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Donald Trump wasn't even in Situation Room for 'botched' Yemen raid.

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Literally anyone who bothered to pay attention.

I just noticed the most appalling thing, by the way.

You do not make decisions on strike packages without having legal personnel there to assess our obligations under international humanitarian law (i.e., the law of armed conflict, as enshrined in the Geneva Conventions and other applicable treaties or norms).

Source? I was a fucking JAG at NORTHCOM and maybe-sorta advised on this stuff for 2 years.

The fact that this orange motherfucker tapped STEVE FUCKING BANNON and not a DoD lawyer to provide counsel on this is blisteringly outrageous.

This is the real story. You'll probably read pieces about it on Lawfare or Just Security tomorrow.

This is frightening....
Surprise: I am white.

When a white person calls out other white people for their shittiness, is it racist?

It's not like Black or Muslim or Hispanic people came out in droves to support Trump.

Yes, yes, there's plenty of white people who are cool and not racist and have empathy and voted for Hillary. I get that. I'm just saying, let's not pretend that white people didn't put Trump in office, because they did.

Anyway, I'm not meaning to distract the thread by venting. So, y'know, on topic: Trump really sucks as a leader, who knew?

not surprised. but how are people supposed to guess your race? and it makes fuck all difference anyway, it's still wrong and stupid.

and the bolded doesn't compute. yeah too many white people voted for Trump (not even most), too many latinos and blacks did too. every vote was too much. most white people on this planet however had NOTHING to do with Trump winning (remember the internet and GAF are global), so don't go generalizing and purposefully agitating people who dont deserve to get agitated. thanks. i'll drop this too. and fuck Trump.


He hasnt got a clue. How the hell did your voting system allow someone as unqualified as Trump to get in? This guy has so much power and he doesn't even know what to do. It's like a 5yr old trying to drive an F1 car.


Soldiers follow his command, risk and lose their lives. Civilians get killed. And this motherfucker thinks he has better things to do than to follow the situation.
There is nothing this "man" values other than his ego.
He hasnt got a clue. How the hell did your voting system allow someone as unqualified as Trump to get in? This guy has so much power and he doesn't even know what to do. It's like a 5yr old trying to drive an F1 car.

Don't underestimate the power of desperate and/or stupid people.


He hasnt got a clue. How the hell did your voting system allow someone as unqualified as Trump to get in? This guy has so much power and he doesn't even know what to do. It's like a 5yr old trying to drive an F1 car.

The education system in America has failed. Or, something has failed the educational system. Whatever it is, the big problem is an alarming number of Americans are no longer interested in educating or informing themselves, only going to information channels that appeal to their confirmation bias. Somewhere along the way, many Americans decided, "I'd rather hear what I want to hear all the time, than learn something new that may change or challenge my perception."

I'm not sure when it happened, maybe the 90s, but clearly, it took hold long enough to affect at least one generation of Americans, possibly more, and this is the result.
Surprise, surprise. Donald Trump wants to run the government like he runs his businesses: By slapping his name on it and checking out for the day.

Let's just go over this again:

Fuck you BernieOrBusters
Fuck you third-party voters
Fuck you Mickey Mouse voters in Florida
Fuck you Rust Belt
Fuck you Baby Boomers
Fuck you racist shitbags
Fuck you Tea Party nuts
Fuck you Putin
Fuck you members of the press who enabled him
Fuck you Breitbart
Fuck you white people

Fuck alllllll of you for this shameful turn of events.

All right. I'm good now. Let's be constructive.

Why can't Hillary supporters own up to their poor judgement? You should've thought about the ramifications of nominating her and the probability she would lose to the eventual Republican nominee ahead of time. And the 16 million + who voted during the primary should issue an apology to people who came out in the general in support of their choice.


He hasnt got a clue. How the hell did your voting system allow someone as unqualified as Trump to get in? This guy has so much power and he doesn't even know what to do. It's like a 5yr old trying to drive an F1 car.

- crowds and crowds of big fat stupids

- fake news and strongly biased Facebook feeds that kept millions of voters cocooned in echo chambers of false and misleading info

- moronic Bernie-or-busters, 3rd party voters, abstainers, and other jokers who treated the election like some low stakes game

- Russian interference

- racially targeted voter suppression

- the pointless electoral college (designed to keep demagogues from fleecing the public and seizing power. Whoopsie!)

- a policy wonk Democratic candidate with low charisma, a message that failed to resonate with middle America, and an extraordinary decades-long record of hysterical demonization by the Right

- a partisan FBI that dredged up an old scandal at the last minute
oh it's different, it's attacking someone's ethnicity. a 100% despicable action without exceptions.

i can't believe someone on GAF would actually defend a statement that is so clearly racist. i mean there couldn't possibly be a more clear example than "fuck you *insert color/ethnicity* people"... or am i crazy?

and what the fuck is "white insecurity"? sounds like nonsense tbh. any studies? does it apply to all white people, even outside America? something genetical about us whites? what?

you need to get woke.

Literally anyone who bothered to pay attention.

I just noticed the most appalling thing, by the way.

You do not make decisions on strike packages without having legal personnel there to assess our obligations under international humanitarian law (i.e., the law of armed conflict, as enshrined in the Geneva Conventions and other applicable treaties or norms).

Source? I was a fucking JAG at NORTHCOM and maybe-sorta advised on this stuff for 2 years.

The fact that this orange motherfucker tapped STEVE FUCKING BANNON and not a DoD lawyer to provide counsel on this is blisteringly outrageous.

This is the real story. You'll probably read pieces about it on Lawfare or Just Security tomorrow.

if this information becomes more widespread, can he be investigated for any violations?

Yes, of course it is. If you're judging anyone by the color of their skin, it's racist.

calling out your fellow ethnic people for wrong doing is not racism.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
CNN had a retired general on a few days ago and made it sound like the president gets briefed with what's going on, is asked go or no go, then if he signs off on it then that's usually the end of his participation.

I guess that's not the case?

They did heavily contrast how Obama would obsess over the details to the point of inaction at times whereas Trump is just like "yeah whatever"


This was a sad read. Both the article and the thread itself. I think that's the second time I've seen "fuck white people" in a week on here


but believes in Chael
If I was POTUS and my first covert action was taking place under my command I wouldn't leave the fucking White House Situation Room.
What could go wrong from hiring someone for a high-level government position whose main experience with government has been cheating taxes and donating to campaigns?

In parliamentary democracies, very little. Also true for US Congress and some other political positions (senate, house).
The problem is the rather bizarre executive structure of the US, where a single civilian is both leader of a civilian executive branch as well as commander-in-chief. Frankly, the amount of 'too much power' is inherent in that structure, not unique to Trump. The US has just been lucky enough to dodge that bullet until now.
Why can't Hillary supporters own up to their poor judgement? You should've thought about the ramifications of nominating her and the probability she would lose to the eventual Republican nominee ahead of time. And the 16 million + who voted during the primary should issue an apology to people who came out in the general in support of their choice.

You are asking too much to (most) Hillary supporters. Bernie should have won, and the US wouldn't be a divided country.
Just precious.

Bernie should have won, you're right.

Maybe if he hadn't lost the primary by 4 million votes he would have won.

Maybe if the democrats had half a brain, Bernie would have won. But whatever, Hillary was a weak candidate against Trump and it showed. You can keep denying it all you want.
Literally anyone who bothered to pay attention.

I just noticed the most appalling thing, by the way.

You do not make decisions on strike packages without having legal personnel there to assess our obligations under international humanitarian law (i.e., the law of armed conflict, as enshrined in the Geneva Conventions and other applicable treaties or norms).

Source? I was a fucking JAG at NORTHCOM and maybe-sorta advised on this stuff for 2 years.

The fact that this orange motherfucker tapped STEVE FUCKING BANNON and not a DoD lawyer to provide counsel on this is blisteringly outrageous.

This is the real story. You'll probably read pieces about it on Lawfare or Just Security tomorrow.
So is it impeachable?
CNN had a retired general on a few days ago and made it sound like the president gets briefed with what's going on, is asked go or no go, then if he signs off on it then that's usually the end of his participation.

I guess that's not the case?

They did heavily contrast how Obama would obsess over the details to the point of inaction at times whereas Trump is just like "yeah whatever"

Depends on how big the raid is. My general understanding is stuff like this where there are boots on the ground in countries that are not "supposed to be" do have some state department and officials there if things go badly and require diplomatic resolution. Which is why Hillary et al were in the Situation Room when the raid on Bin Laden was executed.


Just imagine this dude in the history books hundreds of years from now. Lord knows they're gonna have a field day.


Unconfirmed Member

That's the fucking face of a leader


not surprised. but how are people supposed to guess your race? and it makes fuck all difference anyway, it's still wrong and stupid.

and the bolded doesn't compute. yeah too many white people voted for Trump (not even most), too many latinos and blacks did too. every vote was too much. most white people on this planet however had NOTHING to do with Trump winning (remember the internet and GAF are global), so don't go generalizing and purposefully agitating people who dont deserve to get agitated. thanks. i'll drop this too. and fuck Trump.
Speak for yourself man. I'm from Canada and I understood the subtext. And anyways, vigorous defending of the white man's honor in a Trump thread is a bad look. Not a worthwhile hill to die on. Something tells me white people will make it through this injustice.
Maybe if the democrats had half a brain, Bernie would have won. But whatever, Hillary was a weak candidate against Trump and it showed. You can keep denying it all you want.

Just a reminder that Hillary won the popular vote as a "weak candidate" against Bernie and Trump h2h.


- crowds and crowds of big fat stupids

- fake news and strongly biased Facebook feeds that kept millions of voters cocooned in echo chambers of false and misleading info

- moronic Bernie-or-busters, 3rd party voters, abstainers, and other jokers who treated the election like some low stakes game

- Russian interference

- racially targeted voter suppression

- the pointless electoral college (designed to keep demagogues from fleecing the public and seizing power. Whoopsie!)

- a policy wonk Democratic candidate with low charisma, a message that failed to resonate with middle America, and an extraordinary decades-long record of hysterical demonization by the Right

- a partisan FBI that dredged up an old scandal at the last minute
Yep, wasn't one thing but a combination. Fucking sad state of affairs.

Can we not?
This too. Jesus it's been half a year, people need to let the primaries go. Of you want to talk about Hillary's failures as a GE candidate that's fine, but please stop bringing up hypotheticals.

Look to the future, stop loosing your shit fighting battles about the past.



Let me put my standard disclaimer before I say anything: I hate Trump and am convinced he'll be the worst president in the last 150 years.

With that said, are we really comparing the raid to kill/capture Bin Laden with what was meant to be a much more routine SEAL mission?

Special Forces were active in 138 countries last year and had 350 missions in Afghanistan alone.

While Trump's lack of due diligence, lack of consulting with lawyers and lack of focusing on the fallen SEAL are all real issues I don't think that not sitting in the situation room for the mission is really all that significant. I can't imagine that President Obama sat in the mission room for hundreds of special forces raids each year, as doing so would not be a good use of his time.


Let me put my standard disclaimer before I say anything: I hate Trump and am convinced he'll be the worst president in the last 150 years.

With that said, are we really comparing the raid to kill/capture Bin Laden with what was meant to be a much more routine SEAL mission?

Special Forces were active in 138 countries last year and had 350 missions in Afghanistan alone.

While Trump's lack of due diligence, lack of consulting with lawyers and lack of focusing on the fallen SEAL are all real issues I don't think that not sitting in the situation room for the mission is really all that significant. I can't imagine that President Obama sat in the mission room for hundreds of special forces raids each year, as doing so would not be a good use of his time.

Probably not, but this was his first military operation, you'd think he would want to be involved.
Let me put my standard disclaimer before I say anything: I hate Trump and am convinced he'll be the worst president in the last 150 years.

With that said, are we really comparing the raid to kill/capture Bin Laden with what was meant to be a much more routine SEAL mission?

Special Forces were active in 138 countries last year and had 350 missions in Afghanistan alone.

While Trump's lack of due diligence, lack of consulting with lawyers and lack of focusing on the fallen SEAL are all real issues I don't think that not sitting in the situation room for the mission is really all that significant. I can't imagine that President Obama sat in the mission room for hundreds of special forces raids each year, as doing so would not be a good use of his time.

How many missions per year involve dropping a team in enemy territory using multiple tilt rotor heli's and attack drones for a 3 hour fire fight that should really only be on a moonless night, which by definition is a few nights per month max

Just curious .


How many missions per year involve dropping a team in enemy territory using multiple tilt rotor heli's and attack drones for a 3 hour fire fight that should really only be on a moon leas night, which by definition is a few nights per month max

Just curious .

I have no idea, but I suspect that there are quite a few major special forces missions every few weeks. They're not all going to be as significant as the mission to take out Bin Laden, and I suspect that for most of them the president does not sit and watch.


While Trump's lack of due diligence, lack of consulting with lawyers and lack of focusing on the fallen SEAL are all real issues I don't think that not sitting in the situation room for the mission is really all that significant. I can't imagine that President Obama sat in the mission room for hundreds of special forces raids each year, as doing so would not be a good use of his time.

The fact that this isn't obvious to posters in this thread is actually appalling. You can deservedly criticize the mission or Trump all you want, but this angle is total crap.
I have no idea, but I suspect that there are quite a few major special forces missions every few weeks. They're not all going to be as significant as the mission to take out Bin Laden, and I suspect that for most of them the president does not sit and watch.

Oh I see. Now we are down to 20 operations a year ? Pretty much one every moonless night?

Any more back pedaling you want to do before more leaks out as to the risk profile of this mission va others done, as it inevitably will.


The fact that this isn't obvious to posters in this thread is actually appalling. You can deservedly criticize the mission or Trump all you want, but this angle is total crap.

The worst part is that by focusing on stupid stuff it makes the reasonable and significant concerns seem less weighty as they can get lumped in with the nonsense by Trump's supporters.

Focus on the many significant issues, not the nonsense about stairs, hair, hand size, sitting in a situation room for every mission, what busts are in the WH, what color the drapes are, etc... There is enough real stuff that we don't need to manufacture nonsense to be disgusted or appalled at this vile man's first weeks in office.


Oh I see. Now we are down to 20 operations a year ? Pretty much one every moonless night?

Any more back pedaling you want to do before more leaks out as to the risk profile of this mission va others done, as it inevitably will.

You win. This was exactly akin to the mission to kill Bin Laden in significance and scope.


Good strategy dude, when you run out of reality, flip to complete exaggeration. That might work.

My post was a response to a picture of President Obama sitting in the situation room for the Bin Laden raid. My point, which was a fairly simple one, is that this raid was not akin to the Bin Laden raid.

I don't expect that any president would sit in that room for all but the most extreme missions (Bin Laden raid, something comparable to the Iran hostage rescue attempt if it were made today, etc...). I suspect that the members of the special forces do not care whether the president watches them during their missions, but if you think that him not sitting in that room is significant in a week where an immigration ban brought shame on the entire country, during a week in which he single-handedly wiped away decades of goodwill with numerous countries, and during a week in which he nominated an awful supreme court judge then you're welcome to fixate on that. I don't think it makes any sense to focus on that aspect of the mission, particularly when there are others such as the lack of planning, legal guidance, etc.. that are much more important and also ones in which the president certainly has responsibility.
Can we not?
Seriously. I was, and still am, a huge Bernie supporter. But I also realized that he alone could not accomplish much if he was elected. I expected Democrats to learn that lesson with President Obama.
Liberal millennials need to get serious about government and our country. If we want to lead our country in a better direction, we need to take a page from what the tea party did (Without the extremism). We need to become more involved. We need millennials to run for local and state legislature seats. Lots of these seats go uncontested every year.

An actual neofascist and his white supremacist buddies are in the White House. If that doesn't light a fire under our asses, I'm not sure what will.


Just saying, you're given the power to send troops out to kill some folks, maybe get killed and you exercise it for the first time? Then go to bed? That says something to me.
Look, the man is carrying an unsecured phone on his person at most all times. He's just being security conscious.

What's he gonna do? Learn to use a new phone? Stop tweeting? No, I think it's for the best if he stays out of the Situation Room. Might want to make it extra safe, leave the White House.
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