Marauders? Again, DH can roll fire, physical or cold with little difference between them. They're ranged and kiting too. Why are we stuck with one?
Watching Gabynator play DH and Monk makes my wiz feel like a wimp
I might just go DH or Monk for the hell of it
Wow 1200pl you should really watch Datmodz stream he is so entertaining and nice. plus every Friday he does Fuckedup Friday's and gets hammered and basically acts like a crazy person... Only d3 streamer worth watching...
A bunch of people got banned for botting.Dropped from rank 10 to rank 26 in the closing week of Era 1 leaderboard, and somehow went back up to rank 20 today. Uhm thanks Blizzard for the free rank up, I guess?
I saw on reddit that there was a banwave for botters and they were completely dropped from leaderboards.Dropped from rank 10 to rank 26 in the closing week of Era 1 leaderboard, and somehow went back up to rank 20 today. Uhm thanks Blizzard for the free rank up, I guess?
Did S2 begin when S1 ended or is there a little wait?
Absolutely bored of Warlords of Draenor now and think I should return to D3.
Been experimenting with some new DH builds and I'm really liking Chakram with Spines quiver and M6.
- Spines quiver gives 3-4 hatred per Chakram (poor man's Krider, I guess) so you can spam it non-stop.
- M6 gives you 1) chakrams from each of your sentries and 2) increased chakram dmg per sentry.
I am using Twin Chakrams for this
I think I'll be starting off with a hardcore character instead if this exploit isn't fixed by the times season 2 starts.
Man, yeah. S1 was basically just the first people to exploit the season within an hour of opening, and now we're potentially getting a repeat? I guess Blizz have a couple of days yet to hotfix it at least.
Hmmm, it seems like my 0 dog gear is worth lots of money. Maybe I should sell...
I think I need to join the club of "people who need a Ring of Royal Grandeur".
What's the best way to farm this? Just doing Act 1 bounties on the highest difficulty I can manage? I know split farming was a thing a little while ago, but was it ever fixed in regards to cache drop rates?
Pretty sure split farming is still fine, just depends on the difficulty and rng of the content.
That's part of it. My main character isn't super well geared and I can only handle up to about torment IV (maybe V). Should I try and look for a Torment V group doing bounties all together, or bump it down to torment 1 (or less) and go for split farming?
I guess it all depends on how good the chances improve with the difficulty. I can't seem to find any data on that other than "they boosted cache legendary drops for Torment II - VI".
That's part of it. My main character isn't super well geared and I can only handle up to about torment IV (maybe V). Should I try and look for a Torment V group doing bounties all together, or bump it down to torment 1 (or less) and go for split farming?
I guess it all depends on how good the chances improve with the difficulty. I can't seem to find any data on that other than "they boosted cache legendary drops for Torment II - VI".
100% at t6 unless they changed that. You could try asking in the split farming channels (I don't remember the names off hand).. You could always try the GAF clan chat and see if someone is willing to help you do t6.
When I couldn't do t6 just yet, I actually did t4 and had quite the success with drop rates, maybe 90%; of course, rng and all.
it's not 100%. I was farming a Pride's Fall for my DH and at least 25% of my bags had no legs at all. T6 of course.
You sure it was T6..? I haven't had a single cache since that patch ages ago that didn't have a leg in it.
Is split farming where the group splits a map?
Is split farming where the group splits a map?
Also keep in mind that you don't have to do the bounties with the character who needs the ring.
For example, I farmed a bunch of caches with my crusader, but got a RoRG with dex when I opened the cache with my monk.
My crusader is the best character for farming the bounties because they get around the fastest with steed charge + swiftmount. Once I'v collected a decent amount of caches, I open them with the character who needs said item.
Another Ramaladni for the non season characters.
And ready to jump on season 2, although I'm considering jumping from Wizard to EZ mode Demon Hunter. I'm tired of feeling so neglected, things are MUCH easier with my DH than with my much better geared Wizard.