Is this the new capcom/konami?
It's Eidos Montreal![]()
Mr.Accurate indeed
Is this the new capcom/konami?
It's Eidos Montreal![]()
iskingsparrow island / lighthouse the last mission?
a true accomplishment for arkane and I hope they are rewarded with good sales and a promise of a sequel on next gen consoles.
The powers and power combinations in this game really offer some incredible choices and options on how to deal with last thing, I was messing around before so i decided to see if I could get the kill a tallboy with the sword achievement. I stalked one for a at least ten minutes, learning its route, planning where to strike and so forth, finally decided to take action for a guard to appear out of nowhere and scupper my finely laid plans. so thinking on a the back foot, I decided to slow down time, killed the guard and blinked to the tallboy just as slow down was running and killed him. it was incredible, one of those had to be seen to believed moments.
I love this game so much.
Seriously. That's a speedrun, not a playthrough.
Gaming pet hate: when the option to skip a cutscene is displayed endlessly on the screen.
It's bad enough if it appears and then fades after a while, but if it just stays there, that is the worst. I'm not pressing the button. If I've watched this much of the cutscene, does it look like I'm about to skip it now? Do you have to tell me each time? Those who are desperate to skip scenes will know the damn button after the first prompt. And if there wasn't a prompt, they would be mashing all the buttons anyway.
The correct way would be to only show the prompt after somebody has tried pressing a different button. And if it was accidental, fade the prompt again after a few seconds. Why do so many games not consider a constant prompt on a cutscene to be annoying?
Everything is so easy and right in front of you that the only reason to keep exploring for new paths is simply to see how many there are and where they are. There's no logical or purposeful reason to actually keep exploring.
I've only played about 2 hours and I'm getting this feeling
Human Revolution version 2
at least that game had dat cyperbunk atmosphere
Took me 11 hours to do everything, and I wasn't particularly rushing. I think I must have missed some optional stuff since my figure seems lower than the norm (I did everything marked with a waypoint though). But even if that's as long as it gets, it's not bad and above my expectations for the genre. It also warrants at least one replay.
I think I'm done with this until DLC comes out. It's kind of funny that this game was made to play through multiple times and yet I can't even force myself to beat it twice because of the design choices. Everything is so easy and right in front of you that the only reason to keep exploring for new paths is simply to see how many there are and where they are. There's no logical or purposeful reason to actually keep exploring.
Oh my goodness! This game holy crap this game. So I am doing a completely non-lethal play-through and in the first mission I go down to...Campbells room and get the Sokolov painting. On the way down to that room I take out all the guards.
For the assassination of Campbell I destroy both glasses to see what would happen. Campbell starts walking down the stairs with Curnow and says "Huh where are all the guards....hmmm" then as he is walking into his room he is talking about this Sokolov painting but as soon as he comes to where it is he screams "Its Gone! Look for it Look for it" and uses that as the excuse to get Curnow to turn his back!!
I save Curnow by choking Campbell out but I don't know what to do I haven't done a non-lethal so I figure maybe thats it but then I remember the Branding of a Heretic stuff. I pick him up take him to the interrogation room lock him in the chair and brand his face
Where abouts are the final Slackjaw and a granny Rags side missions located?
Okay what the heck I can't find the strong arms bone charm anywhere. I have watched 2 different walk-throughs that show its location but at both places I am given something different. What gives?
They're on the critical path, you can't miss 'em.
Charms are randomized.
Wish there had been more missions like the Cat House or the Boyle Party (especially this one).
Yes some more variety like that would have been much appreciated.Wish there had been more missions like the Cat House or the Boyle Party (especially this one).
Just finished. Low Chaos. Loved the game.
Moving around these environments is so satisfying. Blink makes vertical navigation as viable and accessible as sneaking on foot and moves like possess mean you'll never really be boxed in at any time. Dunwall is a fantastic and beautiful setting too. I don't know how different the endings are yet butThe static narrated ending was a bit disappointing. Would have loved seeing a full ceremony for Emily in a fancy hall or something, but I'm not completely surprised given the multiple-ending possibilities either.
Kid of sad I missed Clean Hands by one mysterious death. Can I replay that one mission and get it?
I really hope we get a sequel or a successor in terms of gameplay with the same team.
I'm so bad at this game. I always get caught and end up killing 10 guards. I also avoid using some powers because it almost feels like cheating.
Am I not supposed to be able to board the train tothe Rudshore Gate?
No matter what I try, I either fall off or get electrocuted when it passes the Wall. I'm pretty sure a mission clue told me I was able to ride the train.
What am I missing?
Am I not supposed to be able to board the train tothe Rudshore Gate?
No matter what I try, I either fall off or get electrocuted when it passes the Wall. I'm pretty sure a mission clue told me I was able to ride the train.
What am I missing?
Am I not supposed to be able to board the train toWhat am I missing?the Rudshore Gate?
No matter what I try, I either fall off or get electrocuted when it passes the Wall. I'm pretty sure a mission clue told me I was able to ride the train.
InterestingJump off the train just before you hit the wall of light, then you can drop down below the tracks to get to the exit
Jump off the train just before you hit the wall of light, then you can drop down below the tracks to get to the exit
Am I not supposed to be able to board the train tothe Rudshore Gate?
No matter what I try, I either fall off or get electrocuted when it passes the Wall. I'm pretty sure a mission clue told me I was able to ride the train.
What am I missing?
Jump off the train just before you hit the wall of light, then you can drop down below the tracks to get to the exit
I froze time right before the wall, jumped off and removed the whale oil, then blinked back on before time resumed.
Look at all the options you have in the game. LOOK AT ALL THIS COOL SHIT.
Really, this game is great.
But guy... this is why you're having trouble. The whole game is designed around those powers, using them is when the game truly elevates.
Same here. The first half of the game is pure 10/10, then it slips in the latter half.
Still a GOTY contender though.
It won me with ability to climb at the top of the bridgeAlso there was only one level I did not like - most of the bridge level.
the only reason to keep exploring for new paths is simply to see how many there are and where they are. There's no logical or purposeful reason to actually keep exploring.
I think I'm done with this until DLC comes out. It's kind of funny that this game was made to play through multiple times and yet I can't even force myself to beat it twice because of the design choices. Everything is so easy and right in front of you that the only reason to keep exploring for new paths is simply to see how many there are and where they are. There's no logical or purposeful reason to actually keep exploring.
Ha son of a bitch!
This game is so fantastic. It changes so much going through on low-chaos compared to high. The citizens of Dunwall are actually better people.
THIS GAME!After the first mission to kill Campbell on your way to Samuel at the boat there is a wharehouse where two guards are convinced their friend has the plague and he is trying desperately to convince them that isn't the case but they murder him anyways. On this play-through I come to that spot and the guard is begging them to kill him so he doesn't infect them or his family and they are trying to convince him they can cure him and will give him all their elixirs if they need to. "Can you kill me...Before I weep..Please can you do it Stine? I have known you longest"
Lol, my first playthrough IInteresting
I froze time right before the wall, jumped off and removed the whale oil, then blinked back on before time resumed.