Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!


Every time I'm killing a rift guardian on a regular rift, it's dropping a glowing purple item that looks like I should be able to pick it up.

But when I try to pick it up, it says "My pack is full" or "I don't have a place to put that item." Even though my pack definitely isn't full. What is this thing and why can't I pick it up?

Blood shards.

It is bullshit, that you cannot get them to auto-stack to their limit of 500.


Got a decent amulet - Maia's Kaleidoscope. Rolling a socket isn't cheap on it though (and the other rolls aren't ideal) - who thought a royal ruby was a good idea! D:


Did 2.1 Fix the drops to get to the secret cow level? I remember it was bugged on console. Can't find console patch notes....


So I've probably killed around 100 goblins with just two portals spawning. In fact, I've found more rainbow goblins than I could care for (at least five!). Does anyone know the spawn rate? It seems awfully low.

Also, is Ramaladni's Gift a universal drop? I've only found it twice, on PC, dropping from greater rift bosses.


I cannot believe I'm not banned anymore, lol.

Regardless... 2.1.

Leg Gems are lame - I hate how we basically have to get all new jewelry and be at the beck and whim of RNG < 9000 to get a quad-fecta in order for it to be even remotely relevant. Because you KNOW that the ring or amulet is going to roll main stat. which you are going to roll off. It is the other 3 stats that are the rub.

I can face-roll level 30 GRifts... but what is my motivation? :/

Drop main stats for a socket if you need to in rings/amulet. Motivation is go as high as you can so you have better chance to uprade your legendary gems. That's the whole point of the game, get better gear to do bigger damage, get stuck ona difficulty, get better gear, go higher.


Is it still normal mode best for bounties?

I'm pretty sure they patched PC to give better stuff for higher dif but that's not in console right?


Is it still normal mode best for bounties?

I'm pretty sure they patched PC to give better stuff for higher dif but that's not in console right?

i think the legendary drops are proportionate to the difficulty you're playing on, with t6 a guaranteed legendary.


After running Core of Arreat for a day and a half, finally got my first goblin rift.



Can someone, anyone, break down how to tackle the game at level 70?

I've been running bounties at getting to level 70 on master difficulty. I make my game public and dudes with 100+ paragon level join up and mop the floor of everything.

This game kinda confuses me lol.


Grimløck;134236904 said:
nooo. a legendary gem, depending on your build. if you're using flying dragon + swk, then either gogok of swiftness, mirinae, or taeguk.
Already have Gogok and miranae on rings, should I put an Emerald on the Rorg and the legendary on the amulet or wait for the taeguk?


Already have Gogok and miranae on rings, should I put an Emerald on the Rorg and the legendary on the amulet or wait for the taeguk?

what other legendaries do you have? you can put something else in the socket until you get the taeguk. the emerald is going to equal dex in your rings and amulet, which is probably going to be less than what you rolled off for the socket.


Grimløck;134238005 said:
what other legendaries do you have? you can put something else in the socket until you get the taeguk. the emerald is going to equal dex in your rings and amulet, which is probably going to be less than what you rolled off for the socket.
Have a few, maybe the one that poisons enemies.


Drop main stats for a socket if you need to in rings/amulet. Motivation is go as high as you can so you have better chance to uprade your legendary gems. That's the whole point of the game, get better gear to do bigger damage, get stuck ona difficulty, get better gear, go higher.

I got the Bane of the Powerful up to 25 in like 7 grifts.

Sentry makes 35 a mere matter of time, and regardless of whether it gets cleared in 15 minutes or not, you're getting a high % chance of 3 upgrades each run.

On another topic - did Akarat's Champion get a cooldown reduction? I'm still at 37.5%, yet I'm getting nearly 100% up time, now. It makes me far less inclined to roll the 3.8 Wrath regen off of my newly buffed FotF.


So the main stat is going to be the stat we are roll off to get a socket on our accessory? I have never thought it would be the one to be abandoned first.
So the main stat is going to be the stat we are roll off to get a socket on our accessory? I have never thought it would be the one to be abandoned first.

me either, but once you get higher up you will see that +600 Strength/Int will be much less DPS than CHD or CHC %

My favourite thing in this game is spending millions of gold on gems, rolling VIT off my ring to get a socket multiple times, and seeing variations of:

+ 600 VIT
+ 602 VIT
+ 12% Life.

Newsflash - if im wasting my forgotten souls to enchant vitality, more likely than not, i dont want ANOTHER EXACT SAME ROLL as vitality or more life!!!


Neo Member
I am playing crusader at the moment, and I am looking for The Furnace (Strength type).

I have different crusader items to trade for the Furnace:
1) Arkkan Set
2) Roland Set
3) Leoric Amulet
4) Different weapons for different Crusader builds (Fate of the Fell, Foote, Jekangboard etc)
5) Stone of Jordan, Ring of Royal Grandeur

If you are interested, please add my (PS4) psn ID: Sannylim93

Please include the message about (trading).

Many thanks!
Can someone, anyone, break down how to tackle the game at level 70?

I've been running bounties at getting to level 70 on master difficulty. I make my game public and dudes with 100+ paragon level join up and mop the floor of everything.

This game kinda confuses me lol.

Get better gear and bump the difficulty up to Torment levels.

We should play sometime!
me either, but once you get higher up you will see that +600 Strength/Int will be much less DPS than CHD or CHC %

My favourite thing in this game is spending millions of gold on gems, rolling VIT off my ring to get a socket multiple times, and seeing variations of:

+ 600 VIT
+ 602 VIT
+ 12% Life.

Newsflash - if im wasting my forgotten souls to enchant vitality, more likely than not, i dont want ANOTHER EXACT SAME ROLL as vitality or more life!!!
I see where you're coming from, but what if you're trying to roll your 500 Vit to 700 Vit?


Ok so with 4 70s now I am feeling up to tackling my DH again. It looks like I am going to need a ton of the marauders set. Is there a good way to go about getting it. Beside sacrificing cows to the RNG gods?

And yay for needing 2 dexterity based RoRg, sigh I only just today got my first one for my witch doctor.

Why did I have to have to be playing two int and two dex based characters.

Always looking for more friends, I play at odd times PSN is Rukland
anybody got a good Rolands set build for Shield Bash and Sweep?

i.e. weapons/passives/skills etc

it's what im working towards. I have 2 pieces of Rolands/Akkhans so one more piece and i can get the 4 piece bonus with the RoRG.


So I take it legendary gems should be going in amulet and rings, nowhere else? I only have one (but then I haven't actually done any grifts yet), which is the hoarder one from the vault.

RNG hated me this morning. Up to T2 and I don't think I hit a single elite pack once - every fight was against two and often three packs! D: Spirit walk doesn't refresh all that often if I'm not tearing through trash.

EDIT: Also, six or seven hundred shards and not a sniff of a Mask of Jeram. :'(
So I take it legendary gems should be going in amulet and rings, nowhere else? I only have one (but then I haven't actually done any grifts yet), which is the hoarder one from the vault.

RNG hated me this morning. Up to T2 and I don't think I hit a single elite pack once - every fight was against two and often three packs! D: Spirit walk doesn't refresh all that often if I'm not tearing through trash.

EDIT: Also, six or seven hundred shards and not a sniff of a Mask of Jeram. :'(

you can only put them in jewellery, so yes.

I think my goal is this:

Crusader build with FoF, Full Akkhans and Full Rolands set with a piro marella shield. - Legendary GEMS up to 25-30, then move on to a Wizard with full Vyr's set, Wand of Woh, Mirrorball and Serpents sparker.

I think once i have these builds i will be happy to say that i have "finished" the game.


I'm not setting myself any goals that revolve around any specific gear, because I don't have a single signature drop yet across WD or Crusader. :'(


Ok so with 4 70s now I am feeling up to tackling my DH again. It looks like I am going to need a ton of the marauders set. Is there a good way to go about getting it. Beside sacrificing cows to the RNG gods?


It's called asking me or someone else in here who has a glut of them in his or her stash to give you a piece or six of it, lol.

I'll see what I can do.

I think I have multiples of everything but the boots.


Yes ask away without fear lol, I think everythign I have that Im using was giving to me lol, the only thing I know it did drop for me was the Vigilante Belt

So any Sunwuku people that have spare pieces hook me up :p


I have no idea what items are good and what are bad in this game, I've just been keeping random items that look like they might be quite decent. I just can't keep on top of the gear, it's too much knowledge to take in!

Wish we could see our inventory/stash online, a la Destiny. I might screen grab everything I have in my stash later and you can tell me what I should shard. Unless there's a way I can check online?


Grimløck;134232548 said:
i think the legendary drops are proportionate to the difficulty you're playing on, with t6 a guaranteed legendary.


Now I'm confused. Someone in here told me this was vanilla 2.1 patch. That was a hotfix after the fact. So if that true this isn't vanilla 2.1

Is there seriously no real console patch notes?
I shouldn't have to guess what the notes are.
Should I just hold all of the gifts my friends sent me in my mailbox until I hit level 70? I opened some of them and it appears they scale to my current level.



Now I'm confused. Someone in here told me this was vanilla 2.1 patch. That was a hotfix after the fact. So if that true this isn't vanilla 2.1

Is there seriously no real console patch notes?
I shouldn't have to guess what the notes are.
I've heard both as well, but I can't do T6 so I can't confirm. I've turned in a few on T2 and haven't had anything drop yet though.

I can't check now, but is there nothing in the update on the PS4 dash?

Should I just hold all of the gifts my friends sent me in my mailbox until I hit level 70? I opened some of them and it appears they scale to my current level.
Once you open the mailbox, the level is set - I'm pretty sure of this. So you'd need to ignore the mailbox completely.

On that note, I'm sending gifts left right and centre but I haven't had anything back in AGES. Add me active PS4 D3 GAF! PSN = GAF.


Should I just hold all of the gifts my friends sent me in my mailbox until I hit level 70? I opened some of them and it appears they scale to my current level.

Yes, ignore it till you are 70 paragon 50 at the least or have only one day to open them, like they are 30 days limit isn't it?


I've heard both as well, but I can't do T6 so I can't confirm. I've turned in a few on T2 and haven't had anything drop yet though.

I can't check now, but is there nothing in the update on the PS4 dash?

Once you open the mailbox, the level is set - I'm pretty sure of this. So you'd need to ignore the mailbox completely.

On that note, I'm sending gifts left right and centre but I haven't had anything back in AGES. Add me active PS4 D3 GAF! PSN = GAF.

The patch notes that I can find are purely...hey look new rifts goblin portals blah blah blah.

Unless I'm missing some some where hidden on the Internet's.
I'm just missing the shoulders and bracers for the Akkan set ahh. I'm able to run t4 right now does it make more sense to farm rifts or greater rifts what has a better chance to drop those greens!?


Saint Nic
Is there an updated spreadsheet of active players on PS4? I have a bunch of GAF members on my list, but only seen like 3-4 people ever playing. :/


Neo Member
That's what I thought, but everyone is saying it starts to peter out, and at some point you're better off rolling your primary off to CHC or something, so when do I start doing that?

You start doing that after 9000 in your mainstat. Anything over 9000 INT seems to have little effect on my wizard. I'd suggest to boost certain skills like Fire/Black Hole etc.
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