I probably won't get this day 1, but I can't wait to get around to this. Subbed.
There is a guy doing a walkthrough in Spanish who got the same Digis as you, are you him?
Taking care of your pets and seeing them grow stronger is so addicting.
Amazon UK still failing.
Despite promises on Saturday that it would be dispatched within 24 hours, here we are 48 hours and still absolutely nothing.
Have been on to complain again to them and just got told "Oh we'll ask the fulfillment center to send it as soon as possible, please wait 24-48 hours more"
Complained again, telling them that I could get it from a local retailer but for £10 more than the price I paid to Amazon. Their first offer was to give me some credit to buy it from one of the other sellers on their site advertising it as in stock, but none of them offer prime delivery so I'll still be waiting 2-3 days for it.
Eventually settled on them cancelling the order, giving me £5 of credit to my account and a months extension of my Prime membership, so that I can pick up a copy from Game today.
Utter shambles really, literally everyone has it in stock except Amazon themselves it seems.
It is actually kinda hard to tell how strong the digimon is.
The level is an indicator but the difference between a level 20 and 27 Rookie is very minor.
On the other hand the difference between an level 20 Ultimate and 27 Ultimate is insane.
Next to the name is a very very small number 1, 2 and so on, which tells you if the digimon is Champion, Ultimate and so on. So when you fight against an enemy first look at this indicator and then the level.
As an example in the vulcano area is a Meteormon (Ultimate) which is Level 8. Even if you can kill the Level 25+ Shamanmons around that area, you probably die against Meteormon.
So always Evolition > Level.
Yep I had a feeling something was up. A few days before it released the Amazon page had it listed as out of stock which I found strange but I had it pre-ordered for ages. It was supposed to dispatch the day before launch but got stuck for a whole 48 hours on "preparing for dispatch" so on launch day I just cancelled it and bought the physical version in Gamestop. It was worth the extra price to avoid headaches with Amazon support.
In terms of my game progress:
My mega and ultimate diedFunnily enough my Ultimate (aged 17) died before my Mega (aged 21) which I found strange. So got my two new Digimon and trained them up. They inherited a LOT of stats (started with around ~300) which made it easier to train a lot. I also had the bonus stats for digi-evolution which meant both my Champions had roughly 10k HP and around 800-1000 in stats. I now have two new Ultimates. Both
. Which was not intended btwGrapLeomon
What is cool though is that I learnedfromGigawatt laserand they can both use it! It's insane, so so strong. I think it wasMachinedramon.3500 power but costs 3500 mana or 65 OP
This also might be helpful for some people (I had no idea there was a small number indicator for example, also explains why I had such a hard time with RedVegimon, they are Champions):
As someone who loved the original despite the broken PAL version, does this one scratch the same itch? I loved how the original was more open compared to Pokemon and to see File City growing. Is the city part comparable?
Hackmon, shoutmon and gumdramon are in the game, meicoomon and maycrackmon will be in whenever that dlc comes out (it'll be free also comes with Boltboutamon and some other stuff)Can you get Hackmon, Shoutmon, Gumdramon and Meicoomon in this version or are they promotional?
Can you get Hackmon, Shoutmon, Gumdramon and Meicoomon in this version or are they promotional?
Shoutmon,Hackmon and Meicoomon are already in the game , I assume Gumdramon is there as well.
Thanks for the answers. I wonder how hard are those Digis to get.
Hackmon is probably the hardest of that bunch. I think he's the second hardest rookie to get, first being that kid lucimon or whatever it is.
Thanks for the answers. I wonder how hard are those Digis to get.
I give up with this game. It's so frustrating. Still can't find a Salty Fruit and I have been around this starting area countless times. My digimon are pathetic despite having evolved them into champion level. They just keep dying against single enemies and I'm having to start from the beginning again and run away back just to die again. I am trying my best but just don't have enough items such as bandages or recovery discs. Tried using the vending machine to buy some but can only afford one bandage but both digimon won't shut up crying because they are hurt. The sounds are way too repetitive and annoying.
What a waste of £40. I really enjoyed the original digimon world game but this just sucks so bad. I know it's my fault for buying it at launch but it looked good from what I saw of it.
I give up with this game. It's so frustrating. Still can't find a Salty Fruit and I have been around this starting area countless times. My digimon are pathetic despite having evolved them into champion level. They just keep dying against single enemies and I'm having to start from the beginning again and run away back just to die again. I am trying my best but just don't have enough items such as bandages or recovery discs. Tried using the vending machine to buy some but can only afford one bandage but both digimon won't shut up crying because they are hurt. The sounds are way too repetitive and annoying.
What a waste of £40. I really enjoyed the original digimon world game but this just sucks so bad. I know it's my fault for buying it at launch but it looked good from what I saw of it.
are you fighting enemies with red icons near their names? if so, you're not supposed to, stick to blues, hearing that you need to train alot and just get through 4 generations of digimon to get going. also turn the game to easy(true normal) if you're on normal(actual hard)
My mega and ultimate diedFunnily enough my Ultimate (aged 17) died before my Mega (aged 21) which I found strange. So got my two new Digimon and trained them up. They inherited a LOT of stats (started with around ~300) which made it easier to train a lot. I also had the bonus stats for digi-evolution which meant both my Champions had roughly 10k HP and around 800-1000 in stats. I now have two new Ultimates. Both
. Which was not intended btwGrapLeomon![]()
So maybe someone can answer this since i didnt see it in the OT(or i'm blind as fuck) but is there digi fusion in this game outside of the EXE and what happens with the stats for the second digimon in that instance then?
Literally just did this, second digimon became its ultimate form.
so if i had a angewoman and lady devimon , one would either become possibly devimon or gatomon and the other would become... whatever that digimon is called (the mega) , doesnt seem that bad of a tradeoff.
Hackmon, shoutmon and gumdramon are in the game, meicoomon and maycrackmon will be in whenever that dlc comes out (it'll be free also comes with Boltboutamon and some other stuff)
list of digimon before dlc and the ps4 exclusive list
Man, Where the hell did this come from?! Digimon World was my Jam! I'm really tempted to just impulse purchase this right now!
if they have this in store at bb tomorrow, you can buy another namco bandai Anime game and get that half off, like Tales of berseria and it'd be $76 or something like that.
I hate how palette swaps count as entirely different Mons.
Man, Where the hell did this come from?! Digimon World was my Jam! I'm really tempted to just impulse purchase this right now!
My two Megas:
Good Digimons, how they get along with each other?My two Megas:
My two Megas:
Good Digimons, how they get along with each other?
Anyone know if the American version include Spanish language option? I know the European one do.
Wonder why they went for that odd Mario Galaxy style highlighting around the models
So... I got Armageddemon was an Exe today as well, wasn't he supposed to be dlc with bolt-somethingmon
This was Metalgarurumon & Wargrowlmon (Yellow) . Also dissapointed they dont have chaosdukemon.
It was much worse pre-release(vita) from the screenshots they were putting up at the time. It looks fine now though.
So... I got Armageddemon was an Exe today as well, wasn't he supposed to be dlc with bolt-somethingmon
This was Metalgarurumon & Wargrowlmon (Yellow) . Also dissapointed they dont have chaosdukemon.
It was much worse pre-release(vita) from the screenshots they were putting up at the time. It looks fine now though.
Armageddemon was in the original, the DLC is just going to add a story chapter with him as an antagonist.
i think there is a story scenario dlc for armageddemon , but was always in the game, or was dlc for the vita which was included for the ps4.
I thought ChaosGallantmon was in? He was in the Vita version.
Doooooo iiiiiiiit.
The best way to increase this in older games was to scold the Digimon when they refused to eat something, this doesnt decrease happiness but gives you a nice boost in discipline. Scolding increase discipline but decreases happiness.