Yeh, TF2 key prices might drop a bit if this goes on sale, worth waiting to see.
Also, Shadowrun Returns in 75% off atm. Just put a couple of hours or so into Xcom, and while I love the combat the lack of story doesn't keep me engaged for longer than a few rounds at a time. Shadowrun seems to have a really cool story so far, and the turn based combat is very similar to Xcom.
Recommend it to anyone who needs a turn based scratch over the weekend.
Dragonfall is only £4 or so too, worth getting both.
So, if it wins the Community Vote I might buy it - since I wasnt sure at the daily. Since it's a Coop RPG, is it fun in SP? I don't have anyone to play it with, so Id only get it if it's 100% satisfying to play alone.
It's really good in SP, controlling both main characters feels quite novel, you can decide on how you're going to develop their personalities and role play their relationships quite well. I think I had more fun playing in SP than co-op (Even though co-op is very well done) simply because I could invest myself more in the characters and world.
If you like turn based rpgs, get it. If you don't, get it anyway.