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Dirt Rally |OT| Don’t Cut, Be Brave


I'm not saying it's a bad game. I'm just saying it may not be for me.

I want to make it so that I'll enjoy it and want to play it, though. Hence the post with the questions and all that.

It's pretty much a full blown rally sim. There's no rewind and you have to rely on real-world assists if you want the game to be easier. Note: they don't really make it much easier lol. Playing a lot and learning the stages is about the only thing that'll make it easier ;)

It might be the least casual racing game you can buy on consoles right now.


Guys, once it is out on PS4 make sure you post here some good DS4 settings.
I don't feel like buying a wheel for half of the console price, so I hope it plays OK with the controller.


Guys, once it is out on PS4 make sure you post here some good DS4 settings.
I don't feel like buying a wheel for half of the console price, so I hope it plays OK with the controller.

First thing I'll do is sort out some decent DS4 settings, I managed to get PCars working ok on a DS4, so this can't be any worse than that!
It might be the least casual racing game you can buy on consoles right now.
You know me for not being a big fan of pCARS' tyre "feel", but even looking at people who are good at racing games and like pCARS (Alan from VVV and some replays from the OT time attack leaderboards), I'd say that's still the least casual... and there are the out-of-the-box controller configurations that absolutely nobody seems to like.
Also for everyone who thinks, this game is SUPER SIM(!!), look at some Pikes Peaks times. 2 minutes faster than Vatanen and Röhrl were back in those days (they needed almost 11 minutes, you can find youtube videos with ~9:10 minutes without BS-corner cutting). It's sim, but more on the easy than on the hard side.

You'll just need to learn the hard way then :)
You are scaring the guy, man. You're right, but not a very welcoming formulation. He doesn't need to be born for this and can get as good as you and me in no time.

Ah, damn.
The game does not force you to finish in first place to progress. I'm usually very happy with a second place and if I fuck up and end up lower than 3rd, then I know whose fault that was (got greedy). There is also no shame in racing rallycross with lower AI settings. The AI is really hard in this game.
Not sure, if you're already doing this, but if I were to mentor a guy, I'd start with switching all assists off (for better car control and more options how to tackle corners; it's really important in a rally game), except for auto-clutch (that stays on for now), with shift-up on the circle and shift-down on the square button. Then go for some slower stages with lots of different corner types where the stage isn't too narrow (no asphalt, no ice in the beginning). Find a controller setup that is not too twitchy, in a rally car it's easier to fight understeer than oversteer. Play with the throttle, it's not an on/off thing here, a lot of times it's good to go 80-90% and have a little reserve to induce power-oversteer (at least when the road is not really straight).
If you're getting better, try and learn the stages a little. If certain stages or corner types are giving you trouble, ask here again. I'm sure we can help you. I'd also say a clutch is more helpful than a handbrake in a rally game, so once you're better, give auto-clutch off and "clutch on the cross button" a try.

And try Danowat's controller settings(should he post them), he's really good at finding some nice settings, I think.


First thing I'll do is sort out some decent DS4 settings, I managed to get PCars working ok on a DS4, so this can't be any worse than that!
Can you pm me these settings? I am still struggling with PCars a little, loosing rear end on the turn in quite often....


This game's too hard for me.
I need to slowly work my way up to being able to play a game like this.
I heard Dirt 3 is more forgiving.

I might stick to more arcade or race track games for a while until I get better at just driving.
It's too hard for me, too.

The game does not force you to finish in first place to progress. I'm usually very happy with a second place and if I fuck up and end up lower than 3rd, then I know whose fault that was (got greedy). There is also no shame in racing rallycross with lower AI settings. The AI is really hard in this game.
Not sure, if you're already doing this, but if I were to mentor a guy, I'd switch all assists (for better car control and more options how to tackle corners; it's really important in a rally game), except auto-clutch off, with shift-up in the circle and shift-down on the square button. Then go for some slower stages with lots of different corner types where the stage isn't too narrow (no asphalt, no ice in the beginning). Find a controller setup that is not too twitchy, in a rally car it's easier to fight understeer than oversteer. Play with the throttle, it's not an on/off thing here, lots of times it's good to go 80-90% and have a little reserve to induce power-oversteer.
If you're getting better, try and learn the stages a little. If certain stages or corner types are giving you trouble, ask here again. I'm sure we can help you. I'd also say a clutch is more helpful than a handbrake in a rally game, so once you're better, give auto-clutch off and "clutch on the cross button" a try.

And try Danowat's controller settings(should he post them), he's really good at finding some nice settings, I think.

That's good to know. Are the championships/career mode long?

I have automatic transmission selected, and traction control plus whatever the other one is (stability, maybe) at 4 and 5.

Is there a way to turn the racing line on?
That's good to know. Are the championships/career mode long?
Depends?! Switch it up with some non-career stuff (or other games) in-between. This game is perfect for booting up every now.

I have automatic transmission selected, and traction control plus whatever the other one is (stability, maybe) at 4 and 5.
This sounds overwhelming, we've all been there, but turn traction control off(really! rather adjust the controller setting to give you more stability). The manual shifting is optional, but highly recommended, it feels weird at first, but very soon you'll be shifting just from the sound (circle button and square button also feel very natural for shifting for my tastes). Turning ABS off, allows you to lock the rear wheels without a handbrake if your brake bias is set more to the rear, this allows for a better turn in, maybe give it a try.[/QUOTE]

Is there a way to turn the racing line on?
In normal racing there is a more or less ideal racing line that varies very little between cars and driving styles. In rallying, the more power the car has, the more different the lines and driving styles go, so it wouldn't really make sense. A recommended braking LED or so might have been nice for beginners, but whatever, just try to be careful with the braking points for now, you'll get more confident soon.


This game's too hard for me.
I need to slowly work my way up to being able to play a game like this.
I heard Dirt 3 is more forgiving.

I might stick to more arcade or race track games for a while until I get better at just driving.

Drive slower. Like literally, just try not to drive too fast and focus on just staying on the road. You build up to speed by being smooth and consistent.


Drive slower. Like literally, just try not to drive too fast and focus on just staying on the road. You build up to speed by being smooth and consistent.

Very true, driving slower will always be faster than spearing off the track and damaging your car by trying to overdrive that car.

Weight transfer is important in circuit racing, but even more so in driving on loose surfaces, so try and keep a mental picture of how the weight is transferring in acceleration / braking and steering actions, you need to keep one step ahead of the car and how the weight transfer will alter the cars attitude, and where that weight is giving, and taking away traction from each end/side of the car.


Don't give up too soon if you're struggling initially. Try to avoid crashes/penalties and get used to listening to your co-driver (even though he'll get you into trouble occasionally). As mentioned, 3rd place is enough to advance. Just ignore 1st and 2nd for now if they seem unbeatable.
Keep in mind that you can try all cars (not just the ones you own) in custom events. Maybe the more modern 4wd cars will make more sense to you than the classic FWD/RWD cars you'll encounter early in the career.

That's good to know. Are the championships/career mode long?

I have automatic transmission selected, and traction control plus whatever the other one is (stability, maybe) at 4 and 5.

Is there a way to turn the racing line on?
You'll start out with 4 short stages (3-4 min) in 6 locations in Open difficulty. That's fairly doable. Masters championships (6x12) will take hours. Custom Championships let you adjust the length of the championship and still earn cash.

There is no option to display a racing line.


You are scaring the guy, man. You're right, but not a very welcoming formulation. He doesn't need to be born for this and can get as good as you and me in no time.

I'm not trying to scare him, I'm just being realistic. There is no shortcut to success in this game. You need to practice and learn the physics model.

Any game that handholds you to be successful isn't really teaching you anything IMO and that's what he's asking for. He's asking for things that basically tell you where to go, when to brake and a crutch that allows you to make infinite mistakes without any punishment.

The moment you take those things away from someone who has the desire to get better then they actually learn a thing or two about the tracks, racing lines and the cars they are driving. It then become easier to transition over to other racing games and new tracks since you will have learnt the basic principles of driving.

In summary, learn to get good at driving games without first looking for assists/cheats and it will suddenly make all racing games a lot easier. Don't just moan about a game being difficult and then blame the game for not having certain assists that you rely on to get through other games.

Having said that, this game could do with a driving school like the original Colin McRae rally did to teach beginners the basic principles before setting them loose into races.


You know me for not being a big fan of pCARS' tyre "feel", but even looking at people who are good at racing games and like pCARS (Alan from VVV and some replays from the OT time attack leaderboards), I'd say that's still the least casual... and there are the out-of-the-box controller configurations that absolutely nobody seems to like.
Also for everyone who thinks, this game is SUPER SIM(!!), look at some Pikes Peaks times. 2 minutes faster than Vatanen and Röhrl were back in those days (they needed almost 11 minutes, you can find youtube videos with ~9:10 minutes without BS-corner cutting). It's sim, but more on the easy than on the hard side.

Yeah pCARS is up there too especially with the
default controller settings. In general I think rally racing is harder to just jump right into than most other forms of auto racing though which is why I think it might be the least casual friendly.

I do think with practice anyone could get pretty good of course. If you're up for the challenge go for it. It can be rewarding.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I'm not saying it's a bad game. I'm just saying it may not be for me.

I want to make it so that I'll enjoy it and want to play it, though. Hence the post with the questions and all that.

This is why I keep telling everyone that DiRT Rally is the Dark Souls of rally games. It is not an easy game and it demands both skill and practice to progress, BUT if you put that effort into the game then just like Dark Souls it is SOOOOO incredibly rewarding. This is probably one racing game where the phrase "practice makes perfect" rings so very true.

Anyone who just wants an arcade racer in a rally environment, well DiRT Rally is not the game for you. Just like anyone who wants to play Soul Calibur would not be happy with Dark Souls....


I personally am nowhere near quick or clean in Dirt Rally, as I mainly play for fun with a custom event and only then I think I have maybe 20 hours in right now. But what I find helps me enjoy the game (besides a great interest in cars and dirt) is just taking in the game bit by bit and realizing that by the end of any given session, I probably won't have increased my talent by a large amount. If you look at my first sessions and compared them to my latest ones, you'd see a difference, but I never go in expecting to spend an hour and all of a sudden turn into Walter Rohrl at the end of it. I'll do a stage, probably crash, then go again taking it easy and learning from why I crashed the first time. Crashes are inevitable in this game, as they are in real life rally, but just like real life, you need to learn from them or else the game isn't going to change for you.
Damn - the comments in this thread are worrying me a bit lol, but I've enjoyed my fair share of sims so i feel confident I can get on board. I also just love being on rally stages, particularly Codie's' stages.
This is why I keep telling everyone that DiRT Rally is the Dark Souls of rally games. It is not an easy game and it demands both skill and practice to progress, BUT if you put that effort into the game then just like Dark Souls it is SOOOOO incredibly rewarding. This is probably one racing game where the phrase "practice makes perfect" rings so very true.

Anyone who just wants an arcade racer in a rally environment, well DiRT Rally is not the game for you. Just like anyone who wants to play Soul Calibur would not be happy with Dark Souls....
I disagree on both sides. And comments like that could prevent people, who might have liked DiRT, from giving it a chance.

Dark Souls:
I tried Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, the punishment for dying is too severe in those games for me, I too easily lost half an hour without progress and having fun or the feeling of having gotten better in preventing that in the future. In DiRT Rally you definitely have the feeling of getting better more easily and even if you finish 6th, you still have gotten to know the tracks and car a little better and earned some money as well (but you can also stay away from the career and just play it as a nice on-the-side sports game next to whatever RPG or FPS your mainly playing currently).

Arcade racers:
In an arcade racer the most fun (not all of it) comes from the feeling of pulling off cool things because you've mastered the game's own physics system. I think that's the same with DiRT Rally, just that the the physics are closer to real life and it's a little harder than most arcade racing games. In most other racing games the joy(edit: mainly) comes from overcoming challenges - either the joy of doing good against others or being rewarded for doing well and thus having a sense of progression.


You guys got any tips for hairpin? I'm 40 hours in and still struggling with it. I usually just go over them slowly, but i want to be able to do it like this.

I'm using steering wheel btw.


You guys got any tips for hairpin? I'm 40 hours in and still struggling with it. I usually just go over them slowly, but i want to be able to do it like this.

I'm using steering wheel btw.

You mean the one at 55s? Well that's easy...



So, this may have been a bad pick-up idea for me. It's more challenging and less accessible than I was hoping -- at least from an early look.

Is there really no rewind feature? No difficulty options?

The way the career is set up is quite obtuse also.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this is the DS or racing games. I feel like this game will get a bad rep with console gamers for this reason, I bet a lot of people are expecting more of the standard DiRT experience... just give it time, practice, and drive like you would in a hardcore sim like iRacing, Assetto Corsa or something. Brake early, power out. Learn the courses. I'm 60 hours in the PC version and I'm only now starting to be able to get decent times with some cars.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this is the DS or racing games. I feel like this game will get a bad rep with console gamers for this reason, I bet a lot of people are expecting more of the standard DiRT experience... just give it time, practice, and drive like you would in a hardcore sim like iRacing, Assetto Corsa or something. Brake early, power out. Learn the courses. I'm 60 hours in the PC version and I'm only now starting to be able to get decent times with some cars.

Talking about iRacing..




Well, i think i've mastered that one.

Haha. Now my serious answer...

What I tend to do is Scandinavian flick, dab the handbrake (not always, depends on how tight the hairpin is) and then manage the throttle on the way round and out of the corner. Doesn't always work but when it does it's so satisfying. I think hairpins are some of the most difficult things to master in this game but you'll normally find that until you do that's where you're losing most time.


Thank the lord that there is no rewind bullshit in this game. Quite funny that Codemasters pioneered and pushed the feature to pretty much all of their racing titles. Makes you drive completely careless and often pushing over the limit cause a mistake doesn't matter. Took pretty much all the risk out of a racing game which is a huge part of it. Terrible addition and im glad more and more titles don't include it.


You guys got any tips for hairpin? I'm 40 hours in and still struggling with it. I usually just go over them slowly, but i want to be able to do it like this.

I'm using steering wheel btw.

Depends what type of car you are using, in the video you will see the RWD BMW at the start takes the corner in a very different way from the 4WD cars a little later on.

If you want to do it spectacularly then you either need to master getting the car a little bit sideways before the corner, either by mastering the scandi flick or getting the weight off the rear wheels by braking and steering into the corner while braking to push the back out a bit, and follow that through the bend with the power, or like the 4WD cars in the video, slow in and power out.


It was mentioned a bit earlier, but I feel it needs reiteration; the best way to go fast in this game... is to take it slow. Slow and methodical. Listen to your co-pilot. You need to re-learn how to drive with this game, but it's soooo damn rewarding when you pull off a 1st place run.

Also hhhnggg at that Fiesta^
Man I really want this game but you guys are scaring me. I'm pretty good at racing games, but those are games. If this is truly a hardcore sim in not so sure. I can drive manual but I've never done it on a controller.

I want to like this, but will I?
Man I really want this game but you guys are scaring me. I'm pretty good at racing games, but those are games. If this is truly a hardcore sim in not so sure. I can drive manual but I've never done it on a controller.

I want to like this, but will I?
I think we need to nip this negativity in the bud.

I'm not very good at sim racers and I've posted some slow times and had some spectacular race ending crashes in this game, since I got it at the weekend on PS4.

I have though had an incredible time with this beautifully made game. The feel and smoothness is unparallelled in my opinion. I've been using a controller.

Sure I've made mistakes, but by God - whose couple stages where it all came together and I posted first place times. There's nothing like it.

It's not a hard game. It is hard to drive perfectly and fast everytime. You just have to understand that you need to ease off and know your limits and then work to expand those limits.

I fucking love this game. It is what we needed right now. Not another bloody DiRT Showdown. Please reward Codemasters by trying this game.

Bonus bit. The music is fucking awesome as well.


Man I really want this game but you guys are scaring me. I'm pretty good at racing games, but those are games. If this is truly a hardcore sim in not so sure. I can drive manual but I've never done it on a controller.

I want to like this, but will I?

Its pretty controller friendly apparently


The article's already 6 days old, but GamesIndustry also had an interesting interview Paul Coleman, which focused more on the business side and getting the project greenlit for Early Access despite the publisher's disinterest in the title.

Unfortunately it also reveals that the lowest marketing spend ever for them, coupled with what is likely a much lower than average development budget, the game isn't yet a financial success, despite doing better than expected:
So did the Early Access experiment pay off? While Coleman says Dirt Rally is loved (as of this writing, 91 percent of reviews for it on Steam are positive), he adds that the number of units shipped "do not constitute a financial success" (at least not yet).

I really hope the game does really well on the consoles, not only so that we can actually see realistic, semi-high production value rally titles to come out in the future, but for Codemasters who despite financial troubles still have belief in the seemingly declining racing market.
I think we need to nip this negativity in the bud.

I'm not very good at sim racers and I've posted some slow times and had some spectacular race ending crashes in this game, since I got it at the weekend on PS4.

I have though had an incredible time with this beautifully made game. The feel and smoothness is unparallelled in my opinion. I've been using a controller.

Sure I've made mistakes, but by God - whose couple stages where it all came together and I posted first place times. There's nothing like it.

It's not a hard game. It is hard to drive perfectly and fast everytime. You just have to understand that you need to ease off and know your limits and then work to expand those limits.

I fucking love this game. It is what we needed right now. Not another bloody DiRT Showdown. Please reward Codemasters by trying this game.

Bonus bit. The music is fucking awesome as well.

Wonderful post, thank you - exactly what the thread needed with all the macho posts talking about how the game is "not for you" and will apparently chew us all up and spit us out.

You guys want people to buy this game, right?



Highlights from my most recent play session.

Maybe a silly question - but this isn't from the actual game is it? It looks photorealistic.

(If it is real, I'm an ass and didn't get your joke)
2 minutes faster up pikes peak, probably right considering we ain't risking our lives,no?
Röhrl's time in the Audi (1987): 10:47.85
Vatanen's time in the Peugeot(1988, car broke down in 1987): 10:47.22

0,00097% difference in time between two of the maybe Top5 Rally drivers ever and you're saying a difference of 15.81% can be explained with "fear for life". I tend to disagree.
The 10 minute mark was only ever conquered in 2011 after the whole thing was over 75% tarmacked already (which made certain sections slower, but overall it got faster) and in a car with 910hp compared to the Peugeot from 1988 with ~600hp.

Edit(sorry, saw that late):
Are they playing the fully paved version or the dirt/paved version?
Both are in the game, 1988 version and current fully paved version. The 9:09 guy youtube guy I saw was driving the 1988 dirt version.

But let's not get hung up on lap times. This is a sim, it's not even a sim-heavy sim-cade racer... it's the most realistic rally sim ever.


I'm grabbing this for sure. Should've ordered on Amazon but not sure they'll get it to me tomorrow at this point. Almost tempted to try to find it on the shelves somewhere this afternoon.

Gonna dust off the wheel. Been neglected for a while now. :)

edit: Looks like most of the stores in my area aren't carrying it if you didn't pre-order. =/
Amazon it is.


I really hope the game does really well on the consoles, not only so that we can actually see realistic, semi-high production value rally titles to come out in the future, but for Codemasters who despite financial troubles still have belief in the seemingly declining racing market.
Completely agreed. I really hope this works out well for them and proves that more sim focused games actually DO have an active market, and creating a product without compromise to chase the ever elusive "casual fan" can be viable and successful. Wishful thinking, but we'll see.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this is the DS or racing games.
Not sure about this being akin to Dark Souls. Not only to you NOT die when you crash, but you don't lose your souls either.

Har har.

It really will be similar as far as practice and especially patience, I do like the analogy. I can't wait for this to unlock tonight!!!
Depends?! Switch it up with some non-career stuff (or other games) in-between. This game is perfect for booting up every now.

This sounds overwhelming, we've all been there, but turn traction control off(really! rather adjust the controller setting to give you more stability). The manual shifting is optional, but highly recommended, it feels weird at first, but very soon you'll be shifting just from the sound (circle button and square button also feel very natural for shifting for my tastes). Turning ABS off, allows you to lock the rear wheels without a handbrake if your brake bias is set more to the rear, this allows for a better turn in, maybe give it a try.

In normal racing there is a more or less ideal racing line that varies very little between cars and driving styles. In rallying, the more power the car has, the more different the lines and driving styles go, so it wouldn't really make sense. A recommended braking LED or so might have been nice for beginners, but whatever, just try to be careful with the braking points for now, you'll get more confident soon.[/QUOTE]


I'll give it another shot. I wish it had a racing line like Loeb does, because it makes things easier for people who aren't great at racing games like me.

Well, this type of racing game. I do pretty well in Forza Horizon, Need for Speed, etc.
Not sure if you'd tried it, but WRC5 is great arcadish fun.


I don't know if I can do more rally racing right now, though. I've already picked up Loeb and DiRT.

I don't mind games being challenging. I just want to be able to beat them. I find the way the career is set up to be obtuse, and the gameplay hasn't been as tight as I'd hoped.

But I do need to practice.
I'm grabbing this for sure. Should've ordered on Amazon but not sure they'll get it to me tomorrow at this point. Almost tempted to try to find it on the shelves somewhere this afternoon.

Gonna dust off the wheel. Been neglected for a while now. :)

I preordered from Amazon on friday last week, still says its due for delivery tomorrow but it hasnt even shipped yet so we'll see.
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