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Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


I agree that it's not a particularly great design decision, but it's actually only a real restriction for a few levels. By level 5 the rez scrolls are cheap and you can buy 10-20 more after every level up just by going back around to all the vendors whose inventories have reset. After a while you'll have more than you'll ever need.
Good to know because I'm getting my butt kicked at the moment. Spent an hour trying to get through a single battle! The enemies really don't pull any punches and seem to have all the tricks that you do.

I'll muscle through.


Where are you at?
At the lighthouse trying to deal with an impossible fight of a boss, 3 hounds that are constantly resurrected, 2 archers and a suicide bomber.

I'm not entirely sure how this is do-able. I haven't even had the chance to scratch the boss because I'm constantly dealing with the minions and the boss keeps resurrecting them.


That's a fun fight! :) Keep at it. It's doable, with a fair few options open to you. Maybe consider getting one more level if you can, or focusing more on crowd control abilities (including scrolls/barrels/whatever). There's very specific stuff you can try if you're frustrated to the point that you want that level of guidance.


At the lighthouse trying to deal with an impossible fight of a boss, 3 hounds that are constantly resurrected, 2 archers and a suicide bomber.

I'm not entirely sure how this is do-able. I haven't even had the chance to scratch the boss because I'm constantly dealing with the minions and the boss keeps resurrecting them.

What level are you and do you have companions?

I managed it with my warrior, my archer and Jahan. Just try and slow/freeze/stop the boss if you can so you can deal with the others. Also, use Jahan's Teleportation skill to pick the suicide bomb up and throw him elsewhere. He'll explode on landing. Or make it wet. Can't explode when wet.

One kind of crazy move I saw in a video linked in here somewhere which I'm trying on my new playthrough.
Stack 3 oil barrels on top of one another, enter sneak mode on a char and then move the barrels right next to the boss, you might be able to get 2 or 3 stacks from the area/farmland leading up to the fight. One flaming spell/arrow and the fight is over!


So I just got this game yesterday after taking interest in it and I am enjoying it so far. However I'm finding it difficult to fin quests or exp sources inside the main city. I can't really go outside the city walls yet as I am only level 3 and if I do, will get owned by the mobs. I've already got the exp from the graveyard and from doing the murder quest up to the point where you have to go find
. Can someone provide some guidance to me about how to level up another level or 2 before I go out of the city?


So I just got this game yesterday after taking interest in it and I am enjoying it so far. However I'm finding it difficult to fin quests or exp sources inside the main city. I can't really go outside the city walls yet as I am only level 3 and if I do, will get owned by the mobs. I've already got the exp from the graveyard and from doing the murder quest up to the point where you have to go find
. Can someone provide some guidance to me about how to level up another level or 2 before I go out of the city?

lvl 3 should be ok outside the city provided you go west, have you picked up your companions yet? Only other exp in the city is going to be quest based.


So I just got this game yesterday after taking interest in it and I am enjoying it so far. However I'm finding it difficult to fin quests or exp sources inside the main city. I can't really go outside the city walls yet as I am only level 3 and if I do, will get owned by the mobs. I've already got the exp from the graveyard and from doing the murder quest up to the point where you have to go find
. Can someone provide some guidance to me about how to level up another level or 2 before I go out of the city?

Couple of options,

- Head out of town!
There's half a dozen or so exits from Cyseal, all leading to varying enemy difficulties. The earliest exit is the only exit which is actually open for you and where the guards wish you well on your adventures -- the other exits will have closed gates and the guards will warn you when you ask for them to be opened. The exit in question is the western one, just a little to the south of the graveyard/mortician I believe. That area is balanced for Level 3 parties of four. Note: you'll still probably have a rough time, but that's just the early game experience. Difficulty is notoriously front-loaded, especially taking simple system unfamiliarity into account. It's fun. Challenging and rewarding and all that good stuff.

- Explore wells in town if you haven't already!

- Score some easy exploration EXP, then head out of town!
Read on if you want to be directed towards a sequence of areas that give great exploration EXP with no threat of combat. Stop reading if you want to discover this area yourself. Go to the Legion HQ (Aureus/Arhu building) and head East, exit Cyseal through that gate. Continue along the path, across a shallow river crossing, keep going quite far until you reach a well. Interact with the well as much as you can, accepting any offers that result. (If at any point enemies are blocking your path, you took a wrong turn.) I wouldn't be surprised if you level up to 4 simply from this EXP.


Also, use Jahan's Teleportation skill to pick the suicide bomb up and throw him elsewhere. He'll explode on landing.
Great tip. Won the battle and no doubt doing this(and throwing him on the boss) was the game-changer of the battle.

Thanks for the help y'all.

I also looked up some tips and saw that
stealing paintings
was a great way to make money so I've done that some and was able to afford a couple more skills now. I'm feelin a bit better about things. :)

So I just got this game yesterday after taking interest in it and I am enjoying it so far. However I'm finding it difficult to fin quests or exp sources inside the main city. I can't really go outside the city walls yet as I am only level 3 and if I do, will get owned by the mobs. I've already got the exp from the graveyard and from doing the murder quest up to the point where you have to go find
. Can someone provide some guidance to me about how to level up another level or 2 before I go out of the city?
Unfortunately its time to venture out. The battles are tough so save often and experiment with different methods. You cant just 'attack attack attack' like in most RPG's. Really gotta use the breadth of your abilities.


I just noticed something I've never seen before. When you craft an axe, there are actually 2 different outcomes you can (randomly?) get. One with a higher base damage, and one with a higher critical chance. Probably the same for other weapons?

Yup, that's the same for other weapons - or, well, I can at least confirm that his happens with leather armours and bows.

Special C

Playing this game on hard mode is so satisfying. I usually don't enjoy too much repetition but playing the tough battles over a few times too develop a strategy is great and the eventual victory over those tough fights is one of the most rewarding game experiences I've had in a while.


How many classes for each character is recommended?
I have saved some skill & talent points and i don`t know what way to go with each one.

This is my group:

1. Fighter - Single weapon + Shield, Have Man at Arms 1
2. Ranger - Bow, Expert Marksman 2
3. Spellcaster - Gemonacer 1, Hydrosophist 2, Aerotheurge 2.
4. Fighter - Two handed 2, Man at Arms 2.

please help.

How many classes for each character is recommended?
I have saved some skill & talent points and i don`t know what way to go with each one.

This is my group:

1. Fighter - Single weapon + Shield, Have Man at Arms 1
2. Ranger - Bow, Expert Marksman 2
3. Spellcaster - Gemonacer 1, Hydrosophist 2, Aerotheurge 2.
4. Fighter - Two handed 2, Man at Arms 2.

please help.


Well if by class you mean just skill lines, there's plenty that are fine to take a few points in. If you mean like major archetype skill lines like magic, warrior, archer, rogue, then generally focusing on one is better but you can do hybrids and classes that have the same stats mix up decently well(so marksmanship+scoundrel and all magic schools).

For warriors, I'd work on maxing Man at arms first. Other stuff isn't particularily important early on, the weapon skills scale fairly poorly past the first 2points(it's still 10% per skill but since cost increases, it becomes less and less cost effective), shield isn't really a necessity as long as you have an actual shield equipped, Willpower/Bodybuilding are nice to have but are more lategame options. Maxing man at arms will open up the skills that will let you deal with more situations. You could add a splash of magic to them at some point though you need enough int to cast magic without failling(which iirc is 8 for first tier, then +1 int per tier and you also need to increase the magic school to not get an AP penalty on the spells). I'd say it weakens the warrior thing but it gives you more options.

For the ranger, same thing, max Marksmanship, the talent at 5pt marksmanship is insanely good(-1 AP for bow attacks) so you want this asap. I'd probably grab 1pt in Scoundrel for Fast Track and like maybe Trip. Make sure you find the Fast Track book first, it's not a common one iirc. A potentially good option too is to get Guerilla talent and put a few points in sneak(2) then get some sneak gear and sneak before you fire. Being an archer you should be able to get in sneak even without being behind enemies by moving to the side of the battlefield out of the cone of sight and that will increase damage a lot. Though it's not really necessary and requires quite a bit of work.

For the spellcaster, get 1 in everything, buy the good lvl 1 spell, I made a fairly detailed list several posts back(look for giant posts a few pages back). You can't really go wrong with casters, maxing any school is fine, just need to max stuff that fits your playstyle. Air is control/damage but can hurt your melees with blood getting electrified, Water is control/heal, Fire is mostly pure damage, Earth is pets/control with some conditional damage(lots of mobs resistant to poison) and Witchcraft is buff/debuff/pets.


Well if by class you mean just skill lines, there's plenty that are fine to take a few points in. If you mean like major archetype skill lines like magic, warrior, archer, rogue, then generally focusing on one is better but you can do hybrids and classes that have the same stats mix up decently well(so marksmanship+scoundrel and all magic schools).

For warriors, I'd work on maxing Man at arms first. Other stuff isn't particularily important early on, the weapon skills scale fairly poorly past the first 2points(it's still 10% per skill but since cost increases, it becomes less and less cost effective), shield isn't really a necessity as long as you have an actual shield equipped, Willpower/Bodybuilding are nice to have but are more lategame options. Maxing man at arms will open up the skills that will let you deal with more situations. You could add a splash of magic to them at some point though you need enough int to cast magic without failling(which iirc is 8 for first tier, then +1 int per tier and you also need to increase the magic school to not get an AP penalty on the spells). I'd say it weakens the warrior thing but it gives you more options.

For the ranger, same thing, max Marksmanship, the talent at 5pt marksmanship is insanely good(-1 AP for bow attacks) so you want this asap. I'd probably grab 1pt in Scoundrel for Fast Track and like maybe Trip. Make sure you find the Fast Track book first, it's not a common one iirc. A potentially good option too is to get Guerilla talent and put a few points in sneak(2) then get some sneak gear and sneak before you fire. Being an archer you should be able to get in sneak even without being behind enemies by moving to the side of the battlefield out of the cone of sight and that will increase damage a lot. Though it's not really necessary and requires quite a bit of work.

For the spellcaster, get 1 in everything, buy the good lvl 1 spell, I made a fairly detailed list several posts back(look for giant posts a few pages back). You can't really go wrong with casters, maxing any school is fine, just need to max stuff that fits your playstyle. Air is control/damage but can hurt your melees with blood getting electrified, Water is control/heal, Fire is mostly pure damage, Earth is pets/control with some conditional damage(lots of mobs resistant to poison) and Witchcraft is buff/debuff/pets.

Thanks for the tips, Is resurrection done only with scrolls?


I feel terrible that I still haven't finished the game. I completed pretty much every quest available and found the final boss battle a bit too hard, so I decided to go around cleaning up random mobs for exp, and then stopped playing for a while and haven't gone back to it since. >_<

I'm really burning out on the game as I get closer to the end. The pixel hunt, skill check puzzles are frustrating the hell out of me. The game goes on for a bit too long and the build up to the end isn't all that exciting. Still a great game, though.


Ended up giving up halfway through. Put a lot of time into the game, really enjoyed the combat a lot but the plot was just too silly/whimsical for me. I prefer a darker, more serious tone I guess.


I feel terrible that I still haven't finished the game. I completed pretty much every quest available and found the final boss battle a bit too hard, so I decided to go around cleaning up random mobs for exp, and then stopped playing for a while and haven't gone back to it since. >_<

I feel like the recent patches aren't going to make the final boss battle any easier, either...

I'm glad I beat the game before they decided to reduce the amount of aggro that summons used to pull. I do have the honor of beating the final boss after they patched in so that his
summons were apparently re-leveled to be lv. 20, whereas originally they were only lv. 10.

It's definitely a frustrating fight. Even after winning, I felt like the only reason I accomplished victory was by cheesing it.
I also looked up some tips and saw that
stealing paintings
was a great way to make money so I've done that some and was able to afford a couple more skills now. I'm feelin a bit better about things. :)

You're pretty much over the hump now. Once you get past the lighthouse stuff really starts to open up and you get to the point where your character build options expand significantly.


You're pretty much over the hump now. Once you get past the lighthouse stuff really starts to open up and you get to the point where your character build options expand significantly.
I'm at level 5 now, but some of the battles are still tough-as-nails. I think largely because the game is throwing a large number of enemies at me at once. Its quite hard to manage.
I'm at level 5 now, but some of the battles are still tough-as-nails. I think largely because the game is throwing a large number of enemies at me at once. Its quite hard to manage.

At that level enemy count is the single biggest factor in encounter difficulty. If you're fighting on-level guys, you can probably take 5 without any trouble, but some of the level 5-6 encounters have as many as 8. Later on your defenses as well as your ability to rapidly burn down individual enemies will be much greater, but at this point it's an issue.

Getting through that phase of the game basically comes down to making effective use of crowd control. There should be a few spells that can cause enemies to lose a turn, and making effective use of those will make a huge difference.


I'm still playing the game, since we're doing the whole thing in coop and that obviously puts constraints on the amount of time you can spend on it. At 60 hours now, just got Hunter's Edge
, and it's still awesome. I love that even in the third area there's still usually at least 3 ways to solve each quest.


I dunno. I don't think I'm enjoying this game too much anymore. Just waaaaay too difficult. I'm constantly being fucked by the enemies with getting knocked down, frozen, tripped, slowed, crippled, stunned and whatnot just taking away any ability for me to deal with things. One character gets taken out of the equation and suddenly its like 7 on 2, which basically just means I'm about to get my ass kicked. Even trying to heal doesn't help because being attacked by several people(and multiple times by certain enemies) almost always does more damage than any healing I can do during a turn. Or worse, they take another character out of the equation with one of the dozen shitty status effects and then its 7 on 1, which is hopeless.

Oh yea, and the hit percentages are laughable. A 70% chance to hit seems to hit maybe 50% of the time. 50-60% chance to hit and it almost always misses. Try to boost an ally's attack power? Botches attempt.

Its basically just became a game of luck for me getting through battles.


I dunno. I don't think I'm enjoying this game too much anymore. Just waaaaay too difficult. I'm constantly being fucked by the enemies with getting knocked down, frozen, tripped, slowed, crippled, stunned and whatnot just taking away any ability for me to deal with things. One character gets taken out of the equation and suddenly its like 7 on 2, which basically just means I'm about to get my ass kicked. Even trying to heal doesn't help because being attacked by several people(and multiple times by certain enemies) almost always does more damage than any healing I can do during a turn. Or worse, they take another character out of the equation with one of the dozen shitty status effects and then its 7 on 1, which is hopeless.

Oh yea, and the hit percentages are laughable. A 70% chance to hit seems to hit maybe 50% of the time. 50-60% chance to hit and it almost always misses. Try to boost an ally's attack power? Botches attempt.

Its basically just became a game of luck for me getting through battles.
Have you recruited the wizard and the warrior?


I dunno. I don't think I'm enjoying this game too much anymore. Just waaaaay too difficult. I'm constantly being fucked by the enemies with getting knocked down, frozen, tripped, slowed, crippled, stunned and whatnot just taking away any ability for me to deal with things. One character gets taken out of the equation and suddenly its like 7 on 2, which basically just means I'm about to get my ass kicked. Even trying to heal doesn't help because being attacked by several people(and multiple times by certain enemies) almost always does more damage than any healing I can do during a turn. Or worse, they take another character out of the equation with one of the dozen shitty status effects and then its 7 on 1, which is hopeless.

Oh yea, and the hit percentages are laughable. A 70% chance to hit seems to hit maybe 50% of the time. 50-60% chance to hit and it almost always misses. Try to boost an ally's attack power? Botches attempt.

Its basically just became a game of luck for me getting through battles.

If you run like a coward with your tail between your legs like I do pretty much every time, you can come back and whatever you killed will stay dead.
I love that even in the third area there's still usually at least 3 ways to solve each quest.

I appreciate that they keep the scope of most of the quests nice and limited so they can keep some flexibility in how you advance them. How screwy the main plot gets if you do stuff out of order shows off how beneficial that tight-scope design is.

Right now I'm mad though because I have a quest that's bugged and I can't ever resolve it. :(


Finally put some real time into the game.

I think I'm in the first zone that the game expects you to go to, the area that is constantly raining, which makes battles quite easy as I'm constantly stunning things with lightning spells. I've been throwing out status effects left and right and honestly have found the game to be quite easy so far because most enemies die before they can get in on me (and if they do, I have two melee characters waiting). The combat in this game is amazingly thrilling.


The early part of the game is tougher because you don't have a lot of action points yet. You can't afford to use inefficient skills. Mobs entice you to use your most efficient skills, like summoning. This is also the point in the game when it's most critical to set up battles in advance. E.g., casting Rain and Oath in advance, or Oil and a summon. Note that if you try to lay down many oil slicks before battle they will start disappearing!


I dunno. I don't think I'm enjoying this game too much anymore. Just waaaaay too difficult. I'm constantly being fucked by the enemies with getting knocked down, frozen, tripped, slowed, crippled, stunned and whatnot just taking away any ability for me to deal with things. One character gets taken out of the equation and suddenly its like 7 on 2, which basically just means I'm about to get my ass kicked. Even trying to heal doesn't help because being attacked by several people(and multiple times by certain enemies) almost always does more damage than any healing I can do during a turn. Or worse, they take another character out of the equation with one of the dozen shitty status effects and then its 7 on 1, which is hopeless.

Oh yea, and the hit percentages are laughable. A 70% chance to hit seems to hit maybe 50% of the time. 50-60% chance to hit and it almost always misses. Try to boost an ally's attack power? Botches attempt.

Its basically just became a game of luck for me getting through battles.

It's easier once you get the 2-handed warrior for a full party. For spells, I put a point into each elemental class to fully exploit all environmental hazards. Move barrels and vases around to create chokepoints before initiating combat. If your mage has telekinesis, they can also move barrels around during battle for just 2 action points.

Early on, invest in cheap status effect spells. Ranged archers/mages are more dangerous than melee attackers, so stun/freeze/blind/knockdown them first. Don't initiate melee battle, wait for approaching you, wasting their action points.


Walking around is such a hassle. It at least gives me a minute to alt-tab out and do something else for a minute though.

I also really wish there was a stop moving command (or a pause).


I appreciate that they keep the scope of most of the quests nice and limited so they can keep some flexibility in how you advance them. How screwy the main plot gets if you do stuff out of order shows off how beneficial that tight-scope design is.

Right now I'm mad though because I have a quest that's bugged and I can't ever resolve it. :(
Lemme guess, the King Boreas one? Yeah, mine won't ever end either.


Have you recruited the wizard and the warrior?

If you run like a coward with your tail between your legs like I do pretty much every time, you can come back and whatever you killed will stay dead.

It's easier once you get the 2-handed warrior for a full party. For spells, I put a point into each elemental class to fully exploit all environmental hazards. Move barrels and vases around to create chokepoints before initiating combat. If your mage has telekinesis, they can also move barrels around during battle for just 2 action points.

Early on, invest in cheap status effect spells. Ranged archers/mages are more dangerous than melee attackers, so stun/freeze/blind/knockdown them first. Don't initiate melee battle, wait for approaching you, wasting their action points.
Ok, I didn't realize there was a 4th member to recruit. Where is this person? That would probably make everything loads easier!

And I might have to exploit that flee and return thing. Good to know that enemies I kill stay dead even if I run.

Thank you. I was feeling pretty bummed about things, enjoying the game, but dreading every battle I came across.


Ok, I didn't realize there was a 4th member to recruit. Where is this person? That would probably make everything loads easier!

And I might have to exploit that flee and return thing. Good to know that enemies I kill stay dead even if I run.

Thank you. I was feeling pretty bummed about things, enjoying the game, but dreading every battle I came across.

Wizard is in the library and warrior in the King's Crab tavern.


Just started putting more time to this and I'm liking it so far.

Where should I store my stuff I want to save for later? Wouldn't want it to disappear but I'm not familiar how that works in this game. Anywhere in Homestead a good place to store items?


Just started putting more time to this and I'm liking it so far.

Where should I store my stuff I want to save for later? Wouldn't want it to disappear but I'm not familiar how that works in this game. Anywhere in Homestead a good place to store items?

Eventually you'll gain an area in the homestead where you can store items. If you don't have the option of "send to homestead" then keep on progressing and you'll get it sooner or later.


Eventually you'll gain an area in the homestead where you can store items. If you don't have the option of "send to homestead" then keep on progressing and you'll get it sooner or later.

Alright. Thanks for the answer! I'm still in the first city right after the tutorial (or I guess it's part of tutorial) and it already seems a bit overwhelming at times. I'm not sure where's that one place I was supposed to go to. Well shouldn't be too long to learn the ropes. The games does look good.


So, looks like i'm getting a 13" Macbook Pro, wether i want it or not.
It's got an i5 2.8Ghz, 8gb RAM and an integrated Intel Iris 5100.

Will it be enough to play this game? Even at lower resolutions like 720p but at least with medium details?


So you're well above recommended specs so you should be able to run it comfortably.

Looks like with the Iris 5100 i fall in between minimum and recomended, so i guess at a resolution like 720p i could play it on med-high with at least 30fps.
More than good to me, will be back in the thread when i'll actually get my hands on the laptop :)


Wizard is in the library and warrior in the King's Crab tavern.
Ok, got the warrior. I remember talking to her before now, but I couldn't get her to join my party cuz my partner insisted she wasn't right for us. I tried again and it strangely took me a few tries to get her to join. Don't know what was up with that.

Anyways, things are so much more manageable now. Thank you.


I'm trying my damnedest to like this game but it feels like every time I boot it up I get into the same cycle of endless fights against endlessly healing zombies until I alt f4 and play something less annoying.

I went into the game blind and built characters I felt would synergize, a 2h warrior and a water/witchcraft mage. And of course I facepalmed when I saw the first two party members it gave me, plus spells have such long cooldowns I wasn't even getting much use out of slow and oath of desecration.

I just do no damage in general and fights take forever. I apparently need a mace or two to deal with all these skeletons and shit, but all I find are swords and I haven't found a proper weapon vendor. But the worst are the healing zombies. Ok, I can understand that they heal from poison, but they also BLEED POISON. So they just stand still in their own blood and heal faster than I can damage them. Did I mention the only weapons it's given me as drops were poison damage? So I equipped this sword and for the last two hours I was apparently healing them for more damage than I was doing, but even taking it off didn't help. Right now I'm trying to get into some cave guarded by a massive group of enemies, I can kill the two wizards and skeleton archers, but the 50 billion nigh-invincible undead boars running around are too much. And that's assuming I don't just get my whole team crowd controlled for 8 turns with no way to fight back. I even tried scrolls but I can hardly even get them off in between the freezing, knockdowns, stunning and suspiciously lucky enemies. What the hell do I even do?

Crafting might be the answer but I have NO idea how it works. I haven't seen any indication of how to do it in-game so all these ingredients are just sitting here taking up space. It's not like I haven't looked either, they hid this shit so good that I have no idea what menu it could be under.

Anyways I'm not underleveled for the enemies I'm fighting, and I even beat some orcs who were above my level. But the fights take FOREVER even if I win, which is rarely. And now I'm in a rut where everything is dead except the stuff I can't kill, I can't make quest progress (I've explored the whole town and under it), and I can't level up any further. So I guess I'm supposed to restart, play with a guide open (which I don't want to do) and spend a bunch more hours to get back to where I am? Or is there some way to salvage this?


I'm trying my damnedest to like this game but it feels like every time I boot it up I get into the same cycle of endless fights against endlessly healing zombies until I alt f4 and play something less annoying.

I went into the game blind and built characters I felt would synergize, a 2h warrior and a water/witchcraft mage. And of course I facepalmed when I saw the first two party members it gave me, plus spells have such long cooldowns I wasn't even getting much use out of slow and oath of desecration.

I just do no damage in general and fights take forever. I apparently need a mace or two to deal with all these skeletons and shit, but all I find are swords and I haven't found a proper weapon vendor. But the worst are the healing zombies. Ok, I can understand that they heal from poison, but they also BLEED POISON. So they just stand still in their own blood and heal faster than I can damage them. Did I mention the only weapons it's given me as drops were poison damage? So I equipped this sword and for the last two hours I was apparently healing them for more damage than I was doing, but even taking it off didn't help. Right now I'm trying to get into some cave guarded by a massive group of enemies, I can kill the two wizards and skeleton archers, but the 50 billion nigh-invincible undead boars running around are too much. And that's assuming I don't just get my whole team crowd controlled for 8 turns with no way to fight back. I even tried scrolls but I can hardly even get them off in between the freezing, knockdowns, stunning and suspiciously lucky enemies. What the hell do I even do?

Crafting might be the answer but I have NO idea how it works. I haven't seen any indication of how to do it in-game so all these ingredients are just sitting here taking up space. It's not like I haven't looked either, they hid this shit so good that I have no idea what menu it could be under.

Anyways I'm not underleveled for the enemies I'm fighting, and I even beat some orcs who were above my level. But the fights take FOREVER even if I win, which is rarely. And now I'm in a rut where everything is dead except the stuff I can't kill, I can't make quest progress (I've explored the whole town and under it), and I can't level up any further. So I guess I'm supposed to restart, play with a guide open (which I don't want to do) and spend a bunch more hours to get back to where I am? Or is there some way to salvage this?

Fire reacts pretty explosively with poison so get a fire wizard henchman, use a few scrolls, or put some points into pyro with Jahan. Environment interaction is a pretty big part of the game.

For crafting, you just drag one item over to another to combine them. For blacksmithing, you drag whatever ingredient you want to use over to whatever tool requires it. In Cyseal there's an anvil, smelter and grindstone behind the abandoned store.


Before you need to leave the city, you already have access to a hall of heroes, so you can get any kind of hires you like, although the two companions in the city are perfectly fine. There are two overpowered hirelings available in the hall - fighter Cain and witch Elessa. You need to be level 6 to hire Elessa.

Crushing weapons in the game suck. The penalty for not using a crushing weapon against skeletons is really quite small. And you can boost the other melee weapons with a whetstone while crushing weapons require a consumable rare item.

A red mouse icon means you are stealing or trespassing. But you can't progress the story if you don't do it. It can also give you much better starting equipment. You can return the stolen items where you found them later if you wish.

If you restart and have a magic user character, make it by customizing a wizard. The wizard starts with a fire staff, which is often useful. The alternative is a witch and an electric staff.

You're supposed to be getting fun out of positioning your characters and other preparations for battle. If you're not, you can always turn down the difficulty for any battle.
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