Just to share, I have a cast on for a month, and my mom did this for me:
Fiction, you're pretty cool~
Just to share, I have a cast on for a month, and my mom did this for me:
Well a character can't remember for a long time unless they have an Eye Drive, a normal person would forget they've shot a silent soon after.But when the Silence tell you something it's supposed to be a suggestion that your mind takes as a command.
But their nature makes you forget them after you see them.
So if a Silent commands you to remember him, do you forget because you always forget Silents or do you remember because you always follow their suggestions?
Just to share, I have a cast on for a month, and my mom did this for me:
Just to share, I have a cast on for a month, and my mom did this for me:
Just to share, I have a cast on for a month, and my mom did this for me:
Just to share, I have a cast on for a month, and my mom did this for me:
Anyone else seen this?
its an animated version of a scene to used in the Last epsiode, good stuff.
Originally written by Chris Chibnall as an online mini-episode, “P.S.” was never shot due to time restraints but has since been reconstructed from animated storyboards and a voice-over narration courtesy of former Rory Williams actor Arthur Darvill.
OK Chibnall, you got me.
Though, I don't know how this would fit in the last episode's flow at all, it would've been amazing as a prologue or short film.
Edit: Oop, never mind.
That's exactly what the episode needed, a bit of closure.
I was thinking the other day--did we ever get full disclosure on what happens in The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang?
I assume, for instance, that we are supposed to presume that the Silent were controlling the races that built the Pandorica to trap the Doctor.
But we never figured out why they were building knockoff TARDISes, or how they could control the TARDIS, or why it exploded.
Are those things actually going to be revealed? I'm not sure they need to be.
Anyone else seen this?
its an animated version of a scene to used in the Last epsiode, good stuff.
Did you get a blue cast on purpose? Just to do that?
That should have been used as the proper send off to Amy and Rory (and Brian). Mark Williams wouldn't have left a dry eye in the house.
Was that newspaper article about Amy confirmed to be from Moffat and Co or just well done fan fiction? That mentioned them adopting Melody.
Anyone else seen this?
its an animated version of a scene to used in the Last epsiode, good stuff.
I find it really strange that they didn't film this. It would have been easy to work in and is easily more worthy of filming than any of the pre-season shorts.
I'm gonna hold out some hope that it's because they didn't want to pidgeonhole themselves by casting Anthony before they knew if they'd ever want to have him appear somehow in the show. I want Amy and Rory's final scenes to stay final, but their kid could meet the Doctor and I'd be ok with that.
Also, so I guess they got sent back to some time in the 50s or the 60s then?
Sigh, at least we got the storyboard with the letter voiceover, but why couldn't they film this... Thanks for posting it here, guys.Anyone else seen this?
its an animated version of a scene to used in the Last epsiode, good stuff.
I still dunno how why they couldn't leave NY and then get on the TARDIS.
Sigh, at least we got the storyboard with the letter voiceover, but why couldn't they film this... Thanks for posting it here, guys.
edit: I was having some trouble loading it on the BBC site, so here's the youtube version for anyone else who may need it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWU6XL9xI4k
People get too caught up with the plot holes or the logic behind the show that it prevents them from enjoying it overall. I'm not saying the writers are excused from these things, but there's a point where you have to realize that, sometimes, it's just so trivial that it's not worth the effort to break things down.
Just go with it. There is nothing they could possibly have done that would have had a reasonably lower likelyhood of being unable to be reversed. Rose got sealed onto the other side of a crack in the universe and she came back. Rory got forgotten by the entire universe and still came back.
So just accept that they're not coming back and that no matter what it would have been wibbley wobbley that would have done it.
Rory's Centurion wore a partly red [jump]suit.So you're saying that it's just a show and we should really just relax?