I'll sooner believe the leak was false and a publicity stunt than people refusing to put it on torrent because of the power of love.
Some new pics (!SPOILERS!)
They're promotional shots from the BBC to be released today.God damn people, there is a fucking spoiler thread.
Is it that hard to go there?
I do not care if you are using tags.
Promo pic spoilers.
http://popculturezoo.com/wp-content/gallery/7bimages/doctor-who-series-7b_final_4198148_4198138.jpg is that the sixth doctor behind Clara!?
They're promotional shots from the BBC to be released today.
Everything was tagged and warned. I'm not going into a spoiler thread because I don't want the story ruined, but I figure anything BBC releases leading up is not going to ruin it for me.
I think she should have been shown to be evil since the start of series 5.
Alright which one of you put up the fake torrent that was actually love and monsters?
Promo pic spoilers.
http://popculturezoo.com/wp-content/gallery/7bimages/doctor-who-series-7b_final_4198148_4198138.jpg is that the sixth doctor behind Clara!?
I don't think it's going to leak. The BBC knows the names and addresses of everyone who got a copy!
I actually have one colleague here at work that doesn't like River-and his complaint was that she was "too old".
These are my top operatives, The Legs, The Nose and Mrs. Robinson.
Just watched Gaiman's Cyberman ep today. Thought it was surprisingly bad.
What the hell is going on when Mark Gatiss writes a better story than Neil Gaiman?!
Oh wow, are you ever an optimist.
I'm basing it on the fact that x amount of people got the Blu Ray but there are still no real spoilers from those people (as far as I know). So either the people that pre-ordered the Blu Ray are super dedicated who fans, which they are most likely are since they bother to pre-order it, and/or there are only a small small small number of people that received the Blu Ray making a leak highly unlikely.
But I would be thoroughly surprised if it does make it out before air date.
BIG SPOILERS, but this grab from The Name of the Doctor that the BBC posted on the Doctor Who Facebook page makes me so hyped.
BIG SPOILERS, but this grab from The Name of the Doctor that the BBC posted on the Doctor Who Facebook page makes me so hyped.
BIG SPOILERS, but this grab from The Name of the Doctor that the BBC posted on the Doctor Who Facebook page makes me so hyped.
I was super pissed off when I saw this on facebook - is it impossible to go into something spoiler-free nowadays?
I don't think you'll be waiting that long to see it...
BIG SPOILERS, but this grab from The Name of the Doctor that the BBC posted on the Doctor Who Facebook page makes me so hyped.
BIG SPOILERS, but this grab from The Name of the Doctor that the BBC posted on the Doctor Who Facebook page makes me so hyped.
Still - for someone who hasn't read the leaks it means one of two things, (discussion of that image - not full episode spoilers)either clara is a timelord or is some kind of system created by a timelord - or they've cast the first doctor within the show, meaning the 11 doctors is still on the cards
I'd think kid version of the Doctor is more likely than anything Clara related. Which raises so many questions with how regeneration works.
Er, we've alreadyseen a time lord as a child (Master Flashbacks in Series 3) as well as heard childhood on Gallifrey described fairly well.
But that was already explained in the ClassicWho series 1.Speculation:She's totally going to be the reason he calls himself "The Doctor" lol
Er, we've alreadyseen a time lord as a child (Master Flashbacks in Series 3) as well as heard childhood on Gallifrey described fairly well.
Ah yeah I had a feeling that had happened. But how come the First Doctor was able to age from a small child to an old guy while the Eleventh dicked around for 200 years and barely aged at all.
Ah yeah I had a feeling that had happened. But how come the First Doctor was able to age from a small child to an old guy while the Eleventh dicked around for 200 years and barely aged at all.
Ah yeah I had a feeling that had happened. But how come the First Doctor was able to age from a small child to an old guy while the Eleventh dicked around for 200 years and barely aged at all.
But that was already explained in the ClassicWho series 1.