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DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to step down, Joining Clinton campaign

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He didn't outright say he wanted hire him, but he DID say he was a "very very good man" which is unfathomably stupid in light of the allegations. It's like Kanye saying Cosby was innocent.

This election is the battle of incompetents. I don't understand how these people don't see these blunders from a million miles away.

It's a logical extension of the parties being so far apart. As long as there are legions of voters that will vote in step with either party no matter the candidate, snafu, or uncomfortable association, there is no incentive to push for less corruption.

This was kinda the big issue for chunk of Bernie supporters, so moves like this are not so subtly saying that their votes are not a priority for the Clinton campaign.

For full transparency, I voted for Sanders in the primary (and Obama in 08), but I am voting for Hillary this fall. Can't say she hasn't made a colossal mess of what was supposed to be a cakewalk.


There simply was no good option for Clinton here. No matter what she did with Schultz, Trump and the Republicans were going to pounce on this one way or the other. Thus, that being the case, the best decision would be whatever makes this go away the fastest, which seems to have been to give Schultz an honorary, worthless position so that she steps down as chair.

The right option would never be to offer her a job on the Clinton campaign right away. It's actually stupid in all the worst ways. Sure we can talk all day about how it's a figurehead role, but that doesn't mean anything to the people who have been pissed off with her for over a year now. All they see is that Clinton hired a scandal-ridden politician who was wrongfully favorable towards her to serve on her scandal-ridden campaign.

If she won't resign without some honorary position, tell people you asked for her resignation and she refused, don't just give in. Out of all the possible options this was probably the worst one, I'd say.


Its so funny though to see Trump and his conservative followers try and frame themselves as defenders of Bernie. Sympathetic to and cut from the same cloth.

When in reality had Bernie won, the McCarthyism would be in full swing and his supporters would be framed as communist radicals. Which of course would be ironic given how close to the Russian oligarchy Trump is.

Just like he said he was friends with the LBGT community. He is a pathological liar.



Wow. Woooow. Wooooooooow.


No, she's been terrible at down-ticket races. Also, the DNC has worked very closely with Bernie. It's how so many of his agenda items have been adopted into the platform. People seem happy with the platform for the most part even if if doesn't go as far as some would like in some areas.

To say the DNC has not been working with Bernie is false.

Well I never said that the DNC hasn't been working with Bernie. I actually said the opposite.


lol Cute, the interim DNC chair Donna Brazile isn't exactly impartial either.


Wonder how many people down they would have to go to find an email that doesn't implicate them.

Edit: Beaten.



The only other thing I have to say is that this election cycled has sucked all around and will probably continue to suck.
lol Cute, the interim DNC chair Donna Brazile isn't exactly impartial either.


Wonder how many people down they would have to go to find an email that doesn't implicate them.

Edit: Beaten.
Read. That's her excusing herself from something precisely because she would be impartial about it, and choosing to do nothing and not speak up about it at all. The type of impartiality that you'd want from a leader, not involving themselves when they wouldn't be able to maintain that impartiality if they took a public stance.
lol Cute, the interim DNC chair Donna Brazile isn't exactly impartial either.


Wonder how many people down they would have to go to find an email that doesn't implicate them.

Edit: Beaten.
No one anywhere in the DNC is impartial in opinion. They are not expected to be. They are expected to act impartially. Unless you have an email showing Brazile moving against Bernie's campaign instead of expressing the exact sort of frustration with it so many other Democrats have had, please move on.

And dear god, do not look up anything Barney Frank has said on Sanders.


lol Cute, the interim DNC chair Donna Brazile isn't exactly impartial either.

So we're blaming people for being biased before they were in a position that bias might have been a problem, at a point in time that being biased against Sanders doesn't even matter anymore?


lol Cute, the interim DNC chair Donna Brazile isn't exactly impartial either.


Wonder how many people down they would have to go to find an email that doesn't implicate them.

Edit: Beaten.


No one anywhere in the DNC is impartial in opinion. They are not expected to be. They are expected to act impartially. Unless you have an email showing Brazile moving against Bernie's campaign instead of expressing the exact sort of frustration with it so many other Democrats have had, please move on.

I mean, in that email she's essentially saying to WaPo she won't give comment because she is unable to remain impartial.


Hillary needs to win because Trump is a international threat. But that does not mean I approve of Hillary or her campaign. If a Romney was running against her, you bet she would be sweating.

Even if we have a status quo with Hillary, she is still better than the apocalypse we would have with Trump. Also I'm in Straya so my opinion does not really matter. Enjoy yourself America.


Hillary is operating on no matter how fucked up this looks Its me or Trump so your ass is voting for me no matter what
Not sure that is really true but I definitely think apathy is what will take down Clinton. And this sort of stuff feeds into it.

At the end of the day 99.5% of Bernie supporters and liberal millennials are going to be behind Clinton over Trump, but if they will bother to get out and express that through the voting booth is another story.

But I don't see the point in having her open and close the convention. If the negativity is enough for her to move aside, its enough to sour her big appearances, and we don't need that kind of distraction. its blood in the water for the press.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Lol, they waited until the general to fire her and now try to make a sing along about party unity back when Hillary didn't even try to endorse Obama until the convention?

"Whatever happens to the establishment pillars of the democratic party and Hillary, they deserve what they get for being a bunch of spineless cowards who chase whatever lines their own pockets over the average citizen. They could all be thrown out for all i care and replaced with actual candidates that are relevant to what the people want, like Tim Canova, Bernie Sanders, Alan Grayson and others."

Of course, that's what i would say, if there was no Trump, GOP and Republicans as a foil.

Because the GOP and Republicans exist as clowns, i'll say that Hillary and the establishment Democrats will win in November by default, and the same will be said for every other time they can point to the GOP as a convenient scapegoat to avoid serious discussion on their own corruption.

Debbie Wassermann essentially said months ago that the reason why Dems can get away with corruption like her credit card lobbyist job or Howard Dean's health insurance lobbyist job, or actively conspiring against candidates they don't have already lined up, is because they are Democrats of course, and those mean old republicans are so much worse.

She was right then, and even when she is being fired as a convenient face to take away some of the pressure most of the Democratic party is under, she was still right at that time.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

I mean, in that email she's essentially saying she won't give comment because she is unable to remain impartial.

Isn't that good? I don't understand. She's saying she won't comment because she won't be even handed. Why do you think people like Nina Turner are already coming out in favor of Brazile?



But I don't see the point in having her open and close the convention. If the negativity is enough for her to move aside, its enough to sour her big appearances, and we don't need that kind of distraction.

DWS is making this difficult. If she offered to step down quietly I don't think any of this would be happening.
What on earth is Hillary doing? At least let stuff cool down and settle first.

The couldn't just let dead dogs lie?

Hillary is operating on no matter how fucked up this looks Its me or Trump so your ass is voting for me no matter what
This will be all over by tomorrow. No one cares but Bernie Busters and media heads desperately trying to make it an issue but being extremely unsuccessful at it because both the Clinton and Sanders camps themselves agree it's not. Sanders himself, Ben Jealous, Jeff Weaver, Nina Turner, etc, all agree that having DWS step down is enough and the important thing is party unity and that being the case they won't be able to get any more mileage on this after today since both the Sanders side and the Clinton side are in agreement and thus they'll move on to covering the speakers at the DNC and stuff.

It's nothing. Stop diablosing. Clinton just did what was needed to get DWS to stop being stubborn to put this stuff in the past as fast as possible. Trump will whine, as he already has, but since his Tweets themselves show an inconsistent story of whether Clinton should stick behind or throw DWS in the bush there's nothing there either and it will all be about the DNC tomorrow and the speeches and stuff once the show gets started aside from noise on Twitter and Reddit that no one cares about.



Just like he said he was friends with the LBGT community. He is a pathological liar.

You forgot the "Q". Donald very clearly said twice he will protect the "L-G-B-T-Q" community...lol. The way he said the letters was like he was doing an inner eye roll at the acronym.


Yes. And what are her actions due to this? She excuses herself.

What is your complaint here, exactly?
Isn't that good? I don't understand. She's saying she won't comment because she won't be even handed. Why do you think people like Nina Turner are already coming out in favor of Brazile?

If that email remained behind closed doors, this wouldn't be much of an issue. But now DWS is stepping down largely because of accusations of bias against Sanders and she's being replaced by someone that is admittedly biased against Sanders. It's obviously a bad look and that's not what the anti-DWS crowd was looking for in a replacement -- they want somebody that is especially impartial and she is already compromised there.


Lol, they waited until the general to fire her and now try to make a sing along about party unity back when Hillary didn't even try to endorse Obama until the convention?
What are you talking about? Those are some drugs that you must be on.

Clinton endorsed Obama in 2008 in early June, less than a week after she suspended her campaign. The 2008 DNC was in late August.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If that email remained behind closed doors, this wouldn't be much of an issue. But now DWS is stepping down largely because of accusations of bias against Sanders and she's being replaced by someone that is admittedly biased against Sanders. It's obviously a bad look and that's not what the anti-DWS crowd was looking for in a replacement.

I think she's admitting that she's extremely unlikely to offer a fair quote on the question asked of her so she is recusing herself. Honestly people are biased...people knowing when to shut up is important. Again this is why I think she's getting good reviews from key Sanders surrogates. I hope that's enough.


This will be all over by tomorrow. No one cares but Bernie Busters and media heads desperately trying to make it an issue but being extremely unsuccessful at it because both the Clinton and Sanders camps themselves agree it's not. Sanders himself, Ben Jealous, Jeff Weaver, Nina Turner, etc, all agree that having DWS step down is enough and the important thing is party unity and that being the case they won't be able to get any more mileage on this after today since both the Sanders side and the Clinton side are in agreement and thus they'll move on to covering the speakers at the DNC and stuff.

It's nothing. Stop diablosing. Clinton just did what was needed to get DWS to stop being stubborn to put this stuff in the past as fast as possible. Trump will whine, as he already has, but since his Tweets themselves show an inconsistent story of whether Clinton should stick behind or throw DWS in the bush there's nothing there either and it will all be about the DNC tomorrow and the speeches and stuff once the show gets started aside from noise on Twitter and Reddit that no one cares about.


There is a whole other party to consider in the calculus of how long the legs on this will be.

With that said it isnt going to dissuade any sure fire Dem voters, it does however have the ability to drop a few point in the apathy category. Something Hillary continues to excel at



This will be all over by tomorrow. No one cares but Bernie Busters and media heads desperately trying to make it an issue but being extremely unsuccessful at it because both the Clinton and Sanders camps themselves agree it's not. Sanders himself, Ben Jealous, Jeff Weaver, Nina Turner, etc, all agree that having DWS step down is enough and the important thing is party unity and that being the case they won't be able to get any more mileage on this after today since both the Sanders side and the Clinton side are in agreement and thus they'll move on to covering the speakers at the DNC and stuff.

It's nothing.

A bit early to say that, mate. People were doubting whether DNCleak would have legs too, and here we are a couple days later talking about the head of the DNC stepping down...


Just like Bill innocently wandering onto Loretta Lynch's plane for a chat, another stupid self inflicted wound. The Clinton inner circle just doesn't get how this appointment plays to voters that were uncomfortable with the closeness of the DNC and her campaign throughout the primaries, let alone the free ammunition for Republicans. You wouldn't know any impropriety took place by the wording of that statement, reads more like a reward for being a good soldier even if it's a demotion. Gross.


I think she's admitting that she's extremely unlikely to offer a fair quote on the question asked of her so she is recusing herself. Honestly people are biased...people knowing when to shut up is important. Again this is why I think she's getting good reviews from key Sanders surrogates. I hope that's enough.

Aren't we talking about her because she's the interim replacement for DWS? She's being asked to fight for the party, and that includes Sanders' progressives -- they want to feel represented. Surely you can see how it'd be hard to trust that she'd have your best interests in mind if she spoke so poorly of you in the past.

I don't personally care much about this whole DWS thing, but I do care about disillusioned progressives being disengaged in this election and I think Clinton camp has made some poor decisions with outreach. Platform/superdelegate compromise was ok, but people feel betrayed by the VP pick and I bet this is received very similarly. The endorsements from Sanders surrogates are good and I'm glad they aren't being antagonistic but endorsements have never been enough.
If that email remained behind closed doors, this wouldn't be much of an issue. But now DWS is stepping down largely because of accusations of bias against Sanders and she's being replaced by someone that is admittedly biased against Sanders. It's obviously a bad look and that's not what the anti-DWS crowd was looking for in a replacement -- they want somebody that is especially impartial and she is already compromised there.
You don't seem willing or able to differentiate "bias against Sanders" and Donna plainly stating she had no patience for Bernie demanding from the DNC even more power over the convention for a primary he lost and for a party he only joined to run for President. She declined to get involved, and you are reaching across an ocean here to paint her in a negative light.


Just like Bill innocently wandering onto Loretta Lynch's plane for a chat, another stupid self inflicted wound. The Clinton inner circle just doesn't get how this appointment plays to voters that were uncomfortable with the closeness of the DNC and her campaign throughout the primaries, let alone the free ammunition for Republicans. You wouldn't know any impropriety took place by the wording of that statement, reads more like a reward for being a good soldier even if it's a demotion. Gross.

This election is like Final Destination, but with America dying at the end of the convoluted series of improbable things that dems are doing.


This should've been the biggest cakewalk of an election ever but the Dems are doing their damndest to fuck it up.

If Trump wins in Nov, there should be a ton of heat thrown at Hillary & Co. for all this garbage.
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