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Donald Trump wasn't even in Situation Room for 'botched' Yemen raid.

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Surprise, surprise. Donald Trump wants to run the government like he runs his businesses: By slapping his name on it and checking out for the day.

Let's just go over this again:

Fuck you BernieOrBusters
Fuck you third-party voters
Fuck you Mickey Mouse voters in Florida
Fuck you Rust Belt
Fuck you Baby Boomers
Fuck you racist shitbags
Fuck you Tea Party nuts
Fuck you Putin
Fuck you members of the press who enabled him
Fuck you Breitbart
Fuck you white people

Fuck alllllll of you for this shameful turn of events.

All right. I'm good now. Let's be constructive.
You realize it wasn't just white people who voted for him right? We've gone over this before. Plus racist comments like this even against whites don't help or fly very well.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Does the US president normally have to be present to watch every military operation?

You'd think that a new POTUS would be eager to be involved in the first operation of his tenure. As the President it's sort of...his job to preside over things.

But he's got more important things to worry about, like his Twitter.


Junior Member
Surprise, surprise. Donald Trump wants to run the government like he runs his businesses: By slapping his name on it and checking out for the day.

Let's just go over this again:

Fuck you BernieOrBusters
Fuck you third-party voters
Fuck you Mickey Mouse voters in Florida
Fuck you Rust Belt
Fuck you Baby Boomers
Fuck you racist shitbags
Fuck you Tea Party nuts
Fuck you Putin
Fuck you members of the press who enabled him
Fuck you Breitbart
Fuck you white people

Fuck alllllll of you for this shameful turn of events.

All right. I'm good now. Let's be constructive.
You're a dick for saying that . Become the person you hate by blaming whole generalisations of ppl (rust belt and white for example) . I don't like being associated with intolerant fucks from the right . And if the left provides me the same ill do the same . I dislike intolerance ignorance and generalisations from either side .


Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

#1 is fuck you DNC
#2 is fuck you HRC
Yes, he's correctly blaming the voters who voted in this government.

Neither Hillary, nor Trump, Jill, or any fictional name written in a ballot, forced these voters to cast their vote the way they did. Legal age people capable of giving consent casted these votes with their own handwriting and by their own will.

Continuing to blame Hillary is nothing more than a convenient scapegoat to continue ignoring the numerous institutions of oppression that America is built upon and continues to propagate. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of sociology and civil rights was already screaming about these dangers long before November 08, 2016.


Hey guys, the election is over. Bernie didn't run, Hillary didn't win, and every single thing to be said on the subject has been said. Three times. At least.

So quit turning every thread into an argument about Bernie, Hillary, and the DNC or we'll start handing out bans. We've warned in multiple threads. We're tired of seeing every thread turn into the same fight over a thing that's already done. It's time to move on, or at least take it elsewhere.

No Love

Hey guys, the election is over. Bernie didn't run, Hillary didn't win, and every single thing to be said on the subject has been said. Three times. At least.

So quit turning every thread into an argument about Bernie, Hillary, and the DNC or we'll start handing out bans. We've warned in multiple threads. We're tired of seeing every thread turn into the same fight over a thing that's already done. It's time to move on, or at least take it elsewhere.

Thank fucking god.


Funny how you wanna blame everyone except for the person who was a poor candidate who ran a terrible campaign with no message that ignored a significant and important part of the country.

Yeah, no. A fucking trash bin with no campaign at all should have won against Donald Trump in a working democracy. He is un-fucking-electable and he didn't hide that fact during his campaign one bit.


He was attending a memorial service for the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre. That's important guys. Obama was nowhere near that service. Sad.


I wonder how long it will take for the special forces to catch on and go on strike. They now have a leader that doesn't care if they die.


He was attending a memorial service for the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre. That's important guys. Obama was nowhere near that service. Sad.

The real alt-facts right here.

I wonder how long it will take for the special forces to catch on and go on strike. They now have a leader that doesn't care if they die.

Going on strike in the military means court marshal.


honestly how often are presidents present in the sit room for routine operations. not that i doubt he'll be an absentee leader but i think this scenario could apply to any of his predecessors


I'm starting to think this guy isn't qualified for the job

did he engage in politics before ? im gonna guess no... i have no idea why anyone could have voted for him

hillary might not have been the best candidate but at least she had experience


honestly how often are presidents present in the sit room for routine operations. not that i doubt he'll be an absentee leader but i think this scenario could apply to any of his predecessors

It's more a combination of the fact that Trump himself constantly complained about absentee leadership from Hillary and Obama, and then... He doesn't even show up for his first raid. And it being his first raid as President makes it kinda bad that he didn't show up.

This'll be buried in a week, like it should be, but if this had happened to Dems... Well it'd be Benghazi.


He's like the archetype of a dim-witted tyrant. I have to think of all kinds of degenerated nobles or Roman emperors of history whenever I hear shit like this.

He doesn't happen to breed chickens or do lock smithing for a hobby?


No, but you'd think he would want to see how his first military operation went live. Instead, he tweeted about the NY times.

Was it his first, or just the first to go pear shaped? I would imagine the Seals are doing multiple ops daily that we don't hear about.

Maybe it was initially viewed as fairly routine by the General?

I'm playing devils advocate here I know.


Pains me to say it buy maybe this is a good thing. Hopefully Trump loses the respect and loyalty of the military.



It's just gonna keep going.

Should have gone for the cookie, America.

Is it true that the White House didn't report about the civilian deaths during the raid at first until news started coming up about it?


A lot of republicans and military leadership would be hesistant to support that though if Trump's neglicence keeps causing military deaths.

Deaths would have to be in the hundreds or thousands for republicans to care.

Was it his first, or just the first to go pear shaped? I would imagine the Seals are doing multiple ops daily that we don't hear about.

Maybe it was initially viewed as fairly routine by the General?

I'm playing devils advocate here I know.

It was leaked as the actual first.
Pretty clear before the election that Trump wasn't interested in the day-to-day responsibilities. He wants to manage people who are making the decisions.


He wants all the power without the responsibility or the duties involved.

He's smart, he doesn't need all that extra junk and he's the best, the best ever.

It's sad that others weren't so good as him to hold up the world in his massive hands.
"Hey get the Navy Seals on the line I want to ask if they saw me in Home Alone 2. Let me tell you Macaulay Culkin was a huge prima donna. He wouldn't move his trailer so I had it towed. The whole crew was on my side. They're big fans."


honestly how often are presidents present in the sit room for routine operations. not that i doubt he'll be an absentee leader but i think this scenario could apply to any of his predecessors

Shooting children is a routine operation now.

It's just gonna keep going.

Should have gone for the cookie, America.

Is it true that the White House didn't report about the civilian deaths during the raid at first until news started coming up about it?

In fact if trump ever plugs the leaks I guarantee you will only hear about what the Germans heard from the day they started losing, to the very end when a mythical secret weapon was going to turn he tide: you will only hear of glorious victories, silence or when it is too difficult to hide, gallant and brilliant strategic redeployments. And I am only talking trade here, of course military will follow suit.


In fact if trump ever plugs the leaks I guarantee you will only hear about what the Germans heard from the day they started losing, to the very end when a mythical secret weapon was going to turn he tide: you will only hear of glorious victories, silence or when it is too difficult to hide, gallant and brilliant strategic redeployments. And I am only talking trade here, of course military will follow suit.

The advantage being that nowadays the enemy also has easy media access. Groups like ISIS will not hesistate a second to spread their military victories.


Let's see here:

-Not present for important military ops
-Vacation before he had been in office for even two weeks
-Spends time watch TV and farting out tweets
-Doesn't write speech but just vomits out stream of consciousness rants

Yeah, this dude is Beetle Bailey
The advantage being that nowadays the enemy also has easy media access. Groups like ISIS will not hesistate a second to spread their military victories.

Oh don't worrry
Walls will be built, virtual ones. Trump knows china has the best wall both in rock and bits and is jealous. If you think he will sit back while the enemy tweets videos you have another think coming he will build a virtual wall based on the Chinese model and demand the tech companies do not allow tweet immigration because that's just enemy propaganda and why should his internet carry enemy propaganda for free.

That's a bad bad deal, the worst, this weak internet grew massively under obama and no oversight, Shame, and we are going to change it folks. You better believe it.


honestly how often are presidents present in the sit room for routine operations. not that i doubt he'll be an absentee leader but i think this scenario could apply to any of his predecessors

Careful, you'll be accused of being a Trump supporter or apologist for making that point. That's the joy of GAF now. You can't make a point about the significance of one issue without overzealous posters assuming that you're somehow a Trump fan/voter/MAGA drone.

Yes, special forces conduct a ton of raids each year (over a thousand), but it's true that this one is larger than most. After the fact it's fairly easy to say that this one was significant in terms of the SEAL being killed, many civilians being killed, and a young child being killed, but I don't think any of us know how significant it was expected to be ahead of time. It's also not clear how often presidents sit in the situation room. We know that President Obama and Secretary Clinton were there (along with many others) during the Bin Laden raid, but it doesn't sound like the military personnel really want that anyway:
I personally suspect that if it was meant to be incredibly important then they wouldn't have used V-22s as those are not really ideal for landing in the desert (they don't handle dust all that well and have had several notable crashes because of it). In the Bin Laden raid, for example, they used special helicopters that were completely classified, which is quite different from using widely known ones that are prone to issues.

The question of whether this mission was approved without due consideration and legal due diligence is important. Whether or not Trump sat in the room to watch a Predator feed of the raid on TV in real time seems to me to be a side show.

I'm sure with this post I'll again be accused of being pro-Trump by someone more focused on politics than discussion. Once again, to try to preempt the zealots I hate Trump and hate so many things that he has done since 1/20.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
He hasnt got a clue. How the hell did your voting system allow someone as unqualified as Trump to get in? This guy has so much power and he doesn't even know what to do. It's like a 5yr old trying to drive an F1 car.

Because the GOP is such a shitshow they had no choice than to go with the loudest and most obnoxious asshole at the country club. Sadly America is full of uneducated, naive, and racist clowns that care more about the brand than reality. They will blindly vote against their own interests and beg to be continually dragged through the mud because voting Republican means no gays, no foreigners, and all the guns. Nothing else matters. The job issue is honestly less concerning than that trifecta of inhumane nonsense despite it being such a talking point.

Fiscal conservatives meanwhile just mostly hate big government spending but also completely fail to view the big picture. Why am I paying for all these roads to be fixed in a state I never visit? Why do I have to pay for my own healthcare AND that of the lower class?? Fuck that, those dems trying to save the world rather than burn it can suck my Republican vote!

But really, half this nation is either lazy or so ambivalent and uninformed that they didn't even vote or take a few minutes to consider their future or that of their children.

Just my guess really, it's near impossible for me to understand how anyone benefits from the Republican Party. I haven't heard a single rationale argument that doesn't resort to taxes, guns, or racism. Never a counter solution either, just blaming and whining. Much like a 5yr old as you stated.


Might have been the most responsible thing Donald Trump has done in his presidency.

I just imagine Trump telling his military advisors to tell the operators to 'bomb the shit' out of the opposing force. I can't imagine his presence being helpful.


I still fully believe he is upset with all the responsibility he has as president, I think Pence and Bannon will be doing most of the legwork for him

Remember when Kasich said that he had been offered the VP role and that if he took the role he'd be in charge of both foreign and domestic policy?
It was fairly widely reported, but I don't remember it ever being refuted. I wonder who is calling the shots in that case, but assume it would be Bannon. Trump still does his damage with his disastrous personal "diplomacy" which will turn the US into damn near a pariah state by the time his term ends.

Remember when Kasich said that he had been offered the VP role and that if he took the role he'd be in charge of both foreign and domestic policy?
It was fairly widely reported, but I don't remember it ever being refuted. I wonder who is calling the shots in that case, but assume it would be Bannon. Trump still does his damage with his disastrous personal "diplomacy" which will turn the US into damn near a pariah state by the time his term ends.


Yes, I remember this. Satire has become reality, because I remember laughing when reading this
Careful, you'll be accused of being a Trump supporter or apologist for making that point. That's the joy of GAF now. You can't make a point about the significance of one issue without overzealous posters assuming that you're somehow a Trump fan/voter/MAGA drone.

Yes, special forces conduct a ton of raids each year (over a thousand), but it's true that this one is larger than most. After the fact it's fairly easy to say that this one was significant in terms of the SEAL being killed, many civilians being killed, and a young child being killed, but I don't think any of us know how significant it was expected to be ahead of time. It's also not clear how often presidents sit in the situation room. We know that President Obama and Secretary Clinton were there (along with many others) during the Bin Laden raid, but it doesn't sound like the military personnel really want that anyway:
I personally suspect that if it was meant to be incredibly important then they wouldn't have used V-22s as those are not really ideal for landing in the desert (they don't handle dust all that well and have had several notable crashes because of it). In the Bin Laden raid, for example, they used special helicopters that were completely classified, which is quite different from using widely known ones that are prone to issues.

The question of whether this mission was approved without due consideration and legal due diligence is important. Whether or not Trump sat in the room to watch a Predator feed of the raid on TV in real time seems to me to be a side show.

I'm sure with this post I'll again be accused of being pro-Trump by someone more focused on politics than discussion. Once again, to try to preempt the zealots I hate Trump and hate so many things that he has done since 1/20.

Wow back for more with a slightly edited message. You don't give up so you. Cool story tho especially the bit about the Predator (with a capital P) feed on TV in real time. And the V-22 inside info that isn't all over YouTube is cute as well.

I see the defense has significantly switched now to trump (or anyone, even you!) not knowing how "significant" this raid was going to be. Perhaps the suggestion is going off to watch what the media was saying about him would naturally be more optimal use of his time?
I feel this is a losing argument since if one doesn't know whether the raid is gonna be insignificant or major, perhaps the best gamble especially as one really could use a military victory, and photo ops, is NOT to act as though it's gonna be a tiddler

Anyway I am sure Trump bravely did his duty of using the remote and working out how Tweet "drafts" really work. Because everything we know of the man says public service, selflessness, deliberation and empathy. So we should listen to your conclusion that it was all S.O.P, esp. given your evaluation of the type of aircraft in use, and all that.


Yes, I remember this. Satire has become reality, because I remember laughing when reading this

It's crazy as that's just one more of the 50+ things that Trump did which would have torpedoed any other candidacy. I still remember when John Edwards cheating on his sick wife was thought to be so beyond the pale that people were angry that he put himself in the primary race. Compared with Trump that seems like such a minor thing.
It's crazy as that's just one more of the 50+ things that Trump did which would have torpedoed any other candidacy. I still remember when John Edwards cheating on his sick wife was thought to be so beyond the pale that people were angry that he put himself in the primary race. Compared with Trump that seems like such a minor thing.

I have no earthly clue how obama managed 8 years without even one of the PR catastrophes of the scale trumpster managed so far. Does trump wish he had taken that wiki of tips and the offered handover sessions, instead of disk zeroing it? Hell no he doesn't.
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