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Do you feel any nostalgia for the ps360/wii? God knows I do.


Gold Member
Motion blur mania. Ugh.

On a positive note, at least COD was good and played at 60 fps. At least Activision knew in oder to make a fun smooth game, you got to sacrifice some visuals and res. I think COD games only ran at about 600p or 640p.

I could never get into playing other shooters when they maxed out at 30 fps and dipped to the 20s. The rest tried better graphics at 720p and most ran like shit. They never understood that for a shooter, pinpoint smooth gameplay is.
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not really. i enjoyed my PS3 but don't really want to go back to any of the games. wasn't a 360 person. i had a wii but only played wii sports on it.


Not the low frame rates and screen tearing no.

If they can be played on current gen systems without those two issues, yes I'd defo play them. Even better upres'd to 1080p if possible.
Besides the Wii and early Xbox 360 menus having as cool aesthetic, the generation was boring.
If we bring handhields into the mix though, the DS and PSP were really cool, especially the former imo.


I do, PS3 was my first own console. Recently I've been thinking about Gran Turismo 6, I wonder if GT7 is actually better or just more modern.


I absolutely loved the early days of that generation. Especially for Xbox 360. Hard drives and wireless controllers becoming an industry standard for consoles. The far more robust user interfaces. I especially liked the 360's bladed dashboard early on. I was super excited for the games, too. Call of Duty 2, Oblivion, Advanced Warfighter, Dead or Alive 4, and Dead Rising. All of those were must haves for me at the time. But then also being so fucking psyched for Halo 3 and these new sci-fi games called Gears of War and Mass Effect. PlayStation 3 was rough going early on but I still loved Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, and Ratchet & Clank. Metal Gear Solid 4 was the big one I was waiting for, though.

Also Blu-Ray being the new medium for movies and games. But above all, online gaming becoming a regular and well supported feature. To be very honest, I only owned a Wii for 3 weeks and got rid of it. I was not at all impressed with the platform and for me personally, it pretty much didn't exist that whole time. My console preference through the generation shifted from 360 to PS3, but by the end I loved both of them for what they brought over those 7 to 8 years. I don't "miss" the generation, simply because as I look back I know I wouldn't be as happy with it today as I was then. My tastes and expectations have changed. Each generation has given me plenty of excitement. I fondly remember the older days, but then I try to play those games again and most of them remind me that times have changed and so have I.

Some games are simply timeless classics, like Super Mario World is for me. But entire generations? No. I've never pined for a whole generation to come back. The only thing I want back from the "old days" are big, flashy, live events!


Yea when I can play The Simpsons, X-Men arcade, MvC1 & 2, various shmups, and then the plethora of PS2 Classic games. I could play Street Fighter II HD Remix, Third Strike HD, Puzzle Fighter HD, and DarkStalkers Resurrection. It feels like all these games should be BC, but they’re not. Some are delisted due to licensing issues. If you purchased these and many more you have a console that is still very relevant. A lot of those games won’t be outdone anytime soon by anything modern. My Wii still has a lot of VC titles on it. I rebought Zelda OOT and Sin & Pubishment for Wii U even though I have them both on the Wii.
Kept my PS3 for this reason. Also, I love the current Xbox for this reason.


Can’t Git Gud
360 was amazing.
blades, perfect dark, Dead Rising, edf2077, mass effect1, gears of war, The Darkness, crackdown, lost planet, gta iv, halo3.
So many great games.
Then on ps3 side amazing xmb, piano black, uncharted and Killzone.

I only had 360 of my own about a year after release and only borrowed ps3 for uncharted 3 release in order to finish all UC and killzone games on ps3


the one game that sticks out to me will always be dead rising for some reason, i think it's unique time based play combined with free-roam aspect of the mall with all the stores really made your decisions matter and it led to incredible replay value. still hoping for a good dead rising 5 and shame what happened to this franchise.


After having so many PS2s die on me just out of warranty I basically abandoned the hobby.

The Wii and X360 turned that around.


Kids recently fired up the Wii..we all played some Wii Sports....I really loved that console. Loved my 360 Elite as well.


Nah. There are a few console games I like - Crackdown, Skyrim, Resonance of Fate, Muramasa (these are what to mind with ~a minute of thinking) - But that generation's mostly a deadzone for my favorite genres, at least on console. Tons of great handheld memories though.

The Alien

(Don't forget about Bioshock & Gears of War)

I miss the Era. It felt like the last true era before it went completely corporate. We are in a similar to movies...everything is risk averse. It's either a safe sequel or a small indie, low budget outing. There are fewer and fewer 'hidden gems' every era.


God no.
The tech was so incredibly bad compared to today. Nostalgia glasses barely even survive the bootscreen for me.
The pswii60 gen was wierd and wonderful. Microsoft came out of the blocks and ruined Sony hard, only to drop the ball even harder and hand the gen to Sony. And while both of those were dick slapping over console power and sales, this shitty little gamecube-esque monstrosity called the Wii outsold everything. Games with PS1 graphics were getting granny off of the couch and getting her to play games for the first time in her life.

The games were, IMO, the last truely experimental and 'out there' experiences we've had. Read the list of games launched during those 7 years, and it's mind boggling to think that it's been TEN YEARS since that.

The funniest of it all was the Core vs Casual gamers arguments. The Core gamers were right, the non-core gamers did 'ruin' gaming as we know it, but it wasn't the casuals that ruined it, it was the super-casual mobile whales that caused the industry to fawn over MTX, Mobile-esque, 15-minute, 'candy crush' style games. To the point where the old 'casual' gamers (Mainly COD gamers) have now faced the same bullshit that Core gamers did back then.

Peter Moore was a prophet though; "Gamer grrrl" is now the focus of the industry. Never, in the 30 years i've been gaming, have I seen so many women play games. Though it's mainly just COD:Warzone, so are they gamers? The argument rages on...


There were thing that were great and others that were less great, as usual. Each gen has it charm and it's what is awesome about consoles generations.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It felt like, to me anyways, games really made great strides in pretty much every genre during that generation. Multiplayer games on consoles first really hit big. It was an exciting time. Virtually 90% of my fondest gaming memories involve waiting until I could hop on my PS3 slim and get some gaming in each night after work or on the weekends. The hobby has rarely reached those same highs since, as everything following it has felt like minor iterations.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Definitely have a TON of nostalgia especially for the early 360 days. It was such an exciting time for gaming even though some games didn’t live up to the hype.

HD, always online, exclusive new games from Mistwalker, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Kameo, Perfect Dark, Project Gotham 3, Full Auto, Geometry Wars, Condemned, Chrome Hounds, Fight Night Round 2, Saint’s Row…

Just really felt fresh and new. Fun time to be a gamer.


Gold Member
Xbox Live on 360 was fucking great. There was little moderation, and nobody seemed to give a shit. Piracy was rampant on it as well, and while I buy my games like a good boy nowadays, I have good memories of flashing the disc drive and popping in some burned ISOs.

Christ, that was only 15 years ago. Times change quickly, and not necessarily for the better.


Aw the 20fps era .

And browns and grays everywhere.

And the chipset design of the ps3 was just outright silly in hindsight. Fuck RAM and GPU, lets just put all our eggs into this overly complex CPU and hope for the best.
I think the 360 was far better all around but not great either.


You had to be young at the time to actually feel nostalgia for the dark age of gaming where mindless cinematic shit became the norm and everyone was selling out for that mainstream/casual $$$ like crazy. Worst period in gaming ever was from like 06-13 or so before things like digital distribution, steam, kickstarter, etc...finally gave us some relief from the dumbed down AAA popomole.


Another really fond memory of mine was the day mortal kombat and portal 2 came out. We went right to my buddies house right after school got out and we must have played all day. Another one was When mass effect 2 came out I was still 16, so I needed my sister to go with me into gamestop so I could pick up my pre order lol


Yes - gaming was simpler, world was simpler, politics hadn't divided everybody and leaked its disgusting way into every game, innovation seemed to really climb.

I certainly do miss that gen. Probably the last fully GREAT gen, though the following had a fair share of good as well it also signaled the down turn / massive changes.


You had to be young at the time to actually feel nostalgia for the dark age of gaming where mindless cinematic shit became the norm and everyone was selling out for that mainstream/casual $$$ like crazy. Worst period in gaming ever was from like 06-13 or so before things like digital distribution, steam, kickstarter, etc...finally gave us some relief from the dumbed down AAA popomole.
I disagree with you a bit here, respectfully.

The overly cinematic stuff didn't occur so heavy until the end of that gen and into ps4. Remember, Uncharted was kind of the trend setter here, and that was a PS3 original title. I would say it didn't get overly cinematic until 3, which also coincides around the time TLOU found success. Sony was still innovating in PS3 times; Killzone 2, Warhawk (literally the best game nobody talks about), SOCOM, MAG, Motorstorm, The Show (gained it's recognition during this period), LBP, etc. etc.

Same with MS; Fable sequels, Forza blossomed, PGR, Alan Wake, Left 4 Dead, etc.

Nintendo was obviously EASILY a major innovator and trend setter for the time. Don't need to list that.

It isn't the most nostalgic time in gaming, IMO, but is the last great one. PS4 / XBO has had plenty of success and good stuff, but seldom something that seems as memorable as half the stuff I mentioned above.
Only things I miss are the original Demon's Souls soundtrack (Bluepoint really fucked up that element of the remaster) and Dragon Age Origins. I'm sure there were some hidden gems I never played but most of the good games have been remastered, it seems.


I think that gen should be split roughly in half, with the first half (2005-2009) still feeling a bit like the PS2 era, while it‘s the second half (2009-2013) where things really started to homogenize, and every game involving guns tried to imitate CoD in some way. That‘s also when things like micro-transactions started taking off, day-one patches became more common, and Japanese developers decided to copy western trends. Not to mention all those studios that closed down during the second half of that gen.

Long story short, I have fond memories of the first half of gen 7, but somewhat mixed feelings on the second half.
I think that gen should be split roughly in half, with the first half (2005-2009) still feeling a bit like the PS2 era, while it‘s the second half (2009-2013) where things really started to homogenize, and every game involving guns tried to imitate CoD in some way. That‘s also when things like micro-transactions started taking off, day-one patches became more common, and Japanese developers decided to copy western trends. Not to mention all those studios that closed down during the second half of that gen.

Long story short, I have fond memories of the first half of gen 7, but somewhat mixed feelings on the second half.

Good point, it felt like 2 gens in 1.
Sadly, I don't. Unoptimized games, UE3, low framerates, bloom, heavy motion blur, 500-720p games, red ring, yellow light, Wiimote strap, huge graphical downgrades from trailer to release, everyone struggling to adjust to HD graphics, dev team growing pains, franchise milking(Activision), horse armor(MTX), PS3 taking forever to finally get a footing, Xbox buying JRPG exclusives nearly killing the genre outside of the U.S., the loss of 2K Football, both systems launching with very low hard drive space, both consoles needing to re-brand halfway through the gen(It only does everything, Jump in), Nintendo falling behind in the graphics race and staying there to instead rely on hardware gimmicks/bets, and a large number of PC ports being broken and unoptimized.

This gen was necessary to get to where we are today(just like the PS1/N64/Saturn generation was necessary for 3D games), but it was arguably also one of the worst. I don't miss it and I'm glad most of the good games from it were remastered.


Well, was the last time "exotic" tech like the Cell processor was used. Even the Xbox used a Cpu from Ibm. I definitely miss those times.


Gold Member
I think that gen should be split roughly in half, with the first half (2005-2009) still feeling a bit like the PS2 era, while it‘s the second half (2009-2013) where things really started to homogenize, and every game involving guns tried to imitate CoD in some way. That‘s also when things like micro-transactions started taking off, day-one patches became more common, and Japanese developers decided to copy western trends. Not to mention all those studios that closed down during the second half of that gen.

Long story short, I have fond memories of the first half of gen 7, but somewhat mixed feelings on the second half.
Maybe 2005 and 2006. But even then you got some good games like Oblivion and Gears.

by the time 2007-08 and onward came out, it blew away the previous era. That's when COD 4, Fallout 3, UC, EA Sports at 60 fps, GTA4, Biohock, Dead Space, Ass Creed etc.... all came out.
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Codes 208

Xbox 360 is still my all-time favorite console so yes?

But its hard to call it nostalgic because i still regularly play xbox 360 games on either my pc or series x

The only nintendo consoles im nostalgic for are the snes through gamecube. (And the gameboy line of course) I didn’t particularly care for the wii that much.
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I disagree with you a bit here, respectfully.

The overly cinematic stuff didn't occur so heavy until the end of that gen and into ps4. Remember, Uncharted was kind of the trend setter here, and that was a PS3 original title. I would say it didn't get overly cinematic until 3, which also coincides around the time TLOU found success. Sony was still innovating in PS3 times; Killzone 2, Warhawk (literally the best game nobody talks about), SOCOM, MAG, Motorstorm, The Show (gained it's recognition during this period), LBP, etc. etc.

Same with MS; Fable sequels, Forza blossomed, PGR, Alan Wake, Left 4 Dead, etc.

Nintendo was obviously EASILY a major innovator and trend setter for the time. Don't need to list that.

It isn't the most nostalgic time in gaming, IMO, but is the last great one. PS4 / XBO has had plenty of success and good stuff, but seldom something that seems as memorable as half the stuff I mentioned above.
It's not just the cinematics, that was just one example. I'm talking about the general trends in mainstream gaming. Even Uncharted 1 was fucking decline compared to...hmm...how about.Tomb Raider ? From following around idiot markers and have everything 'scale to your level' in Oblivion, to regenerating your health while going through these linear ass levels in all these other games. You'd walk down a corridor, some scripted shit would happen, you'd press an awesome button, fireworks go off, pop a few moles, rinse and repeat. . and so on and so on. Complete degeneracy.

Of course there's gonna be the odd 'cool for what it is' AAA game here and there, (not that all that shit you listed was) but no real incline.

And wtf did Killzone 2 innovate ? How to feel like your moving around in a bowl of jello ? Innovation for innovations sake means nothing if it's not good innovation...lol

And LBP ? Jesus Christ, how could you look at that beyond awful artstyle for more than a second without vomiting ?? Socom & Mag were dumbed down compared to tac shooters from the past like OFP, og GR, Rogue Spear/Raven Shield, H&D...Motorstorm wasn't bad, but racing games are kinda like their own deal. The Show was cool at first (at least the hitting & pitching aspect....fielding sucked and was very cpu automated and I doubt it's changed any) but then they sat on their laurels with that and pumped out the same game over and over.

Not tryin to pick on you man....it's just games/talkin shit. Probably a generational thing too.
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I miss the calm and soothing nature atmosphere of Lost in Blue and Trace Memory on the Nintendo DS. It gave such a great feeling of young adventure. I got that same feeling when I watched the Hunter X Hunter episodes (1999) versions as well.


It was a great generation with lots of new experiences across the platforms. Perhaps the last great generation. The one that followed was rather tame imo. Jury is out on this gen but looking more promising.


It's not just the cinematics, that was just one example. I'm talking about the general trends in mainstream gaming. Even Uncharted 1 was fucking decline compared to...hmm...how about.Tomb Raider ? From following around idiot markers and have everything 'scale to your level' in Oblivion, to regenerating your health while going through these linear ass levels in all these other games. You'd walk down a corridor, some scripted shit would happen, you'd press an awesome button, fireworks go off, pop a few moles, rinse and repeat. . and so on and so on. Complete degeneracy.

Of course there's gonna be the odd 'cool for what it is' AAA game here and there, (not that all that shit you listed was) but no real incline.

And wtf did Killzone 2 innovate ? How to feel like your moving around in a bowl of jello ? Innovation for innovations sake means nothing if it's not good innovation...lol

And LBP ? Jesus Christ, how could you look at that beyond awful artstyle for more than a second without vomiting ?? Socom & Mag were dumbed down compared to tac shooters from the past like OFP, og GR, Rogue Spear/Raven Shield, H&D...Motorstorm wasn't bad, but racing games are kinda like their own deal. The Show was cool at first (at least the hitting & pitching aspect....fielding sucked and was very cpu automated and I doubt it's changed any) but then they sat on their laurels with that and pumped out the same game over and over.

Not tryin to pick on you man....it's just games/talkin shit. Probably a generational thing too.

All a matter of opinion I suppose. You just seem to overly despise that gen.

I didn’t say it was the best - just that it was probably the end of the nostalgic period of gaming.

KZ2 is considered by many to be the best PS multiplayer shooter for many reasons, myself included. The class system, unique controls / engine, rag doll physics, and graphical fidelity were all innovative for what we had seen for console shooters as a whole.

By the way, same gen the orange box came out; portal, TF2, etc. pretty awesome game.

Motion controls with wii became a mainstream thing.

LBP may not have been your thing, but many enjoyed it including myself. You could play a game or MAKE your own. Critically well received, hard not to say it was innovative.

Just opinions aside, I am not sure how would could disagree with any of the titles i mentioned being innovative or different than the cinematic flood that occurred moving forward. Take your disdain for the time or general dislike of the games out of it, plenty of innovation in the console sphere.
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