If anyone starts to feel Who-withdrawal, I heartily recommend the Big Finish audio plays. They mix the characters of the past with more modern pacing, and take The Doctor to darker and somewhat more cerebral places than the confines of the television show will allow.
Spare Parts is the showpiece of course, a Genesis of the Cybermen story staring the Fifth Doctor (who modern viewers will
recognise from Time Crash) that is one of the most absorbing pieces of science fiction I've ever encountered. It explores the tragedy of Mondas, and the sad fate of its people during the fall.
The Holy Terror is very interesting indeed, starting off with some of the darkest, most murderous humour I've heard then transforming into something very special indeed. The best contrast I have is that its a vastly, vastly superior version of
The God Complex
Omega and
Master are three stunning pieces exploring the Doctor's most iconic arch-nemeses. They explore the sometimes pitiable and heroic backgrounds of these villains, juxtaposing flashbacks with their latest one-on-one with The Doctor. Really interesting way of giving these often shallow villains the depth they lacked.
Dalek Empire, Dalek Empire II and
Dalek Empire III are brilliant, the stories of a small band of characters in a galaxy being overwhelmed by the Empire. Its a story of repression, paranoia and desperation, and the Daleks have never been as efficient, merciless and interesting. David Tennant takes the starring role in III.
Arrangements for War is one of my favourite Sixth Doctor stories, in which he and Evelyn land on a planet of good people whose technological advancement has taken then in the direction of a cold war about to get hot. People die who shouldn't die, and The Doctor demonstrates more passion and rage than we have ever seen in the TV series. Its brilliant.
Live 34 is an original piece of storytelling, in which we are hearing broadcasts of a distant future colony's radio station. We hear hints of repression and edited news broadcasts, there's a real discomfort beneath the surface here. We then hear of an opposition forming, lead by the strange brave leader Doctor John Smith. Its the Seventh Doctor of course, and if you know of his manipulative nature then you know that shit will go down.
I, Davros is the origin of the Daleks done bigger, exploring the races of Skaro from the perspective of the growing child prodigy Davros. Its a four-part piece exploring his childhood, adolescence, youth and age, and is very good at pulling you into its hateful world. Davros is played with infinitely more nuance and consideration than his recent TV appearance. Given the eventual fate of the Daleks and the Time Lords, life on Skaro provides an unsettling mirror to the Doctor's privileged upbringing.
There are loads more of course. I can't recommend them enough, there is some smart, masterful and engrossing stuff in here.