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DmC |OT| No, F*ck You!

Kat is sympathetic character but I feel like that sympathy is earned in a very lazy way. Essentially, bad things happen to her because of demons
or Vergil
so I'm supposed to feel bad for her. All the while she's doe-eyed for Dante and he's absolutely smitten with her
above his own fucking brother. Then he almost kills him for then doesn't because she tells him not to

So bad.


Crystal Bearer
If your interested in a good analysis of the story and have some free time, I think this incredibly smart and handsome poster did a good job deconstructing it.

I spent several hours writing that up, and I'm getting as much mileage out of it as I can.

Wow, this is really insightful. Thanks.

They made 2 middling games and one pretty good one and now no one should hire them?

Your reasoning seems out of touch.

More accurately, publishers like Namco and Capcom shouldn't use them as a crutch for western ambitions.


the combat is actually decent with 60fps on the pc, they made style switching much easier with the LR triggers but in turn they had to take out the lock-on feature that's been around for ages.

no lock on meant you can't effectively combo onto a single target, so they had to put in moves that has lots of AoE hit window, it also meant you dont get moves that make use of backward/forward motion. I really hated the command for stinger, forward forward is just an awkward motion to do, you can't throw it out instinctly because of the second forward, good thing they had the angel/devil grabs to make up for this.


Are they making a DmC movie?



Request: Can someone find all the graffiti artwork in the game?

It'd be best if modders could find a folder that had all the graffiti textures stored in it, but I have no idea how feasible that is. But it's difficult to find all the art work or know if you have found all of it since unlike other secrets, there is no counter that tells you if you have seen each of them. However, the graffiti in the game tends to tell some kind of story to it, or it's atleast related to the story in some way. I know of atleast one artwork of a woman who I don't know who she was or what she meant. So if anyone knows where I can find a compilation of all this kind of stuff, please tell me.
The graffiti that Vergil uses to tell the story is all in the concept art menu. I can easily post them up tomorrow.


The graffiti that Vergil uses to tell the story is all in the concept art menu. I can easily post them up tomorrow.

That's cool, but I meant mainly graffiti art that I could have missed in the actual gameplay.


This is an example of what I mean. I'm wondering if NT made more graffiti murals like this throughout the game that I just missed and could possibly have narrative significance.


Some of the environment arts aren't unlocked until you have like beat them on DMD mode and SSS ranked them. Stuff like is that definitely in the concept art menu though so I will try to get some stuff uploaded. There are A LOT of images and I still have a lot left to unlock.

No one can dispute that NT has a bunch of really talented art folks working there.

Oh and some of the art might be classified as NSFW.


Some of the environment arts aren't unlocked until you have like beat them on DMD mode and SSS ranked them. Stuff like that definitely in the game though so I will try to get some stuff uploaded. There are A LOT of images and I still have a lot left to unlock.

No one can dispute that NT has a bunch of really talented art folks working there.

I'll definitely give them that, but I question their use of them.

Remember that video where they showed off DMD mode for the first time, and the spokesperson called attention to a wall of graffiti that the art team obviously put a lot of effort into. And they clearly did, because it was very detailed and true to graffiti aesthetic.

What it was also was complete gibberish. I couldn't make any kind of image out of it or it's point.


A lot of the graffiti in the game makes no sense, its just there because it looks cool/interesting. I am sure some people will find some hidden meaning in them.
Finished this on the middle difficulty a few days back. Had an overall decent time. Started out pretty strong but it seemed to dragged more I played of it and gotten into the systems. Not being able to cancel out of attacks to dodge kinda sucks, especially for the axe. meh. All the light side weapons didn't feel that great imo. In the end, I pretty much just used the fists for the most part.

Really disappointed in Dante's character though. I mean I don't mind him calling things names and telling them to fuck off... but the amount of verbal jabs he got in him is extremely limited. He really should be talking smash waaaay more than he is atm.

Those boss fights were also pretty bad. I mean, if I have a bigger challenge fighting bosses in a zelda game... something isn't right here!

And that ending... with that awful 'fight' against
. W/e.

Really love the whole sequence where
Dante and Vergil squares off and Dante tells Kat to go hide behind a trashcan. #1reasonwhy or w/e that hashtag was.

The whole limbo thing was decent and level design was ok. Really wish the game had a map. And it's really annoying that a bunch of the shit requires gear from future levels... but in the end you pretty much just get more health that you really don't need, so I never bothered after a while.

So yeah, not sure if I liked this or hated this, but it's a solid enough first attempt. I do kinda wish this was more of a standalone property mainly because it does feel like trying to 'emulate' Japanese devs hurt the overall product somewhat.

DMC series is known for campy shitty writing. The writing here is kinda just shitty without the camp :/

3 fucks out of 5 yous.


yeah I finished this tonight. Enjoyable, nice looking game. People had warned me to play it on nephalem but I just left it on devil hunter mode because I assumed that's the difficulty the developers wanted the largest audience to experience the game with. Sure I was rarely at risk of getting killed ( I did die 6 times, twice from failing to dash jump /whip grapple across pits while near death) but I was assuming dying was going to be horribly unforgiving here like it was in some of the older games. Thankfully Ninja Theory knows that's it's incredibly frustrating to replay an entire 15 minute stage should you end up getting killed so there is an extremely liberal helping of checkpoints, perhaps they tone that down on harder difficulties ?

I didn't care either way. The important thing in my books is that I had fun the majority of the experience and never felt like the game was overly padded nor that combat was a chore.

So basically- I liked it , would recommend it and found it generally a good game.

Most of the internet doesn't seem to care about that though, they seem more concerned with whether it does the series justice. To that I say , yeah it does but in it's own unique way. This is a a nice alternative universe excursion and I'd love to see at least 1 sequel on the next gen systems (I played it on PC and I can't imagine suffering through it at less then 60 fps 1080p, it just looks and feels glorious like that) although I'm not sure the game sold well enough to pull that off.

Really, the best comparison I can come up with is the age old Jet Grind Radio VS Jet Set Radio Future argument. In that case the xbox title is better in every single way possible - graphics , music , controls, number of characters, map layout, etc etc etc. But many cling to the dreamcast original for 1 reason alone- the graffiti took some effort and the game was a bit harder. It's fantastic that both entries in that series exist !

The same holds true here- Ninja Theory has pretty much taken the combat system from Heavenly sword and combined it with the weapons and combos from devil may cry- the result actually feels pretty good. It's a unique take on the genre and it's MUCH easier to play then any previous devil may cry title is. Even I can admit though- having played some DMC4 recently , the combat in the old games, once you learn it is "better". But then, the old titles were designed around locking on and comboing 1 enemy to death. Hell the original game was more about devil triggering to slaughter a room or kill a boss quickly. Second one remains kind of a phoned in crap entry and DMC3 ..... I consider it like the street fighter 3 of the franchise, there's quite a bit of meat there but it takes a long ass time to learn it all and get good enough to get anywhere in that game. Not to mention that dying in DMC3 without an expensive yellow orb sends you through the entire mission again , it was horrible at teaching the player how to play well, it was literally just - learn it on your own or die horribly. I can get behind games like that but they aren't for everyone. DmC is closer to a god of war title- flashy looking and fun but perhaps a bit shallow.

I've seen some bitching about the story line and to that I have to say - at least this time around there actually was one. The first title has detective dante going to an evil spooky castle to kill demons and find out some of his past. Second one has him go to a spooky island for no purpose and learn nothing. The 3rd one is a prequel but the story is still fairly obtuse- dante and virgil beat each other up. The 4th one came a bit closer to having a plot but still kind of failed. It had about as much substance story wise as a 22 minute episode of some generic anime, followed the same tropes too. Finally you get to this new DmC game and well, it felt more like a generic action film. The heroes and villians all had fairly clear and obvious motives , every part of the story made some amount of sense and dante even had an actual small character arc. It also earns points for not having a cheesy love song in the credits with trish remarking how blue the sky is :p

All my ranting about how much I enjoy this game above may lead some to believe I think the haters are all morons or something but that's not really the case. There are a few legit reasons to dislike this game- if you wanted a traditional difficulty level you have to play it at least once to unlock that , on console the performance isn't up to snuff , the game relies more on presentation then any previous entry and is filled with tons of running and platforming segments as opposed to nearly non stop combat, puzzles are also almost non existant and finally , some may find , in spite of the tone remaining just a bit silly- it's not "fucking retarded" like the japanese entries were. Most of the attempts at humor here worked fine for me but there just aren't as many of them as the japanese entries.

Considering the alternative to this game would have been "no devil may cry game at all" I"m perfectly okay with this.


Long post but you talked about checkpoints and repeating whole missions but DMC hasn't done that since DMC3 NA version. DMC3SE and subsequently DMC4 have used the same system as in DmC.


A lot of the graffiti in the game makes no sense, its just there because it looks cool/interesting. I am sure some people will find some hidden meaning in them.

You misunderstand. I'm not saying it was a graffiti of something and I couldn't find the meaning of it. I mean it was just a wall of pure gibberish. It's detailed and graphically impressive and inkeeping with the aesthetics of punk but it's impossible to tell what it's suppose to mean because the only things you can possibly make out are random names that were signed by people.
Well, I played DmC for about 4 hours or so yesterday, and I'm rather pleased! Dante's character design fits the atmosphere, the enemies are interestingly designed, and the gameplay is actually fun. Hell, even my girlfriend played for a while, and she hates this kind of game.

I feel like I got my money's worth at this point.
Where dante jumps nearly vertical and barely any forward movement?

It's ok for combat, but its pretty awful for platforming until you get the air glide thing.

in a combat focused game you want jumping to be akin to a platformer?


have you thought how much forward movement would break combat?

Sidenote: I just saw the accolade trailer. That is probably one of the most pathetically insecure thing I have seen in this games marketing so far. Its one thing to have a couple of good reviews adorn the intro of a trailer, or to have them printed on the games box :- everyone does that, but to make a whole trailer of reviews screams of a desperate "see see mommy, im not a bad boy"

If anything is confirmation the game isn't selling well, it's this.



Jump arc is better than previous DMC games in terms of controls. Its better for platforming. Honestly it was fine for me.

About that accolade trailer well I don't know what to say about that.... a couple of review scores in the trailer would've been fine but it's a whole 2-3 mins of review scores after review scores. At least they are marketing the game post launch...
That bothered you? I wonder what you thought of the stuff with Arkham City. xD

If I recall correctly, Batman AC just had a a GOTY edition with its review scores plastered over it . Not the same thing.

Besides Batman AC is 94% on metacritc, which is basically "genre defining" game, which makes more sense to draw peoples attention to it.

DmC is mid 80's which is more "really good game"

It doesn't bother me at all, i just see it as a rather desperate ploy. I do not know of any game in recent memory that has released such a trailer so soon after release.

DmC is not the only controversial gaming reboot in existence.
If I recall correctly, Batman AC just had a a GOTY edition with its review scores plastered over it . Not the same thing.

Besides Batman AC is 94% on metacritc, which is basically "genre defining" game, which makes more sense to draw peoples attention to it.

DmC is mid 80's which is more "really good game"

It doesn't bother me at all, i just see it as a rather desperate ploy. I do not know of any game in recent memory that has released such a trailer after release.

DmC is not the only controversial gaming reboot in existence.

Yes, I know I love that game. <3 I was referring more to the commercial where like 20 near-perfect/perfect scores came on screen at once, and to me made this trailer seem tame in comparison.

But let me stop now, before I end up going on a tangent about Batman. Though, I'm a firm believer that all threads could benefit from more Batman.
I'm pretty sure it's official and just came before publishers posted media to their own channels instead of asking greasy outlets to plaster their logo bug all over everything for youtube. It sits alongside all the official media on gametrailers

edit: Yeah here it is on segaEurope; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sM8vnO8AAM

To be fair Bayonetta sold like shit relative to its quality and critical acclaim so it could still be seen as desperate.
Man, Bayonetta was such a awesome game. Sucks I can't play it on my 360 anymore, since I sold it.

But remembering some of those cutscenes form the trailer, I can say that DmC missed a HUGE opportunity to do some amazing awesome cutscenes with the environments they had.

Is funny that in DmC I feel you do more over the stop stuff in game than in the cutscenes. =/


I played this demo and didn't enjoy it at all. I really hate every single thing about it, most notably having to hold trigger buttons to use different weapons. Seems incredibly lazy. Boss fight sucked too. Mash a button, press the dodge button when you see him wind up, swing to another platform when he pukes. What a joke.

Might play through it when it hits a budget bin price point, but not impressed.

Yeah, accolade trailers are very common now. I don't blame Ninja Theory (and to be honest, it'd be stupid to blame or "call out" a developer for this to begin with) for putting one together since DmC has been getting critical acclaim with a metacritic at 86 %. Basic marketing, put out your best foot forward. But it's something all games do, whether they have the metacritic for it or not.

Not being able to cancel out of attacks to dodge kinda sucks, especially for the axe.

Well, like in most well put together action games, you don't want powerful weapons that are already borderline overpowered to be canceleable. Risk/reward -> basic game development 101 type of thing.

Many powerful attacks in previous games (see: real impact) aren't cancealable for a reason. Though all the other weapons you can cancel easily during mid-animation. Using the Arbriter in DMD is pretty difficult since the enemies are constantly attacking. It's a good example of an overpowered weapon on the normal settings really balancing out on the harder settings.
Dar&#1174;aoZ;47238531 said:
But remembering some of those cutscenes form the trailer, I can say that DmC missed a HUGE opportunity to do some amazing awesome cutscenes with the environments they had.

Is funny that in DmC I feel you do more over the stop stuff in game than in the cutscenes. =/

And that will be my eternal conundrum with the series. Sometimes, I want to see swag cutscenes, other times, I just want to play the game. DmC totally leans toward the second, but I do miss the swag.
Yeah, accolade trailers are very common now. I don't blame Ninja Theory for putting one together since the game has been getting critical acclaim with a metacritic at 86 %. But it's something all games do, whether they have the metacritic for it or not.

well as I said, i was not aware of these things being created before this trailer, its not like ninja theory have made one for their other games nor has Capcom as far as I can tell.

it is easy to make the assumption that this game is getting special treatment as it has been getting extra effort in its marketing all the way up to release, compared to Capcoms other titles. I will say it again. If Dragons dogma was carted out to as many trade shows, had as many trailers released and was put in the hands of as many journalists prerelease as DmC, it would be a multimillion dollar franchise now. Just because the game hasn't had much support post release doesn't change the fact that it had a significant marketing budget and I dont believe for a second that DMC4's was anywhere close to it.
You can dodge cancel out of any angel weapon attack at any frame. Demon weapons are almost never cancellable while rebellion is somewhere in the middle. That seems to be how they wanted to balance it. Dunno if it was successful (leaning towards no)
LHK has your thought on the game changed? Do you like it more, less, think this should be the future of the franchise, etc?

This is a fun action game. It's probably up there with the best action games released this generation.

But don't take that illustrious statement -too much to heart- since every action game released this generation has been shit quality. Seriously, think about the action games released this gen, all the way back to fucking Genji...yeah...Not a fan of the god of war QTE, popcorn combat, so you can take out god of war series real quick) Darksiders is...ok, but it excels more as an adventure game more so than as an action game. And of course, NG3 is the biggest piece of shit out of them all, so...there you have it. The only action games I've enjoyed other than DmC, is DMC4 (despite it's flaws) and Bayonetta.

DMC1 is my favorite DMC game. I've pretty much given up on Capcom creating an all around better experience in regards to a DMC game. They've had 12 years to do so, but they've failed. DMC3 is a fantastic combat simulator, but it lacks in a lot areas. DMC3 even fails when compared to DMC1 in some combat regards. For example, DMC1 still has the best, most intelligent designed enemies in the series. Shadows....HmHm, so good. In contrast, DMC3 has many enemies that are not only not well designed, but down right annoying as shit. Soul Eaters, Dulhallans, fucking retard Spiders, chest pieces, jesus fuck. DMC4, also lacks in these same areas, but more severely (i.e, severe backtracking and content recycling, overall easy difficulty etc.).

Also, the overall tone of the DMC games has turned into one big never ending Power Ranger episodes. I do enjoy Dante's antics, don't get me wrong, but the only Devil May Cry game with any sense of a serious, unified, cohesive vision from one aspect of game design to the next was Kamiya's DMC1. Again, DMC3 and 4 just felt like a Saturday morning cartoon. I'm actually not surprised why Kamiya turns his nose up when people mention DMC3. Despite it being an amazing combat game, it's pretty much a bastardization of the vision he had for Dante, and I see that. There is this odd disconnect between the DMC1 Dante and the DMC3 Dante.

The above explains why I never hated the concept of NT doing a DmC game. Let them have fun with it I say. And they created a.fun action game that isn't really a Devil May Cry game to be honest, it's more of a God of War game, with actual combat depth.

As far as the future of the franchise, I want Capcom Japan to learn why DmC is such a hit with reviewers and "casual/intermediate" gamers. And then filter that with advanced gameplay mechanics and such for a DMC5.

Unfortunately, due to the success of Dragon's Dogma (over half a million sold in Japan) we won't get a DMC5, or at the least it won't be from Itsuno and the DMC3/DMC4 dev team. Something that I never really understood was why DMC fans were protesting DmC, hoping for it to fail commercially. Because, from a business perspective - DmC is part of the Devil May Cry franchise, and DmC doing poorly ultimately reflects poorly on the franchise as a whole. If Dragon's Dogma was seen as a failure, then Capcom is going to assign Itsuno and crew to what they do best and what sells, which is the DMC series. But it seems Dragon's Dogma 2 has been greenlit, so, regardless if DmC sells well or not, Hideaki Itsuno and Production Studio 1 will not be doing a DMC5, because of Dragon's Dogma 2.

In anycase, if Itsuno -were- to do a DMC5, would it really be better than DMC1? Would it be better than DMC3...hmm.

DMC has given me the best gaming moments of my life for the past 12 years. I'm okay with moving on to other things. Be it Ninja Theory or whatever next Kamiya wants to do. And I can always play the HD collection if I really want to scratch that itch for hardcore action games.


second mission is the worst level to replay, the stupid cutscenes before going into the dream world is unskippable, then there are frequent cutscenes you have to mash select to skip (that doesn't skip right away because it's loading).


Three strikes in a row for Ninja Theory... I think it's about time companies stopped hiring them.

You're going off the deep end.

DmC is a quality game with the best combat in a western action game. It's too bad you can't see that, or don't care to.


DmC is a quality game with the best combat in a western action game. It's too bad you can't see that, or don't care to.

She's definitely jumping the gun, but I don't think "best combat in a western action game" is anything to brag about to be quite honest.

Do we have a date for Vergil's Downfall yet


Sorry I'm skipping the thread (to avoid spoilers), but which version is considered the "definitive" version? With DMC 4 it was easily the PC version. Thanks!
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