Donkey Kong Country Returns HD | Review Thread


I'm a huge DK fan especially of the country and land games. That being said both DK Country Returns games are just OK to me. I feel they're missing something style wise and are too generic in both gameplay and visuals.

The tiki gods and penguin vikings as well as all the enemies are very bland. Also the original games had more of an exciting and varied soundtrack where DK returns is all jazz and tropical freeze is entirely atmospheric/ambient but without any excitement.
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One of the green rats
The problem with the pricing is that Nintendo looks around and sees such POS CRAP as the big AAA titles selling for $69.99 and goes " yeah this game is leagues better than those sooo $59.99! "


Gold Member
There's a lot of nitpicking about scaled back or missing visual effects (some of which they fixed since the reveal), yet next to no praise for how much better some of the lighting looks now, plus all the work put into making the backgrounds look good in HD. Play the game in Dolphin and it looks like absolute ass due to originally being designed for standard definition. It's also a complete package including all of the 3DS levels too, enhanced up to the standard of the rest of the game.

The only thing disappointing is the price but we are all cucks for Nintendo and will reluctantly open our wallets along with our butt cheeks.

Yeah I dunno why people are so mad, shit like Horizon 1 and Last of Us Part 2 are the definition of lazy pointless remasters. At least this is being rescued from a dead system, in HD for the first time, and ditching the motion controls.


Jesus nintendo is that hard to give me a remaster of the 3 snes games instead??
They need to first strike youtube channels showing gameplay of them on an emulator, sue the emulator, then jerry-rig an emulator themselves, then figure out what the highest pixel count they can get that runs at 30fps, and then sell it for $60.


Gold Member
They need to first strike youtube channels showing gameplay of them on an emulator, sue the emulator, then jerry-rig an emulator themselves, then figure out what the highest pixel count they can get that runs at 30fps, and then sell it for $60.


When a game like TLOU2 Remastered is released with minimal graphical differences from the original, so minimal that you can barely see the difference in side-by-side comparison videos on YouTube, reviewers don't write things like "it's the same game, so the score is now 7/10".
TLOU2 Remastered not a 17th full price re-release. Never thought about that?



Can't wait for the switch 3 remake
Backwards compatibility doesn’t count as a release. The game released for the Wii and was ported to the 3DS which made sense since it was a portable version. The Switch version is the first remake of the game.
This would be a day 1 purchase if it were $30. Loved the game when it came out, but there just isn't enough here to justify the price when I've already bought this game twice.

I forgot that the Wii version also uses the Wiimote speaker.

I would totally just play it on the Wii.
The waggle roll isn't quite as bad as some make it out to be, but it's noticeably worse in terms of responsiveness. In a game that needs precision, button press roll is worth not playing the Wii version.

Yeah I dunno why people are so mad, shit like Horizon 1 and Last of Us Part 2 are the definition of lazy pointless remasters. At least this is being rescued from a dead system, in HD for the first time, and ditching the motion controls.
Haven't played the TLOU2 remaster, but I must say the Horizon remaster is pretty nice, looks noticeably better with better textures, foliage etc.


I am excited for this. Still got my Wii version but playing that on a 4K TV with wiimote controls is just awful.

My son and daughter never played this so I can't wait to go through it with them plus I never played the 3DS stages. Not to mention despite some effects potentially missing or changed the graphics are an over all major step up.

I do love the haters though, not so much in regards to the $60 price tag, but the ones who get on my case for not minding the $60 price tag. I'm glad it aint $70 or $80. Unless something is absolutely wrong with the game I know my time and money will be well spent.

I went to see Titanic when it released in 97. Got the VHS some time later, it came on two tapes remember that? Purchased the DVD years after that because of the convenience of it. Despite loving the movie I didn't go to the 25 year anniversary in 2023. However I could totally understand all the people who may have missed out on it or wanted to experience it again with a full theater audience. It was worth it to them.

I suppose I am of the mindset of an unwashed shill.


Definitely a solid game, but it is old stuff. Already played. Buying at a discount maybe ? Just kidding, it will never be discounted.


Gold Member
And it deserves another one or two point reduction as far as Im concerned for launching this shit full price.

Codes 208

it is! But damn they've released the thing one four different system. That's enough!

edit: Also, at a full price, they're kinda insane here.
Same goes with tropical freeze. I have no problem with these up ports as long as they at least add modern changes or some qol improvements but for full price these are just copy +paste of the older port with an added $10 to the price tag

Nsmbwu is also on the list for me for unnecessary remasters

Comparatively some of the other “remasters” like mario kart 8 and sm3dw+bf do enough to justify re-buying, it would just be nice if nintendo did more of the latter than the former


Gold Member
I am excited for this. Still got my Wii version but playing that on a 4K TV with wiimote controls is just awful.

My son and daughter never played this so I can't wait to go through it with them plus I never played the 3DS stages. Not to mention despite some effects potentially missing or changed the graphics are an over all major step up.

I do love the haters though, not so much in regards to the $60 price tag, but the ones who get on my case for not minding the $60 price tag. I'm glad it aint $70 or $80. Unless something is absolutely wrong with the game I know my time and money will be well spent.

I went to see Titanic when it released in 97. Got the VHS some time later, it came on two tapes remember that? Purchased the DVD years after that because of the convenience of it. Despite loving the movie I didn't go to the 25 year anniversary in 2023. However I could totally understand all the people who may have missed out on it or wanted to experience it again with a full theater audience. It was worth it to them.

I suppose I am of the mindset of an unwashed shill.

That's me too. People talk about it like this game is new-ish, but if you played it anywhere near release that was fourteen years ago. If you haven't played a game in a decade+ then it might as well be new to you anyways, your brain isn't designed to lock in that kind of non-essential information / memory for that long.

I found part of the fun with remasters like this is when you get to a certain level / area and it does unlock in your memory. "Oh yeah, this part!" that you would've never recalled without actually playing it again. I got that a lot in Metroid Prime Remastered.
People make fun of the last of us remake and the last of us 2 remaster but both of those games had more care put into them then this port job/cash grab. This is essentially a port with a resolution bump woo hooooooo gimme 60 dollars lol. When microsoft or sony pull this crap they get attacked by everyone but when nintendo does it it's ok. Gimme a break.

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Gold Member
People make fun of the last of us remake and the last of us 2 remaster but both of those games had more care put into them then this port job/cash grab. This is essentially a port with a resolution bump woo hooooooo gimme 60 dollars lol. When microsoft or sony pull this crap they get attacked by everyone but when nintendo does it it's ok. Gimme a break.

Cool persecution complex you got there. The majority of this thread is critical of Nintendo charging $60 for this.
I am excited for this. Still got my Wii version but playing that on a 4K TV with wiimote controls is just awful.

My son and daughter never played this so I can't wait to go through it with them plus I never played the 3DS stages. Not to mention despite some effects potentially missing or changed the graphics are an over all major step up.

I do love the haters though, not so much in regards to the $60 price tag, but the ones who get on my case for not minding the $60 price tag. I'm glad it aint $70 or $80. Unless something is absolutely wrong with the game I know my time and money will be well spent.

I went to see Titanic when it released in 97. Got the VHS some time later, it came on two tapes remember that? Purchased the DVD years after that because of the convenience of it. Despite loving the movie I didn't go to the 25 year anniversary in 2023. However I could totally understand all the people who may have missed out on it or wanted to experience it again with a full theater audience. It was worth it to them.

I suppose I am of the mindset of an unwashed shill.

Nintendo priced me out of this one, but I like your rationale. I didn't think twice about snatching up 3D All-Stars and got way more hours of enjoyment from it than many other modern titles.


TLOU2 Remastered not a 17th full price re-release. Never thought about that?
It was released on the Wii, then on the 3DS with several limitations due to being portable (30fps, lower resolution, no local co-op) and is now being released on the Nintendo Switch as a "definitive version", with all content included without compromises and in HD.

I believe it is a more valid remaster than TLOU 2 Remastered. DKCR ran at SD resolution on the Wii/3DS and was outside the current Nintendo Switch ecosystem, it was a game inaccessible to the Switch player base, unlike PS5 players who could access TLOU 2 without the need for a native port/remaster.

Regarding the price, I agree that it should have been much cheaper, but I believe it would not have made any difference in the reviews, which was the main point of my previous comment.


I'm the kind of chump who will usually throw money at Nintendo for a new port of a game, but I hit the brakes on this. It's a great game I'd love to play again but it's too old and too sloppy for the absurd asking price. I've seen the framerate chug hard in places where the Wii version managed to stay buttery smooth. The Wii! Shame on you, Nintendo.


Gold Member
January 2025.

Capcom casually releases native PS5 physicals for RE2make, RE3make and RE7: Gold Edition for $29.99 a pop.

Nintendo's big release? a whopping FHD port of a 2010 Wii game, for $60.

Can't make this shit up.

Hmm it’s almost like you could already play functionally identical versions of those games on your PS5 already…


Even with the "modern mode" some shithead from Gamespot is complaining about the difficulty like in 2014 with Tropical Freeze. We're not going to have a third game anytime soon.

which is why I am again disappointed that people on here make these threads.

the only correct thing to do is to ignore reviews by mainstream outlets entirely. there is zero information to gain from these reviews that anyone who isn't a casual player would find informative


Hmm it’s almost like you could already play functionally identical versions of those games on your PS5 already…
I mean, sure. But there's nothing wrong with this release from Capcom. It's good for people who like collecting physical games, and $30 is not an unreasonable asking price for those enhanced PS5 versions, which were previously digital-only.
If they were each priced at $60, of course I'd give Capcom shit for it too. But they're not. Nintendo's pricing for DKCR HD is as shameless as it gets.


I hate the price, but I’ll still be buying eventually because I loved this game. It was such a pleasant surprise back in the day, it’s not quite as good as Tropical Freeze, but it’s up there. Shame Nintendo is so… uneven. We have this remarkable beautiful Metroid Prime remaster for $40, and then you get ho-hum ports like Luigi’s Mansion 2 for $60. An awesome definitive edition of Xenoblade for full price, and then 2 Pikmin games barely being HD for $50. I mean… it just makes no sense and they really should just make it a priority to take care of their past libraries and utilize them well. It is a huge strength to have, but they really seem to struggle sometimes on what they do with these past games.
And it deserves another one or two point reduction as far as Im concerned for launching this shit full price.
Exactly. This is why it doesn’t matter that people here are upset at reviewers docking a point for difficulty. Even if this were an easier game, that same docked point would have been there for the price instead.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
People make fun of the last of us remake and the last of us 2 remaster but both of those games had more care put into them then this port job/cash grab. This is essentially a port with a resolution bump woo hooooooo gimme 60 dollars lol. When microsoft or sony pull this crap they get attacked by everyone but when nintendo does it it's ok. Gimme a break.


I mean, I get the point, but (setting aside that most people here are critical of the pricing):

1) DKC Returns is an almost 15-year old game that ran on the Wii. This is a massive visual upgrade and there's more to it than just a resolution bump, even if those additional enhancements are more subtle. TLOU's remasters aren't really that different from what was already out there.
2) DKC Returns is not accessible to most people right now, so there's some novelty to it being brought to a modern console. TLOU's older releases are readily available and playable on current consoles.

Still a rip-off, though.
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Gold Member
I don’t remember people being mad about Xenoblade Chronicles or Skyward Sword either, which are the precedent for this type of release (the only other Wii HD remasters) — is it because they’re longer games? Why does that matter, necessarily?


I don’t remember people being mad about Xenoblade Chronicles or Skyward Sword either, which are the precedent for this type of release (the only other Wii HD remasters) — is it because they’re longer games? Why does that matter, necessarily?
Xenoblade added brand new content and upgraded character models, music, and graphics across the board.

Skyward sword at least added a new control method.

DK is using an inferior version of the game as its base and last I checked, unless changed is graphically inferior outside of resolution then the Wii version.
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Anyone do a deep dive on the graphics differences? Since this used the 3DS as the base, I think there were some concerns when it was first shown that some things were different. Haven't really seen anything since now that it's out.

I played the Wii version on Dolphin a few months back and it looked darn good with HD HUD textures and 1440p internal res...
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