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Do we expect Splatoon to be the next major Nintendo I.P.?


What was the deal with Bayo 2 anyway? It was sold out of all the Gamestops in my area when I went to buy it a few days after launch but my Best Buy had plenty


What was the deal with Bayo 2 anyway? It was sold out of all the Gamestops in my area when I went to buy it a few days after launch but my Best Buy had plenty

Gamestop only covered preorders while Best Buy usually stocks Nintendo games decently at launch.



Jesus Christ, someone finally understands how purchasing works.

I should hope I understand corporate purchasing, I only did it for a living for 3 years. ;)
Technically I was also a buyer and inventory manager. For 18 stores across the country. I'm glad I quit that job.


So who's preparing the mega-post of "it will bomb like TW101" quotes?

I absolutely do not condone that kind of petty tit-for-tat behaviour pls mods pls
What was the deal with Bayo 2 anyway? It was sold out of all the Gamestops in my area when I went to buy it a few days after launch but my Best Buy had plenty

GS likely only ordered enough copies for pre-orders. Happens all the time with them, particularly for games they don't expect to sell well.
Expecting really niche. No one I know has children who bought it... Andectoal evidence, but whatever.

It always cracks me up how most anecdotal evidence about kids from video gamers is sourced from a niece/nephew/cousin/coworker's kid/etc. It's like procreating is this strange, mystical event that only happens in houses without adult-owned controllers in them.

I'm going to wait until the sequel to see how big the franchise gets. Right now the game is more of a proof-of-concept that Nintendo can make a competitive shooter. The sequel should really blow the doors off since it has a solid foundation in the first game.


This is beyond idiotic. What is the point of this?

It's a Neogaf thing that happens when so many people predict a thing's terribleness or low sales before we have any actual good information. It happened to Bayonetta 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Super Mario 3D World, and now this. It's...weird and vindictive to say the least.
That it came in 3rd in the all formats chart behind the PS4 and X1 versions of W3 in its 2nd or 3rd week is nothing to cheer about.

I know. I was just posting it. Not "cheering". Sorry if I gave that impression.
It's not like I was expecting good sales from the UK.


It's a Neogaf thing that happens when so many people predict a thing's terribleness or low sales before we have any actual good information. It happened to Bayonetta 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Super Mario 3D World, and now this. It's...weird and vindictive to say the least.

It's tradition.



It's a Neogaf thing that happens when so many people predict a thing's terribleness or low sales before we have any actual good information. It happened to Bayonetta 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Super Mario 3D World, and now this. It's...weird and vindictive to say the least.
Did Bayonetta 2 sell well? How much did it sell?
I know. I was just posting it. Not "cheering". Sorry if I gave that impression.
It's not like I was expecting good sales from the UK.

Exactly. Splatoon could have been #1 in the UK last week and it probably wouldn't have sold much. The UK is one of Nintendo's worst markets in the world at the moment.


I don't think it's so much the chart position to be optimistic about as the fact it's the 5th fastest selling Wii U game. Behind only Smash, Kart, Mario and Wind Waker(?) you'd imagine. It clearly did well. This thread largely started like "it will so bomb" amongst many posters and now the goal posts are being moved towards "well it might have done well for a Wii U game, but..."


It didn't sell well. The Wall of Shame was more towards the people who were saying the Bayonetta 2 would be "dumbed down and sanitized" or crying about how the game should have died rather than existed on the Wii U.

EDIT: Here's that post if you're interested: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=42088136&postcount=2451
I see. Thanks for the link. Many of the comments (at least those i read there, skimming through) doesnt say why people are disappointed in it being for the WiiU though. It could be that people didnt own the system at the time (that post is from about 2 years before Bayonetta 2 came out) and didnt want to buy it for one game (i see someone mentioning this specifically). I wouldnt be surprised if several of those people changed their mind as time went by =)


I'm just spitballing here but judging by the sold out reports in Japan alongside additional shipments, general anecdotal evidence from the US and possible overall performance in Europe it wouldn't surprise me if the game is already close to breaking 500k worldwide from it's release weekend performance.
I don't think it's so much the chart position to be optimistic about as the fact it's the 5th fastest selling Wii U game. Behind only Smash, Kart, Mario and Wind Waker(?) you'd imagine. It clearly did well. This thread largely started like "it will so bomb" amongst many posters and now the goal posts are being moved towards "well it might have done well for a Wii U game, but..."

To quote:
"‘Splatoon’ becomes the 5th fastest selling Wii U game and in the process the biggest ever launch of new IP on the Wii U (overturning Ubisoft’s Zombi U)."

Of course. With this being the UK. It still isn't much but lets hope it has legs too.

The UK is one of Nintendo's worst markets in the world at the moment.
Heard some people say Wii-U still hasn't even hit 500K consoles sold in the UK.
No official numbers though.
Just makes you wonder how it would do on a more successful Nintendo console.


I don't know why but I really feel like the next Splatoon will be on their next portable system. Just feels like it'd be a good fit.


I don't know why but I really feel like the next Splatoon will be on their next portable system. Just feels like it'd be a good fit.

The control scheme could be transferred flawlessly to the N3DS. It was clearly made for something of a dual screen setup. That said I have my doubts on whether two screens is something Nintendo will continue for their next handheld.

That's kind of something I worry about a little - even though I have no doubt in my mind that Splatoon is going to be Nintendo's next major franchise and that it will get a sequel eventually, I don't want to lose the smooth Wii U controls. Love it or hate it, I personally found it to be on point for once.
The control scheme could be transferred flawlessly to the N3DS. It was clearly made for something of a dual screen setup. That said I have my doubts on whether two screens is something Nintendo will continue for their next handheld.

That's kind of something I worry about a little - even though I have no doubt in my mind that Splatoon is going to be Nintendo's next major franchise and that it will get a sequel eventually, I don't want to lose the smooth Wii U controls. Love it or hate it, I personally found it to be on point for once.

Agreed. This is the game for me that justifies the gamepad entirely. I wish Nintendo would have given us more games like this sooner.


I think Splatoon will have long legs. It won't probably stay in the top10 charts for much time, but I expect it to sell through the whole WiiU lifetime.

I also think Splatoon is closer to Animal Crossing than it is to Pikmin. I think it will belong to the A tier of Nintendo franchises (Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, Smash, Animal Crossing) instead of the B tier (Metroid, F-Zero, Star Fox, Pikmin).
Eh? Am I... missing something? Because Orbital clearly said:

yet was desperate to try and prove me wrong with japanese sales figures (why would i cite japanese stats without specifying) and then pretending like it wasn't somewhat tough to get bayo 2 on launch, which it was for many. I was just saying it might be too early to call. Nintendo stuff has been hard to find at launch and then turned out to not sell well after launch.

who cares, this thread is just a fanboy sales figure shitting ground anyway. wouldn't be surprised if people bought the game but spent more time in this thread bickering and making walls of shame than playing it lol
I should hope I understand corporate purchasing, I only did it for a living for 3 years. ;)
Technically I was also a buyer and inventory manager. For 18 stores across the country. I'm glad I quit that job.

It's [part] of what I currently do, albeit probably on a bit smaller scale since we only have 7 vendors.

The amount of 'SMH NINTENDO!' for stuff they have very little control over (barring whatever minimum order requirements they have in place for retail partners) is eye-rollingly naive.


Haha oh man I am so glad to not be on that wall of shame right now.

For a new IP Splatoon is doing really well so far. Lets hope this keeps up.


I'm very shocked to see Splatoon was number 2 for Wii U this week. Wasnt expecting it to sell that well at all, I thought it was going to bomb in all honesty. (Just sad, depressing and sadly pretty expected for the UK, to see GTA V and Fifa 15 still high up...)

From what I played of splatoon so far, I think it has the capability to evolve more for sure. Definitely campaign wise. I feared it was going to a last minute addition thing, and it seemed it was the case. Bosses were better than I expected, the missions themselves, not so great. Would like to see a better campaign in the next splatoon.

I know online seems to be the focus for splatoon, but even that... I think I get bored of it pretty quickly with only 2 maps to be chosen per day. Hopefully this will change with time as more maps are available.
2 maps to be chosen per day. Hopefully this will change with time as more maps are available.

Two maps are chosen every 4 hours. Not daily.
Aside from that. While it only shows two now. The map overview has a place for three maps. So that will probably be added.


It's a Neogaf thing that happens when so many people predict a thing's terribleness or low sales before we have any actual good information. It happened to Bayonetta 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Super Mario 3D World, and now this. It's...weird and vindictive to say the least.

It can be, but I've been in threads where people actually claim "no, people didn't react to [insert thing here] that badly!" or "no one said that [insert thing here] was going to bomb!"

These posts provide a handy reference to show that, yeah, actually, people DID react that badly, should that ever be called into question. It's like a catalog of what the prevailing mindset was before [insert thing here] actually happened.

It also serves as a warning against throwaway commentary or arguments with no meaningful substance beyond being cynical for the sake of it.
Well now that the game has come out and seems to be doing pretty well, the real question is how will people be able to dismiss Splatoon when talking about how Nintendo has no new IPs

I predict we'll go full circle and people will say it's too kiddy.

I can't really tell if people are joking with the whole "Nintendo's first new IP in 15 years!" statement that I've seen coming from some reviewers and even a youtuber or two.
Honestly... I wouldn't be surprised if this IP is written off and ignored in future "new IPs and Nintendo" topics for some absolutely inane and juvenile reason.


I can't really tell if people are joking with the whole "Nintendo's first new IP in 15 years!" statement that I've seen coming from some reviewers and even a youtuber or two.
Honestly... I wouldn't be surprised if this IP is written off and ignored in future "new IPs and Nintendo" topics for some absolutely inane and juvenile reason.

It's all but guaranteed as soon as it gets a sequel that it won't count anymore. This argument will be bandied about until Nintendo creates a new video game IP every month, and even some of those will be written off arbitrarily because people making this argument don't care about them.


I can't really tell if people are joking with the whole "Nintendo's first new IP in 15 years!" statement that I've seen coming from some reviewers and even a youtuber or two.
Honestly... I wouldn't be surprised if this IP is written off and ignored in future "new IPs and Nintendo" topics for some absolutely inane and juvenile reason.
It's correct, on a technicality. It's the officially the first new IP from EAD since Pikmin. Pretty sure they referenced that point in the Splatoon Iwata Asks.
Obviously there have been many new Nintendo IPs from other studios in the meantime.
It's all but guaranteed as soon as it gets a sequel that it won't count anymore. This argument will be bandied about until Nintendo creates a new video game IP every month, and even some of those will be written off arbitrarily because people making this argument don't care about them.

Honestly, unsubstantiated and unnecessarily generalized claims like that are some of the reasons why my enthusiasm for interacting with people in the gaming enthusiast community has been drastically lowered over these past few months; there are only so many times I can see the same thing said over and over again by people who should honestly know better.

It's correct, on a technicality. It's the officially the first new IP from EAD since Pikmin. Pretty sure they referenced that point in the Splatoon Iwata Asks.
Obviously there have been many new Nintendo IPs from other studios in the meantime.

But, that's not really true either...
Are we (...and Nintendo???) not counting things like Nintendogs (EAD1), Wii Sports (EAD2, Splatoon's team), Wii Fit (EAD5), or Steel Diver (EAD5)?
I mean...three of those new IPs helped propel Nintendo's 7th gen consoles into the stratosphere, it makes no sense to discount them when they were incredibly important to their success last generation while also (arguably) being completely new experiences in the medium.

I guess a more specific claim would be "None of the EADs have produced a new traditional character/lore-driven IP in 15 years" (which I'm not even sure is true, correct me if I'm wrong).
I can honestly understand how some enthusiast and enthusiast Nintendo fans are irked by that even if I don't really care myself.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
It's correct, on a technicality. It's the officially the first new IP from EAD since Pikmin. Pretty sure they referenced that point in the Splatoon Iwata Asks.
Obviously there have been many new Nintendo IPs from other studios in the meantime.

2001 - Animal Crossing
2001 - Luigi's Mansion
2001 - Pikmin
2005 - Nintendogs
2006 - Wii Sports
2006 - Wii Play
2006 - Big Brain Academy
2007 - Wii Fit
2008 - Wii Music
2010 - Flipnote Studio
2010 - Nintendo DS Guide
2011 - Steel Diver
2012 - Nintendo Land
2013 - NES Remix
2015 - Splatoon

EAD has developed several new IPs, and new characters (not standout). Splatoon is clearly the first large scale protagonist IP since Pikmin though.


So we can expect a real playable Inkling for Smash Bros., right? Or will we have to wait for the next Smash? (And I'm not talking about the Inkling costume for the Mii Gunner.)
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