Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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J. Bravo

EDIT: I thought sever crits were just for show....

finally became part of the 500 club yesterday. I know a lot of you are well above that, but it made me happy to finally hit it. I usually play solo, but over the weekend I did a bunch of t6 pub rifts. I didn't think it was as bad as some people make it out to be


congrats breh. I dont mind doing pub rifts. it's all I do actually since no one is ever on in the clan when I play, and when ppl are, they are all soloing and boring lol.

I found my 3rd blade of prophecy today. I've also found 3 or 4 SoJs, ancient pony shield with dope rolls, several fate of hte fells, several mortal dramas, full akkhans and rolands a couple times. BUT NO condemn shield or gyrfalcon's foote. c'mon game.


What the fuck... How?

Area damage?

Grim reaper mfd. The mechanic's been around for a while, it didn't gain traction because that one-hit damage you spread around isn't worth the effort/time it takes to set up the spread. Now that we have big one-hit skills like EP and soon, meteor, we are seeing some pretty silly results with the dmg spread.


Neo Member
I think the problem with gems is that they have no "rolls". So when you hit the cap with the maximum gem you're done, that's the best you can have. In D2 at some point there were jewels (not to mention runes and runewords which came with the expansion), which could roll with different multiple stats and were considered a legendary item (had to be IDed if I remember well). I hope they'll implement something like that, a jewel which could roll with 1 main affix and one secondary, with the chance to have the some kind of stats on both, but the secondary being less potent. Something like 100%CHD/5%CHC or 10%CHC/50%CHD, or MAINSTAT/CHC, RCR/RSC and so on. And there would have to be ranges as well, not fixed max stats. This would give great room for changes and customization with little effort - you're not introducing a new game mechanic, just mixing existing ones.

Ya, those classic enhanced damage gems. I know it probably hindsight but I miss a lot of the mechanics and item options is D2.

While it was more difficult to find items you could farm specific monsters for a chance at that item. Not to mention the skill tree but that has been beaten to death already.


Seek victory, not fairness
What the fuck... How?

Area damage?

Say there are 3 targets: trashA, trashB, and a rift guardian. The demon hunter puts Grim Reaper on trashA. A monk with Sever puts Exploding Palm on trashB and it's killed. The Exploding Palm damage hits trashA and is multiplied by Sever's crazy multiplier, resulting in trillions of damage. 20% of that is applied (via Grim Reaper) to the remaining nearby target - the rift guardian.

As said above, the mechanic's been around for a while, but it was rendered relatively useless when EP was changed from HP-based to fixed damage. Now that EP is multiplied by the SWK bonus, the combo came back into power.


Last night was amazing, taz47 power levelled me to 70, made me about 40million gold, helped me get a RROG on my first cache and a load of legendaries. All in about 40 minutes. Just wanted to say thanks again :)


Yesterday night I changed things a bit, went full Mara and gave up RRoRG and NAT in favor of a Rogar's Huge Stone and a decent Ancient Barb, swapped follower from Scoundrel to Enchantress. Now I need the right weapon and ammy for her but seeing enemies in GRs turning into chickens is pretty great. Managed to crack GR 38 in a nasty one, it was full of monkeys (they're called Reapers I think? Anyway I hate those). Glad I had the extra life given by my Barb, the RG went down with 3s missing :D That was pretty intense. And I still hadn't Bane of the Trapped (was still only using BotP in RRoRG). I wonder if I can crack GR 40 before upgrading my equipment (I won't try it until my BotT is rank 25, 2 GRs to go for that anyway).
Do you suggest to swap the gem in my helm for a diamond? I have 0 RCD at the moment so I don't know how much 12% would be effective against 23% more life.
Any suggestion?
This is my profile:


Finally got my first Unity drop in seasons yesterday. It was pretty crappy, so hopefully that will be the one that goes on my follower when I find a second one (if ever).

Played another hour or so last night and got my second Unity drop. Two in one day! The second was even shittier than the first, but I assume it will be worth it.


You are kidding right? No power at all in that voice.

No kidding at all. The mix of arrogance, self-confidence and disgust coming from his voice make up for the lack of power.
He didn't need it.
And believe me, going through all TBC up to the summit of Black Temple and hearing that line just before the fight was something else. We're talking about months, not a day of gaming. It all adds up to building that single moment in the game.


Last night was amazing, taz47 power levelled me to 70, made me about 40million gold, helped me get a RROG on my first cache and a load of legendaries. All in about 40 minutes. Just wanted to say thanks again :)

Your welcome, that was some D3 luck you had can't believe you got a vault and a rrOg out of just one T6 bounty.


Just wondering one thing, when I started doing GRs it seemed to me the Rift Guardian was always dropping a Legendary Gem, until I got them all. Never got a gem drop after the last one dropped, never got a duplicate. Are they account unique? It doesn't seem so, otherwise you couldn't use the same kind of gem on two different characters at the same time, and they're in my stash so they're already "shared", except for the 2 that I'm using. Will they drop on different characters?


They won't drop if you have the gem on your character, or in your stash.

So you will get duplicates once you start playing other characters.


Just wondering one thing, when I started doing GRs it seemed to me the Rift Guardian was always dropping a Legendary Gem, until I got them all. Never got a gem drop after the last one dropped, never got a duplicate. Are they account unique? It doesn't seem so, otherwise you couldn't use the same kind of gem on two different characters at the same time, and they're in my stash so they're already "shared", except for the 2 that I'm using. Will they drop on different characters?

To get dupes a gem needs to be in a different character's possession, i.e. either equipped or in their personal inventory.


They won't drop if you have the gem on your character, or in your stash.

So you will get duplicates once you start playing other characters.

That's a great way to farm on particular gems then, just put in your stash the ones you don't need so you'll drop the needed ones 100%
Vivi! You're one of the few still in the EU clan :D
Just wondering one thing, when I started doing GRs it seemed to me the Rift Guardian was always dropping a Legendary Gem, until I got them all. Never got a gem drop after the last one dropped, never got a duplicate. Are they account unique? It doesn't seem so, otherwise you couldn't use the same kind of gem on two different characters at the same time, and they're in my stash so they're already "shared", except for the 2 that I'm using. Will they drop on different characters?
Yes you can get duplicate gems by using other characters. My characters each have their own bane of the trapped gems, and each ranked to 40 . Yes, I had the spare time to do it.


That's a great way to farm on particular gems then, just put in your stash the ones you don't need so you'll drop the needed ones 100%
Vivi! You're one of the few still in the EU clan :D
Haha yup, somehow got the urge to jump back in again for season 2. Clan's so dead I've been wondering if there's maybe a new one I didn't know of.


Where's the 6PC SWK bonus?

Tal Rasha's got a big buff as did the Delsere set. They want you to use that set with the new Arcane Orb item.

Raiment set change still seems awkward and lacking in AOE damage. They just added some synergy and increased numbers.

Bastion of Wills got reworked completely. Doesn't look nearly as good as before.

No changes on RoZ or Broken Promises means those two are now the new BiS rings.


Wizards got nerfed pretty hard. It will be interesting to see new skill options for Tal Rasha's now.
How? I know the Meteor boots got nerfed but the Tal Rasha 6PC looks ridiculous now (unless I am reading it wrong, seems like a massive buff). Delsere got a big buff too.


How? I know the Meteor boots got nerfed but the Tal Rasha 6PC looks ridiculous now (unless I am reading it wrong, seems like a massive buff). Delsere got a big buff too.
It's additive, not multiplicative anymore. The duration is increased, however once you got used to the old play style it wasn't really a problem. The damage bonus declines now when going from 2 to 3 to 4 stacks. It might be more optimal to use only 3 stacks/elements now and concentrate on those.

Bastion's Will got nerfed to the ground (as it should have). Now 50% increased damage for 5 seconds after casting a resource spell.

Meteor Boots got nerfed pretty hard (under 3 mobs down to 200-250%, from 300-400%).

What will be interesting is how much being able to use 2hr (e.g. Ancient Furnace) will make up for the damage loss.


Seek victory, not fairness
Bane of the Stricken is interesting. It doesn't mention a limited duration or cap on the effect, so your damage would just continuously increase the longer you fought a single target. I remember we had tossed around this kind of idea back when Crushing Blow was being debated.

- Each attack you make against an enemy increases the damage it takes from your attacks by 10% weapon damage
- The additional weapon damage taken is increased by 1% per rank
- At rank 25 allied players, followers, and pets also benefit from this effect

Great for a fetish army, assuming that weapon damage is added to the base amount and then multiplied by the other effects. I like this one.


Oh it's additivee now? Nerf confirmed then.

Also the Bastion of Wills has two affixes of 50% damage now and they should both stack up. Not as bad as originally expected.


Seek victory, not fairness
I just logged in on PTR (in a T6 game too) and the community buff is now:

- Goblins in pairs
- Double Shards
- 2000% legendaries
- 300% experience


Seek victory, not fairness
Time for long ass queues. Although I can't test PTR because I will be playing DmC tonight.

Yeah, for some reason tonight's a big night all over the place (lots of releases and patches), so people are busy. There wasn't any queue at all when I tried.


Seek victory, not fairness
I'm making a beeline for that new bane of the stricken gem to see how it interacts with way of the hundred fists: fists of fury.

Edit: Hmph, looks like it isn't dropping yet. I got mutilation guard, but not this one.


You can now increase your Blood Shard cap by achieving a personal best in Solo Greater Rifts
The cap will be increased by 10 shards per Greater Rift level completed

As a player who isn't really interested in leader board progression for Greater Rifts, this just gave me a really good reason to do Greater Rifts (yes I also have all the gems and the ones I care about at Rank 25+).


I think I have zero motivation at this point to play until 2.2 hits, Blizzard pls

Pretty much. Anytime a new patch is coming, playing now just feels pointless. But I'm really pumped for the barb and sader changes once it goes live. Of course, Bloodborne will be out by then and it'll be hard to rip me from there...


So I just started a S2 character and hit 70. First time playing in a while.

Crap gear, currently doing bounties on Expert.

What's the best way to start gearing? Am I on the right track or should I be doing something else?
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