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Do you feel any nostalgia for the ps360/wii? God knows I do.


Gold Member
I think its a mix of things. I was a teenager with my own job, i was no longer ham strung by what games my parents would buy me. Because i was a teen i had all the time in the world, and there were just so many amazing memorable games coming out in rappid succession, ive seen it said before, but i think 2007-2011 might have been my favorite 4 years of video games ever. In that time we had…

Fable 2
Uncharted 1,2, and 3
Mass effect 1, and 2
(imagine, sequels that take two years to come out as opposed to 5, what a concept)
Halo 3, halo odst, and halo reach
3d dot game heroes
Burnout paradise
Mario galaxy 1 and 2
Assassins creed the ezio trilogy (the best ones in the series)
Deadspace 1 and 2
Banjo kazooie nuts and bolts
Resistance 2 and 3
Killzone 2 and 3
Fallout 3, and new vegas
Split second
Ridge racer 7…

Look i could list amazing games all day. Thats not to say there isn’t amazing stuff, better stuff, coming out now, but my nostalgia is partially for those three systems which i owned and loved, and that time in my life where time seemed infinite and playing custom halo 3 games with my buddies was my favorite part of the day.

That being said, we move on, and get older, i bet there is some 20 year old now waxing nostalgic about the ps4 they got when they were 13. And they will have feelings that are just as strong as mine are in a few years time. Some of my favorite My favorite ps360 memories are getting my 360 for christmas, along with gears on christmas morning 2006, the summer of 2008 that I sunk into mass effect 1, and listening to giant bomb as it began, watching those console launches live on g4, and getting my ps3 with my own cash (which was big for me at the time) and a copy of uncharted 2 in 09.

My favorite wii memory was going to the midnight launch with friend and his family, and staying up all night to play wii sports and zelda, and playing mario galaxy for the first time.
What’s great is there’s a modern console where you can still play all of the 360 games you listed, some of which have enhancements. The Enzio trilogy at 60fps is great.


Realized I had forgotten how many gems we actually got in that era till I saw that 1997 vs 2007 vs 2017 thread the other day and was reading it off to a friend.


Peak era for gaming. There were a lot of innovations and a lot of firsts happening during that era. Wii/PS3/360/PC/DS/PSP all had incredible sales. Each system still had their own uniqueness to set them apart that made you want to buy that specific system, especially in the early stages. Wii was the party system that everyone enjoyed since using motion controls was at first an intriguing concept, 360 was for the "hardcore" gamer and first offered the best online experience on a console, ps3 was an orchestra that brought a first true HD experience into your living room with movie quality exclusive games, PC was a little bit of an after thought but still kept pushing the market forward, especially with graphically fidgetily, DS first catapulted touch screens to gaming, and PSP was a real portable home console. Along with all that, there were obviously a lot of ground breaking 3rd party games that are still praised to this day.
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Gold Member
COD games, Fallout 3, ME games, NHL 09-11, Skyrim, XBLIG.

Friends lists and online play.

Xbox Blades OS (not a lot of functionality compared to now, but fast, easy to use and nice looking). A great feature too.... 12% avoid playing with you --> 43% bad sportsmanship, 24% quitter, 33% bad language
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The takeaway from this thread is how many people ignored great Wii games like the legendary Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, which is on par at least with the likes of MvC2. To this day I'm still playing 360 games I missed like Sonic Unleashed, first Dark Souls, etc. Yea there were annoying trends with that era but looking back there are many games to have broken from the mold then


In retrospect I feel it was one of the worst gens. Modern games are basically more polished and better playing PS360 games and therefore its hard too feel nostalgic.
I mean we are comparing Uncharted 4 to Uncharted 1-3, or TLoU 1 to TLoU 2, or CoD xy to CoD yx. Its all basically the same except its slightly better now in most cased. At least in terms of gameplay and graphics.

There is a much stronger divide to the PS2/Ps1/SNES/NES eras. Since PS360 its more of a very slow evolution partly driven by monetization models.
But of course there were some great games, I just dont feel nostalgic about the whole gen because it feels we never really left it.
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No idea how long ago 2007 even was, but it feels like forever.
2007 feels like yesterday. But like most modern console generations it really wasn’t worth getting into until about 3-5 years into the generation. There just weren’t enough good games to justify the purchase of a wii/ps3 or a lol 360.

Nier was amazing though, and the change in direction with gust atelier games was really well done. Aside from lost odyssey, tales of vesperia and maybe xenoblade I don’t really know what that generation had to show besides also like nmh, mario galaxy and like a few souls games. It wasn’t bad but it was slim pickins

Kagey K

I still regularly play games from those systems, some are enhanced, some aren't.

The fact that I can play them on my current Gen machine is enough. Imo
After having so many PS2s die on me just out of warranty I basically abandoned the hobby. The Wii and X360 turned that around. I have a ton of great memories playing Wii games with friends and family and the X360 was the first system I really got into online multiplayer with. It also has the biggest game library of all the systems I own outside PC.


That gen is amazing and only second to the Snes/Genesis era. The low framerates made me a PC gamer in that era. Playing The Orange Box, Far Cry 2 or Borderlands at a decent 60 was mind blowing even if I had to get acoustumed to the KB/M control scheme. Still, the exclusives were excuse enough to keep the consoles around.


I loved a lot of my games on the 360, I still have most of them on disc still and luckily I can play them on my series x but I wish pgr was one of the ones I could still play. I imagine that would still look amazing today if it was upscale like they did with gears



Perfect comment:


You only feel a type of way if that's your first time gaming even though it was revolutionary for console gamers at the time.
It was Early Highschool for me. Even before 2010 (when I graduated) was packed with good shit like Twilight Princess, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy, Ninja Gaiden 2, Assassin’s Creed 1 and 2, Mario Galaxy, Madworld, Bayonetta, No More Heroes, RE5; I had a Wii and 360 and never had a drought of games. It was the second generation of consoles I had experienced firsthand, and strangely enough I do have a bit of nostalgia for it.


Nope. Probably the worst generation of them all. Still had some great games like every gen has, but this one had the fewest imo. Almost all indie games at the time were still these "perfectionist" 2D sidescrollers, and the AAA industry was dominated by gritty colorless titles often more focused on the cinematics.
2/3 of the songs are available on my PS5 but store was closed years ago and many modes are missing. UI sucks too compared to PS3.

Still missing the GOAT one to sing.

The hell? I didn't think anyone outside of my country knew who this truck driver turned musician was!


It was an easy time in my life, and some of my favorite games came from that era, but I wouldn't want to go back, not to play videogames anyway.


About a year before the PS5 released, I was hearing rumblings that it was not going to have full backwards compatibility and jumped on a new PS3 to replace my original with the first round of Covid money. With the way it’s looking with the new PS Plus offerings, I’m really happy that I did that I can still enjoy some of these titles. Especially inFamous and the Ratchet & Clank games!


Authorized Fister
Nope. Probably the worst generation of them all. Still had some great games like every gen has, but this one had the fewest imo. Almost all indie games at the time were still these "perfectionist" 2D sidescrollers, and the AAA industry was dominated by gritty colorless titles often more focused on the cinematics.

The hell? I didn't think anyone outside of my country knew who this truck driver turned musician was!
Was popukar in my part of Canada early 1990s. Country folks in a recession etc. So when I had family and friends over, they couldn't believe ai had it so it became a big hit to sing to.
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I think its a mix of things. I was a teenager with my own job, i was no longer ham strung by what games my parents would buy me. Because i was a teen i had all the time in the world, and there were just so many amazing memorable games coming out in rappid succession, ive seen it said before, but i think 2007-2011 might have been my favorite 4 years of video games ever. In that time we had…

Fable 2
Uncharted 1,2, and 3
Mass effect 1, and 2
(imagine, sequels that take two years to come out as opposed to 5, what a concept)
Halo 3, halo odst, and halo reach
3d dot game heroes
Burnout paradise
Mario galaxy 1 and 2
Assassins creed the ezio trilogy (the best ones in the series)
Deadspace 1 and 2
Banjo kazooie nuts and bolts
Resistance 2 and 3
Killzone 2 and 3
Fallout 3, and new vegas
Split second
Ridge racer 7…

Look i could list amazing games all day. Thats not to say there isn’t amazing stuff, better stuff, coming out now, but my nostalgia is partially for those three systems which i owned and loved, and that time in my life where time seemed infinite and playing custom halo 3 games with my buddies was my favorite part of the day.

That being said, we move on, and get older, i bet there is some 20 year old now waxing nostalgic about the ps4 they got when they were 13. And they will have feelings that are just as strong as mine are in a few years time. Some of my favorite My favorite ps360 memories are getting my 360 for christmas, along with gears on christmas morning 2006, the summer of 2008 that I sunk into mass effect 1, and listening to giant bomb as it began, watching those console launches live on g4, and getting my ps3 with my own cash (which was big for me at the time) and a copy of uncharted 2 in 09.

My favorite wii memory was going to the midnight launch with friend and his family, and staying up all night to play wii sports and zelda, and playing mario galaxy for the first time.
There were a lot of amazing games on the PS3.

Whoever was curating the PSN games was good at their job since most of them I bought and really enjoyed — Calling All Cars! was insanely good and fun with friends. I wish they'd make another. Also, Warhawk/Starhawk and agreed about Killzone/Resistance, especially Resistance as it is what got me to come around to FPS games. Uncharted was the best of that generation and was a pleasant surprise since I was well aware of the other games but I didn't know of Uncharted until the week of release.

Other PSN games that were super fun - Fat Princess, Snakeball. Miss that time.
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Gold Member
Amen! This was the last time hames focused on gameplay, since then they desperately try to be movies or walking sims, or both.

I disagree. I would much rather play modern games than games from PS3/360 era. I like the improved production values and really don't get why it annoys some people so much, but it is what it is.


I didn’t liked how consoles were slow, how most most games were dark and brown but yeah good memories.


I missed that era of games almost entirely. Played a lot of PS2 as a teen, but during the PS3 generation I was in university, reading a lot and without money to spend. I'll try to catch up with emulation.


Easily my favorite console generation. I have my 360 hooked up for games I can't play on my Series X and my PS3 is hooked up as well.

I was in my late 20's in 2009 when I got a 360. I had been out of the hobby since 2004ish when I decided I wanted a modern console. I figured I'd play mostly NCAA football and a few games here and there. So when I got a 360 I picked up NCAA Football 10, Resident Evil 5, Gears of War, Mass Effect, and one or two other games I cant remember. I decided to play Mass Effect first and I'm glad I did. The game changed my life and made me remember what gaming was and could be. Since then I dove off the deep end into gaming like never before. In addition to the single player stuff I can't tell you how much fun I had online playing Left 4 Dead 2 and Black Ops 1 zombies with friends. Those days (the days before wives and kids) were amazing in terms of gaming.

I turn 40 in 10 days and still think the 360 and PS3 era is my favorite era. Tons of new IPs, lots of AA mid-tier stuff. Still some experimentation. Not too far down the GaaS rabbit hole we are down now. Personally I think people who say everything was brown and gray were looking in the wrong places. Yes, that was a thing, but there was a ton of variety in that gen.


Gold Member
I bought a physical version of Skate on x360 a month ago and then a digital one 2 weeks ago when there was a sale on the xbox store, and i was staying at my buddy who's got a series S place. The nostalgia is real...
Every night i can feel my gamepad, my 50 buck games, even my RROD...


Definitely 100%. I loved my ps3. Got one on second shipment. I was like 14 years old. Had to argue with gamestop nerd, trying to talk me out of it to get 360. It was rough in beginning but I loved that system. Resistance, warhawk, mgs4, uncharted, last of us.

Had such a good time with my PS3.


Gold Member
On thing about that era which was a pain were XBL Pts. I think they came in 400, 1200 and 1600 increments. I forget. But it was one of those things where if you wanted to buy something, you'd buy one of these cards and always have leftover.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I think its a mix of things. I was a teenager with my own job, i was no longer ham strung by what games my parents would buy me. Because i was a teen i had all the time in the world, and there were just so many amazing memorable games coming out in rappid succession, ive seen it said before, but i think 2007-2011 might have been my favorite 4 years of video games ever. In that time we had…

Fable 2
Uncharted 1,2, and 3
Mass effect 1, and 2
(imagine, sequels that take two years to come out as opposed to 5, what a concept)
Halo 3, halo odst, and halo reach
3d dot game heroes
Burnout paradise
Mario galaxy 1 and 2
Assassins creed the ezio trilogy (the best ones in the series)
Deadspace 1 and 2
Banjo kazooie nuts and bolts
Resistance 2 and 3
Killzone 2 and 3
Fallout 3, and new vegas
Split second
Ridge racer 7…

Look i could list amazing games all day. Thats not to say there isn’t amazing stuff, better stuff, coming out now, but my nostalgia is partially for those three systems which i owned and loved, and that time in my life where time seemed infinite and playing custom halo 3 games with my buddies was my favorite part of the day.

That being said, we move on, and get older, i bet there is some 20 year old now waxing nostalgic about the ps4 they got when they were 13. And they will have feelings that are just as strong as mine are in a few years time. Some of my favorite My favorite ps360 memories are getting my 360 for christmas, along with gears on christmas morning 2006, the summer of 2008 that I sunk into mass effect 1, and listening to giant bomb as it began, watching those console launches live on g4, and getting my ps3 with my own cash (which was big for me at the time) and a copy of uncharted 2 in 09.

My favorite wii memory was going to the midnight launch with friend and his family, and staying up all night to play wii sports and zelda, and playing mario galaxy for the first time.

There are tons of great 360 and 3rd party games from that era, but thanks to excellent Xbox BC I can and have played a ton of them again so no need to feel nostalgic.


Wii was never really for me at the time, although I've got a well used WiiU emulation beast now we use for a few Wii games.

The 360 though, now that is prime gaming for me. The nostalgia hasn't kicked in because of ability to play titles on the Series X but I'm on the lookout for an unopened 360 and massively regret selling my old Elite and games to buy a PS4 that felt soulless in comparison.


The 360 was my couch coop splitscreen machine.
I spent countless ours with friends, chainsawing locust or doing wave after wave after wave in COD.
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It‘s quite hard for me to get nostalgic about it because of how shitty it ended. First year was amazing though as it still carried over the experimentation and variety fro the gen before. The Modern Warfare and AC blew up sky high and everyone started copying those games…
Nah, not really. But only because I still game on them. Wii via the Wii U, haven't touched the PS3 in a few months but it's still hooked up and I gamed on that for the majority of the PS4 lifespan. PS3 is basically my dedicated Skate, Mass Effect, and Dead Space console.
BTW no one asked but here my list of Masterpieces of that gen:

Yakuza 3, 4, 5
Binary Domain
Valkyria Chronicles
Alpha Protocol
Gears 1, 2 and 3
Halo 3, ODST and Reach
Alan Wake
Street Fighter 4
KOF 13
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Mario Kart DS

And many others!
Great list and I agree with most of it.

As a fellow Yakuza fan, I agree with those... except 3. I can see coming from the PS2 Yakuza 2, how 3 is an improvement. But playing the Remastered last year... It hasn't aged well compared to the other Yakuza games.

Rikiya and Mine are fantastic characters though, so it's got that going for it.


Worst console generation ever. The transition to HD just didn't work for many developers/engines/games. Terrible resolutions, abysmal framerates and weird ass visual effects that ruined an already sub-par presentation. The sooner we forget it happened the better.


Absolutely. 360 era for me was when all my XBL friends were online every day and always ready to party up/play games. There was always a selection of homies to play with, at any time of the day or night thanks to friends all over the globe. We had huge open world games like GTA IV or Test Drive Unlimited to fart around and make our own fun in. These were basically just chat rooms with mindless games in the background. We were all car guys so we gravitated towards those sorts of games. Then we had the Halo/CoD guys that were always down for a match. Competitive racing in PGR/Forza was a thing too, a lot of us were quite good at PGR in particular.

Now though it's a ghost town- everyone has kids, is on PS5/PC, fell off the face of the planet, or who knows what. I am still around but stick to single player games and my racers.
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