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Dishonored 2 |OT| The Edge of the World


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So, I'm curious now to see if we get DLC. The ending I got showed
Billie Lurk looking towards a shadowy figure in the dark. Daud, perhaps? Can't remember what she said, but I think she may have eluded to going back to her old life as an assassin along side Daud or whomever that was.
That's definitely what seemed to be getting teased. It'll be interesting to see where any DOC goes.

Chitown B

why did they change out the voice actor who played the Outsider from the first game?...the actor/voice was much better in the first game...

Funny, seems that most podcasts loved the new one. I think I agree with you though.

Nah, Emily's powers are a ton of fun for stealth/non-lethal. The Far Reach upgrade that grabs enemies, Shadow Walk, Domino, Doppleganger, and Mesmerize all work great for being non-lethal. I'm sure they're great for killing as well, but I found her really fun to play stealthy and non-lethal.

I haven't played Emily yet but I've heard a ton about kicking guys across the place with Domino and others flying everywhere and dying. I guess I'll see. :)

Anyone have any info on when NG+ is dropping? Going to wait for my replay until then.
I haven't played Emily yet but I've heard a ton about kicking guys across the place with Domino and others flying everywhere and dying. I guess I'll see. :)

Yeah, Domino + Far Reach isn't a good combo if you're going for non-lethal (but it still works great for a single enemy, since you can grab them in mid air and choke them out). Still plenty of other great combos, though.
Has anyone here encountered the final level bug? My game got borked and I can't finish it. I don't want to elaborate any more to avoid spoilers. Don't click on the link below either to stay spoiler free.

All I'll say is, make sure to do some explicit saves using the save screen in addition to your quick saves/loads.

Haven't been following the thread - Any news on a console update? A "Level Select" or "Chapter Restart" would be nice and would solve my issue, I'd gladly replay the last bit to salvage my forty hr playthrough.
Oh shit, I'm such an idiot.

End game spoilers:
I didn't realize Meagan was Billie Lurk until she actually mentioned it. In retrospect it was so goddamn obvious. In my defense, I haven't played the Dishonored 1 DLC since it first came out what, 3 or 4 years ago?

Finally getting into her locked room and hearing the audiograph from Daud was a great moment. Knife of Dunwall Part 2 for DLC?
Yeah, he really gets into the part. Celebrity voice actors often aren't the best choice (such a different type of performance) but he does such a great job.

That's kind of how I felt with the first game. They got an insane cast and they were pretty much wasted except for Slattery (who was serviceable) and Madsen (who was really good). I think they gave Lena Headey Xanax for her role.
Wow after The Clockwork Mansion and A Crack in the Slab this is GOTY. It's like MGSV levels of gameplay and attention to detail with better level design and a completed/coherent story. The complete package of a game.


I feel like you did that backwards. Corvo is the sneak, and Emily has a lot of powers that really make killing fun.

Well, either way is legit, but I went with what I thought was more befitting of the characters themselves. Emily seems more like the laid back pacifist type who just wants to avoid confrontation, hang out, smoke her hookah and get her freak on with Wyman. So, not killing anyone and sneaking around felt right to me for her. She fit the role perfectly throughout the game and ended her story with a clear conscience. I found role-playing with her pretty rewarding for the most part.

Then there's Corvo, who's pissed off at Duke Abele's unauthorized visit with a bunch of clockwork soldiers. So, I'm imagining him as the type of guy who's a bit cranky and bent on revenge after some old witch stole the throne from his daughter.
I imagine Corvo would be less-lenient than Emily towards the Grand Guard's rampant abuses of power, since he used to be an officer. The game really needed more character-specific commentary.

Oh shit, I'm such an idiot.

End game spoilers:
I didn't realize Meagan was Billie Lurk until she actually mentioned it. In retrospect it was so goddamn obvious. In my defense, I haven't played the Dishonored 1 DLC since it first came out what, 3 or 4 years ago?

Finally getting into her locked room and hearing the audiograph from Daud was a great moment. Knife of Dunwall Part 2 for DLC?

At first I thought
maybe she's a new character, but then I figured straight-haired black lady with a mysterious past, there's really no way it could be anyone else. The heart vaguely mentions Jessamine's death when pointed at her, and the big giveaway is a journal entry she leaves lying around saying that she doesn't want to have to create a new identity again. When she talks to herself, she also mentions killing the Duke's brother, and who else but an assassin would do that?

Also Daud would be in his 60's at this point. I think there's a decent chance he'll be in the DLC, but probably not playable. Corvo is "only" in his 40's and he already complains enough about being old.


Just dropping in to say that this game is fucking awesome. I've spent three evenings tackling The Clockwork Mansion - the level design is mind blowing. First run through I just slaughtered everyone to get a feel for the layout, then reloaded a save at the beginning and managed to skulk my way around and never alert Jindosh to my presence. So satisfying!
I imagine Corvo would be less-lenient than Emily towards the Grand Guard's rampant abuses of power, since he used to be an officer. The game really needed more character-specific commentary.

I think they tried to take a Deus Ex approach to the characters and voice acting. By that I mean that they don't want to presume what the player is feeling, especially given the different approaches and lethality to the situations. Consequently the comments tend to a relative lack of emotion and the voice acting takes the same approach. Kind of similar to JC Denton's dialogue and voice acting in DX.

Arkane doesn't want to presume to make Corvo more or less emotional than Emily, nor do they want to imply that he is more prone to lethality since both ways of play are totally valid for both characters.

If it wasn't for 2 playable characters I suspect they would have just stayed unvoiced like in the first game but assigning voices and commentaries helps make a character distinct when playing in first person.

That's a different approach than they used in the DH1 DLC where Daud had a very clear personality and emotional arc.

Personally, I prefer the Daud approach but I get why they took the route that they did.
That approach didn't work at all with Jensen, though. He's a character who is constantly teasing actual depth and emotion but remains a stoic power fantasy. They should at least have SOME differences in speech and mannerisms, especially considering Emily is royalty and Corvo is lower-class from a different country.
That approach didn't work at all with Jensen, though. He's a character who is constantly teasing actual depth and emotion but remains a stoic power fantasy. They should at least have SOME differences in speech and mannerisms, especially considering Emily is royalty and Corvo is lower-class from a different country.

To be fair, Corvo lived in Dunwall amongst the high class and royalty much longer than he ever lived in Karnaca. Cultural Mannerisms and accents disappear with time.
Also Daud would be in his 60's at this point. I think there's a decent chance he'll be in the DLC, but probably not playable. Corvo is "only" in his 40's and he already complains enough about being old.

Good point, unless they decide to do a DLC that takes place between D1 and D2 showing what happened to Daud during that time. They've definitely teased it being something mysterious.

schedule conflicts was the reason given I believe

That's what Arkane said but the actor posted on Reddit claiming they didn't even ask him.


I love the art style of paintings in this game. More often than not, I stopped to admire these for far too long resulting in Emily being spotted. I think the style was called realism (or realist?)

The books are good read as well. I wish there are more chapters to Sokolov's journey to Pandassia. He wrote it in almost a jovial and clinical tone, much like real scientists, even though it's actually grimdark as hell, considering his crew was dying almost everyday in the expedition.
Just finished it. That credits music! So good.

I love the art style of paintings in this game. More often than not, I stopped to admire these for far too long resulting in Emily being spotted. I think the style was called realism (or realist?)

There's a few paintings that I'd love to get a print of.
Delilah has some good paintings too.
And plenty of people might have already read or seen for themselves; if in the intro for the first game, you take the cider next to Campbell, it won't appear in the final painting.

I don't really like how they redid the Void's aesthetic. I guess it's supposed to feel emptier and more foreboding and tie into the Outsider as a character, but it seemed more mysterious and mythical in the first game.


Is playing through Dishonored 1 DLC (Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches) a reasonable starting point for Dishonored 2 in terms of story? I know ideally I should play through all of Dishonored 1 as well, but I played through about half the base game a while back and fell off it (enjoyed it but just got busy with other things). Feels like I've lost most of the momentum with the plot making it tough for me to go back and finish at this point. My understanding is the DLC is a separate story that also ties in to the sequel, so just wondering if that's serves as a good primer for Dishonored 2.


Delilah's painting style is cubism, I believe.
Is playing through Dishonored 1 DLC (Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches) a reasonable starting point for Dishonored 2 in terms of story? I know ideally I should play through all of Dishonored 1 as well, but I played through about half the base game a while back and fell off it (enjoyed it but just got busy with other things). Feels like I've lost most of the momentum with the plot making it tough for me to go back and finish at this point. My understanding is the DLC is a separate story that also ties in to the sequel, so just wondering if that's serves as a good primer for Dishonored 2.

Sure. It's worth playing for the lore/world-building alone. Knife.. can be considered Daud's redemption story if you do a no-kill run
(From memory, even The Outsider will comment on this
Is playing through Dishonored 1 DLC (Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches) a reasonable starting point for Dishonored 2 in terms of story? I know ideally I should play through all of Dishonored 1 as well, but I played through about half the base game a while back and fell off it (enjoyed it but just got busy with other things). Feels like I've lost most of the momentum with the plot making it tough for me to go back and finish at this point. My understanding is the DLC is a separate story that also ties in to the sequel, so just wondering if that's serves as a good primer for Dishonored 2.

I can't in good conscious tell someone not to play Dishonored I, but yeah the DLCs do play into the story of Dishonored II, and are worth playing before hand.


Did a second runthrough after an all stealth pacifist run. This time Corvo was the protagonist and he was a kill-crazy lunatic. Didn't kill any civilians, but just tore guards to shreds...

Until he found out about
Billie. Then he utterly lost his mind and killed everyone he met, save for a drunk guy in a back alley and a guy who barricaded himself into a room in the palace. After Corvo killed Delilah, he put himself on the throne, leaving his daughter to be a stone statue for all time. Because she would always be safe.

Pretty dark. Still wish the epilogue was a little better.


Sure. It's worth playing for the lore/world-building alone. Knife.. can be considered Daud's redemption story if you do a no-kill run
(From memory, even The Outsider will comment on this

I can't in good conscious tell someone not to play Dishonored I, but yeah the DLCs do play into the story of Dishonored II, and are worth playing before hand.

Thanks for the answers. Going to try Dishonored 1 again but definitely will go through the DLC


Guys, re Far Reach, when you upgrade it to grab enemies, the upgrade screen specifically says it isn't stealthy so I assumed it made loads of noise/wasn't viable for picking guys off one at a time without alerting others - is this not the case?

In terms of progress, I'm now a bit into A Crack in the Slab and my word my mind is blown by this level so far. It's just so clever, so many neat little touches to pick up on.


Guys, re Far Reach, when you upgrade it to grab enemies, the upgrade screen specifically says it isn't stealthy so I assumed it made loads of noise/wasn't viable for picking guys off one at a time without alerting others - is this not the case?

There's a bone charm that makes it stealthy at the cost of more mana use. Not sure how stealthy it is without it.


There's a bone charm that makes it stealthy at the cost of more mana use. Not sure how stealthy it is without it.

Wow, I really want this. I've only just started getting some decent bone charms. All I got for the first 5-6 hours were stuff like +1 bullet/bolt per pack and enemy guns/nades misfiring/exploding. Last 2 hours or so I finally got Swift Shadow, Undertaker etc. (I'm playing mostly stealth where possible).


I think the powers are a bit too expensive.

On my clean hands run I only got possession of humans right at the end because I wasn't getting all the runes. So I barely got to use an extremely fun ability.

Chitown B

I think the powers are a bit too expensive.

On my clean hands run I only got possession of humans right at the end because I wasn't getting all the runes. So I barely got to use an extremely fun ability.

That's your choice, I guess. I got Clean Hands / Shadow and probably got like 35 runes. You can definitely get the runes, you just need to go for them. Also, you choose what to buy. You don't NEED anything - Flesh and Steel is an option.


I appreciate that this game makes you hunt around more for runes and bone charms compared to the first game. Otherwise, it would be a cakewalk.


Gold Member
So does it matter if I side with the Howlers or the Overseers?

Because honestly I couldn't care less about either of them and I'd rather not do business with any of them. I guess I can circumvent it by solving the Jindosh Riddle?
So does it matter if I side with the Howlers or the Overseers?

Because honestly I couldn't care less about either of them and I'd rather not do business with any of them. I guess I can circumvent it by solving the Jindosh Riddle?

You don't need to side with either to get the combination. Though you can always solve it yourself.


So does it matter if I side with the Howlers or the Overseers?

Because honestly I couldn't care less about either of them and I'd rather not do business with any of them. I guess I can circumvent it by solving the Jindosh Riddle?

You can avoid taking sides
and took the two out of the game as well while you at it
Just got the "Silence" achievement.

Going through the Clockwork mansion without alerting any Clockwork Soldiers or rotating any of the rooms was really cool. Plus the satisfaction of assassinating that smug asshole without him ever knowing I was there was great.

Realizing you can beat that level without ever rotating any of the rooms also gave me another layer of appreciation for the level design.

Saved at the start and I'm going to replay it though, because I want to hear the High Chaos dialogue between Jindosh and Corvo (did low chaos Emily the first time).


Gold Member
You don't need to side with either to get the combination. Though you can always solve it yourself.

You can avoid taking sides
and took the two out of the game as well while you at it

Got it via the

Also decided to ship off
Paolo to the mines. Dude was a jerk and a dick to me in one of the previous missions.

I used the heart on the overseer and apparantly he's a good man, surprisingly enough. So I spared him.

Pretty interesting mission overall.
Oh wow. How do you progress beyond the very first room without doing that?

There is actually an achievement for taking out Jindosh without him ever knowing you are there.

I don't know if it's possible on a no powers run but
don't activate the first lever and shoot out one of the glass skylight windows, make your way through to his bedroom from there, then out the balcony and over to the small outside area, then you can go through the small hatch to the elevator
You have to move the initial room on no powers, but
if you run behind the wall before it finishes then you should still be able to reach Jindosh. He'll give his speech but then get confused when no one responds. Still works for the achievement.

Got it via the

Also decided to ship off
Paolo to the mines. Dude was a jerk and a dick to me in one of the previous missions.

I used the heart on the overseer and apparantly he's a good man, surprisingly enough. So I spared him.

Pretty interesting mission overall.

Weird that Byrne is so reasonable when the Overseers in Karnaca have been beating people to death and have no qualms about drowning a child they deemed suspicious. But the Overseers are assholes in general so I guess he can only do so much to mitigate that.

What's confusing about A Crack in the Slab is that
if you knock out Stilton and get the good present, then the Dust District is still under control, so the war between the Howlers and the Overseers probably never would have been happening. Yet other than Stilton appearing on the boat, the game still responds the same way to the good or "bad" present.
Also decided to ship off
Paolo to the mines. Dude was a jerk and a dick to me in one of the previous missions.

I used the heart on the overseer and apparantly he's a good man, surprisingly enough. So I spared him.

Pretty interesting mission overall.

I still have a hard time being nice to those Overseer pricks. "Oh choose between gangsters and those damn Overseers? Ugh... die Overseers!" Even that dick at the end, using his dying words to get in a dig at me. Go F yourself! I remember you guys from Dishonored 1. We will never be okay.

I love how this game series made me hate those guys. :)
Crazy how much faster you can go through the game a second time on High Chaos, mostly non stealth...my first playthrough took about 30 hours (yes, I'm slow and like to look at and explore everything) but I made it through about half the game on High Chaos today.

Looking forward to NG+. So many abilities that I barely get a chance to play with otherwise.


Crazy how much faster you can go through the game a second time on High Chaos, mostly non stealth...my first playthrough took about 30 hours (yes, I'm slow and like to look at and explore everything) but I made it through about half the game on High Chaos today.

Looking forward to NG+. So many abilities that I barely get a chance to play with otherwise.

It's just like the first game. Subsequent runs you can just go full blink maniac and clear it in an couple hours or less.
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