Screen space reflections are worse than cube maps?
It depends on the use case, as both
Cubemaps and
Screen Space Reflections (SSR) have strengths and weaknesses:
- Very cheap in performance (pre-baked, no runtime cost).
- Can reflect objects outside the screen.
- Works well for static reflections (e.g., mirrors, glossy floors, environment reflections).
- Not dynamic (unless using real-time reflection probes, which are expensive).
- Lacks accuracy—cannot reflect dynamic objects accurately.
- Can look artificial in certain situations.
Screen Space Reflections (SSR)
- Real-time, dynamic reflections—great for wet surfaces, water, or glossy materials.
- More accurate than cubemaps when objects are visible on screen.
- Expensive performance-wise, especially at high quality.
- Limited to screen space—cannot reflect objects that are off-screen.
- Can create artifacts like noise, ghosting, or flickering.
Which is Better?
- For performance and pre-baked reflections → Cubemaps (best for static environments).
- For real-time accuracy and dynamic reflections → SSR (best for real-time rendering in games).
- Many modern engines combine both (SSR for near reflections + cubemaps for fallback reflections).
So yeah, I don't know what he's talking about calling it a "glitch", or arbitrarily saying one is "better".
SSR literally introduces constant artifacts. you can't prevent that.
I will use the same logic as people who say RT reflections are useless.
the argument there is basically always "who just stands there and stares at reflections?", well, I can ask the same about SSR.
here's the thing. if you move through an environment and there are reflective surfaces, and these surfaces use exclusively perspective corrected cubemaps, you will probably not even take note of them. they will blend into the background and be in no way offensive.
now of course if you stop and stare at them you will notice discrepancies... but here I will invoke the previously stated defence "who just stands there and stares at reflections?"
now let's imagine we walk through the same environment, but now there are screen space reflections on top of these cubemaps...
as you move through it, suddenly you see a weird white shimmer every time one of the reflective surfaces are at the edge of your screen. and as you walk under some tree branches weird artifacts in the shape of the branches appear right in front of your view. as you look around to maybe sewrch for items to find, suddenly parts of the reflection disappear right in the center of your view.
suddenly you just can't help but notice the reflections, your eye gets drawn to them due to these very visible issues and artifacts that look out of place and distorted.
there are many games that simply look better if you turn off SSR, because again, you won't stare at reflections, but constant artifacts will draw your attention if you like it or not.
a slightly inaccurate representation of the environment inside a cubemap that is just there and inoffensive looking is far less distracting as SSR that have obvious errors that are not only right in your face a lot of the time, but also moving and changing with your character and camera movement.
you can not tell me that screen space reflections just look like a glitch.