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Donald Trump wasn't even in Situation Room for 'botched' Yemen raid.

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Just imagine this dude in the history books hundreds of years from now. Lord knows they're gonna have a field day.

I expect a new print of history books and other text books in the next few years. Gotta fuck with kids heads asap.

Terrorists this, sjw that. Nazis are good people, etc.

In the year 2017, God King Trump enforced a travel ban on seven countries, then proceeded to add more to the list. America was made safe again during his next 5 terms as God King.
My post was a response to a picture of President Obama sitting in the situation room for the Bin Laden raid. My point, which was a fairly simple one, is that this raid was not akin to the Bin Laden raid.

I don't expect that any president would sit in that room for all but the most extreme missions (Bin Laden raid, something comparable to the Iran hostage rescue attempt if it were made today, etc...). I suspect that the members of the special forces do not care whether the president watches them during their missions, but if you think that him not sitting in that room is significant in a week where an immigration ban brought shame on the entire country, during a week in which he single-handedly wiped away decades of goodwill with numerous countries, and during a week in which he nominated an awful supreme court judge then you're welcome to fixate on that. I don't think it makes any sense to focus on that aspect of the mission, particularly when there are others such as the lack of planning, legal guidance, etc.. that are much more important and also ones in which the president certainly has responsibility.

Ok that wasn't your point because you typed a bunch of words which boiled down to: there are probably 130 of these missions every year one can't expect POTUS to sit them out.

Sounds so slick, so sensible, so adult.

Yet ... So much bullshit, that I think Obama triggered your Conway muscle..
Guys, guys, yes Trump may have ordered a military raid that left a Navy SEAL and scores of civilians dead, including an 8-year-old girl, without adequate legal consideration, all to recover a video that's been on the Internet for years, but you don't understand: there's someone here insulting white people.
So is it impeachable?

You know...

It depends.

You've all heard about command authority, right? It was the basis for prosecuting Japanese commanders in WW2 who, while they didn't -- for example -- butcher POW or attack civilians, they had the responsibility to ensure their troops didn't.

Trump is commander-in-chief.

If it's established that he signed off on a raid that led to the commission of war crimes, then yes.

(Oh god, I really don't want to get into the distinction between an international armed conflict and a non-international armed conflict and the fact that the US hasn't ratified Additional Protocol 2.)

Basically, and I'll simplify it by stating this: in conflict, civilians die. They are collateral damage. If this were an attack on a hospital in Yemen that Trump carelessly signed off on (or... maybe a Yemeni wedding via drone strike?), then maybe.

This is an interesting overview: http://www.crimesofwar.org/a-z-guide/392/.


Literally anyone who bothered to pay attention.

I just noticed the most appalling thing, by the way.

You do not make decisions on strike packages without having legal personnel there to assess our obligations under international humanitarian law (i.e., the law of armed conflict, as enshrined in the Geneva Conventions and other applicable treaties or norms).

Source? I was a fucking JAG at NORTHCOM and maybe-sorta advised on this stuff for 2 years.

The fact that this orange motherfucker tapped STEVE FUCKING BANNON and not a DoD lawyer to provide counsel on this is blisteringly outrageous.

This is the real story. You'll probably read pieces about it on Lawfare or Just Security tomorrow.

thanks for these. Don't know anything about them, but looks like something worth digging into and (at initial glance) actually backed by reputable people


Surprise, surprise. Donald Trump wants to run the government like he runs his businesses: By slapping his name on it and checking out for the day.

Let's just go over this again:

Fuck you BernieOrBusters
Fuck you third-party voters
Fuck you Mickey Mouse voters in Florida
Fuck you Rust Belt
Fuck you Baby Boomers
Fuck you racist shitbags
Fuck you Tea Party nuts
Fuck you Putin
Fuck you members of the press who enabled him
Fuck you Breitbart
Fuck you white people

Fuck alllllll of you for this shameful turn of events.

All right. I'm good now. Let's be constructive.

Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC
This is so fucking serious. Can you imagine if this was Hillary Clinton that did this!? She would be getting impeached right now probably.


I wonder how the ever-loyal-ever-reliably-REPUBLICAN-voting members of the U.S. military feel about this guy being their Commander-in-Chief
This is so fucking serious. Can you imagine if this was Hillary Clinton that did this!? She would be getting impeached right now probably.

Possible lines for congressional impeachment at this point:

I wonder how the ever-loyal-ever-reliably-REPUBLICAN-voting members of the U.S. military feel about this guy being their Commander-in-Chief

They don't care. They never cared. The entire idea of them caring was always pure politics. As long as its their side that's doing it or fucking up, they will defend it with every fiber of their being. They see nothing wrong here. If it were Hillary or Obama it would be a big fucking deal.


I wonder how the ever-loyal-ever-reliably-REPUBLICAN-voting members of the U.S. military feel about this guy being their Commander-in-Chief

I hate it but I'm the minority. Honestly think it has more to do with the R next to his name.
Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC

except that "poor candidate" won by millions of votes. The election was literally decided by dumbasses voting for god damn mickey mouse in florida.


Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC

And fuck all the dumbasses that didn't vote, too.

The whole country is to blame for this

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC
This is such asinine fucking bullshit. So sick of hearing this. Hillary's "weak campaign" is irrelevant to the fact that people voted for an orange shitstain who talks like a 5 year old, insults everyone, screws over his workers, doesn't pay taxes, vomits racist verbal diarrhea and brags about sexual assault on tape. People looked at him, then looked at a sorta "weak candidate" (who actually got millions more votes so clearly she DID resonate with a lot of people), and said "yeah he's my guy".

Fuck. That. Noise.

Also it's really fucking amazing that in a thread about what is clearly Trump's fuck-up, that people still start shitting about Hillary and the primaries.
except that "poor candidate" won by millions of votes. The election was literally decided by dumbasses voting for god damn mickey mouse in florida.

Give them some time, it is always traumatic to reconfigure a fondly held but incorrect impression of reality that now very suddenly runs up against facts and events.
This is such asinine fucking bullshit. So sick of hearing this. Hillary's "weak campaign" is irrelevant to the fact that people voted for an orange shitstain who talks like a 5 year old, insults everyone, screws over his workers, doesn't pay taxes, vomits racist verbal diarrhea and brags about sexual assault on tape. People looked at him, then looked at a sorta "weak candidate" (who actually got millions more votes so clearly she DID resonate with a lot of people), and said "yeah he's my guy".

Fuck. That. Noise.

Also it's really fucking amazing that in a thread about what is clearly Trump's fuck-up, that people still start shitting about Hillary and the primaries.

Well said.


I don't get why the Democrats aren't making more noise about this.

Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC

If you want to blame Clinton for Trump, you might as well blame Sanders for Clinton. Obama was the underdog in 08 and he managed to beat Clinton (who was the DNC favorite that time, too) because he ran a competent campaign that didn't completely ignore the South.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I don't think I'd feel any better if he had been in the situation room. His absence might have been the most competent choice he could have made.



So when he starts a war with Iran, how long you think he stays in the situation room? Bout 30 minutes until the apprentice comes on?

I don't know if its more terrifying thinking of him in the room directing shit, or not there at all.

I don't think I'd feel any better if he had been in the situation room. His absence might have been the most competent choice he could have made.

Probably was tweeting about the times and eating kfc with plasticware while looking at dirty photos of his second ex-wife. Time to bring out the pitchforks.


Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC
You know what? I really wish they had just put Bernie on the ticket just to squash this shit. I bet there would still be people to make excuses not to vote for her. I got tired of hearing it after the primary. If the thought of stopping a fascist demagogue and his collection of misfits wasn't enough to make people drag their asses out of of bed on election day, that's on them. Trump was far from being the favorite choice for a lot of people on the other side and they still put up with him long enough to luck out and gain more power than they've had in nearly a century. They're fucking up the country and people are getting their lives ruined, "But gee. We really stuck it to the establishment! Sure showed them!" Regardless of her flaws, at least she tried. What did people like you do to stop it?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
He hasnt got a clue. How the hell did your voting system allow someone as unqualified as Trump to get in? This guy has so much power and he doesn't even know what to do. It's like a 5yr old trying to drive an F1 car.
Well you see there were these emails...
That's the fucking face of a leader

The beauty (and sorrow I suppose) is that this post could be referring to both Obama who was Potus and Hillary who should've been.

The fact that this isn't obvious to posters in this thread is actually appalling. You can deservedly criticize the mission or Trump all you want, but this angle is total crap.

His first military action should absolutely draw his complete undivided attention. To say otherwise is to say that a leader shouldn't have to lead on their first day. He can skip the next 50 for all I care, but he damn sure needed to be there for the first one.


The beauty (and sorrow I suppose) is that this post could be referring to both Obama who was Potus and Hillary who should've been.

His first military action should absolutely draw his complete undivided attention. To say otherwise is to say that a leader shouldn't have to lead on their first day. He can skip the next 50 for all I care, but he damn sure needed to be there for the first one.

You'd think at the very least, he would at least be curious.

I become president and we are doing a god damn raid, some real covert ops shit? I'd be glued to that room.

Let alone the whole peoples fucking lives are in your hands.


Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC

Question: What do you think the DNC actually did to Bernie? All that's in the leaks is people throwing around ideas that were never acted on, according to the very leaks that people cite. And, no Donna Brazille was a Hillary surrogate when she leaked literally 3 questions unsolicited that Hillary would've been prepped for anyway. The most you can say is the debate schedule favored Hillary. That's literally it.
Maybe Bannon was in the situation room
Ex navy officer, ex Reagan pentagon, you can't tell me he wouldn't have a hard on the size of trump tower to be there watching the first terrorists kills.
Conclusion: either he wasn't allowed by a rule, or he was there and drooling.
I hope it's a rule.
The fact that this isn't obvious to posters in this thread is actually appalling. You can deservedly criticize the mission or Trump all you want, but this angle is total crap.

Oh I see. Now we are down to 20 operations a year ? Pretty much one every moonless night?

Any more back pedaling you want to do before more leaks out as to the risk profile of this mission va others done, as it inevitably will.

Donald Trump has never served a day in his life in the military. he has never shot a rifle in anger, never been shot at, never had a friend die or be wounded next to him.
if he wants to brag about how tough he is he better at least see a video of true tough Hombres.

Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC

voters like you are what got us to this point. you. you are responsible. everything that will happen is your fault. remember that.
I can picture Navy Seals conducting a mission and Donald Trump on their radio telling them about his huge electoral college victory.


Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC
"Poor candidate", and Trump was what? I'd say #1 would be the people who actually voted for him in spite of an avalanche of signs that he'd be a disaster.


Junior Member
America brought this upon itself . Don't worry the world will clean up afterwards . Humanity survives . You aren't the first great power to push an extreme agenda won't be the last but all of us will win out overall always have always will .


Junior Member
Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC
Get off the high horse and smell the shit . No matter differences before . Get with it or not you can decide to fight over issues with one another while this guy runs amok with far worse issues. But sure be our guest because some of us support you on 90% but not 100% of opinions . Sound familiar ?
This is so fucking serious. Can you imagine if this was Hillary Clinton that did this!? She would be getting impeached right now probably.

Yeah because her campaign wasn't built upon talking loud and carrying a big stick. There are a lot of people out there that buy into Trump's facade. It's like a tradition to hold the President's persona in your mind, as he runs around committing crimes and defacing the earth. Trump said, "It's my turn to do that."

This news is not surprising at all : /


you can't put a price on sparks
Trump just had his own personal Benghazi and its only been 2 weeks

Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC

If Bernie lost because of the DNC, then Hillary lost because of Russia.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
No surprise, this guy always viewed the presidency as a part-time job. He thinks he's doing us all a huge favour.
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