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Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.

That's not gonna kill ya. Leadership isn't a bad skill(although you can easily get it via items). Loremaster will be needed. Bartering is fairly useless unless you spend a lot of money. So a few points wasted at most. Not a huge deal. You'll have plenty more to play with. One of my guys has 15 points unused at the moment and I'm doing alright still.

Does monster respawn? Currently looking for grinding areas. I'm currently at level 5 and I can't defeat those flaming monsters.


Does monster respawn? Currently looking for grinding areas. I'm currently at level 5 and I can't defeat those flaming monsters.
No, they don't.

There is no 'grinding' in this game whatsoever. There is almost always a certain area which you should be tackling at a certain level, though. And of course you want to do all sidequests possible. At your point, I think you need to be in the forest, in the North-ish direction. There's a cave you need to get to.

On a side note, I'm like 99% certain that the displayed chance to hit is at least 15-20% higher than it is in actuality. Its really, really, really annoying. I'm basically at the point where less than 70% chance to hit and I'm starting to not bother cuz it'll miss the majority of the time.

Also, I really dislike the incredible amount of crippling side effects in the game. Its really frustrating at times.


No, they don't.

There is no 'grinding' in this game whatsoever. There is almost always a certain area which you should be tackling at a certain level, though. And of course you want to do all sidequests possible. At your point, I think you need to be in the forest, in the North-ish direction. There's a cave you need to get to.

On a side note, I'm like 99% certain that the displayed chance to hit is at least 15-20% higher than it is in actuality. Its really, really, really annoying. I'm basically at the point where less than 70% chance to hit and I'm starting to not bother cuz it'll miss the majority of the time.

Also, I really dislike the incredible amount of crippling side effects in the game. Its really frustrating at times.

im in the same boat as the guy you quoted. I try to play the game everyday but I've hit a brickwall and I can't progress.

all the enemies are now 2 levels higher than me and I can't hit them. I cleared the entire map, expect for the flaming guys, wolves. obviously can't go any further as they too strong.
No, they don't.

There is no 'grinding' in this game whatsoever. There is almost always a certain area which you should be tackling at a certain level, though. And of course you want to do all sidequests possible. At your point, I think you need to be in the forest, in the North-ish direction. There's a cave you need to get to.

On a side note, I'm like 99% certain that the displayed chance to hit is at least 15-20% higher than it is in actuality. Its really, really, really annoying. I'm basically at the point where less than 70% chance to hit and I'm starting to not bother cuz it'll miss the majority of the time.

Also, I really dislike the incredible amount of crippling side effects in the game. Its really frustrating at times.

I'm in front of that cave and can't seem to win against the horde guarding the cave entrance. I tried wandering and encounter more higher level monsters. Went back to town to dawdle.


im in the same boat as the guy you quoted. I try to play the game everyday but I've hit a brickwall and I can't progress.

all the enemies are now 2 levels higher than me and I can't hit them. I cleared the entire map, expect for the flaming guys, wolves. obviously can't go any further as they too strong.
If everybody is 2 levels higher than you, then you're probably not in the right area.

Those flaming guys are skippable I'm pretty sure. There should be several entrances to the woods if you come from the North Gate of Cyseal. If you're only level 5, you definitely haven't cleared the whole map.

I'm in front of that cave and can't seem to win against the horde guarding the cave entrance. I tried wandering and encounter more higher level monsters. Went back to town to dawdle.
That horde in front of the cave is indeed your next challenge.

I understand the feeling though. The game can be absolutely brutal, especially in the beginning.


Finally finished it. Last boss was a cakewalk.

Great game. I definitely want to try a Lone Wolf playthrough later. Really glad I picked this up when I did!


I definitely want to try a Lone Wolf playthrough later.
That sounds like it'd be soooo difficult....

Anyways, I feel like a freakin IDIOT. I've only just discovered that I'm not limited to the single row of commands at the bottom of the screen. Up until now(I'm at level 15 already), I'd just figured I was limited to the 10 slots and I had to pick which 10 spells/items/scrolls/arrows/whatever that I wanted to be able to use. Just assumed this was part of the balance of the game and I had to make tough choices depending on my situation or whatever.

But nope! I've actually got 5 rows to work with. AND I can open up my inventory screen and use items there during battle as well.

This really just changes everything. I've been limiting myself in a lot of ways. Not only just in terms of what skills and items I'm using in battle, but what I'm spending my skill points on as well, what spells I'm picking up, how much crafting I do, etc. Now spending points on skills sounds a lot more attractive(knowing I can use them all!), I can not be so stingy on what I spells I buy and learn, and I can brew up a bunch of potions and not worry about them taking up slots in my bar.

Man. I've gotta really spend a bunch of time reorganizing my skills and distribution of items and whatnot. Might actually take a little while.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Anyways, I feel like a freakin IDIOT. I've only just discovered that I'm not limited to the single row of commands at the bottom of the screen. Up until now(I'm at level 15 already), I'd just figured I was limited to the 10 slots and I had to pick which 10 spells/items/scrolls/arrows/whatever that I wanted to be able to use. Just assumed this was part of the balance of the game and I had to make tough choices depending on my situation or whatever.

Well that is how the vanilla game was, they patched in the extra toolbars like a week after I finished it. :(


Well that is how the vanilla game was, they patched in the extra toolbars like a week after I finished it. :(
Oh really? Well the game is certainly entirely playable like this. I wont say I haven't had any trouble, but its all been do-able.

But having more options does give me more reason to spend skill points, spend money, craft, sell stuff, etc, which probably does help stop making these elements of the game feel less useful.


I'm really glad that this game has sold so much already.. for this genre of game, with almost no marketing, PC exclusive, etc.. this is a great number...

Anyway, when should we expect the new companions to arrive to the game?


Will the new companions have their own quests?

Wonder if they'll take existing questlines and 'retcon' the companions into them. Or maybe add new areas or questlines, and incorporate the new companions into those?


So who played it fully in co-op?

Me and a good friend of mine were planning on doing so even before the game release but we only had the chance to meet two weeks ago and only played for two hours because we were tired.

The game itself has left a fantastic first impression - like, even moving the cursor in the main menu feels just right - however, I'm a bit worried that playing it in co-op might not be the best choice. I'm not a very fast reader and when I get into a new town in an RPG I want to talk to everyone to get a feel of he world. But when I have another living being sitting next to me and doing stuff in the world - like completing other quests! - I feel pressured to just skim the dialogue which feels bad. Similarily with other mechanics - I'm afraid I won't be able to grasp them correctly.

Please tell me my worries are misplaced and everything will be okay.


I don't want to co-op. I looking for a great single player RPG. Will I be comprimising the game if I go solo?

So who played it fully in co-op?

Me and a good friend of mine were planning on doing so even before the game release but we only had the chance to meet two weeks ago and only played for two hours because we were tired.

The game itself has left a fantastic first impression - like, even moving the cursor in the main menu feels just right - however, I'm a bit worried that playing it in co-op might not be the best choice. I'm not a very fast reader and when I get into a new town in an RPG I want to talk to everyone to get a feel of he world. But when I have another living being sitting next to me and doing stuff in the world - like completing other quests! - I feel pressured to just skim the dialogue which feels bad. Similarily with other mechanics - I'm afraid I won't be able to grasp them correctly.

Please tell me my worries are misplaced and everything will be okay.

This is the exact same reason I want to fly solo. I just want to do everything in my own pace.


I don't want to co-op. I looking for a great single player RPG. Will I be comprimising the game if I go solo?

Absolutely not. I've been playing solo exclusively and it's still the best party RPG in years.

The biggest downside I've found with the co-op design has to do with the UI and juggling multiple characters. Inventory management is simply It's not as easy as it should be, and many of the strange decisions have apparently been made to ensure that the UI behaves the same in solo or co-op.

It's also a little strange when the game wants you to role-play arguments between your own characters but that's purely optional.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
63 hours with my wife and we're only about 60% done (and we are not completionists). The game is the best isometric RPG I have played since Fallout 1-2 with one big difference - I hate writing. I just can't give a shit about what's going on, the tone is too light-hearted and not clever enough to compromise for it. I mean Monthy Python can be lighthearted but it's clever. I can't say the same about this game. So far it almost feels like fan fiction but thankfully the base game is so strong that we don't give a rat's ass about its story.

What I loved about this is that it doesn't limit your area of exploration so we were able to fight with bosses and monster who outleveld us by 3-5 levels and we kicked their ass. It was hard but the way it should be. When we find out that we've missed an entire map it was a walk in the park there minus the final boss fight.

The game rocks.

By the way, is there enough people playing the Arena mod? We would love to play some PVP.
Getting the hang of this. I think early game is the hardest. Once I got my mages up and running, they 1HKO everything. The classic RPG team set up, tank, damage dealer, support still works. I'm still not familiar with crafting and only found 1 area where I can mine ores. Are mining areas renewable?


Hi everybody,

In anticipation of the launch of the new companion DLC (which will be free for everyone) here is a new update which will further improve the game.

The most notable improvements are the new listening functionality for dialogs when playing in cooperative multiplayer, a big layer of polish on the spell and skill effects and a number of bugfixes. Please note that the new companions will only be available after installing the free DLC (to be released later today) and can only be accessed when starting a new game.

changes in link.

Man, what a time to add the extra companions. A friend and I have just about finished a co op playthrough.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
The coop dialog feature is nice. When I played through with my friend we were reading to each other, got a bit tiring after awhile.


So I'm in the
Phantom Forest
in Act 3, is it just all battles from here on? Haven't found new quests or NPCs in ages.




DOS got update today, what was it? Do we know?

It's a big one, but here ya go:

LARIAN_OCTAAF via Steam Forums said:
Hi everybody,

In anticipation of the launch of the new companion DLC (which will be free for everyone) here is a new update which will further improve the game.

The most notable improvements are the new listening functionality for dialogs when playing in cooperative multiplayer, a big layer of polish on the spell and skill effects and a number of bugfixes. Please note that the new companions will only be available after installing the free DLC (to be released later today) and can only be accessed when starting a new game.


  • Added listening functionality to dialogs. Now you can listen to ongoing dialogs and see the complete history to better follow what is being said.
  • Fixed issue with logging for cooperative dialogs
  • A lot of fixes for savegames that refused to load
  • Sheath/Unsheath fixed timing of attachment of shields.
  • Rare crash fix in specific script calls
  • Rare crash fix in extinguish surface action
  • Fading objects and fog triggers now work for all players instead of just the local player.
  • Fixed issue where rotation on objects could get corrupted, resulting in huge objects
  • Bugfix in character movement while mouse is pressed
  • Fixed some UI's that were always loaded in memory. Now they are loaded when needed.
  • Fixed issue when swapping character during a rock-paper-scissor minigame.
  • Fixed some doors that were blocking after they were destroyed
  • Added text bubble effect above characters in dialog
  • Dragging action will cancel when going into trade
  • Fixed rare crash with attachments on objects
  • Fixed rare issue where the mouse cursor could become corrupted
  • Weight can no longer become negative
  • Character should slide less when arriving at their target position
  • Dragging an item onto a container will put it in the inventory now
  • Correctly substract money when hiring henchman
  • Correctly delete item when adding to an inventory fails.
  • Fixed exclamation mark sometimes being attached wrong.
  • Fixed rare crashes when going to and coming from the Homestead
  • Fixed double spaces in combat log
  • Changed requirement from Crafing to Tenebrium to craft tenebrium weapons
  • Fixed issue with sheath/unsheat after sitting or sleeping
  • Fixed issue with wrong resurrecting event
  • Skillbar items in a container no longer get removed
  • Fix for surface sound underflow
  • Skill are reloaded when switching mods
  • Remove blackrot status when you have tenebrium ability
  • Added "Additional Content" menu to the main menu
  • Fixed issue where characters in combat could sometimes take characters out of the combat into account
  • Fixed issue with disconnected during the rock-paper-scissor minigame
  • Fixed issue where character sometimes dont follow after a load


  • War of the Bloodstones, some mountain men could be neutral during the war
  • Quest blocker in Nadia quest when you talk to Lawrence
  • Arhu thinks that everything you drop in his house is his property, is fixed
  • Issue with killing the Trife with companions without starting the end fight
  • Imps were not appearing on Mac version
  • AI mesh fixes at Baron of Bones house, now the player can teleport the chest in the southern room
  • Items on some graves drop under the ground when dug out
  • You could start a conversation with Lurrean while he was walking away
  • You could ask William to teleport you to Wally once the quest was solved, this is removed
  • Incorrect log entry on mushroom barrier removal
  • Couldn't select enemies that were inside click through bushes
  • Zou could talk to Yox while Frederick was approaching and the quest would hang
  • How to handle Tenebrium quest book had been increased to unlimited uses
  • Cyseal burning ship got a sound event, so you can hear it burn now
  • The Lawrence vs miners situation used to get blocked but that is fixed now
  • Teleport Mirror in Luculla Mines doesn't want to teleport companions

Note: a limited amount of these story fixes require you to start a new game


  • Battering Ram
  • Crushing Fist
  • Cure Wounds
  • Divine Light
  • Dust Devil/Whirlwind
  • Encourage
  • Power Stance
  • Precision Stance
  • Power Stance
  • Precision Stance
  • Minor Heal
  • Slow Current
  • Bitter Cold
  • Headvice

  • Overall audio balance has been updated.
  • The burning ship in Cyseal had sound (burning & sinking) which did not work, this has been fixed now.
  • Player weapons such as Two Handed Sword and Magic Staff got new dedicated sounds when sheathing their weapon.
  • The Orcs in the game now have extra foley sounds including a huge roar, a sobbing orc and a really gross ‘buttscratch’…
  • For the new area, dedicated ambient sounds have been added, as well as custom sounds for a very loathsome druid and some really disgusting fx for certain pigs

MAC Specific:
This update brings all Mac tweaking options into a single place. In order to use it you have to hold 'Command' key on game startup.
The new launcher has options to:

  • Don't show any OS X notification popups while in game. They won't even blink.
  • Disable Touch Support if you feel like it
  • Quickly click on OS X Path control to discover your saves directory
  • Temporarily switch game to windowed mode
  • Precisely track mouse and trackpad gestures and taps
  • Disable hardware fade and gamma effects
  • Enable OpenGL performance tweaks and a heap of assorted workarounds

Divinity Engine Editor:

  • Fixed some problems that existed when loading mods
  • Fixed some memory leaks
  • Added info when trying to save terrain that is not editable
  • Fixed saving new story items
  • Fixed story editor crash
  • Fixed crash when entering game mode
  • Fixed position of camera when switching between cameras

Have fun!

Patch notes rivalled by only a few other developers out there.


They've released a new KS Update:



The new (free!) DLC won't only contain the two new companions but also new monsters, areas, sounds and effects.
Larian has truly become one of my most favourite developer teams.

Swen is the most likable guy in the industry. Larian in general is pretty great too. I'm so glad that Original Sin worked out for them.


7 hours in now, I'm liking it. It's kind of my first ever CRPG, I guess.

I keep forgetting to quicksave. I found a mound in the healer's yard, where the sheep are. So naturally, I wanted to dig it up. I hit dig. My characters wanted to argue over whether it was morally right to dig up this grave. I thought it might be important to the murder mystery. So I made them agree. The tombstone didn't like that. There was an explosion.

Everyone died.

In the end, I only lost about 25 minutes of selling and looting items, of me identifying a few objects and swaying the crowd warmer to cheer for the other side. Now I know to quicksave, and quicksave often.

Divinity don't fuck around.


Awesome video! Dat callout to Wasteland was nice ;_)

Larian really made things happen for themselves. Hopefully they can continue to do this.


Hnnng, all those improvements. So good. New spell effects look really nice. Wish I didn't have to restart to recruit the new Companions, but I want to at least check them out. Larian have done a really exemplary job with post-release support of this game. Great devs.



Sweet. How about enemy variety and location variety? I saw a screenshot of a snowy region, so that's cool. And what about a day/night system?

Oh and another thing. My GF would also like to play. How easy is it to have two totally seperate save profiles?


Sweet. How about enemy variety and location variety? I saw a screenshot of a snowy region, so that's cool. And what about a day/night system?

Enemy and location variety is high, the combat system itself is one of the best I've ever seen in an RPG.

Time of day changes based on where you are in the world but there is no day to night system. Designing quests around a full day/night scheduling system proved too difficult in the timeframe they had for development. I hope we'll see it in a sequel.

Oh and another thing. My GF would also like to play. How easy is it to have two totally seperate save profiles?

Multiplayer is different than something like Borderlands. You don't move your own character into another player's game. Instead, you temporarily take over one or two of the host's characters. It's possible to go through character creation in co-op but the host is the one that winds up with the save file.


Enemy and location variety is high, the combat system itself is one of the best I've ever seen in an RPG.

Time of day changes based on where you are in the world but there is no day to night system. Designing quests around a full day/night scheduling system proved too difficult in the timeframe they had for development. I hope we'll see it in a sequel.

Multiplayer is different than something like Borderlands. You don't move your own character into another player's game. Instead, you temporarily take over one or two of the host's characters. It's possible to go through character creation in co-op but the host is the one that winds up with the save file.

I see. But we can we have two completely separate playthroughs on the same Steam account?


Is there any place to buy a phisical copy of D:OS? I have the digital but I want to gift it to a friend.
Just finished the game. I took around 80 hours (idle time included).
I'm too lazy to do a review right now, but the biggest issue for me was the inventory.

These are the character build I went with (before final fight):
1 dps mage (stacked codex +1int-1per)
1 tank
1 dps 2-hander (forgot to put ruby on armor)
1 controller mage (most room for improvement)

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