The only way to play baby!
Sooo satisfying
Sooo satisfying
This game really rewards trying to think outside the box. Speaking of traps, I was on top of a roof and wanted to take out a group of enemies but a grenade would be too loud. So I actually didn't think this would work, but it did...
I froze time, switched to my crossbow, fired an arrow in the direction of the group, walked to the side of the arrow and placed a spring razor on it. Freeze time then cancelled out, but I saw that the razor flew to the group of enemies and killed them all, also making the turn to ash with the shadow kill upgrade I had.
Too bad that's limited to lethal playthroughs. We really could use some AoE nonlethal stuff, like sleeping gas or something. It's still crazy that you can stick a spring razor on a crossbow bolt.
beat it, that ending was underwhelming![]()
I have so many questions
-who was the Outsider guy anyway? Is there something interesting in the books about him?
-I sent the assassin head a message by pick pocketing him (tried possessing him first, that was pretty cool, freeze time won't work either, I had to posses the other guy to pick up the key, then cancel, pick pocket and posses him again and out of there, that was great, even then he said I knew I was there xD), I thought there must be more about him, that's it?
He met the Outsider too, he obviously had powers along with the other assassins but why?
I didn't read the book, if there is something I like to know.
Considering how The Outsider finds Corvo interesting (and that Corvo is the player), I think the feeling is mutual. :lolI wish there was another game set in this universe, if only to see more of The Outsider. He's interesting.
Tripwire traps are criminally underused.
Finished. Got the Low Chaos ending. Great game.
I'm always a sucker for a happy ending. I tore fast through The Lighthouse to get to Havelock... but I was surprised when Havelock's gone half-crazy and talking to himself and has killed off the other two. I just choked him out and tossed him on the table.
I went non-lethal on everybody and knocked out Daud as well though a few poor guards and Granny Rags bit the dust. Daud was interesting, when I realized he was remorseful, I was torn between wanting to kill him and showing mercy. Ended up showing mercy. And the Heart was the Empress's heart! I had a suspicion but it was confirmed when I came across Daud. And Havelock, what a dick. Anyways, awesome game. Loved it all the way through.
Game is great. Really enjoyed it. I read some people didn't like the ending song, but I love it! It's a great track.
I wish there was another game set in this universe, if only to see more of The Outsider. He's interesting.
Finished the Golden Cat on my fuck everyone up playthrough. Liking this a lot more this way, I already have Bend Time 2 and Possession so I am able to really mess with the AI a lot. On my nonlethal playthrough I only went into the Golden Cat and saw a couple rooms, I missed out on two actual floors so it was nice to fully see that area now.
I kept tossing bodies off the top balcony near a guard patrolling on the street, lol. Would've been nice if you could freak them out more.
This game really rewards trying to think outside the box. Speaking of traps, I was on top of a roof and wanted to take out a group of enemies but a grenade would be too loud. So I actually didn't think this would work, but it did...
I froze time, switched to my crossbow, fired an arrow in the direction of the group, walked to the side of the arrow and placed a spring razor on it. Freeze time then cancelled out, but I saw that the razor flew to the group of enemies and killed them all, also making the turn to ash with the shadow kill upgrade I had.
That´s all right, but Bioshock 1 is so much better in what matters most: atmosphere.
- final mission?Kingsparrow Island
This is why I really loved playing the game twice. The non-lethal playthrough was very restrained and calculating, and my second high chaos playthrough was all about causing as much havoc as possible.
I still did it via stealth, but with shadow kill, taking out dudes without raising alarms is stupidly simple.
- final mission?Kingsparrow Island
You're in luck! The DLC is going to be focused on other locations with other assassins, it seems. Hopefully that means new cities, new stories, and new characters.
I really like The Outsider. They never call him anything else, but it's hard to look at him and not immediately call him Loki. He grants people power just to create mischief and chaos.
Ok, good, ready to be done. Game never really got me liked I'd hoped. The gameplay just isn't fun enough to support the art and amazing world design. Its basically HL2 all over again, but minus an interesting and engaging narrative.
Ill be amazed if I play a level better then Lady Boyles party for the remainder of this gen.
But what if that level had 2x higher resolution textures?
I can't wait for the HD remake!![]()
Going into the last mission I was at high chaos, killing fools left and right...
...So as Samuel pulls up to the dock he starts giving me shit about how I am an awful person. He basically says 'fuck you, I'm going to sound the alarm and let them know you are here'. As his hand is going for the radio switch, I slash him in the face and he goes flying into the water dead. So much for High Chaos affecting my last mission. Stealthed right through that shit.
I love this game.
Yeah.Really?Her identity is so easily revealed. It has an awesome premises, but it's not explored well. There should be way more NPCs and variety in the mission in my opinion.
Observation: all the women in this game wear pants. There are no skirts/dresses in Dunwall.
Also, has anyone ever slowed time by pushing L2 while sheathing/unsheathing your sword? Fascinating.
It was as easy as climbing the staircase clearly marked "DON'T GO HERE". Boyle's room was literally the first room you come across. Just a notebook that screams the fact. I was expecting to have to compile a lot of notes and play the elimination game, but the game just tells you. In the very least, that piece of evidence should have been locked behind a door with a difficult key to get. Oh, well. Still fun. Doesn't quite top Oblivion's "Whodunnit?" quest, though.
Just to add:You never even need to go upstairs. Just give the lady with the fly mask a drink(which she asks for and it's in the room right next to her) and she outright says she's in red.
Definitely waaay too easy, but I liked the mission for what it was.
You're in luck! The DLC is going to be focused on other locations with other assassins, it seems. Hopefully that means new cities, new stories, and new characters.
This is the first I've heard of any DLC talk.
You never even need to go upstairs. Just give the lady with the fly mask a drink(which she asks for and it's in the room right next to her) and she outright says she's in red.
Going into the last mission I was at high chaos, killing fools left and right...
...So as Samuel pulls up to the dock he starts giving me shit about how I am an awful person. He basically says 'fuck you, I'm going to sound the alarm and let them know you are here'. As his hand is going for the radio switch, I slash him in the face and he goes flying into the water dead. So much for High Chaos affecting my last mission. Stealthed right through that shit.
I love this game.
You must have made a lucky guess,because you need more than the color of her dress to identify her, the color is random. You'd then need to talk to Brisby so he can name the sister that is conspiring with the Lord Regent. Then you can match the name to the dress color.
Some missions do seem a little oversimplified, though.Like, I thought I'd have to do more for the Pendleton twins non-lethal objective. It would be cool if you had to find wigs to disguise them, you had to cut out there tongues, etc., instead of having Slackjaw handle everything. Basically, treat the objectives more like a point-and-click adventure game.
Finished tonight with low chaos. Really enjoyed the game. Tried to avoid killing whenever possible, which was difficult because killing and combat is very satisfying. My plan for playthrough two: kill anything that moves.
Observation: all the women in this game wear pants. There are no skirts/dresses in Dunwall.
Also, has anyone ever slowed time by pushing L2 while sheathing/unsheathing your sword? Fascinating.
I've done this about 5 times already, after a while you just breeze through it like it's nothing.The only way to play baby!
I've done this about 5 times already, after a while you just breeze through it like it's nothing.
Could you elaborate on this DLC, please?You're in luck! The DLC is going to be focused on other locations with other assassins, it seems. Hopefully that means new cities, new stories, and new characters.
Ok, good, ready to be done. Game never really got me liked I'd hoped. The gameplay just isn't fun enough to support the art and amazing world design. Its basically HL2 all over again, but minus an interesting and engaging narrative.
Can someone tell me how far through the game I am?Please tell me this isn't it.Just did the Lady Boyle mission, now I have to kill the big bad in his lame tower.
The prison section is the easiest to be honest, because the guards walk in set patterns. Always wait till they are finished with a conversation, after that they are oblivious to what’s happening around them. Choke people that are on their own and always pick them up instantly after it, dump ‘em somewhere safe. Also, if you can avoid something easy without many guards, just walk on by, they won’t notice anything. The last section of the prison is the only hard part, find the sneak route and choke the two guards in the last room, but make sure you put them both beneath the stairs to avoid blowing them up when you place the bomb. After that just take your time, go left sneaking and jump in the water.I will never get this, lol.
That's the avatar I was waiting for
You're on mission 5 of 9.
Cheers.You're on mission 5 of 9.
Man that ending really came out of nowhere...I was sure they were going to do more with the lighthouse but they don't even use the very top