This would be a reasonable point, except...
The progression in the past was not centered around educating children. It was centered around educating
adults, since they were the ones passing on their racist, ignorant, hateful views to children. Despite what modern "anti-racism" pseudo-science quack doctors want to tell the world, children do NOT see race -- at least not in the same way adults do. Children may observe superficial, physical/skin-level differences and be curious about them in an innocent child-like way. But if a white 5-year-old boy sees a black 5-year-old girl at the playground, the white child won't give a shit, he just wants to PLAY with the other child.
Anecdotally: I saw something like this on my way to work a couple of months ago. I was driving, and waiting at a traffic light, and there was a line/group of very young schoolchildren being chaperoned in what I assume was some local school field trip. Each "row" had two kids, and in each row the two kids held hands with each other, which is standard school trip stuff. But the configuration was awesome -- there were white kids holding hands with black kids holding hands with Latino kids holding hands with Asian kids, etc. In one row I noticed a white girl not only holding the hand of a black boy, but they seemed to be having a VERY animated, fun conversation. They were both really engaged, and laughing, and having a good time. And I thought, well shit, this is the beauty of the innocence of children -- without the corruption of adults, children will get along just fine.
Right, back to the main point: the
unquestionably, unequivocally, historically important Civil Rights stuff was targeted at ADULTS, who were the ones making the policies and socially structuring themselves in unsavory ways along racial lines. And when the adults were taught that we should all get along, then they stopped passing ignorant, racist, hateful views to their children.
Fast forward to 2022. There are a few points with the current approach that have
nothing to do with homophobia/transphobia/etc:
- Many normal Americans have pretty accepting/tolerant views of regular LGBT folks. I'm not sure that claims of homophobia or transphobia can really be substantiated.
- Again, because children see other children as just that -- other children -- there is no need to indoctrinate "acceptance" of things into them. Children by default, because of their innocence, are very tolerant and accepting.
- Keep in mind, I'm not any sort of Puritan or moralist, and two (or more?
) consenting adults can do whatever they want in their own privacy. But there certainly ARE lines to be drawn around the propriety of shoving down topics of sexuality to very young children. They are simply not ready for it.
- For the millionth time, the pushback against the LGBT stuff is not against the 99% of LGBT folks that just want to live in peace. It's against the 1% of activists, opportunists, grifters, perverts, cancel culture enthusiasts, etc. They have legitimately ruined some of the social progress that regular LGBT folks had made in the past 20 years.
- It's perfectly fine to answer a child's questions if they are exposed to LGBT activities in their everyday normal lives and are curious. But that should be done by the parents/guardians of the child, who have the best interests of the child at heart. Not shoved down by the state, by entertainment, etc.
This post is already long enough so I'll end there for now.