Donkey Kong Country Returns HD | Review Thread


Gold Member
Man what the fuck happened to the controls on the minecart levels? Flatout randomly unresponsive where i hit the jump and nothing happens....feel wayyyyy off. Non minecart levels feel fine, what the actual fuck?

Using that auto complete option on every minecart level with zero fucks given. I didnt have this issue before. I refuse to die when it isnt my fault, fuck that lol
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Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
I paid full price for this and have been tearing through the game. I understand there a few minor framerate drops that didn't occur in the original, longer load times, and some missing graphical effects, but the game looks graphically superb overall and far better than the Wii version. The non-waggle controls are a revelation that vastly enhance the game, for anyone who didn't emulate or play the 3DS version.

Setting the port quality aside, the game itself is superb and has aged brilliantly. The level design is some of the best ever in any platformer, with great pacing, tight challenge that isn't as restrictive as something like Super Meat Boy or Celeste, secrets that aren't overly onerous but still yield a satisfying feeling when you find them, and lots of thematic and mechanical variety. DK himself controls well, with a better sense of weight and momentum than even the 2D Marios. However you want to play this game (and I agree with John Linneman when he says this is the best version), it's absolutely worth your time.


Gold Member
DKCR is indeed fantastic. The levels are short and sweet. Perfect amount of challenge.

This game will remind you to enable the Game Mode on your TV. The difference in input lag is immediately noticeable.


Gold Member
Game mode is on, yet this game is full of cheap deaths and uneven controls. I think its just a shitty port because i dont remember these issues on the original release.

Overall the more i play and the further i get, its just an ok DK game, nothing great about it at all. And these load times are unacceptable for a 2025 release. Overall id give this a 6


Gold Member
Slogged my way through and finished this tonight. Just a terrible port all around. Load times when entering and leaving levels are way too long in 2025, especially since this was a port of an old game to Switch.

Many times DK would just randomly not jump when i hit the button, very bizarre and it would always happen at the worst possible time too.

If we ever get a new one of these, Nintendo themselves need to make it, dont hand it off to these amateur devs
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