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DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down, Joining Clinton campaign

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Loaded With Aspartame
This just proves she did nothing wrong and if you dont believe that putin putin putin

The problem with the Republican side being so terrible is that it allows the Democratic side to be as shitty as possible while still being better than the apocalypse.
An honorary chair is a a position that doesn't do anything. She got window-seated.
The position isn't relevant. DWS is incredibly toxic right now, and Hillary is providing a bridge for that toxicity to be associated even more than it was with her campaign. It simply does not look good.


Loaded With Aspartame
The position isn't relevant. DWS is incredibly toxic right now, and Hillary is providing a bridge for that toxicity to be associated even more than it was with her campaign. It simply does not look good.

Yeah, it was a completely unforced error.
I'd be amazed if Trump doesn't personally tweet on the matter within the hour.

It's not a matter of swaying diehard democratic voters, but for independents, third party supporters, and Bernie supporters. Her numbers just dipped last week over a different, more harmless scandal, and she just reloaded the damn gun pressed to her head.
I'd be amazed if Trump doesn't personally tweet on the matter within the hour.

It's not a matter of swaying diehard democratic voters, but for independents, third party supporters, and Bernie supporters. Her numbers just dipped last week over a different, more harmless scandal, and she just reloaded the damn gun pressed to her head.

People overrate the value of independent voters.

Obama lost independents to Romney in 2012


More armateur hour then Bernie or Trump?

Why would the current Bernie supportor in her camp turn now? Are they so not caring about Bernie's goal of stopping Trump?

No. Are you not seeing the thousands marching. It goes beyond just Bernie now. This has grown larger than he can control. I have no doubts a large contingent of Bernie voters will vote Hillary because they don't want Trump. But I can also see a large amount of Bernie supporters say fuck this and stay home which would be in line with lower democrafic voter turnout.

Have you seen Trumps numbers with women and minorities? Just saying. Its not looking good for him. Even with this drama.

Yeah. But Trump is polling on sheer emotion. Emotion trumps logic a lot of the time. This election no one has been able to predict is not a sure thing. It isn't looking for Trump but it looks better today for him than it did yesterday. A lot can happen until November. Hillary doesn't need to add to any controversy that is already heavily present in this election. DWS is not needed for the Hillary campaign.


Can’t stump the diablos

Will people really care about the details though?

Wow. That statement missed the mark big-time.
Trump will certainly take advantage of this.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Hillary is such a terrible politician/candidate

We are SOOOOO lucky John Kasich didnt get the Republican nomination.


How is that corrpution? It's a campaign not a political office.
Strictly speaking to the definition of the word it may not be corruption but it is certainly unethical and horrible optics.

Hillary, if they stick to this hiring, is handing Trump a multi-tool that can help deflect the legitimacy of charges against his own corruption/un-ethical behavior, rile up his base, and an easy attack point that he can whip out at any time.

More and more I really do think Hillary is going to fuck this thing up and we are going to be looking at a Trump presidency.


Do you think the millions of people who voted for Clinton would switch to Bernie Sanders? Or that the Southern states he snubbed before would fall in his favor now? Why?

I think Clinton was always going to win, she had too many built-in advantages from name recognition to endorsements to organization. She's also super polarizing, which is of course why Bernie was able to put up a fight whatsoever, despite being something of a flawed candidate himself.

The craziest thing with Clinton, is that she has had more scandals before being officially nominated than Obama had had during his entire presidency. She's truly a mediocre candidate being saved by Trump being a truly terrible one.

I think John Huntsman or Romney could probably beat her. Maybe even somewhat like Kasich, Jeb!, or even Pence.
I'd be amazed if Trump doesn't personally tweet on the matter within the hour.

It's not a matter of swaying diehard democratic voters, but for independents, third party supporters, and Bernie supporters. Her numbers just dipped last week over a different, more harmless scandal, and she just reloaded the damn gun pressed to her head.

Some initial polls have already came out saying Trump got only a minor boost a most from the DNC. Like a 1-2% bump. If that's the case, it really isn't good for him or his potential support at all.


Some initial polls have already came out saying Trump got only a minor boost a most from the DNC. Like a 1-2% bump. If that's the case, it really isn't good for him or his potential support at all.

It will all come down to how he manages to play it. Clearly this is ongoing given the hiring and more leaks to come. It isnt over yet.

This is the sort of thing that can become an anchor around her neck if the right wing media and Trump play their cards right with it. And has that sort of Rovian quality Republicans have become masters of in elections. Making a weakness of your guy a strength and a weakness in the other candidate.

Its an easy sell to a mostly lazy public. Which is what makes it all the worst on Hillary's part.

EDIT: You meant RNC. Ok. Still, this definitely has the potential to balloon up.


Wow. That statement missed the mark big-time.
Trump will certainly take advantage of this.

DWS has been a pretty awful chair of the DNC. This is frankly the least bad part. IMO, she should have been shitcanned after 2010 and certainly 2014.

The DNC has seemed to adopt a national strategy of just waiting for Baby Boomers to die off and then they'll have a natural majority. It mostly works in Presidential years, but in the meantime Republicans control everything else.


Some initial polls have already came out saying Trump got only a minor boost a most from the DNC. Like a 1-2% bump. If that's the case, it really isn't good for him or his potential support at all.

I think it was Silver who said that more accurate polling comes 30 days after the conventions. That should give us a better view.
I'd be amazed if Trump doesn't personally tweet on the matter within the hour.

It's not a matter of swaying diehard democratic voters, but for independents, third party supporters, and Bernie supporters. Her numbers just dipped last week over a different, more harmless scandal, and she just reloaded the damn gun pressed to her head.

Yeah. It's also just a knee jerk reaction to the fact that DWS being tight with Clinton nets her that position. That's bullshit. If you do a piss poor job, you deserve to get fired, not be relocated because you know people.

On the other hand, is it possible that Clinton Campaign did this because it was an ultimatum? Either DWS goes down, hollaing and screaming and taking the ship down with her, or they give her something to latch on to, and she goes quiet and plays ball?
If the accusations even back in 2014 was that she stifled political process in favoring of her own agenda, then I don't know if that is unreasonable.

Clinton Campaign doesn't really deserve more scandals, so I just struggle to see that this is something they did or wanted to do.
Or is it just, that Hillary likes DWS on a personal level and wants to help a friend because she is a good person?

So much drama over someone who has so little time left of her tenure! This is crazy!


This'll probably fuel the fire for the Bernie protesters, too.

But Hillary camp is just going to continue to dangerously under-estimate Trump. This just looks bad. But even still


Yeah. It's also just a knee jerk reaction to the fact that DWS being tight with Clinton nets her that position. That's bullshit. If you do a piss poor job, you deserve to get fired, not be relocated because you know people.

No. It's the perception. And perception is reality. Actually, with the email leaks, and her resignation, the assumptions become safer and safer. But some people are ok with being willfully daft and turn their heads to the matter.

Trump wont.


No. It's the perception. And perception is reality. Actually, with the email leaks, and her resignation, the assumptions become safer and safer. But some people are ok with being willfully daft and turn their heads to the matter.

Trump wont.

This is once again setting the Democrats and more specifically Hillary stuck having to defend herself by arguing nuance, benefit of the doubt and details for a electorate that likes simple narratives and rarely embraces nuance.
Or is it just, that Hillary likes DWS on a personal level and wants to help a friend because she is a good person?

iirc DWS was with Hillary until the end in '08 so there's definitely strong feelings there.

Hillary should have definitely had her back in this but she probably shoulda waited a while before announcing her position in the campaign(even though it's a meaningless position)


Wow, making her honorary chair just feeds into so much ammunition for the detractors.

good job you dummies. ugh

also the position might not mean shit, but the title certainly does which is all that matters.


I find it very likely that DWS refused to go unless she was offered some nominal way to save face.

"Honorary chair" it is.


Doing it later would only bring the story up later. They are pulling off the band-aid now to just get all the news out there.

Or you know, just don't fucking do it at all!! Not during the election. Let the steam cool off of her and try again later.

Seriously. Its really simple.

And to do it right when they could be building momentum on the Trump/Russia connections and seeding concern, disconnect, and fueling inter-party fighting with Trump on the defensive.

Now you hand him body armor and a weapon.
Really glad she has no real power anymore. Good riddance. I know she gets some sort of honorary chair, but it doesn't mean shit.


That letter about the honorary chair really is unbelievable, why why why would you give Trump so much unnecessary ammunition. This is literally completely avoidable. He's going to be talking about this mess for the next month.


Can’t stump the diablos
Really glad she has no real power anymore. Good riddance. I know she gets some sort of honorary chair, but it doesn't mean shit.

Did you not read the part where Hillary will be campaigning with DWS in Florida to get her a congressional seat?

Hillary fully intends to give DWS power again.


Who cares? At this point my vote is a Anti Trump vote. I was for bernie, but I don't care what happens until November. I'm voting for her to keep his dumb hateful ass away from power.
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