This is the first Doctor Who story in ages I've been disappointed by. It just felt kind of cheap and predictable to me. When we saw things like the space loop doubles, the gangers, and then the Teselecta, I was convinced that those were just red herrings to make us think there was an easy way out of the problem introduced in the premiere. With all the dramatic build up and cryptic messages sprinkled throughout the season I didn't think it was possible that the main payoff for the arc would be yet another instance of timey wimey Steven Moffat-dictated "rule-breaking" with a cute little twist (that I saw coming episodes ago, and then again a few minutes into this one).
I do like Moffat, and I enjoyed Series 5 and most of Series 6 because a lot of his stories served as great character-building for Amy, Rory and River. My main issue with this finale is that 90% of it just felt like samey, self-congratulatory twistiness with a few lines of cryptic dialogue to ensure we're given a preview of the next grand arc. But if all I'm supposed to take away from this "fall of the eleventh" nonsense is that Moffat has another big twist up his sleeve, I'm not sure I can really muster up the enthusiasm again.
I'm all for stories where the Doctor shows everyone how clever he is and gets out of trouble, but only when they're actually handled cleverly and in a way that surprises me. Doing so doesn't require a big season-long arc with twists and turns and shadowy organizations and the universe in peril and the Doctor cheating death. Doing so just requires good storytelling, something Moffat seems to think requires the crutch of a twist ending with a big Get Out of Jail Free card to accomplish. That's fine every now and then, but at this point it's just starting to feel routine.
One thing I really liked about the episode was the bit about the Brigadier. That was handled beautifully and really brought me back.