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Do MMO's take away from your console gaming time?


Anyone else find that playing MMO's takes away from your console gaming time? I still love console games but I guess I just never get that same feeling of accomplishment or just chatting with friends like I do in an MMO. Im basicly talking about WOW here, although the same thing happened to me in the past with DAOC.


Yeah, MMO are taking time away from other games so that's why I don't (pay to) play them.

WoW is a great game, I loved the Beta and there will be many friends to play with but I prefer spending my time and money somewhere else.

After all, if I want to chat with friends, there is Xbox Live.


That stupid ass Magic game from Wizards of the Coast is killing my time and my budget. Buying digital cards is the stupidest thing ever.... but I CAN"T STOP! Is there a clinic somewhere?
Azih said:
50 bucks a year is somewhat negligible.

the one off 50 bucks is awesome.
It's the broadband fee every month on top of all the other household outgoings that can be the killer for some people. And who gets a broadband connection rigged up by the installers anywhere other than near their PC? Some Cable providers now offer to get you a TV-near installation -- and I can do it myself, but not everyone can y'know? Some ISPs will only let you have one connection at any one time too forcing routers/hubs/switches into the equation as well. Or you can go wireless. But it's messy stuff for some people out there.

Referring back to the thread starters' question. Nope. I have so little time/energy on my hands during the week and all I want to do at the weekend is relax and see some friends. It sucks, because I really do love getting engrossed in these things.
MMO stuff holds a special place in my heart because to me it was a failed experiment that yielded some very interesting results. I'll exlpain.

Back when this EverQuest game was launching I was going through kind of a DnD and WoD phase and thought that this was the ticket to some cool Role Playing and all that jazz. After about two weeks my half-elf paladin stood at level 5 and my interest in the game was just about done. That's when my dad, a 50 year old lawyer steps up to the computer and decides that it would be interesting to play a barbarian. The rest is history.

Now my dad is, for his age, on the cutting edge it seems. New Graphics cards, monitors, constant upgrades all around, it was even EverQuest that convinced him to get a Broadband connection (as soon as I returned to the college dorms of course).

I myself can't justify paying that sort of money to wander aimlessly, hacking, slashing, collecting this collecting that. Story Line? who needs those when you can go kill a Kodiak with your Cleric pal? The only MMO I came close to getting into was PlanetSide, but once it cut into console and schoolwork I knew where I had to trim the fat.


Yeah they do for awhile. Record I had once was 8months of mmorping and like 6 console rpgs I played in row to catch up. It works out well because it can take like full year for some decent major console rpgs to pile up P


Yup...it does. EQII is taking my time at the moment. Cool stuff. But it saves me money in the long run. Most pc's have internet connection so for 15 or so dallars per month, you get to play a huge game and make friends, etc. Any mmorpg ends up saving you cash if you find the game fun. And having fun is what its all about. So, either wow,eq,eqii, daoc, etc...whatever flavor you like. If its fun, are you really missing out? And each day in a mmo changes as you discover new things, play with new people, find new items or quests. If you get bored, leave and head back to the games on console you missed at a greatly reduced price.

And you can also enjoy quick games on the console as a break from the mmo's.
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