It is designed to only drop in Act 1*.does the set reducing ring only drop from act 1 caches? someone said act 1 and im confused on why it wouldnt drop from any act cache
Has very strong options, Condemn build is still viable I'm sure, and Roland's is based around Shield Bash now.
It is designed to only drop in Act 1*.
(*All cache items can drop in Act 4 bags, but it's obviously better to focus on the Act which has the items that you want to get.)
I accepted your request I saw in the queue. Just accept and you're good to go!Thanks! I put in a request. My ID is Ween.
Sure, just need your Battletag (name alone is not enough) or send a request to the clan queue and I'll accept it.Could you add me also? My ID is Darkflow83
is the holy build still viable
It is designed to only drop in Act 1*.
(*All cache items can drop in Act 4 bags, but it's obviously better to focus on the Act which has the items that you want to get.)
My thoughts exactly, I can't wait to cube the Unity for greater rifting.There are a lot of interesting little rings floating around out there. I can't wait for the new patch so I can get some of these effects passively. Being locked into BiS gear sucks sometimes because you don't get to play with some of the other cool stuff that gets released.
Also, I now have all of the single element immunity amulets.... and every single one of them has terrible rolls![]()
the grind for the set ring is starting to get to me. Ive gotten multipe of every other legendary in the loot table (amulet I got like 6 lol) and still no ring. Between a bunch of torment 6 runs with a friend and solo torment 3 runs, its making me sad (especially when I have 5p zuni and just want my 245% pet dmg increase)
nature of the beast I know. To make matters worse (not really I actually laughed) another friend joined my party just as I finished a bounty, he got the cache for it and got the ring lol. At least im confortable doing torment 3 now even without the 6p bonus
You in Europe right? If you want to do some act 1 on t6 for caches hit me up.
It's hard to plan ahead knowing there will probably be some more changes in the final patch. Hopefully we get to try it out in PTR first.
Leaning toward a HOTA or SS barb right now.
Welp definitely playing this season!Starting with Season 4, Diablo III players who reach level 70 with a Seasonal character will receive Malthaels Phantom in Heroes of the Storm.
Can I ask right now to be placed in the plvl queue?I'll be happy to help people PL once I'm stronk enough to do so. Just don't join my games expecting a carry though; ask first lol
Last time I checked it was relatively inexpensive. Especially compared to re-rolling a Legendary which IMO is a bit expensive (50 forgotten souls) and also time consuming (need to get 5 of each mats from a Bounty full clear).Going to be back once patch hits. But will probably only play non season as usual.
Question, how expensive is it to reroll rares to legendaries woth the cube? Will I finally have a decent chance of picking up a Krider for my DH alt?
Death's Breath has been the bottleneck for the past 2 seasons anyway. You reach a certain point where souls don't matter much and you have to farm Death's Breath. Why they aren't auto-pickup I have no idea...
No, they've said the patch won't hit until Season 3 ends on August 21st, this puts the patch on Tues Aug 25.According to the launcher there's maintenance on it the patch?
Seriously, I don't get why things like that aren't auto pickup. Game needs options for gems too, like don't auto loot anything below x-star gem.
Kinda lame that they are using the same Transmog from Season 1 as a reward.
They kinda have to do both really (add brand new Legendaries and redesign old ones). In theory there isn't anything wrong with it, it's actually for the best to keep the game interesting the problem is in the execution. Sometimes the items aren't as good as Blizzard planned them to be.The real question is why do they keep taking junk legendaries out of the loot pool and redesigning them if they are just going to keep adding more junk legendaries to the game. Barbarians are 0 for 3 for good seasonal legendaries and I haven't seen anything positive about the season 4 one yet. I'd settle for one with a niche use at this point, cause the others weren't really useful by the time you reach Torment 2.
For the Monks though all of their new items including redesigned old ones have been very good for this patch. Shenlongs are insane now and the Lion's Fist + Belt are basically best in slot items for the Uliana's. Uliana also retroactively makes some unusable items very good now like Madstone and Flow of Eternity.
You can put the 2H weapon in the cube (or the 1h and equip the 2h). I don't see the problem here.
The Archon Wizard and Uliana's set are perfect example of this. Uliana is essentially a 10-12 piece set. Even with the cube there is hardly any wiggle room when the items that Blizzard wants us to use are so powerful.
You can put the 2H weapon in the cube (or the 1h and equip the 2h). I don't see the problem here.
WW has that Ring though. Yea it's not that good but it exists.
I think the main problem with D3 is that everyone is just being funneled into builds that Blizzard wants us to use with very specific items. The Archon Wizard and Uliana's set are perfect example of this. Uliana is essentially a 10-12 piece set. Even with the cube there is hardly any wiggle room when the items that Blizzard wants us to use are so powerful.
So I'm still pending joining the NeoGAF clan.Why will no one accept me.
Last time I checked it was relatively inexpensive. Especially compared to re-rolling a Legendary which IMO is a bit expensive (50 forgotten souls) and also time consuming (need to get 5 of each mats from a Bounty full clear).
The rare to Legendary re-roll only requires craft mats (like 50 each not including Forgotten Souls) which is about as expensive as crafting most Legendary items through the Blacksmith. So yeah it's pretty inexpensive when you think of it like that.
The main bottleneck is going to be Death's Breath... those 25 Death's Breath each re-roll gets used up real quick and they are used for other recipes as well.
Hmm I haven't played since S3 launched but I have a huge amount of Death Breath in my stash.