Did you listen to Daud's spiel before killing him?He talks about his regret for killing the Empress, and how the Outsider just manipulates both of them.
It was one of the best parts of the game, in my opinion.
This DLC will break my addiction of Infinite since its launch. Very happy to see DLC done the right way.
I've been told by my buddies at Arkane that this will be well worth the purchase at $10. I was prepared to pay $15 for new story DLC so the price is right.
Anybody know when GMG should send out their keys?
btw, you can already buy the DLC on GMG, Steam key
and if you use the code GMG20-GGN5D-FC3NA you can get it down to $8
they're ussually not the best at giving out keys early or even on time.. I expect it sometime after the next 10 hours or so
btw, you can already buy the DLC on GMG, Steam key
and if you use the code GMG20-GGN5D-FC3NA you can get it down to $8
Just got my key!
If you try to freeze time on him it doesn't work and he'll say something like "Nice try, Corvo!"
Dag nabbit, I redeemed my key hoping to launch it and play but it's not available yet. I guess this is how heartbreak feels.
any idea of how long this should take to beat?
I may have already asked this but is this standalone like Blood Dragon or does it need the original game?
Bought and downloading. Was thinking about trying it out tonight, but I'm feeling the faintest tickle in the back of my throat that I feel sometimes when a cold is coming on. So I think I'll just go to sleep and start it after work tomorrow.
I'm excited. I put about 50 hours into Dishonored, and beat it three times. I also really liked Daud as a character.
2GB, that's bigger then I expected too.
im not sure what to do, I bought it on GMG and the key activated fine but it's not downloading anything :/
Huh, that's weird...I wonder if it's a Steam problem or an issue with the key GMG gave you? Seems to be downloading fine for me.
I shouldn't have clicked on this thread before playing Dishonored
Oh god, the pre-mission store is so Thief.
I played for a few minutes and I'm reminded about how much I like this IP. I hope it's doing well for Arkane.
I'm only on level 3 of Dishonored and I'm trying to see if I just read a big spoiler for the story. I was reading on wikipedia about the very beginning just to clear up something and saw that it says thatI feel like I just read a giant twist lol.Daud kills the Empress.
nothing's spoiled. The empress getting assassinated by this guy is the start of the game
Not really. You just meet the guy that did it later on and he's an interesting character himself. That's why I'm looking forward to this DLC.
Oh okay. For some reason I thought Daud was the dude you meet in that dream sequence.
first impression: It's pretty dope to play a game as Michael Madsen