Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Did the PTR crash and burn? It won't go past the "retrieving hero list" part of the login.

Just as I was putting on the new WW set for my barb, it crashes. :/

EDIT: Oh great, here come the fucking queues...
I really think the way they're handling zunimassa's 6pc set is a joke.

Come fucking on, 2% reduced damage per fetish but they fucking die to GR30ish mobs. Yes you can replenish them per cast of a mana skill but they'll have to run out again to attack a random mob. a single mob at that. The defense bonus does not help for shit when Rift Guardians take up over half the time it takes to clear a GR meaning you need more dps, not defense. The fact is that unless you can CC mobs (barb furious charge, tiki bitch fear bot, etc), you aren't getting anywhere.

Watching Alkaizer's stream, he's SPAMMING 400m dmg furious charges on a cc/dps ability. Fetishes do what? Die or just hit a single target lol.


It's additive, not multiplicative anymore. The duration is increased, however once you got used to the old play style it wasn't really a problem. The damage bonus declines now when going from 2 to 3 to 4 stacks. It might be more optimal to use only 3 stacks/elements now and concentrate on those.

Bastion's Will got nerfed to the ground (as it should have). Now 50% increased damage for 5 seconds after casting a resource spell.

Meteor Boots got nerfed pretty hard (under 3 mobs down to 200-250%, from 300-400%).

What will be interesting is how much being able to use 2hr (e.g. Ancient Furnace) will make up for the damage loss.

Oh it's additivee now? Nerf confirmed then.

At 4 stacks it's 800% damage instead of ~938% damage. It IS a nerf at max stacks, but at less stacks it's actually better now. Also since it lasts six seconds instead of three, there's less time at below max stacks, so that helps too.

I'm not sure how this will end up in practice but I don't think it's too bad at least.

Meteor boots nerf is kind of a big deal though.


The 500% increase on the IK set is gonna get nerfed so hard probably, but its fun while it lasts lol. Did a sub 11 52 and I don't even have ancient weapons.


The 500% increase on the IK set is gonna get nerfed so hard probably, but its fun while it lasts lol. Did a sub 11 52 and I don't even have ancient weapons.
I don't understand how Barbs gets 500% damage increase on their set (global damage increase) while Dhs get 300% damage increase from Nat's set.


After gearing up my DH and seeing how easy it is to blast through T6 content with just the marginal gear I have, it's so hard going back to wizard. DH is a different play style, but things simply blow up and die.

There are a lot of pieces I still need on my Wizard for 2.2, yet I don't think I can do Firebird gameplay anymore. I'm so sick of casting blizzards and waiting for the dot to kill off enemies.


That blue goblin looks good in the PTR.


If you still need one PM me, I have a few.



Blizzard really needs to add an Offline mode.

I was just kicked out during a bossfight, internet acting up.

I know they choose not to because of hackers and shit.

Also playing this while on the road is also something I miss, did that with D1 and D2.

Diablo 4 needs to have an offline mode.
Blizzard really needs to add an Offline mode.

I was just kicked out during a bossfight, internet acting up.

I know they choose not to because of hackers and shit.

Also playing this while on the road is also something I miss, did that with D1 and D2.

Diablo 4 needs to have an offline mode.

Offline mode = game gets pirated tons
They won't do it.


Meanwhile, the console versions are pirated to hell and even the online is full of hackers. Sad state of affairs over that way.


Not sure I like how they changed NAT.
F+R looks good, I wonder if the two +50% are additive between them or multiplicative. The former would be +100%, otherwise 75%. As a DH I don't think we'd have problems keeping both buffs uptime nearly 100%


Hah, interesting that the RoV changes are both a buff and a nerf. You deal the damage more quickly, but the amount of time you receive the defense buff from the RoV belt is reduced.

edit: Oh nevermind, looks like the belt was re-designed and the defense buff is automatic with the set.. "Rain of Vengeance also summons a crashing beast that deals 3000-4000% weapon damage" hmm

Dagger weapon damage increased from 275-350% to 500-650%
Increased proc chance from 25% to 100%

WTF, 100% proc chance for sash of knives? That's a usable item now..


Hah, interesting that the RoV changes are both a buff and a nerf. You deal the damage more quickly, but the amount of time you receive the defense buff from the RoV belt is reduced.

Nope, the RoV belt now has a damage buff, "Rain of Vengeance also summons a crashing beast that deals 3000-4000% weapon damage", while the defense buff has been included fixed (30%) in the 6p bonus of the set: "After casting Rain of Vengeance, deal 300% increased damage and take 30% reduced damage for 5 seconds."
So overall I think it's a buff


Nope, the RoV belt now has a damage buff, "Rain of Vengeance also summons a crashing beast that deals 3000-4000% weapon damage", while the defense buff has been included fixed (30%) in the 6p bonus of the set: "After casting Rain of Vengeance, deal 300% increased damage and take 30% reduced damage for 5 seconds."
So overall I think it's a buff

Yep- just noticed that. I should take patch notes with a grain of salt until they're ready to go live.
Hah, interesting that the RoV changes are both a buff and a nerf. You deal the damage more quickly, but the amount of time you receive the defense buff from the RoV belt is reduced.

edit: Oh nevermind, looks like the belt was re-designed and the defense buff is automatic with the set.. "Rain of Vengeance also summons a crashing beast that deals 3000-4000% weapon damage" hmm

WTF, 100% proc chance for sash of knives? That's a usable item now..

It's usable until you need the slot to complete a set. But yeah other than that it's pretty solid, note that it's 100% proc per ability, not per hit, you don't fire knives all around the place when you strafe/whirlwind. But the knives pierce and at 600ish dmg, it's pretty solid when gearing up. Getting the belt on PTR jumped me one torment for example, which for a single upgrade is pretty good.


Yep- just noticed that. I should take patch notes with a grain of salt until they're ready to go live.

I don't know if it's a typo, but the new set became more interesting.
Looking at the new 4p unhallowed bonus as it is in the patch notes: "Gain 20% damage reduction and 20% increased damage for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you".
Seems like we can have 100% uptime +20% dmg/def thanks to the 4s timer, though maybe I don't really understand how it works:
Join a rift, no one is in 10 yards so I get the buff. After 4s, if there's no enemy in 10 yards the buff starts over again for 4s, otherwise it doesn't. As soon as I vault away from enemies (11+yards) I gain it again. Is this right? What happens when an enemy enters my 10 yards area during the buff? Is it instantly lost or does it last until it expires anyway?


I don't know if it's a typo, but the new set became more interesting.
Looking at the new 4p unhallowed bonus as it is in the patch notes: "Gain 20% damage reduction and 20% increased damage for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you".
Seems like we can have 100% uptime +20% dmg/def thanks to the 4s timer, though maybe I don't really understand how it works:
Join a rift, no one is in 10 yards so I get the buff. After 4s, if there's no enemy in 10 yards the buff starts over again for 4s, otherwise it doesn't. As soon as I vault away from enemies (11+yards) I gain it again. Is this right? What happens when an enemy enters my 10 yards area during the buff? Is it instantly lost or does it last until it expires anyway?

My take, and this is mostly conjecture because it really doesn't explicitly say, is that you can only lose the buff if you have enemies within 10 yards when the 4 second buff expires and checks to see if it should re-apply itself. If you're out of range for 3 seconds, then walk into range, you lose the buff after 1 second. The bonus is pretty poorly written.


Are you seriously comparing botting with the hacks on consoles?


What are you trying to push here that botting is ok and isn't a problem just because people hack the consoles?

Other than "lol console hax are leeter than botting" you aren't saying much


What are you trying to push here that botting is ok and isn't a problem just because people hack the consoles?

Other than "lol console hax are leeter than botting" you aren't saying much

Well it isn't a problem on PC.

It ain't even affecting much the leaderboards.

lol bots.


The hell... Season 2 is ending? Much quicker then Season 1 thankfully.

Seems like they are aiming for May Season 3 with 2.2 patch. That should be a really good Season to participate in with the amount of changes coming.


That blue goblin looks good in the PTR.



so am I the only one on PC that uses the icons for loot drops... they seem way more practical than just have text all over the place..

also holy shit S2 ending sonn :O :O :O
also the bloodshard cap going up to 1k after you clear GR50 lol


Neo Member
I had a fairly productive night last night, one of the best since playing to be honest. I found Blade of Prophecy with perfect CDR roll so I rolled 10% damage, a 20% holy SOJ with socket, and a vigilante belt again with a perfect CDR roll and lastly a Frydehrs Wrath with perfect CC and CDR.

Its all I needed to run the condemn build, now its time to try my luck at some GR although still need the cannot die relic. Its hard to complain after a night like that though.
Will all of those changes be available to the entire game once 2.2 happens or just season 3? I can't remember if they apply to the entire game or if it's just new items that are exclusive to seasons.
Entire game with some items being made season 3 exclusive.

Ok, great. I'm not sure if I'll participate in the next season, or any future seasons. I've accumulated so many nice items and paragon levels in this current season that I don't want to be without them, haha. I might make a character and do some quick stuff for the sake of unlocking the various cosmetic things.


So I killed Malthael and the fight is way cooler than the fight against Diablo.

And the ending seems to be hinting towards another expansion or maybe Diablo 4.

and is Tyrael suggesting the Nephalem might go crazy?


So I killed Malthael and the fight is way cooler than the fight against Diablo.

And the ending seems to be hinting towards another expansion or maybe Diablo 4.

and is Tyrael suggesting the Nephalem might go crazy?

He's just saying there's a possibility of the Nephalim becoming corrupt with power.
Messing around with my Barb on PTR, the IK set is kind of insane right now. I got a new boulder breaker and its got +100% ancient damage. Is that new? The one I have on live certainly doesn't have that.
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