Finally got to watch it, so now I can look at this topic again. Thought the episode was wonderful, though perhaps not the best for brand-new viewers. More of a nice refresh for current viewers, ready for something new and different. The new TARDIS set looked great in action from the few shots we got, dark when the Doctor was sullen and bright/alive when he brought Clara up.
As for Ms. Oswald, I got the impression that she remembered her time with the Doctor from before just as she was about to die. Too many direct quotes. The other stuff, souffles and "Pond", were more unconscious stuff that could still be rationalized. I don't think she'll be dying every episode (a quote in the preview says "the twice-dead girl"), but I am wondering if the driving plot will be Clara "unlocking" her memories for some greater purpose.
Also, I think she just out-Sherlocked Sherlock. It may be that I just read about twenty Holmes adventures in the last two days, but that scene on the rooftop was wonderful.