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Did I miss the yearly "This heat is so hot. I hate the weather" thread?

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
If so let me start a new thread. Yesterday it was 93 with a heat index of 107 and 59% humidity. Let's see what today brings.
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July 21st was the hottest day on record so it’s getting worse, so worse in fact that July 22nd was actually the hottest day on record, breaking the record that the 21st set.


It's 97 in denver with 3 wildfires close to the city. Plus California and Canada fires are contributing. It's bad outside


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Someone complained about the heat in France and it was 82....... :| :messenger_neutral:

It was 100 outside yesterday near my house.
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Neighbours from Hell
People love summer, I never have. The heat sucks. If you live in a place that doesn't have AC, it's even worse. My favorite time of the year is fall. Just the best weather. I enjoy the first couple weeks of warm/hot weather, but after that I hate it and immediately long for October and the cool crisp weather, for those who live in regions that experience the seasons like this.


People love summer, I never have. The heat sucks. If you live in a place that doesn't have AC, it's even worse. My favorite time of the year is fall. Just the best weather. I enjoy the first couple weeks of warm/hot weather, but after that I hate it and immediately long for October and the cool crisp weather, for those who live in regions that experience the seasons like this.
Goddamn dude I empathize with this completely. Absolutely despise summer, not just the weather, but everything about the culture, everything about how loud and idiotic everyone gets in summer, it's just such a terrible time to be around humans.


Neighbours from Hell
Goddamn dude I empathize with this completely. Absolutely despise summer, not just the weather, but everything about the culture, everything about how loud and idiotic everyone gets in summer, it's just such a terrible time to be around humans.
Body odor is worse in the summer, bugs are worse in the summer. The noise is worse in the summer. The smell of the air is worse. Depending on where you live, the smell in the air starts to change in mid to late September when it gets into the 70s. The green starts to change and you get that sweet dewy smell in the air. Then the crisp air of the fall once fall comes.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
People love summer, I never have. The heat sucks. If you live in a place that doesn't have AC, it's even worse. My favorite time of the year is fall. Just the best weather. I enjoy the first couple weeks of warm/hot weather, but after that I hate it and immediately long for October and the cool crisp weather, for those who live in regions that experience the seasons like this.
I love the summer as long as I'm at the beach with a drink in my hand.


It's trending. And not in a good way.


Hotter than when earth was a ball of magma? Co2 levels are extremely low historically, almost scary low at ~400ppm, so I'm assuming when they were 3 - 4x and plants were gigantic that it was significantly warmer.

Co2 = plant food. More Co2 = larger plants and more vegetation, which in turn produces more oxygen. Pretty interesting cycle.
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Please recognize the context of the phrase "in recorded history" and its human civilization-centric implications.

Indeed, instruments that monitor PPM vs. ice core sampling.

Regardless, I'd argue this is a misplaced fear. Stop chopping down forests and that Co2 will be beneficial. More Co2 is good.

I grow a garden in a greenhouse and I intentionally add greenhouse gases to produce larger plants.

More Co2 + more heat = more food.
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Rodent Whores
Indeed, instruments that monitor PPM vs. ice core sampling.

Regardless, I'd argue this is a misplaced fear. Stop chopping down forests and that Co2 will be beneficial. More Co2 is good.

I grow a garden in a greenhouse and I intentionally add greenhouse gases to produce larger plants.

More Co2 + more heat = more food.

Please recognize the context of the phrase "in recorded history" and its human civilization-centric implications.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
We in the UK have followed our tradition of complaining that summer has been shit, and then when summer arrives for a week, complaining that it's too hot.


The implications about how you're in a thread that's complaining about how hot it is, and I offered additional data about how it's hot and only getting hotter, and then you are disregarding the topic and wanting to talk about how to grow plants well.

Fair enough!

Really I'm arguing that this "fear" about warm summer is misplaced and really just narrative / politics / agenda and not factual.

Greenhouse gases and heat increases are good, not bad. Earth is way too cold. Use of energy from burning Co2 into the air > not doing so!
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Been down Bristol in the UK the last couple of days, utter filth hot down them industrial estates. Then I got the pleasure of being stuck bording out a loft for a few evenings


Just give me the storm already!!



Al Pachinko, Konami President


We've had a few warm days the last couple of weeks. The rain is crazy tho.


ChatGPT 0.1
Heat records are going up and up,

Summary: July 22, 2024, was the hottest day on record, according to a NASA analysis of global daily temperature data.

Earth is on track to become the next mars.


Meanwhile, the UK has had the worst fucking weather I can ever remember in a summer, with only this week really feeling like it’s appropriate for the time of year.
Problem here is humidity. Soon as it's hot I have to peel myself off of every surface I come in contact with. Got three full changes of clothing on rotation all day.


Averages mid 30's here in Summer though not unheard of to get 40 days and about 25 in Winter.

30-32 is my favourite temp and I work both inside and outside.
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Gold Member
i used to not like it but as long as I’m staying hydrated Feels good sweating

The implications for humanity being more food and less winter? Yes please!

Remember that Al Gore movie which said Florida would be under water by 2011? The shoreline has not changed at all.

Warmer weather = more mosquitos with dengue and malaria that Kill more ppl than any other animals. Gives the people in hot/humid areas a lot of problems. Winter/colder weather is good to wipe them out every year

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Tulsa Oklahoma here.

It's usually around 100F all of July and August here. This year we did get a week of clouds and rain, which was a nice break. Back up to 100F now. The AC units are working overtime.


i used to not like it but as long as I’m staying hydrated Feels good sweating

Warmer weather = more mosquitos with dengue and malaria that Kill more ppl than any other animals. Gives the people in hot/humid areas a lot of problems. Winter/colder weather is good to wipe them out every year

He's clearly another of these goofy asses who downplay global warming. Wild that there's still folks like that out there, but it's pretty clear in their case. I've learned to just pay them no mind at all, whatever they say just nod and agree so that they don't drag your IQ down into the muck with them.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Tulsa Oklahoma here.

It's usually around 100F all of July and August here. This year we did get a week of clouds and rain, which was a nice break. Back up to 100F now. The AC units are working overtime.
How is the humidity? I'm in Houston we had 66% humidity earlier. Stepping outside is like taking a steam bath
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He's clearly another of these goofy asses who downplay global warming. Wild that there's still folks like that out there, but it's pretty clear in their case. I've learned to just pay them no mind at all, whatever they say just nod and agree so that they don't drag your IQ down into the muck with them.

Look at the history of these claims....

By 2011 Florida underwater?

That was the big fear in 2004.

I've driven over a bridge in the ocean for 30 years, know where the water level is?

Exactly where it was in 2004.

Who is goofy? I'd argue it's the people writing these climate models 🤣

The fear in the 80s was a global ice age.
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Look at the history of these claims....

By 2011 Florida underwater?

That was the big fear in 2004.

I've driven over a bridge in the ocean for 30 years, know where the water level is?

Exactly where it was in 2004.

Who is goofy? I'd argue it's the people writing these climate models 🤣

The fear in the 80s was a global ice age.
Michael Richards Ok GIF


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills....people complaining about 100 Fahrenheit which is like 37/38 degrees Celsius when here in Romania last week we've had like 4 consecutive days with 41/42 degrees Celsius and the rest of the week for the past 3 weeks it was 38/39 degrees with high humidity.

Welcome to Europe also known as the scorched lands.

the sun wow GIF

37 degrees is like winter for me now.


Gold Member
He's clearly another of these goofy asses who downplay global warming. Wild that there's still folks like that out there, but it's pretty clear in their case. I've learned to just pay them no mind at all, whatever they say just nod and agree so that they don't drag your IQ down into the muck with them.

Wonder how many records are going to get broken the next few years probably only going to get hotter. Vegas gonna have 120 degree days 🔜 :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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